Platinum Wings Academy: The Westies

After Friday I kept thinking about what my sister had told me. I couldn't believe she was coming to PWA. Why put of all the academies in the world, why did she have to come here. Believe me I love my sister, but she was Ms.Perfect and always seemed to be center of attention.
"What to do, what to do." I said to myself. Analeigh was at a cooking class and wouldn't be back until 12:00.
I looked at my phone and saw a text. It was from Heather. I opened the message and read it. It said:

Want to come w/ me an Jayda 2 Sweet Shoppe?

I couldn't believe what I was reading. Heather invited me to come eat with her... I texted her back.

Cya in 10

I jumped up and walked to the closet. I opened the door and pulled out my floral short casual dress and white flats. I got dressed then grabbed my phone.
Once I was on Orchard Path I pulled out my phone and decided to call Cooper.
"Hello?" He said.
"Hey Coop!" I said. "What are you doing?"
"Just sitting in the common room at my dorm watching TV. You should come by. Unless your busy."
"I would, but I'm going to meet Heather and Jayda at the Sweet Shoppe. Maybe after."
"Ok, see ya later Em."
"Bye." I ended the call and then walked right to the doors of the Sweet Shoppe. I opened the doors and stepped in. Heather saw me and waved me toward the table she and Jayda were sitting at. I walked over.
"Hey Emma." Heather said.
"Hi, so if you don't mind me asking why did you invite me here?" I said hoping she wouldn't snap at me.
"Well...You know about our group right?"
"Not really..."
"Okay well Jayda, Harley, and I are a group called the Easties. You know because we are one of the best schools in the east. And yes I know its kind of weird because your last name has east in it."
"Okay." I nodded
"Well we want you to join the Easties. Your pretty firece. I know that's sounds surprising coming from me but its true."
"You want me to join?"
"Yes, come on Em you will fit right in."
"O-okay." I said I was actually very excited though. Then we heard the bell on the Sweet Shoppe door ring as it opened. We looked over at the door.
"Delilah! Your not surpose to be here."
"Whatever Fox." A tall girl with brown hair stood at the door. Two blonde girls stood behind her. They were all wearing black riding jackets and white riding pants with black boots and all of them were holding riding helmets.
"Who is she" I tried to whipser to Heather.
"She is Delilah with her trio called the Westies. We had the Easties before they came up with Westies. And she shouldn't be here. Delilah is from West Side Prep. Its another academy very very close to here."
"Yes and West Side Equestrian Team is going to beat Platium Wings Equestrian Team at regionals. Clearly we know who the real stars are."
"Ya and that would be us." I snapped and high five Heather.
"And who are you. Oh wait you must be that one girl from L.E.A. You guys don't stand a chance." The three girls laughed.
"Get lost Delilah. Your on our turf. Go back to that snob hole you call a school!" Jayda snapped.
"Whatever." Delilah flipped her hair and walked out of the Sweet Shoppe and the two blondes followed.
"That was intense." I said.
"Ya." Jayda said as she pushed her hair behind her ears.
"So you guys want to tack up and trail ride or something?" Heather asked as she looked up fr her phone. "Harley said she is at the stables already."
Jayda and I nodded. We all rushed out of the Sweet Shoppe and headed toward the stable.
At the stable we all got tacked up and mounted our horses. Harley met us at the outdoor arena. We all lined up our horses one by one.
"So where to?" Harley asked.
"How about Silver Creek Trail?" Heather suggested.
"Sure!" The rest of us said. We all started to walk in line side by side. As we walked I saw Ava coming toward us. She looked shocked.
"What are you guys doing?" Ava asked.
"Were going on a trail ride with the newest member of the Easties, Emma!" Jayda said.
"O-oh. Um well I should g-go." Ava trotted away on her horse.
"Come on girls." Heather trotted up in front of us.
I started to think about Ava's face. She looked so shocked. Was she mad or something? Well I guess maybe she didn't expect me to be like Heather and Jayda. I guess she thought I was different. I am different than Heather, but only in certain ways. I guess I will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.
