Chapter 13- Haiyū's Secret

Days went by too fast. It seemed like forever since we first got here when it's only been a matter of a few days.

Now, it was a brand new day and I woke up to find myself in my dorm with a book laying by my side. I couldn't help but wonder what I did last night that made me fall asleep with a book laying in front of me.

My thoughts were too foggy as I moved out of bed and straight towards the bathroom to fix my hair. It was a tangly mess as I redid my hair into a new braid and fixed my clothes before moving out of my room and towards the cafeteria for breakfast.

I yawned heavily as I rubbed my eyes. How long was I up last night reading?

"Henka..." I turned around with a furrowed brow as I saw Makoto come out of his room and towards me. Great, now I had to talk to someone when I was too tired to. "You look pretty tired."

"I just stayed up a bit too late last night," I answered as I yawned yet again. I needed to learn to make a schedule for this kind of stuff so I didn't end up pulling an all-nighter. "But what about you? Get a good night sleep?"

"Better than yours clearly," Makoto said sarcastically and I couldn't help but smile softly. "Maybe you should head back to bed."

"No... I just need some coffee or something to wake me up... I'll be fine," I said as the two of us walked towards the cafeteria and inside.

I looked confused immediately as I looked over at the middle of the cafeteria to find Mondo and Taka getting along nicely as they were laughing and talking rather loudly.

"I must be more tired than I thought..." I said slowly while eyeing the two boys. I thought they hated each other.

"Yeah... Maybe..." Makoto said as he also seemed confused when seeing Mondo and Taka get along quite well.

I sighed softly as I walked over to Aoi and Sakura at their own table and stood near it as I greeted the two girls.

"Morning you two!" I said happily as I stood above Aoi's chair.

"Haiyū! Morning to you too!" Aoi said her mouth full of donuts and she swallowed before continuing to talk. "A little someone probably wants your company." She said this in a sing-song voice as she then pointed to a table in the corner and I looked over to see who she was pointing at. Of course.

Aoi was pointing at Byakuya sitting alone as he was drinking a cup of coffee and ignoring Mondo and Taka's booming voices ring through the gym as he seemed deep in thought. I looked away quickly and back at Aoi with a small frown.

"What is it?" Aoi asked me with a small smirk. "You like him don't-"

I immediately reacted by throwing my hand over Aoi's mouth to stop her from finishing that sentence. I shook my head as some others were looking at the two of us.

Aoi immediately understood as she nodded and I moved my hand off her mouth and put it back at my side.

I admitted it. I had a crush on Byakuya. I only realized it when Aoi brought it up in the kitchen yesterday. How I felt myself blush slightly when thinking about him. And how I feel my stomach feel all weird when looking at him. But I didn't understand how I, Haiyū Henka, could have a crush on Byakuya Togami, a jerk and rich brat... But I got to know him, didn't I? He wasn't so bad when I was able to speak to him and have a decent conversation with him.

But, I couldn't possibly tell Byakuya how I felt towards him, it would only make things worse for me. There was no way Byakuya could like someone. He wouldn't fall in love with someone even if he tried to.

It was just a silly school-girl crush and nothing more. I could get over it in about a week or two, right? It was Byakuya for goodness sake, of course I could get over him.

My thoughts were drowned out as I heard Monokuma's voice ring throughout the speakers of the cafeteria as everyone's attention was set on them. "Sup? How about you expendable little spitfires do Principal Monokuma a solid and head over to the gym, yeah? We're gonna have ourselves a pep rally! Come on, meat-sacks! Show me some hustle!"

Soon his voice dyed out and everyone exchanged looks with one another full of worry and fear.

What could Monokuma possibly want now? Did someone else die?! No, that wasn't possible. Everyone was here in the cafeteria, it had to be something else. Monokuma seemed to be in a cheery mood which made me even more uneasy as we just stood there, unmoving.

"Well, shall we go then?" Celeste said, breaking the midst of the silence between everyone.

"Y-Yeah... Yeah, let's go," I said in a sigh as I walked out of the cafeteria with everyone else and towards the gym as each step I took made me more and more worried.

Everyone else seemed to be uneasy as well as we all opened the doors to the gym and walked inside to see Monokuma already there and standing on his podium on the stage. Everyone stayed silent as we walked over to the end of the gym and looked up at the stage in confusion and worry.

