Chapter 7- How the Killing Game Begins

I felt my eyes open up as I gazed around the room from my bed as I sighed deeply, realizing I was still stuck in this prison of a school. I didn't understand why I was still hoping when I opened my eyes I would appear back in my own bed. This was reality. Why couldn't I face that?

I sat up in my bed as I rubbed my eyes, trying to remember the events from last night, and then it came back to me. Drinking tea in the kitchen with Aoi and Sakura, the terrifying video, and Sayaka taking the knife... Wait!

I immediately rushed out of bed and quickly got dressed in my school apparel as I tightened the ribbon hanging my skirt up, tied my boots, and pulled my hair up into a quick ponytail so I could quickly rush into the cafeteria.

Ever since I saw Sayaka leave with that knife behind her back. It made me worried. Did she plan to kill someone?! Was somebody already dead and we didn't realize it? I woke up later then usual so everyone should already be in the cafeteria before me as I rushed there.

I quickly entered the cafeteria to see almost everyone here. The only two people absent were Byakuya and Sayaka.

Sayaka was missing... What if something happened to her... But what if something happened to Byakuya instead... Even though I didn't like him and his attitude very much, I didn't want anyone to die!

Die... Die... No. I'm overreacting. There's no way someone would kill another here when I wanted to trust everyone else so much.

Breath. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. I probably was more tired than I thought and saw something else behind Sayaka's back as she left. Yeah, that had to be it.

As I entered, I tried to keep a straight face when entering. I just hoped that Aoi and Sakura too noticed the knife go missing from the rack inside the kitchen last night. I just hoped I wasn't the only one worrying about Sayaka.

I quickly entered and tried to act calm when sitting at the table next to Aoi and Sakura. I felt like something happened last night. The image of Sayaka leaving the kitchen with the knife or some silver object was still on my mind as I said good morning to everyone with my best fake calm expression that seemed to deceive everyone. Everyone else seemed completely calm. They had no idea Sayaka may have planned the murder of somebody in our group. Even right now, I hoped Byakuya would enter the cafeteria so I could feel relieved that Sayaka didn't successfully do something to somebody or herself.

"This isn't everyone," Taka moaned as he looked at everyone at the table.

"Hey, yeah. Where're Togami and Maizono?" Aoi asked while looking at everyone at the table.

I sighed as I tried to stay calm. I tried to tell myself that I was overreacting and that everyone was probably completely fine. The thing that I spotted behind Sayaka was probably just a bracelet or mirror. The knife was probably already gone from the start. I didn't want to think that Sayaka would kill someone. Especially since I trusted her so much.

She wouldn't kill someone. She just wouldn't. Perhaps she took it in self defense after the motive. It put everyone on edge, even myself and I wouldn't be surprised if someone took a little precaution.

I looked towards the doorway as somebody entered and I looked up to see Byakuya enter with his arms crossed as he walked over to the usual table he sits at alone every time when entering the cafeteria.

"Dude, Maizono behind you or what? I'm starving!" Mondo asked Byakuya.

"Do I look like her keeper? I came here directly from my room, thank you very much," Byakuya said while looking away from us. Like anyone would want to hang out with him though.

"Little our of character for her to be late, she's usually here before I am," Hifumi said from his seat.

I felt myself begin to get nervous all over again. What if something happened to Sayaka? Did something really happen if she really took that knife from the kitchen? She was the only one not here and that's what made me worried as I looked for any sign as of a hint as of where Sayaka may have gone.

"Uh-oh, think maybe she's sick?" Aoi asked with a concerned look.

No, I didn't think she was sick. I didn't even think it was possible to get sick here. Bacteria and diseases would barely make it in here with the windows bolted shut and the food being fresh everyday.

I looked over at Makoto as I saw him become pale. He seemed to be looking down at his feet when I looked at him concerned. His eyes were widened as each breath he took was rather short.

"Naegi, is something wrong?" I asked him as he kept silent and looked up at all of us.

Makoto felt it too. He felt like something was wrong as well. He wasn't there to witness Sayaka taking the knife, but he knew fully well something happened along with me. His expression read it all by how nervous he looked.

"Excuse me," Makoto said getting out of his chair and running towards the door. "I should probably go check on her!"

I watched as Makoto rushed out of the room and everyone drifted into an uneasy silence. I gazed nervously up time to time as much as ten minutes probably passed by now and Makoto still didn't return. I became nervous as I looked at everyone else looking bored as well.

Where did Makoto go that would take him this long?

I stood up from my chair as I felt all eyes land on me. I walked to the door as I explained, "I'm going to see what's going on."

I walked out of the cafeteria alone as I continued walking towards Sayaka's room. I had to assume Makoto went there to see what happened when Sayaka didn't come to the cafeteria for our usual morning meetings.

