Chapter 7 - Home So Soon

Spencer's POV

"Hey guys I'm sorry I'm late" Morgan's voice erupted in the relatively quiet jet, glancing up I noticed that he was slightly out of breath as he shoved his go-bag into the over head cabin.
"Is everything alright?" Hotch mumbled glancing up from the case folder in front of him briefly "yeah, I just had to drop Liv at the airport" he explained gaining my attention once again "she's gone already?" Garcia's voice joined the conversation voicing my thought, making me jump slightly as her face appeared on all the monitors that were scattered around the jet.

"Yeah, she had emergency and had to get back to Seattle" Morgan mumbled taking a seat on the couches arm rest, directly across from my seat, I couldn't help but let my mind conjure up several examples of emergencies that could of made Olivia leave so abruptly.
Had someone she'd grown to care about in Seattle been hurt? Did she leave because of me and/or my actions? I had no idea but none the less as much as I tried to push away my worries and my prior disgruntled attitude towards her I couldn't help but hope she was okay.

"Oh man, we only got what two days with her?" Emily said, her voice laced with dismay "it's better then nothing" Rossi spoke up to which most of the team nodded in agreement "anyway what's the case?" Morgan asked leaning forward to grab a tablet from the table in front of me.

"Right okay... it's with a deep sadness I report to my fellow furry friends that 3 people have been found murdered in Mississippi, 1 female and 2 males all with their ears cut off" Garcia explained with a slight grimace, as pictures of the victims covered the tablets "the unsubs crossing race and gender lines so there's next to no way to anticipate the next target" JJ added "do we have any ID's?" Morgan questioned " Terra Drake, Rafe Sherwood and Oliver Duke"

"How far apart?" Morgan asked "the first two were found a week apart however the Oliver Duke was found only 3 days after Rafe Sherwood" Garcia answered typing away at her keyboard "I would have thought with how badly the victims faces were mutilated that it would have taken awhile for positive victim identification" JJ spoke up, I studied over the crime scene photos noticing how disfigured the victims looked, faces beaten and bloodied "in normal situations that would be true but one of the only things that joined these victims together was that they all were born deaf and had cochlear implants added to aid them when they were young" Garcia said.
"So the dismemberment of the ears has something to do with a hearing disability?" Emily threw out into the conversation "yaknow in Ancient Greek culture it was believed that deaf people were incapable of education and early religious viewed children dealt with deafness were evidence of Gods anger" I blurted out gaining a few dazed looks from the team.

"Alright so we'll play on a form of hate crime...when we get there Morgan and JJ go to the dumpsite, Reid and Prentiss head to the morgue, " I zoned out from what Hotch was saying after I was assigned where to go, I had to admit I was rather pleased that I wasn't paired up with Morgan, I knew if I had been he would have pushed me into talking about Olivia, something I wasn't comfortable talking about to him.

The team proceeded to disperse over the jet, I moved over to the window seat and stared out the window- getting lost in my thoughts.

Olivia's POV

I received a weird sense of relief when I excited the plane into Seattle, though I knew the reason for my quick return was a stressful one I couldn't help but be slightly at ease to be away from the awkwardness of seeing Spencer again, it gave me a way to get him out of my mind.

Rushing through the airport I found myself at the exit, craning my neck to find Jenna, who I messaged just before boarding in Virginia because if I hadn't I would have pretty much no way to get home, though she did reply with a somewhat annoyed message about how I never informed her of what had happened she seemed to know I had received bad news because she agreed.

After a few moments I spotted her petite figure waving to me with a small smile sitting upon her face, wasting no time I hurried over to her and was immediately crushed in a hug "it's good to have you back" she mumbled in my ear before pulling away "I'd love to say it's good to be back" I sighed " come your back so soon? I thought you weren't meant to come back for at least 2 more days" Jenna interrogated me, letting out a sigh before I replied "let's get to car and I'll explain everything there" nodding Jenna lead me to the car.

"Alright, explain yourself missy" Jenna said, as much as I tried to delay the inevitable I knew I would have to talk about everything eventually "well when I got there I was unbelievably nervous but also excited to see everyone. Seeing Derek was amazing as well as the rest of the team, I didn't realize how much I missed them but then... when Spencer saw me" I shook my head slightly at the thought of it "it's was like he had seen a ghost or something, the team didn't even know we hadn't spoken since I left," I continued to explain gaining various reactions from Jenna.
"Oh man...I'm sorry, I guess no one could have guessed he would have acted out like that" Jenna consoled me, I simply shrugged in reply "now, tell me why you came home so early?" I was really hoping she would just forget to ask or  something.

"I um...I, well Dean called and long story short I got fired" I mumbled, picking at the material on my jeans avoiding eye contact "what? Your kidding" Jenna exclaimed sitting up further in her seat, shaking my head still not lifting my head "what do you mean he fired you? Just out of nowhere?" Nodding I replied finally looking up meeting her confused and slightly angered eyes "yeah, not enough money coming in and I was the last hired"

"Oh my god Olivia I'm so sorry" Jenna gasped out pulling me into another hug "I don't know what I'm going to do" I muttered out feeling my eyes glaze over, my efforts to keep myself together failing horribly.
Jenna pulled back, putting each of her hands on the side of my face "Hey now, your strong, one of strongest people I've ever known, you'll be okay, I'll help you get through this okay?" I shaky breath left my lips, deep down I knew I would get through this but the I wasn't sure if I was able to deal with the initial struggles accompanied with it.

Only time will tell I guess.

(Hey Guys!! Sorry for the short chapter lol, how is everyone going? Hope y'all are good! Also I would just like to inform/warn y'all that this story though there will be a few cases and talk of cases this book is probably going to be very much focused on the relationships of Olivia and the team, I hope that's alright! Anyway hope y'all are doing good and enjoying the story so far xxx)
