Ch. 15 Star Wars!

~Y/n pov~

It was a few hours before we were all meeting up to see the new star wars movie.

I sighed and hopped into the shower knowing my clithes stunk as I slept in them as I had fallen asleep in Peter's arms.

I felt a blush rising into my cheeks at that thought but I quickly dissmissed the thought and rubbed some shampoo into my hair.

I finished my shower and put on a casual outfit, I put my jumper on my bed when my phone vibrated.

It was from Peter and it read, 'Oops I got here ten minutes early.'

I smiled to myself, what a dork! Wait ten minutes?!

I leapt up grabbing my bag shoving my purse phone and keys into it.

I quickly lock my door and hop onto the bus.

I looked at my phone to see I had two more minutes to get there.

I speed walked and turned the corner where the cinema came into view, I slowed down and walked towards, Peter and Ned.

It seemed MJ had yet to arrive.

"Have you seen MJ?" Ned asked and MJ turned up just as he said this.

We all smiled ready for star wars!

MJ and Ned were sat next to eachother and I was sat next to Peter.

Peter reached towards me and stole my popcorn.

"Hey!" I whisper shouted.

I then grabbed a handful of his popcorn as he pouted at me.

His pout was so cute - no don't give in I stuffed the popcorn in my mouth and smirked in victory.

"Meanie." Peter pouted.

"Ssshhh!" Someone whisper yelled at me and Peter as we stifled our giggles.

We went back to watching the movie as I shivered slightly.

Shit! I remember I left my jumper on my bed, the adrenaline kicked in when I was almost late so I didn't feel the cold until now.

I shivered again as Peter noticed and handed me his jumper.

"Thanks." I muttered pulling it over me and snuggling into it.

I inhaled deeply taking in Peter's scent.

I felt my eyes growing droopy as I continued to watch the movie.

I didn't want to sleep but my body didn't care what I wanted and went to sleep anyway.

The last thing I recall is snuggling into Peter's side as he stroked my hair.

I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I yawned and slowly pried my eyes open. I took in my surroundings, where am I?

I sat up to find myself in my own bed... Wait, how did I get here?

I remember being in the cinema and then falling asleep.

I turned to my nightstand to ses a note.

I grabbed the note as my vison cleared.


You fell asleep at the cinema so I brought you home. Don't worry :)

~ Peter


I smiled at the kind gesture, I pulled myself out of bed to see I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday but my shoes had been taken off.

I noticed I was still wearing Peter's jumper, I smiled and smelled his nice scent.

I grabbed my phone from my bag and texted Peter.

Y/n : Thanks for taking me home!

Peter : Oh don't mention it!

Y/n : I'm serious thanks

Peter : Im serious too!!

Y/n : you dork!

Peter : you can't say anything!

Y/n : ......

Y/n has left the chat.

566 words
