
Felix had been pouting all morning. 

He had been particularly sulky that day, since Hyunjin left again last night for a mission — as suspected with Chan's arrival.

That Vampire waited for him to fall asleep first before slipping away into the night. He's upset with Hyunjin. He could have said bye? Felix would have whined… a lot, but he would still let him leave, you know? They just need to talk it out. 

He felt betrayed for some reason, and he won't be talking to Hyunjin for a few days because of this when he gets back. 

“You're really that upset, huh?” Minho commented, noticing how Felix had been spacing out and not as cheerful as he usually is. 

“He didn't even say goodbye!” He exclaimed. “He's so rude.”

“Now, now, you're ugly when you frown. How about a hug, hm?” Minho offers once again, opening his arms. “Come here, my child.” 

Felix didn't even need to think twice. He scooted over to the Gumiho, pressing his cheek at the elder's shoulder while he patted Felix's back. Felix let the insult slip just this once.

“He didn't tell you because he knew you would be upset.” Jisung pipes in.

“Like this doesn't upset me more?”

“You poor thing.” The Deity kisses the top of Felix's head. 

“But it's a mission, Felix. He's been doing it for who knows how long? Things have to be done.” Seungmin explains. 

“Right. Besides, aren't you being a little too clingy, Lix?” Jeonginnie asked, as unfiltered as always, which earned several slaps across his head from both Changbin and Seungmin. 

“Am I?” Felix asked, still inside his hyung's arms. 

“Well, you have a good reason for it.” Minho counters. “Hyunjin is lucky to be at the receiving end of your affection. Anyone else is, so turn that frown downside up. I don't like seeing it on your beautiful face.”

Felix tries to do so, but frowns again after a thought passes his head. “Do you think I should distance myself?” He asks hesitantly. “I was just worried that he'll drift away from me again.” He'd tried his best to pull Hyunjin closer, after all. He did his best to be able to even stand beside the Vampire, and he didn't want to just let it go all of a sudden.

“But by clinging too much, you might just push him away more.” Changbin intervenes. “So why don't you just mellow down a bit? Just relax, Lix. I promise you, he's going nowhere.”

“For once, Changbin said something that came from the brain.” Seungmin taps the said man's shoulder, earning him a glare, which Seungmin only smirks about. “Why don't you come with us and ride a horse around the valley?”

Felix's mood suddenly lightens up. He had not been to the valley before, nor did he ride a horse. This piqued his interest, and all sulkiness dissipated out of his body promptly. 

“A horse!” He sprung away from Minho, sporting a wide smile. 

“Or we could also ride some Chollimas. They love strolling around with us.” Jeongin suggested, equally excited.

“Chollimas?!” Felix squeals. He had seen one before, even touched it, but never in his wildest dreams did it ever cross his mind that he would be able to ride on one. 

They're the most magical Felix has ever seen. Their beautiful wings and tall and graceful statures, it was so fascinating and beautiful.

His friends smiled, happy to see him back to his cheery self.

Minho let out a quiet chuckle. “Since you don't know how to handle one, you'll be with me.”

“But how about Ji?” He asks. 

Jisung and Minho always come together. That has been an unwritten rule. Everyone knew about it, aside from the two themselves. 

“It's fine. Compared to me, he's a better choice for a ride.” Jisung puts two thumbs up, winking. 

Felix beamed. He kept grinning all the while they rode their Chollimas to the valley. It was so magical, like everything in that forest. 

And suddenly, all his worries are fading away.

“Looks like we have a guest.” Minho commented, his eyes trained beyond Felix.

“Felix, I think that guest is for you.” Jisung added. 

Felix had been feeling okay. His head was clear now, and he knew exactly who it was that had come to see him. Though, he decided to act nonchalant and didn't make a move to face his said guest. 

“Hyung, can I stay over again tonight?”  He asks Minho.

He'd been there for seven nights. He just doesn't like staying at the old mansion alone, especially not if he had a choice of being in someone's company.

Staying with Minho has been the best thing so far. Their friends are welcome to drop by anytime they want. Not that they're not welcome in the old mansion, but more like, it was farther away than Minho's and the interiors are a little stiff since it's designed from an old age. 

Minho's house, on the other hand, is a shrine-like hanok, like everyone else's in town, only bigger. It has so many doors, and some places are even open, allowing you a good view of what's going on outside. It was nice. 

Minho smiles meaningfully. “Of course, Lix.” He offers a hand to Felix. “How about we go now?” 

Before he could even place his hand in Minho's, he already felt himself being pulled away by a hand on his middle, preventing him from moving further.

“Thank you.” Hyunjin intervenes. “But he's not coming with you.”

That cold voice and even colder undertone... He'd been missing to hear it for several nights.

“Nice to see you again, too, Hyunjin-ah.” Jisung pipes in, just watching from the side. 

“Yes, Ji. I also have something for you, so I'll see you tomorrow.” The Vampire offers, earning a satisfied sound from the Deity.

“How about you, Lix. Do you want to go with this leech?” Minho asks, the mischievous glint in his eyes were clear under the moonlight.

Honestly, he'd wanted to refuse, but he knew it in himself that he really wanted to go with Hyunjin, so he just nodded his head silently. 

“Okay. Just come to me when you need anything.” 

“No, he won't be needing anything from you.” Hyunjin sighs. “Must you exasperate me so?” 

Minho laughs. “You know that's the sole purpose of my life.”

“Obviously.” The Vampire deadpans. “Anyhow, bid your good night to your friends.” He says, loosening up the grip he had around Felix.

The Angel came and hugged Jisung first. “Good night, Ji.” Then he came to Minho and did the same. “Good night, Hyung. Thank you for keeping me company, and letting me stay in your house.”

The Gumiho smiles sweetly. “You're more than welcome, Lix.” He kisses the crown of Felix's head. “Good night, sweet one.”

Felix smiles, waving his hands at the two as he follows Hyunjin.
