Ch. 16 Jealousy

~Y/n pov~

We were just in gym class and everything was as normal. The popular people were sat on the bleachers like normal including Liz.

Ugh! I hate Liz, have I ever told you how annoying she is?! I haven't told Peter because I think he likes her.

I sighed, I happened to hear their conversation, pssht what no?

I'm not a stalker why would you say that! That's just so.. Rude!

Anyway, they were talking about superheroes and doing kiss, marry, kill. I wasn't really listening to there conversation until I heard this.

"Liz likes spider-man?!" One of the girls gasped at her as she blushes.

"How do you know he's not a thirty year old man." Another girl jokes.

Peter had also been listening to the conversation as his head whipped up when they said Liz liked Spider-man.

"Peter knows spider-man!" Ned blurted out.

I gave Ned a look.

"N-ned!" Peter stuttered out.

Flash confronted him about knowing spider-man.

"I-I-I umm... I've met him a few times at the stark internship a-and he's pretty cool," Peter was a stuttering mess, "But I'm mot meant to talk about it." He then glared at Ned.

Liz invited Peter and Ned to her party that I didn't know was happening.


I finally got home, MJ told me she was going to go to Liz's party but I wasn't really sure about going, I mean yes Peter would be there but he likes Liz!

I felt jealousy bubble, no.. I'm mot jealous right? As much as I tried to convince myself, I was obviously very jealous.

Ding! I looked at my phone to see a message from Ned, huh that's weird..

Ned never messages me, I wonder what it's about. I quickly opened up my messages.

Ned : Are you coming to Liz's party, because me Peter and MJ are coming?

Y/n : I'm not sure, I wasn't really planning on it... Wait, how did you know MJ was going?

Ned : Uh well uh.. Okay MJ told me not to tell you but me and Mj are... Dating!

Y/n : Wait WHAT!? why didn't she tell me?!

Ned : You can ask her about that later but why aren't you coming? Peter's going to be there.

Y/n : WHAT'S this got to do with Peter?!

Ned : Um.. MJ told me you liked him and it's like kinda obvious...

Y/n : uh... Okay yeah it true, but he likes Liz not me so...

Ned : I'm saying it might surprise you, Im sure it will work out in the end, look please come, for me and MJ?

Y/n : Fine you've convinced me but srsly I need to talk to MJ

I spent an hour on the phone with MJ fangirling over her and Ned, she eventually got annoyed and hung up but maybe that party wouldn't be so bad?

485 words
