Donna Troy

"Somehow, I just can't say enough how much I appreciate you being in the world."

Mark Anthony

Persephone woke up in the bed of the bedroom that she and Dick were sharing. Persephone instantly looked around to see if she could find Dick. Dick, who was lying next to her, pulled her into his arms.

"You okay?" Dick asked her quietly.

"Honestly, no," Persephone answered truthfully. "In the asylum, they brought you and my mums in and told me that I had to kill a member of my family. so I brought the gun to my head and killed myself"

"It was all a dream," Dick assured Persephone as he pulled her in for a hug. "How about we call you mum's," Dick suggested. "I'm sure they would love to hear from you."

"That a great idea," Persephone grinned at Dick. As Persephone went to stand up, she spotted that her and Dicks bags had been packed, "We going somewhere?"

"That asylum was home base for those freaks." Dick sighed, "They won't be bothering Rachel anymore. She's safe now. She's even got her mother back. Maybe she can try to have a normal life."

"But not us," Persephone sighed

"Being Robin doesn't work anymore. But not being Robin doesn't work either." Dick sighed as he looked at Persephone. "At least not without some help."

"Let me guess, you want to go see Donna," Persephone guessed, "I'm not fussed; I have been waiting to see her new exhibition."

"Yeah," Dick breathed, "Now go call you mums!"

Persephone smiled at Dick as she went to grab her phone. Persephone grabbed it and then ran back to the bed, where she flopped down next to Dick.

Persephone clicked on the concept for her mums home phone. She hoped that at least one of them was at home.

"Hey, sugar," Harley's voice beamed down the phone, "what's up with you?"

It honestly surprised Persephone how much it made her want to cry just hearing her mum's happy voice, "I just wanted to catch up with you and mummy," Persephone told her.

"How about I go and get mummy, and we can all have a chat!" Harley suggested.

Persephone didn't even bother replying as she could already hear Harley calling for Pamela. Dick just smiled at the happy face of his wife as she chatted with her parent. It was reassuring her that they weren't dead and that they were all right. At one point, Dick heard Rachel calling them for breakfast. He left, promising to save some for Persephone when she got off the phone with her parents.

When Persephone got off the phone with her parents, the others had finished and were packing up. Dick had saved some pancakes for Persephone and brought them through for her.

Dick then took some time to make sure that the house was okay. He dint want to leave a big mess after the fact that they hadn't even asked Bruce for permission.

When it came time to leave, Persephone found it emotional. She had grown attached to these people, and it was a shame to leave them.

"So, what?" Gar asked as they left the building, "This is, like, the end of the team?"

"Technically, we were never really a team..." Dick defended.

"Oh, we were a team," Kory interrupted.

"We were defiantly a team your just a grumpy pants," Persephone agreed.

"I'll see you all again sometime," Dick told them. He then turned to Rachel, "Rachel," he called, but he stopped when she turned her head.

Persephone put her arms through his, "let's go," Persephone whisper to Dick. She then addresses the others, "It was lovely meeting you, and I'm sure we will meet again at some point. You have my number if you need me." And with that, Dick and Persephone turned and walked towards the car.

They stopped dead turned around when they heard Rachel cry out for them to wait. Dick turned around, and Rachel pulled them both in for a tight hug.

"Asshole," Rachel addressed Dick, she then turned to Persephone, "not you though you're lovely."

"You sure you're gonna be okay?" Dick asked as he looked at Rachel, ignoring her previous comment.

"What do you think?" Rachel asked him as she stepped back.

Dick needed at her before Persephone, and he turned around once again and walked to the car. They were on the next leg of Dicks journey of self-discovery.


"Twenty..." Dick mumbled as he looked for Donnas home. When he realised that that was the right one, he put the slip of paperback in his pocket and carefully approached the door.

Dick stood in front of the door and stared at it for a while. Persephone, who was getting cold out in the snow, reached around Dick and knocked on the door. Persephone then stepped back behind Dick, where she was sheltering from the cold.

When the door opened to a slightly confused Donna, Dick merely told her, "I quit."

"Great to see you, too," Donna replied sarcastically.

"Sorry what Dick meant, 'Hi Donna, it's great to see you. How are you?'" Persephone joked sarcastically.

Donna gave Persephone a bright smile. Persephone and Donna hadn't had a chat in a while, and we're looking forwards to catching up.