"I'll give it to you straight. 'Cause I still got a lot of drinking to do," Monokuma started and I furrowed a brow in confusion as I felt a thought ring through my mind. Can robot bears even drink? Or was that a joke...? "I look out at you kids, and you know what I see? A bunch of teenagers who aren't dead!"

"That's lucky for us then," I spoke up as I crossed my arms and looked up at Monokuma. "We aren't going to kill each other."

"Oh? You really think that, sweetheart? Did you already forget that two of your classmates are already dead!" Monokuma practically yelled down at me as I stood my ground.

"One casualty, so what?" I said. I was probably not exaggerating enough when describing Sayaka and Leon's death as a casualty. More like a nightmare than casualty. "None of us are crazy enough to kill another person."

"That's why I'm going to light a fire under your tuchuses to get things moving..." Monokuma explained and I sighed deeply to try and calm myself. It was another motive. It had to be. That's why he called us here. So he could get one of us to kill another. "With that in mind, today's theme is..." He then took out multiple paper envelopes with everyone's name on deprecate ones as I could make out my last name on one envelope. "Embarrassing Memories! Or Secrets You Want Kept Secret!"

I felt myself shaking slightly. What was contained in my envelope exactly? Something embarrassing I did in the past? Or perhaps a secret I didn't want anyone else to find out. I could find myself thinking up many possible secrets or embarrassing memories that was in that envelope as Monokuma then tossed sixteen different envelopes into the air and onto the gym floor below.

I scoured the ground, looking for mine as I found it and picked it up with trembling hands. I looked down at my name embedded in ink on the paper's white surface and I tore open the top and gazed inside nervously as I withdrew a paper and found my eyes widen in shock as I clenched the paper in my hand: Haiyū Henka has a crush on Byakuya Togami.

Of course Monokuma would use this against me. This was a dark secret I didn't want anyone to find out.

It was a silly crush. Why was I overreacting? Sure, it was Byakuya and if everyone found out about it I could be overly embarrassed by it. And how would Byakuya react if he were to find this out?! It couldn't be that big of a deal if he found out one of his classmates had a crush on him. But, it was Byakuya... If it was Makoto it probably would have been different. He would most likely still be my friend if he were to find out. But, Byakuya would probably not see me the same way ever again... I wanted this to remain a secret... I could see why this was a motive now...

I looked nervously at Byakuya as he seemed to be looking down at his own motive. I quickly looked away before I drew attention to myself and instead gazed at everyone else.

Others seemed to be shocked and scared as they gazed down at their own letters and some acted quite calm when looking down at their motives. Either they were really good at deceiving me, or some others weren't that bad...

"Skeletons aren't my forte, being a stuffed bear and all, but every human has at least one of them swinging around in their closet all secret-like," Monokuma said as he started laughing and I found myself trembling slightly. "Time's a-wasting, giblets! If I don't get a corpse outta one of you in 24 hours, your skeletons will all be front page news!"

And with that he disappeared.

I stayed silent.

If one of us didn't kill another person in the next twenty-four hours then my secret was going to be revealed to the whole class?! The thought of that made me shake slightly. I didn't want Byakuya to know that I had feelings for him. I didn't want anyone to know I had feelings for him!

Monokuma, you son of a bitch!

"Yeah, so, no one's gonna go on a killing spree to keep their secret a secret, are they?" Aoi asked everyone as I just looked down at the ground with the paper clutched in my hand.

Was I wanting to kill somebody to keep this a secret? I didn't want to think that, but, my feelings towards Byakuya seemed to make me want to. But, no. I couldn't kill someone. Not me, not anyone else. I just had to believe in everyone else, that's all... Even if this got out to everyone it couldn't be that bad, right? It was just a silly crush I had... No big deal...

I looked over at Byakuya again nervously as he looked away from everyone with his arms crossed. I couldn't help but wonder what his motive was. But, I don't think he would tell me so easily without me having to reveal mine to him as well.

Soon, everyone moved out of the gym along with me.

Everyone went their separate ways as I continued to look down at my motive clutched in my hand. I didn't want this to get out. I decided that now. Having a crush on Byakuya seemed like a major thing for me when others would say it was no big deal, that I like a Togami... A Togami for gosh sake...

