
"Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than win and do the wrong thing"

Tony Blair

When they reached the house, Dick had thrown himself out the car before it had even come to a complete stop. Donna stopped the car before she and Persephone lept out to help Dick. They didn't know if Kory had done anything, but they wanted to be there if she did. Donna ran in with her lasso in her hands and Persephone on her heels.

Donna threw the lasso, so it caught around Kory's neck. "Stop," Donna ordered as she pulled the rope back.

When Kory turned round and maid to pull the rope, Donna did a roll before pulling Kory towards her. When Kory flew off her feet, Donna punched her into the nearest table, knocking Kory out.

Persephone rushed towards where Rachel and her mother were crouched. Persephone pulled Rahcl up and into a hug.

"Your all right," Persephone assured her as she rubbed her back, "Dick and I are here, and we will keep you safe."

"Please don't go," Rachel whimpered as she and Persephone gripped onto each other.

"What happened?" Dick asked as Persephone slowly realised Rachel was back in the care of her mother.

"She tried to kill my daughter," Angela told them passionately as Rachel reached a hand up to the marks on her neck.

"Rachel?" Dick asked her quietly as he looked down at her softly.

"I was trying to help Kory get her memory back." Rachel whispered before looking at Kory's unconscious body, "I must have done something wrong."

"No," Angela told Rachel. "None of this is your fault.

They all turned to look at where they could hear the sound of Kory groaning as she regained consciousness.

"What's going on?" Kory asked as she put her hand to her head.

"You tried to kill Rachel," Dick told Kory as Persephone slowly put herself between Kory and Rachel.

"What? No," Kory denied, "I would never do that."

"I want this woman out of my house," Angela demanded.

"Okay, just hold on a sec..." Dick asked as he tried to act as a peacekeeper.

"Now, God damn it," Angela directed.

"Rachel, I am so..." Kory said as she made her way towards Rachel. When Kory saw how everybody stepped in between her and how Rachel flinched, Kory stopped, "I am so sorry." Kory told Rachel. When no one moved, Kory turned to go, "I have to go," She told them as she left.

Rachel started to sniffle, causing Angela to pull her on for a hug. Persephone turned to Gar and pulled him in for a hug. He had just been thrown around like a rag doll. Of course, he needed a hug.

After a bit, Persphone heard the sound of a car pulling out. She didn't go to follow as she trusted Dick and Donna, who had followed Kory out. Persephone suspicions were confirmed as, not long after, she heard the sound of a second car pulling out.

Rachel stopped crying after a bit, so her mum took her to upstairs to apply some cream to the wound to Rachel's neck while Gar and Persephone hunted down some ice.

When Persephone found the ice, she gave it to Gar and dispatched him upstairs to deliver it to Rachel. Persephone stayed downstairs as she figured that it would be too crowded, and she was hoping that Gar and Rachel would be able to talk. When Angela came down, Persephone was glad that she had given the teens some space. Angela told Persephone that she would find some vegetables from the garden if Persephone could find anything else. Persephone managed to find some pots and bowls for cooking and made some soda bread. When they had finished and brought it all together, Persephone went to get the kids from where they were upstairs.

"Here you are," Persephone told them as she set the bowl in front of Gar and Rachel.

Angela has said that she wasn't hungry and had gone off to do something needed around the house. Persephone finished before the kids and went to wash up all the bowls that they had used.

Persephone had just pooped a bowl down and was reaching for the next one when she heard a distorted scream of, "Don't touch me!"

Persephone spun around and into the dining room to see Gar lent back in his seat, looking surprised and Rachel holding her face.

"I'm so sorry," Rachel whispered.

"It's okay," Gar murmeerd

Persephone was about to say something when Angela walked through the door with some flowers. Persephone didn't want to mention it in front of Rachel's mum as she didn't know how she would react.

"Okay. If the soup's awful, you can just tell me." Angela told them nervously, "There wasn't a lot to work within the garden."

"The soup was great," Gar reassured her as he took the bowl to the sink

"We'll give you a sec," Persephone assured Angela as she took Gar's arm.

When they had escaped the Dining room, Gar turned to Persephone.

"I'm going to the loo," Gar told Persephone as he made a bid for freedom.

"Then you're telling me what happened in there," Persephone called after him.

Persephone walked out of the house and went to sit on the chairs outside the house. Persephone pulled out her phone to try to call Dick. He had disappeared for a long while. Sadly, Persephone was only met with a no-service message. Before Persephone could try again, Gar came out looking a bit shaken.

"What's up with you?" Persephone asked, worried about the teen. "What happened with Rachel?"