"I'm late," Donna told them as she grabbed Dick and Persephone's bags swing them through the door before closing it.

"Is this for your exhibition?" Persephone questioned excitedly as she fell into step with Donna, "I've been waiting to see if for ages."

"I'm glad then," Donna smiled as she leed Persephone. When they realised that Dick hadn't followed them, Donna called over her shoulder, "You coming or not?" Donna called over her shoulder at Dick, who jogged to catch up and fell into step next to Donna, who then carried on talking, "I thought you already quit Batman."

"Not Batman this time." Dick clarified, "Robin."

"Okay. What happened?" Donna asked Dick

"I couldn't get a handle on the violence." Dick told Donna honestly, "It was getting worse."

"That's hard to imagine," Donna told him.

"I know. I went cold turkey." Dick told him, "Burned the suit."

"Wow," Donna exhaled, "That's dramatic. Mine's determined set. Those things are expensive."

"I wanted him that Stu would kill him, but he was determined," Persephone told Donna, "he can be dramatic.

"So, how did you do it?" Dick asked Donna, ignoring them teasing him.

"Do what?" Donna asked.

"Quit," Dick explained.

"I didn't quit," Donna told him as she came to a stop, "I just... stopped."

"How is that different?" Dick pestered.

"You'll figure it out," Donna told him.

"Love, it's one of those things that are different for everybody," Persephone told Dick.

"The hardest part is that it just takes time," Donna warned Dick

"You mind if we hang at your place a while?" Dick asked, "I'm fine sleeping on the sofa bed."

"It's got your name on it. Stay as long as you need..." Donna assured Dick before she took off running, "As long as you've still got game." Donna ran at a truck before pulling herself up and practically flying the length of it to land on the other side.

"Fuck me," Dick muttered.

"Nows, not the time, love," Persephone joked as she took off running in the direction Donna had gone. Persephone ran at the truck before using some plants ts to boost her over the top. Persephone backflipped over the length of the vehicle before landing next to Donna, with some plant cushioning her landing.

The two girls laughed as they gave each other a high five.

"we're waiting," Donna called jokingly.

They heard the sound of Dick jumping and then climbing on the van as they smiled at each other. When Dick appeared at the top of the truck, he decided to be dramatic as he lept to a dumper before doing a flip to land on his knees.

"Oh, I've missed you, Boy Wonder." Donna smiled teasingly at Dick

"That's my favourite one," Dick laughed as he smiled at the two women.

"All right, look. I've got a showing off some of my work later," Donna told them, "Why don't you come along and hang out with some fabulous, normal people? How does that sound?"

"Great." Dick beamed before thinking for a second, "Too much?"

"Yeah, a little bit." Donna laughed.

"Definitely," Persephone agreed.

"Why do I doubt this idea already?" Doona asked herself as she and Persephone turned to walk to the gallery.

"Probably because you are a sensible person," Persephone joked.

Dick jogged to a catch up with the two retreating women as they headed towards the exhibition for Donnas art.

They entered the display of Donnas work. Persephone looked around, excited to see what Donna had been up to.

"Wow. All this is for you?" Dick asked in awe.

"Yep," Donan answered proudly, "Some of the works were published online, but most of it's my personal stuff from when I travelled."

"Oh, I have seen some of thas, and they are amazing," Persephone commented.

"This is really good," Dick comment sounding a bit surprised. As he pointed at a picture of a man firing a gun into the air

"Don't sound so shocked," Donna laughed.

"No, I mean it." Dick reiterated, not wanting to offend Donna.

"Yeah, I know you do," Donna laughed, showing Dick she wasn't offended. "All right. There are some people I need to talk to. You two go ahead and mingle." Donan instructed as she waved her hand in Dick direction.

"Mingle?" Dick repeated.

"Defenition: move among and engage with others at a social function. " Persephone joking said in a monotonous voice to tease Dick.

"You know, have an interaction that's not agenda-driven?" Donna piped in teasingly, "Conversation instead of an interrogation?"

"Why?" Dick asked.

"You could use some work on your small talk," Donan told him bluntly.

"I know how to make small talk." Dick defended.

Persephone snorted before adding, "that is extremely debatable."

"Sometimes you're confrontational," Donna added

"No, I'm not," Dick argued confrontationally

"Like right now," Donna told him as Persephone tried not to laugh

"I am not," Dick repeated in a low voice

"Wow." Dona muttered, trying not to laugh, "that was adult."