I looked down the hallway and spotted Byakuya among all the other students as I watched him walk up to the second floor, probably to the library.

I looked back down at my motive before stuffing it into my bag. Now or never. It was probably best I told Byakuya how I felt if this were to get out in the next twenty-four hours. Even if someone were to get killed, it was best I told him.

I felt myself sweat nervously as I moved passed everyone and up the stairs to the second floor. I walked to where I knew I would find Byakuya. The library.

I entered and looked at the table to see Byakuya sitting in his usual seat, across from the empty seat that I sat in just yesterday to find out I had feelings for him. I sighed and closed the door behind me.

"H-Hey, Togami..." I said trying to stay calm as I walked over to the table.

"Hello," He said to me while looking down at a book in his hand and I bit my lip nervously as I continued my way to the table.

"I'm a little nervous if somebody will get killed tonight since the new motive... Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked as I started to pull out the chair across from him.

"Not anymore, I suppose I'm used to your presence," Byakuya said as he continued to look down at the book in his hand.

"Cool!" I said with a smile as I walked to the shelf real quick to get a book before sitting across from Byakuya.

I sat down and started to open the book as I looked at Byakuya. His eyes seemed to be moving along the words of his book as he readjusted his glasses quite a bit and shifted in his seat often. It couldn't help but drag my attention.

"You seem a bit on edge," I said something as he finally looked up at me. I found myself become even more nervous as he looked up at me. Could you please look back down at your book, it would make this a whole lot easier?!

"It's just the motive. Don't worry about it," He said as he looked back down at his book but his eyes darted back up at me quickly. "Shakespeare again?"

"Mmmhmm," I said nodding as I opened the book. "I just like the writing. I did Shakespeare plays back in middle school, so I like to read the original work."

Byakuya nodded showing he understood. I looked down at my book silently, trying to think of the right time to tell him how I felt. The knot in my stomach and the small drops of sweat falling down my head stopped me from doing so.

I started to read as I felt somebody's eyes start looking at me and I darted my eyes from above my book to see Byakuya looking directly at me.

"Something's wrong, what is it?" I asked in a sigh as I closed my book and looked at him.

"It's nothing," He said quickly as he looked back down at his book. Something was wrong and he won't tell me...

I sighed again and I reached into my bag and clutched hold of the motive paper inside the bag as my hand just sat in the bag while clutching the paper. It's now or never. "W-Would you want me to share the motive I got and you read yours as well?"

Byakuya stayed silent as he avoided looking up at me.

"I'm guessing no..." I said in a sigh as I brought my hand out of my bag without the paper. I guess it wasn't the right time...

"I'm sad to say I'm curious what your secret is, yet I don't feel comfortable letting you read mine," He explained as I sat still. Could I really tell him now?

"I-I don't know," I said as I felt my hands shake nervously. It was my chance to confess to him, but I didn't take it...

I stood up and started towards the door as I spoke, "I think Asahina wanted to have tea... In gonna go find her..."

"Wait." I heard Byakuya's voice and I turned around to face him with raised eyebrows.


"I... Never mind..." Byakuya said in a sigh as I felt myself become a little disappointed as I walked out of the room and into the hallway.

I walked passed everyone as I went straight into my dorm and closed the door behind me and free-fall onto my bed.

I moved my hand into my bag and retrieved the motive and took it out to look at it. The words were still there in dark ink as it's words went through my mind. I liked Byakuya... I had feelings for him... And I didn't know if Byakuya felt the same way towards me.

Perhaps the fear of his answer was what stopped me from telling him how I felt in the library. Would he reject me? Did he not feel the same way towards me? Did he just see me as a nuisance like everyone else? Those worries were what stopped me from telling him.

I felt myself become even more worried if the secret got out. I couldn't afford for it to get out. But... I didn't have the strength to kill one of my friends... I didn't at all...

But... I was even more worried if someone else did have the strength to kill someone else... To keep their secret a secret. That's what I feared as I laid down while looking down at the words on the white paper.

I soon drifted off into sleep as I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to overcome me.

The motive that could be revealed in twenty-four hours still clutched in my hand.
