Platinum Wings Academy: Cooper + Emma = ?

It was official, I had been at Platinum Wings for two and a half weeks. It was Wednesday and classes were not getting any easier.
Tomorrow was the day my sister would come and officially takeover Platinum Wings. Well at least that's what I think, but who knows what will happen.
I walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of jean shorts, a teal tank top, and teal flats. I got dressed and walked to school. It was quite around quad. There were just a few kids sitting on the benches talking. School wasn't a big deal right now. It was the least of my worries actually. My worries were that my sister would show up and steal my friends and make all the teachers LOVE her. I saw Ava walking in front of me and i quickly ran up to her.
"Hey." I said. "Got any plans after school?"
"Why do you care." Ava snapped.
"Okay what's your damage."
"What's my damage! What's your damage."
"Ava," I said trying to calm her down,"I don't understand. What did I do?"
"Your one of them. And your changing into one of those snobs. I thought you would be different!"
"I'm one of who? Do you mean the Easties? There not snobs. We are just a group of girls that hang out."
"Okay, so if there nice people why did they let you join right when you show up, but I always get declined!"
"Ava I-I-" I started to say, but Ava jogged away.
When I walked into Mrs.Coles classroom the last place I wanted to sit was by Ava, but I had no choice. I sat down and ignored her. She was talking to a girl at the other table and so was Jasmine. I looked over at Cooper.
"So wanna go riding after school?" Cooper asked.
"Sure, but only for like an hour."
"Why such a short time?"
"Well my sister is coming tomorrow and I'm suppose to help set up a welcome party for her."
"Well am I invited?" He asked. I was shocked. It was surprising. Cooper was actually asking to come to the party!
"Totally!" I said then realized I was being a total girly girl, "Um I mean sure if you would like to."
"OK." He smiles. Mrs.Cole walked into the room.
"Okay, class today we are just going to be reading textbooks." She said. The class looked relieved. After a long period of reading I grabbed stuff and went to my first elective. I didn't know what it was so I stopped at the electives board and looked for my name. Finally I found my name under three electives. Mass Media, Visual Art, and Engineering. My first one was Mass Media for today. I walked down the hall until I got to Mr.Hoffman's classroom. I stepped inside. I looked around for someone I knew then I saw Harley. She waved me over to where she was sitting. I sat next to her. Then Kody walked in. He walked over and sat by me.
"Welcome to Mass Media! In this class we do lots of journalism and other fun activities! Today we will be putting together our groups. Each group must have 4 people. So please start finding your partners!" Mr.Hoffman said.
"Yous guys want to be a group?" I asked Kody and Harley.
"Sure!" They both said.
"But we still need a fourth person." Harley reminded us.
"Well is there anyone else in here that we know?" I asked. We all looked around the classroom. finally I saw someone, but I wasn't happy about who it was. It was Jas. She walked over to us.
"Need another partner?" She grinned.
"What makes you think we want it to be you?" Harley said.
"You don't have a choice," she grinned, "Mr.Hoffmen said for me to be with you guys."
"Ugh whatever." I sat down in between Kody and Harley. Jasmine sat next to Kody.
"Good you all are in your groups!" Mr.Hoffman said, "Now please read chapter five in your textbooks. Then when your done you may leave for free period."
We all started to read. After about 30 minutes I was done. I got up and walked out of the classroom. I went to the cafeteria and sat down. Analeigh showed up and sat next to me.
"So guess what!" She said.
"Me and my friends set up the party decorations and have all the snacks ready!"
"Omigod! Ana you didn't have to do all that stuff! Your the best!" I reached across the table and hugged her.
"Thanks! So did you hear?"
"Here what?"
"School is closed for the rest of the day! Apparently a football game is a big deal. Well its is a big deal to me, too. I am one of the cheerleaders."
"Well I guess other than the equestrian team football has to be the other star sport of Platinum Wings."
"Yep," Ana smiled, "Omigod! You should so tryout for cheerleading!"
"No thanks... I'm a pretty good gymnast and dancer, but I don't really like to do it in front of people."
"Aww, okay. But you better be front row and center watching me!" Ana demanded with a laugh.
"No promises." I laughed. When we finished eating Ana walked out of the caf and went to get ready for the football game. Charlotte would be getting here anytime during the game. I stood up and started to walk out of the caf when I ran into Cooper.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey, I've been looking for you."
"Y-you have?"
"Ya so you know how after the football game there the after party aka Charlotte's welcome party. Well Em, I don't know how to put this so here it goes. Will you be my date to the party?"
That was the one thing I wasn't expecting to come out of this day.