"I have to go be Donna Troy." Donna told them as she waved at Dick, "you just try and enjoy yourself."

"Mmm-hmm," Dick muttered.

As Donna turned around, she called, "Are, too."

"Am not," Dick called back.

"That was so mature of you both," Persephone laughed, "plus I hate to tell you this one, but your small talk is terrible, and you are highly confrontational. Now before you say anything, I'm going to fo and mingle. and you," Persphoen told Dick as she poked him in the chest, "are going to prove me wrong."


Persephone was happily chatting to a man called Paul and his two friends when she felt Dick grab her arm and drag her out of the building.

"So I was chatting to this lovely man from who I got the impression that I am correct, and your small talk is abysmal," Persephone teased Dick, "now where are you dragging me, and where are we going."

"Donna had to go do something, and we are going to follow her," Dick told Persephone as they turned the corner.

Dick pulled Persephone down behind a car as they watched Donna walk up, "does Donna want use to follow her?" Persephone asked.

"She doesn't know," Dick admitted as they watched a car nearly hit Donna causing her to move back. they watched as the man got out and put a hood ver Donna head before pulling her back into the truck, "but that is why we are following her."

"This is Donna, Dick." Persephone warned, "she probably had a good reason or everything already in control" Persephone looked up to see that Dick was already following the car, "but you don't care about any of that, do you?"

Dick just sent Persephone a look that told her to hurry up as they followed where Donna was being taken. Dick, who had thrown one of his R badges at the car, was tracking it on his phone.

"I still think Donna is going to be angry with you," Persephone warned from where she and Dick were perched in the rafters of the were that they had tracked Donna to.

Dick just sent Persephone a look that said, 'i don't care what Donna think, and please be quiet.'

"My pleasure, Donna." An Australian accented voice said, "I'm sure we'll meet again."

Dick chose that as his moment to drop from the ceiling to start taking out attackers. Persephone, who still thought what Dick was doing was foolish, sat in the rafters. She did watch in case he need help, but she wasn't going to get involved.

When Dick had sent the last of the men tumbling into a pile of palettes, Donna turned on him, "Dick, what the hell are you doing here?" Donna

"You were just gonna let him go?" Dick qustoind angrely.

"I was doing my job," Donna told him. She was interrupted by another man running at her. Without looking back, Donna hit him before she counted to berate Dick. "Graham is one of a dozen poachers. My photos would've shut down the whole operation from Chicago to Cape Town. Now all I have is..." Donna stopped to look at the unconscious man on the pallets, "that."

"One more off the streets." Dick defended. "You can go after the others one by one if you have to. I'll help you."

"I don't think you are getting the point," Persephone commented from the rafter before she dropped down, "instead of hurting one and taking countless days to catch the other, Donna could have used her phone to shut the operation down quickly. This means that she would have more time to move onto the next injustice." Persephone then turned to Donna, "I'm so sorry about Dick. I tried to stop him, but he was determined."

"It's okay," Donna smiled softly at Persephone before an idea came to her, "Graham likes me. If I can convince him that I wasn't a part of this..."

"You're still gonna let him go?" Dick questioned

"We could take photos," Persephone suggested as she and Donna ignored Dick.

"You right!" Donna smiled at Persephone. When she turned to Dick, the smile dropped, "Take out your phone."

"My phone?" Dick questioned

"Just do it," Donna commented as she walked over to the unconscious man.

"Donna," Dick called.

"Now, take a picture," Donna commented, ignoring Dick

"What're you doing?" Dick questioned again as he took his phone out and walked towards Donna.

Donna sent him a look before getting back in position, "just take a picture of both of us unconscious." When Dick failed to do anything, Donna looked up at him, "It's the button with the little camera on it."

"Yeah, I know how to..." But Dick was interrupted from finished by Persephone taking his phone.

Persephone proceeded to take a bunch of photo of Donna and the man.

"You guys look good together.," Dick joked from where he was standing.

"Fuck you." Donna groaned. When she had finished, Donna stood up and walked off, "You and me, we need to talk." Donna instructed. Persephone followed behind her as she passed Dick his phone. When Donna realised Dick hadn't followed, he turned to him, "now, please!"

"Why do I always feel like I'm in trouble with you?" Dick questioned as he started to follow the two women

"Because you are in trouble," Donna called over her shoulder.

