
“Anybody home?”

“Can you be quiet?" Hyunjin asks, face cold as usual. “Why are you here?”

“Oh.” Chan, a Goblin, had a surprised look written over his face at the scene he had witnessed as Hyunjin came to his field of vision.

“Don't say a word.” The Vampire warned.

“No, I just… you two seemed a lot closer.” The Goblin commented, trying his best to suppress a smile.

“I am trying my best!” Felix smiles brightly at the other male, still not showing a single sign that he'll leave Hyunjin's side. 

They've been like that since Hyunjin had woken up from his slumber. Felix hadn't left the Vampire's side, only when absolutely necessary, like in the morning when the other needed to lock himself in his chambers to hide away from the sun. Then Felix would be waiting by Hyunjin's door at nightfall, happy to see his friend again.

He even refuses to sleep unless he has Hyunjin by his side.

“This thing –” Hyunjin waved his arm in the air, and since Felix was clinging to it, his whole body was also being waved around along with it, and it made him giggle. “— won't leave me alone.”

“Hyunnie, that's mean!” Felix pipes in once he gets his feet back on the ground, and is over the giggling.

“Get off me.”

“I refuse!” Felix shakes his head stubbornly. “I like being with you.”

“I don't feel the same.”

“Hyunnie!” Felix whines. 

Chan's laughter interrupted their bickering. The Goblin was laughing so hard, he's almost curling onto the floor. 

Felix looks at him with a confused smile written on his face.

He didn't understand what was so funny to have Chan laughing like that, but Felix found the sound of his laughter endearing, so he smiled anyway.

“You two –” Chan wheezes. “You two have to be the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life! I never imagined I'd ever be able to witness something like this. It's fascinating.”

“Unless you tell me what you came here for, you may leave.” Hyunjin pointed towards the door.

“Wait! Just give me a second.” Chan breathed out, trying to collect himself and be as composed.

“No!” Felix interferes before Chan can continue. “I don't like it when hyung is here.”

“And why is that?” The vampire asks.

“That hurt, Felix. I'm always delighted to see you.” The Goblin acted as if his heart were hurting with a gesture that looked funny to him.

“It's not that. I like Hyung, too, but whenever you're here you always have a mission to give Hyunnie, and that always means that he has to leave again.” He's now frowning.

Chan is said to be Hyunjin's work partner. He comes and has a meeting with Hyunjin, and then the next night, Hyunjin would leave and won't come back for many human months.

The Goblin smiles gently, nodding his head in understanding. “I always take him away from you, don't I?” Chan's eyes were so gentle, it was hard for Felix to keep frowning. “I'm sorry for doing that, Felix. You must miss Hyunjin a lot.”

Felix nods, upset. “I want to get closer to Hyunnie, but he's always away, I barely got the chance to.”

Hyunjin sighs, glancing at Chan. “Can we talk about this tomorrow? I'll see you myself.”

The other male nods. “Sure, then I'll go ahead. I'll see you both tomorrow.” Then he was out of the door seconds later, leaving only Felix and Hyunjin with each other's company once more.

Hyunjin whips around again, forehead slightly knitted, eyes a little sharper than usual, and it made Felix worry he had done something serious.

“Don't you know that an Angel's blood would quench my hunger for all eternity?” asks Hyunjin. “A single drop, and I won't ever need to worry about avoiding the sun ever again. I will have greater power. I'll be unstoppable.”

Felix stops for a minute, not understanding  why Hyunjin would be saying that all of a sudden.

Once it sank in, he slowly tipped his head to the side, offering his neck to the Vampire. 

“What are you doing?” Hyunjin asked, his eyes glowing a darker red.

“Feed.” the angel says without much thinking. 


“You said my blood will allow you to walk under the sun, to me, that sounds like picnics, early morning walks and more time with you. So feed.” 

Hyunjin moves his face closer to Felix's neck, his nose touching the skin, tracing a line that leaves a shiver down Felix's spine. “Do you mean it?” He whispers, cold breath taking Felix's heart into a sway to a loud rhythm. “Can I really sink my teeth on this pretty neck? Drink my fill until you're limp and weak?”

Felix's little fists curled around Hyunjin's majestic button-up shirt, made with the finest silk. He felt as if his breaths were growing shorter and more rushed. 


Felix closed his eyes, as he felt Hyunjin's sharp teeth graze on his skin, anticipating the pain of having them puncture the surface. 

But instead, he felt a flick on his forehead.

“Gullible little Angel.” The other peels away from him. “That's why you were in trouble with humans a number of years ago. You misplace your faith.”

“Why are you bringing that up again?” Felix pouts, his hand over his hurt forehead.

It's true that he did trust to tell what he thought a close friend of his about his true identity that one time he healed her, and it's the reason why the whole Kingdom knew about his secret, but Hyunjin didn't have to remind him again.

He had learned from it.

“Because you were dumb enough to trust them, and now you're offering your neck to me.” He sighs. “Not everyone is your friend, Angel. When are you going to let that sink in that head of yours?”

“But you are mine?” Felix responds with full conviction. “If you have the intention to kill me, so you could gain that immortality, then you would have done so a long time ago. You had your chance.” He pointed out. “Besides, I really want to go out with you in the daylight. It's beautiful out there when everything in the forest is awake.”

The Vampire whips around, letting out a soft sigh. “I won't feed on you.”

“Why not?”

“Because your body is weak, and my saliva could be a poison to you. Your body is almost like that of a mere mortal's. A small bite from me could put you in grave danger, Angel.”

Felix follows, holding at the end of Hyunjin's sleeve as the other continues walking towards the Angel's bedroom. He pushed the door open, taking Felix with him as he plopped down on the bed. 

“Then what if –”

“This conversation ends here, Angel. There's no what ifs, no buts, nothing.” He closes his eyes as if Felix drained the littlest energy he still has in him. “I told you that, for I want you to realize that I could always turn on you, have my greed got the best of me. I want you to at least be a little more vigilant, but it got the total opposite, it seems.”

“I am vigilant!” Felix denied. “I just knew you wouldn't hurt me.”

“You don't know that.” 

“I do!”

“You're too trusting.”

“Because it's you.” Felix placed his head right at Hyunjin's chest. A position he sleeps most comfortable with. “I can walk in a cave full of hungry beasts with my eyes closed, and I won't even feel a bit of fear because I know you will come and save me.”

Felix had been uncertain about numerous things, but never when it comes to Hyunjin. For some reason, he knew he could place his trust on the Vampire blindly. 

He'd saved Felix twice. And he had him at his weakest, a perfect opportunity to take what he needed from him, except he didn't. Instead, he took care of him, he let him stay, introduced him to a lot of friends, so he wouldn't feel alone. 

Hyunjin's mouth utters the opposite of what his body, and the way he moves says.

Felix felt Hyunjin's cold hand enveloping his own. A small gesture that was enough to ensure that what he said was true. “I hate to admit it, but it seems like you're right.”

For a long time, Felix had always had doubt in the back of his mind. Since he went down from heaven and had been sent to experience a life at the surface, he'd been wondering if he really was in a place he was supposed to be. He had been unhappy living with the humans, even though some of them have been good enough to him. 

They took a nameless boy in, gave roof over his head even though he slept in a barn. They gave him food, and he even made some friends, but he never felt this kind of ease before. 

Being with Hyunjin felt so easy. He felt like he finally found a place for him in this world, and he couldn't be more thankful. 

Everything happens for a reason, that much he knew. But is it possible that all the pain and hardship he had to go through was only necessary so Hyunjin will find him?

The pain feels sweeter now that he thinks about it. Now that he knew it had a purpose.