"She was determined that bad things happened to people around her, so I had to leave her," Gar told Persephone. "I want to put my hand on him to assure that it was okay when she did that scream."

"You know Dick used to be like that," Persephone told him calmly. "My mum's as well. Even Brue, from what Adelie told me. It's normal when your life is like this. It would help if you showed her that you are not going anywhere and not getting hurt. She's just scared. Speaking of Dick, is your phone working? I tried to call him but had no signal."

"I would love to this place is giving me the heebie-jeebies," Gar told Persephone as he pulled his phone out. Dialling the number, he put it to his ear. After a second, Gar pulled the phone from his ear with the same error message. Gar immediately tried again. This time he got a distorted scream similar to the sound Rachel made. Gar and Persephone just shared a confused look before Gar looked out at the garden. Persephone pulled out her phone to try again. Not noticing the way that Gar was staring across the backyard.

Persephone didn't know that Gar had killed someone at the asylum, the first time he had ever killed and was oblivious to the fact that he was seeing the man now. When the signal failed her again, Persephone tried the find my phone feature. In the vague hopes that that might work and tell her where Dicks phone was, sadly, that failed to.

Persephone looked up at the sound of the door opening and looked up at Rachel. Persephone sent the nervous-looking girl a soft smile.

'Do you want me to stay?' Persephone mouth to Rachel.

Rachel softly shook her head at Persephone, who smiled and assured her that she wasn't offended and stood up to leave. Persephone gave Rachel a quick squeeze on the shoulder before she left.

When Persephone re-entered the house, she spotted Angela, "I swear I keep being kicked out," Persephone laughed, not seeing the look that darted across Angela's face before quickly disappearing.

"I'm sure that's not true," Angela assured her.

"Do you mind if I borrow your landline to call my husband?" Persephone asked.

"It's not working at the moment," Angela apologised.

"That's fine," Persephone shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal out of it, "I'm sure he will be back before too long."

Persephone turned and made her way to the staircase, but before she could get far, she was greeted by the sight of Rachel shepherding a hunched-over Gar.

"You two alright?" Persephone asked them.

"Gar said that his stomach feels a bit weird," Rachel answered.

"How about I take him up to the guest room, and he can try to sleep it off," Persephone suggested.

Persephone took Gar and put him in the bed, fussing over him like a mother hen. Gar fell asleep relatively quickly, which Persephone was glad of. She was hoping when he woke up. He would be right as rain.

Persephone smiled up, and Angela, who had stooped at the door to check on Gar. Persephone tried to call Dick again and failed once again. Persephone gave up and went to say goodnight to Rachel before falling onto the bed next to Gar. She just hoped that Gar would be okay. And so Persephone fell asleep not long later.


 Persephone was a light sleeper, which wasn't much of a surprise, so she woke up to the sound of Gar coughing.

"You okay?" Persephone murmured as Gar coughed.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Gar assured Persephone in a horse voice, "I'm just going to get some water."

"Mhhm," Persephone mumbled already, starting to go back to sleep. Her body could sleep again, knowing there was no threat.

This turned out to be untrue, as when Persephone was about to fall asleep, she was jerked awake by the sound of a loud thud.

Persephone threw herself out of bed as fast as she could and dashed into the bathroom to see Gar seizing on the floor.

Persephone fell to the floor next to him as she took off her jumper and put it under his head. Persephone made sure that if the shaking got worse, he would hurt himself.

"Rachel," Persephone screamed, "Angela."

Persephone screamed again. She needed someone else. She didn't want to leave Gar alone. When Persephone saw that he was bleeding, she gently wiped the blood from below his nose.

Thankfully, Angela heard before too long and came running through.

"What's going on," Angela asked frantically, freezing when she saw Gar on the floor.

"I have Gar, but I need you to go and get help," Persephone instructed.

Angela disappeared and returned not much later with Rachel, who fell to her knees by Gar.

"Gar. Gar, can you hear me?" Rachel called, "What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know," Persephone told her from where she was next to Gar's face.

When they heard knocking, Rachel looked up from where she was at Gar's back, "Maybe it's Dick." Rachel said hopefully.

"Stay here with Gar." Angela instructed as if Persephone was going to leave, "I'll go check."

"Gar," Rachel whispered.

Rachel and Persephone were trying to stop the bleeding, but it wasn't working, "Mom! I can't stop the bleeding!" Rachel yelled in the hope of speeding up whatever Angela was doing.

Persephone wasn't expecting a strange man that she hadn't met before to come up the stairs and into the bathroom. "Let me have a look," The new man instructed, "how long has he been like this?" He asked as he crouched down.

"We don't know," Angela told the man.

"The seizing started not too long ago," Persephone answered, "a few minutes at most."