I quickly walked to her doorway where I saw her nameplate hang above her door as I moved my hand to knock on the door slowly.

Perhaps Makoto didn't even check Sayaka's room. But where could he have gone if not here? And what was talking him so long if that were the case?

I put my hand towards the door but then felt the door open slowly as my hand made contact with the wooden surface. I put my hand against it and realized it was already.

I furrowed a brow as I opened the door all the way and peered inside. I thought Sayaka was smart enough to lock her door at night.

I muffled a gasp as I entered the room and gazed around scared. Scratches and scars were left all over the room around the wall to the floor. Marks against the wall with little trails of broken wood. I gazed nervously as I saw the sheets to Sayaka's bed was a mess with the sheets completely fallen off the bed and onto the ground and I kneeled down to the floor to look at a scratch that was left on the ground. Where did this come from?

I stood up and looked around the room for any sign of Sayaka or Makoto. There was none...

I then looked towards the bathroom to find the door wide open and when I saw who laid in the doorframe, I looked shocked. Makoto.

I quickly ran to the door and kneeled down next to Makoto's body. His eyes were shut tight and I sighed in relief as I felt his pulse throb in his wrist. He was alive at the very least. But what made him pass out was the—

My question was answered... I looked inside the bathroom to find myself on the verge of puking all over the bathroom as I put my weight against the wall and grabbing hold of the doorknob to keep me standing upright as I gazed terrified at the sight before me.

Sayaka. She was laying on the ground of the bathroom. Blood was covering the floor and wall behind her as I gazed at a knife sticking out of her chest and blood stained her clothes down to her skirt, even her head as her eyes were closed tight. She was dead. She was dead. She was dead.

I felt myself breathing heavily as I shook uncontrollably at the sight. My eyes started watering as I could barely form the words inside my mouth as my eyes were fixed on Sayaka's dead body.


I said this softly. Nobody could hear me when I sounded like that. Everyone in the cafeteria were completely clueless that one of their fellow classmates were dead. All except one. Whoever the murderer was knew where Sayaka laid with a knife sticking out of her chest and blood staining all over the bathroom.

I felt myself sweating as I grabbed a hold of myself and rushed out of Sayaka's room quickly and forgetting about Makoto's body in there. I tried to get the terrifying image of her dead body out of my mind as I focused on running to the cafeteria with tears falling down my face.

I tripped to the ground as I felt my knee touch the hard surface of the ground around with my body suddenly becoming so weak from what I saw.

She was my friend. She was my friend and now she was dead! Sayaka took the knife from the kitchen and whoever killed her used that knife to put it through her chest.

I couldn't muster the strength to stand up though. The sight was fresh in my mind as I tried shutting my eyes to get rid of it but it was made clearer as I started to have beads of sweat fall down my face and last night's meal travel up my throat.

Her blood was against the wall and she looked helpless in her limp state. Sayaka was actually gone and I panted heavily as I tried to get up to tell the others of what I saw but I couldn't find any strength left because an overwhelming feeling of despair kept dragging me down to the ground.

"Henka!" I recognized the soft voice as Chihiro's as I gazed up from the ground to see Chihiro's worried figure run up to me and kneeled down beside me. "Wh-What's wrong?"

"H-Help me up... please," I said in a hoarse voice as I didn't know what else to say. All I needed to do was make it to the cafeteria to tell everyone what I saw.

"Of course," Chihiro said as she helped me up from off the ground and my dizzy and nauseous self walked to the cafeteria with Chihiro by my side the whole way over.

I finally made it to the cafeteria door as I looked inside while panting heavily as everyone looked up to see me confused.

"Henka! What happened!" I heard Aoi's voice as I felt her familiar hand touch my back to help me stand up straight.

"M-Maizono..." I could barely form the words as the image of her dead body crossed my mind yet again. How she laid there dead and hopelessly. She struggled. That's why there were marks all over her room. She struggled to fiend off the attacker but she lost in the end. Now she was gone.

"What about Maizono?" I then heard Sakura's voice as I looked up at everyone looking at me with looks of worry and concern.

"D-dead," I said in a hoarse whisper as I heard Aoi and Chihiro gasp quietly beside me. Clearly they were the only ones who could hear my struggling words.

"Speak up, woman. None of us can hear you," Byakuya said as he stood up from his chair to look at me.

"Maizono is dead!" I said louder than anticipated. Everyone gasped as they all stood up from their chairs to look at me. "S-She's dead..."

"What do you mean she's dead?!" Sakura said with a frightened look.

"I-I went to get her and I found her in the bathroom d-dead..." I could barely finish my sentence as I felt myself get dizzy from the memory.

Her dead body was all that clouded my mind. Seeing her dead body gave me the very reason to vomit. But I didn't know if I vomit...

Because I felt everything go black around me...
