Chapter 4 - The Safe Place

A day later... 

One day, while I was sleeping on my bed, I suddenly hear a sound of an explosion. Georgie worryingly woke me up that I needed to get out. "Come on, wake up already, Miguel! We need to get out of here!"  

"W... What was that sound? What's going on?!" I asked him what is happening right now. I know something horrible was going on, and I realized that the safe place isn't safe anymore. "I don't know what that sound was, but I don't want to stick around to find out!" said Georgie, wanting to find out what happened. 

I found out that we need to evacuate the safe place as soon as we possibly could. I grabbed my three journal books, and we leave the room. Once we started to evacuate this place, we heard another explosion. I think that the sound of the explosions caused the building to get some damage, and everyone in this place as to evacuate. 

As we tried to find a way to escape the building, I encountered that not only there are sounds of explosions, an infected rat broke into the place as well. He has drills as hands, a gray gear as his right ear, and has spikes on his back. 

The rat started to hunt us down, as we tried to avoid and run away from it. The rat also caused the building to be not safe anymore.  I first saw him in Zizzy's room. But how did the rat broke into Zizzy's room? 

While we were trying to escape, I discovered that the top windows of the building are damaged by someone. I realized that we have been raided. I continued to go downstairs to meet up with Georgie, but there's a fire blocking the stairs to the first floor. 

I tried to find a way to extinguish the fire while the rat continues to chase me down through the building. I found a fire extinguisher in a room, but it is locked in a safe. I tried to find a way to break the safe open to obtain the fire extinguisher. 

But first, I had to rescue the other members from their locked rooms around the building. First, I used a orange key to unlock Giraffy's room. Once I did that, Giraffy thank me. "Hey, thanks for letting me out, Miguel! If you find any grass, bring it and I'll take out anything bothering you!" 

While I was being chased by the rat, I found some grass that I can give to Giraffy to knock the rat down. 

Once I give it to him, he started to chase the rat in time as the rat continues to chase me through the halls of the building. 

Eventually, he knocked out the rat in time as the rat is about to kill me. I continued to rescue the remaining members in their locked rooms.

Next, I found a green key that I can use it to unlock Pony's room. Once I did that, Pony thank me for freeing him. "Miguel! I owe you a carrot sometime." said Pony, greeting me, "Is everyone okay?"

Pony and I then dashed upstairs to find Zee and Zuzy to tell them to evacuate the building. But when we got to their room, we found out that they had already escape through the vents in the process. 

"Huh, Zee and Zuzy aren't here. They must've used the vent up there, but it's sealed now. I hope they're safe..." said Pony, assuming that they are presumably safe. But suddenly, he unexpectedly said, "The Insolence watches... huh? What'd I just say? A strange voice just came into my head, but I don't remember what it told me."

All without Zee and Zuzy. Pony searched all over, but couldn't find them anywhere. He felt personally responsible for them without Zizzy around, so he was giving himself a hard time for losing them.

After I found a hammer, I used it to smash the safe to get the fire extinguisher. Once I did that, the fire alarm went off, and I extinguish the fire that is blocking the stairs to the first floor. Then Georgie and I went to the exit door, and I started to find a way to unlock the exit. 

Then, I realized that Mimi was in danger too. She was trapped by a fire that is blocking her room. I grabbed the fire extinguisher, and I successfully cleared out the fire for her. Once I did that, she told me to get her blowtorch in a locked safe next to her. "Thanks for rescuing me! Now, I just need my blowtorch to fry the main entrance lock which... oh shoot. It's in this safe." 

I did what she told me to do. Eventually, I found a purple key that I can use to unlock the safe, while the rat continues to chase me all of the time. Once I did that she said to me, "Awesome! I hope what I can do is enough to pay you back for saving me!"

She rushed downstairs to the exit door, and fry the code on a pad of the door, making it able to access.

After I used the hammer and the screwdriver to unlock the exit, I started to find a way to unlock the elevators of the building to get the white key for the door. When I found a elevator key, I used it to unlock all of the elevators, where I found a yellow key in one of them.

Once I unlocked the yellow safe in the cafeteria, I eventually found the white key that I can use it to unlock the white lock of the exit. As the rest of the members came to the exit downstairs, I unlocked the exit, and we managed to escape the building. 

As we escaped the building, we were greeted and cornered by none other than Willow and The Silver Paw. They had a rocket launcher, too. If there was no better time to poop yourself, now would be the time. 

"Rise and shine! Looks like we managed to get you out of bed!" said Willow, cornering us. "I've been told that some of you caused quite a stir at one of our outposts." "How could you do this to us, Willow?" Pony asked, "You're destroying the home of many innocent people!" 

Willow replied, "And you really think you didn't do the same? How cute. The refinery was the home of many people, Pony." You, the sleazy cop and that zebra have caused many relocations. We can't afford to feed them all in one place." 

Willow was furious. She told us that because of our actions at the refinery, many of her people had to be relocated elsewhere. If you ask me, I believe she used Zizzy against us. Willow took her away because she knew we'd try to rescue her. Then, on our way back, she followed us, leading her to our home. It was all staged to get rid of us.

Then Georgie shouted to Willow, "Leave him alone! You took Zizzy away from us!" But Willow replied, "Listen, kid. As much as I'd like to defend your friends' actions, they've done some horrible things to my people." She then orders two of her members to capture all of us, despite the fact that Georgie, Mimi and Giraffy did nothing. "Take them with us. We'll keep them all in one place where we can control what they do." 

"You can't do this to us, we haven't done anything!" cried Giraffy, protesting Willow to not take us away. But Willow said, "And we'll make sure it stays that way." 

Her group took us away and locked us in a makeshift cell in a factory. I can't believe we played right into her filthy paws. 

After she locks us in the cell, she told us, "You'll all be staying in there until you either cooperate or wear out. I'll be looking forward to talking to you soon!" She walks away from the cell, and we were all trapped in there. 

Giraffy and Mimi apologize to Pony for not listening to him telling him to not trust the radio earlier. "Pony, we owe you an apology." said Giraffy. Pony asked, "What for?" Mimi replied, "We shouldn't have met with the group. You were right to be suspicious of it.. we were wrong." Then Giraffy said to Pony, "We're sorry." Then Pony forgives Giraffy. "Sigh... I forgive you." 

Then I said, "Now, we just need to find a way out somehow..." Now we needed to find a way to escape the cell. 