"He was fine a few hours ago," Angela defended.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm a police officer." The man tried to soothe Rachel from where she and Persephone were trying to mop up the blood. The man pulled out his phone, "I just charged it." He said, looking at his flat phone.

"There's a landline in the kitchen," Angeal told him as she pinned in the direction of the kitchen.

"I'll be right back, okay?" The man told Rachel as he stood up and rushed to the kitchen

"It's gonna be all right," Angela told Rachel before turning and heading after the strange man.

"Is help coming?" Persephone asked, looking up at Angela.

"He went into town to get the doctor, but Gar's getting worse." Angela lied, leaving Rachel and Persephone oblivious to the fact that she had killed him, "We can't wait. You're gonna have to help him."

"Me?" Rachel questioned

"You can do it," Angela persisted. "You can heal him."

"No. Look what happened to Kory." Rachel denied, "and..."

"Rachel, look at me," Angela instructed, "You have your father's gifts, and you need to use them now to save your friend's life."

Rachel gave her a slight nod before putting her hand on Gar's forehead. Persephone backed away, not wanting to be in the way if it caused anything to go wrong.

"You can do it," Angela praised, "Good. It's working."

"Ah! He's dying!" Rachel shrieked as Gar started to shake harder than before, "I can feel it."

"No. There's gotta be some other..." Angela stated before stooping in what she was saying, "Your father. He's stronger than you. He could save Gar. He would do that for you."

"I don't understand," Rachel whispered.

"He's always been close to you, Rachel." Angela insisted, "Always nearby, always looking over you. We have to hurry."

Angela started trying to pick Gar up. Persephone took his middle and Rachel his head.

"Is this a good idea?" Persephone asked, "I love Gar, but there is a doctor on the way, and we don't know what Rachel's father is going to do."

"You have to open your mind, Rachel," Angela instructed, ignoring Persephone. "Think about your father. How badly you want to see him."

"But I thought that he was..." Rachel stared before being interrupted.

"This is the only way to save Gar." Angela interrupted.

"I don't want Gar to die, but there is a doctor on the way," Persephone added, "Should we wait for them and then if they can't help, then we summon Rachel's father."

"We have to do this," Angela told Persephone with such force that it confused Persephone. Angela then turned to Rachel. "You have to concentrate. You can do it."

Rachel leaned down and put her hands over Gar's chest and heart. The house started to shake as the lights flickered. Persephone loved Gar, but she was having second thoughts about this.

"That's it, sweetie." Angela congratudeld Rachel as the lights contuend to flicker. When Rachel suddenly snapped back her eyes, going back, Angela seemed pleased, "It's happening. You're doing it, Rachel." Angela smiled

"Bring him home. Bring him to me." Angela insisted. At this point, Persephone wanted to know what they had gotten themselves into.

Persephone watched as Rachel walked toward the mirror that had turned into a swirling black portal. Rachel reached into the mirror as if in a trance. Swirling tendrils of darkness came out to meet Rachel before she lent in further. Persephone leapt forward to pull Rachel back, but Angela put a hand out to stop her. Persephone fought but stopped when she saw a hand appear from the mirror; it was gripping Rachel's hand. After the hand came an arm and finally the rest of the body. A man now stood in front of them dressed all in black.

"My child," The new man greeted, smiling at Rachel. "My love," the man smiled at Angela, who had moved towards him.

"All of this was for you." Angela gushed, "Everything." The two pulled each other in for a kiss as Persephone questioned what she had missed.

"Your faith has never failed me, lover." Trigon praised.

Persephone's head snapped back to Gar as he let out a pained groan. Rachel and Persephone hurried back to his side.

"My friend is dying," Rachel told her father. "Can you save him?"

Trigon smiled down at Rachel. "There is nothing I wouldn't give you." Trigon walked over to Gar's head before kneeling and hovering his hand over Gar's head, causing the blood to disappear, "So unusual." Trigon murmured to himself. "Boy or beast?" Trigon mumbled as the blood disappeared from Gar's knuckles. "You'll have a lifetime to decide," Trogon told Gar just as he took a massive breath of air and shot forward.

"Thank you," Rachel stood up and looked at her father. Persephone pulled Gar in for a hug.

Persephone could see over Gar's shoulder as Trigon put his arms out for a hug. Rachel walked toward him and wrapped her arms around her body.

"I'm finally home," Trigon assured Rachel as he rubbed her back gently.

Persephone had a bad feeling about this but didn't want to say anything as she gripped Gar. The poor thing had almost died, for heavens' sake.

When Trigon realised Rachel, Persephone led her and Gar over to a stool where the three of them sat, their adrenalin cooling off.