"Am not," Dick muttered.

"I can hear you..." Donna called, "Bird boy."

Dick chuckled, "oh, that's my favourite one."

The two women ignored him as they walked back to Donna's house, chatting between them. Persephone had been asking Donna some questions about her exhibition, and Donna was happy to answer them.

When they got back to Donna's, Dick and Persephone took a seat as Donna grab some beets for all of them.

"Man of action, is that it?" Donna asked as she put a beer in front of Dick

"If it means not letting some evil piece of shit walk," Dick told her as he brought the beer to his lips to take a swig.

"You're smarter than that. You know me. You knew I had it under control, and Persephone told you not to jump in," Donna told Dick, "so, why jump in? Seriously."

"I was worried," Dick told her honestly, "what if he got away?"

"But you knew he probably wouldn't," Persephone told him, "this is Donna that we are talking about, for heavens sakes."

"I had a plan," Donna told him to reinforce Persephone point.

"But what if?" Dick told them not to back down.

Donna let out a sigh as she looked at Dick.

"You know," Donna started quietly, "when Diana took me in, she showed me how to fill the hole that fire left in my life with love and with family. That's just what the Amazons do. They have a tradition of empowerment and self-discovery. Bruce filled that hole in your life the only way he knew how. With rage and violence. Wonder Woman was born to protect the innocent. Batman was created to punish the guilty. But we're not them. Neither one of us. I didn't quit being Wonder Girl. I just realised that I could do more good being Donna Troy. Do you understand?

"I'm trying to," Dick told them honestly.

"That all we need, Dick," Persephone assure him as she squeezed his hand lovingly, "you're not going to work it out overnight."

"You'll never be a civilian, Dick.

"You lost that chance the day you became Robin." Donn told Dick firmly, "and you can't be Robin anymore, because for all the good he did, ultimately, he was an echo chamber for Bruce's pain... And for yours. You wanna go out there and kick bad-guy ass? You wanna make sure there's not a chance, not a single chance, even one of them gets away?" Donna asked, "do it."

"I won't be Batman," Dick assured them.

"Then don't," Donna agreed, "don't be Batman or Robin. Be something else. Someone else.

"Who?" Dick asked quietly.

"Hell if I know," Donna laughed.

"That not for use to tell you," Persephone agreed, "you need to find that out for yourself."

"But whoever you're gonna be..." Donna started thoughtfully, "I don't think you'll ever be much good at the small talk."

"Maybe not," Dick laughed.

"There are worse qualities," Donna shared laughingly.

"Why do you two have to be right all the time?" Dick asked as he shook his head.

"Better, smarter, prettier. You know the drill." Donna teased as he gestured between herself and Persephone. "All right. Now, let me have your phone." Donna told him as she put her hands out, "I can use those photos of me, and Crocodile Dundee knocked out to prove I wasn't in the shit show you just put on back there."

Dick went to hand Donna his phone, but just as she went to close her hand around it, Dick moved away. The smile on his face was so sweet and happy. Persephone was delighted to see him, so gleeful.

"Really?" Donna asked as Dick gave her the phone properly this time.

Donna was scrolling through the pictures on Dicks phone when suddenly she started to look confused, "What?" Dick asked.

"Why do you have pictures of letters in some offshoot of Sumerian on your cell phone?" Donna asked as she peered at the lettering before turning it to Dick.

"That's not Sumerian." Dick shook his head, "We searched every database."

"I said 'offshoot.'" Donna reiterated, "This alphabet has been lost for centuries. We learned a little bit of it on Themyscira."

"Hold on." Persephone said, "Can you translate that?"

"I have some books," Donna suggested. Before walking off to go and get them.


Dick was in the front driving Donna's car as the women herself tried to translate the text. Persephone sat in the back, trying to get ahold of any of the people from that group.

"Can you check again?" Dick asked Donna on the of chance that she had gotten it wrong.

"I did," Donna promised. "It's definitely a mission statement for your friend Kory, who's referred to by name or as Night or Starfire." Donna told Dick, stressing each word. "Look, these words often have a double meaning. Like aloha or shalom, they can mean both "hello" and "goodbye." It says here, "Her mission is to secure the Raven," which could mean "take control of" or "take care of."

'"Take care of"?' Dick parroted questioningly.

"Unless I'm reading this wrong..." Donna told them, "Your friend Kory is here to kill Rachel."
