Chapter 19

Mature content ahead.

Xavier's POV

Leaning against the balcony railings from our room I thought about yesterday's events as the sun rose across the horizon. The sky is painted is hues of red, orange and yellow. Its warmth and glow helped to calm my racing thoughts.

I hear the bed sheets rustling indicating that Dove has awaken and soon I feel her hands wrap around my stomach and her lips kiss my back.

"Goodmorning. How did you sleep?" She asks. Turning around I face her and cup one of her cheeks in my hand.

"Best sleep I've had in awhile." Sleeping there on her soothed my soul unlike anything before. Her effect on me is profound and I hope I never lose it.

I'm grateful that she didn't ask me questions about what Daniel said and she let seek the comfort I wanted.

With a quick peck on my lips she leaves to go and get ready for the day. I wonder what she would do if I joined her in the shower.

Not now Adams.

Dove's POV

This shower did nothing to sooth me and my racing thoughts. Pushing my thoughts away I finish my bath and head out. I'm glad today is the last day here and soon we will be leaving all this shit behind us.

Making my way downstairs I find Xavier with the other alphas chatting. I stand awkwardly beside him and wait for him to finish his conversation. While standing there I see Daniel from the corner of eyes heading outside. Without saying anything to Xavier I follow him out.

"Hi." I greet him once we are face to face once again. He doesn't reply but just looks at me.

"Daniel, I know you aren't happy that I'm mated to Xavier but please don't be like this. I don't want the two important men in my life always at each other's throats." I basically plead with him.

"If that's what you want than I'm willing to tolerate him for you." Even though he said tolerate and not get to know him but its a step in the right direction.

Throwing myself at him he catches me and hugs me tightly. It feels good to finally have him back.

"I'll call Xavier so we can finally put this behind us." I say already halfway through the door. Without even speaking I excuse us and pull Xavier away.

"Dove where are you takin-" Xavi's words died when he sees Danny in front of us. Instinctively he pushes me behind him.

"What do you want." He asks almost menacingly.

"Look, I'm not going to pretend I accept you or even remotely like you but it's time to accept my baby sister has grown up and I can't keep hurting her like I've been doing. But if you even think of hurting her I'll tear you limb to lumb and I won't care about who you are or what your pack can do." To say I'm proud of my brother would be an understatement.

With one last glare and a threat to Xavier and a hug for me he leaves.

"Well that went better than I expected." Xavier says leaning against a tree with his arms crossed across his chest.

Damn! He's one hot alpha.

I smile as a response trying to rid my head of nasty thoughts. Gradually I start making my way to Xavier's car. I can't wait to go home and snuggle in my bed.

The smell of spices and herbs is what woke me up from my slumber. Making my way downstairs in my bunny slippers I find my mate cooking. Yes I have bunny slippers since you are ncwr to old to enjoy them.

I love a man who knows his way around the kitchen. YUMMY.

"I see that my sleepyhead has awoken." Xavier says while busy stirring the pasta sauce.

"That smells amazing."

Xavier doesn't reply just smiles and kisses my cheek telling to go and sit at the table to wait for food. I will say this time and time again.

I moan when the spaghetti hits my taste buds. The herbs and spices were mixed so intimately making the spaghetti all the more enjoyable. The meatballs were so juicy and tender that even i can't make them like this. Even though this meal was a simple spaghetti and meatballs but he managed to make it special. Even the red sweet wine he picked was perfect.

"Thanks for the meal." I tell him while we're putting away the dirty dishes in the sink.

"You're welcome Mila." Mila? That's new but I like it.

I don't know if it's the alcohol but Xavier's eyes seem to sparkle extra brightly tonight. Without wasting a second I stand on my tiptoes and attach my lips to his.

He's surprised at first but gets over it soon as he responds to my kiss. I release a moan due to his expect mouth and he uses that chance to invade my mouth with his tongue.

"I better stop before this gets to far." He says out of breath and our foreheads leaning against each other.

"No, I want this."

Hearing my answer he reconnects our lips while carrying me up the stairs. I soon find myself in the middle of our bed. Propped up on my elbows I watch as he removes his shoes and soon covers my body with his.

His kisses soon move away from my swollen lips to my neck more specially where my shoulder meets my neck. This is where his mark will be.

I feel a sharp pain in my neck but soon enough I start to feel pleasure from it. Xavier wipes away the tiny drops of blood that were there.

His lips keeps exploring until he is meet with the fabric of my shirt. He looks at me with a silent plea to remove my shirt and with a gentle nod I agree. Removing ym shirt he is met with my black lace bra. I'm so glad I wore it today. Without wasting I help him unhook it.

"They are perfect." He says seeing my breasts for the first time. Xavier's breathe hitches when he sees my nipples harden due to the cold air.

His lips find my nipple on my left breast while his finger goes to work on my other nipple. This feeling is something I haven't felt before. Xavier's mouth is doing wonders to my breasts and I can't wait until he goes lower.

After a considerable amount of time on ym breasts his mouth finally goes lower. I lift up my hips to help him remove my shorts coming eye to eye with my drenched black lace panties.

He removes the last piece of clothing by slowly dragging it down with his mouth. How I wish he would do it faster so he could devote all his attention to my centre. I admit I have masterbated before but that feeling doesn't equate to what Xavier is doing to me now.

"Please." I don't know what I'm begging for but I just want some attention down there.

His mouth finally makes contact with my centre. His mouth starts sucking and tugging at my clit while his fingers find my entrance. At first it's only one and than he adds anither when he has established a sturdy rhythm. I raise my hips in an accept to get more of my clit in his mouth.

"Still." He voice is gruff like he is trying so hard to control himself but that is only turning me on more.

My body couldn't take this delicious torture anymore as I felt myself climbing as I orgasm right in front of him. I can feel his tongue busy lapping up the juices.

For a split second he detaches from my body in order to remove his clothes. I gulp when I see the eight inch monster between his legs. I knew Xavier was blessed but not this blessed. He soon reconnects our lips and I could taste myself on him.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks as he lines his dick on my entrance. Still in a daze from my earlier orgasm I barely manage a nod.

I feel his head push past my entrance and I think this isn't too bad. Inch by inch he enters until he feels my barrier.

"Please continue Xavi." I say while running my hands all along his back. With one powerful thrust he is completely inside of me.

I gasp due to the sudden sharp pain from losing my virginity but being caring mate he is showers my face with tiny kisses to forget about my discomfort. He even takes a minute to make sure I get adjusted to his size. Soon the pain turns into pleasure and I'm begging him to move.

"You feel so perfect Mila. So tight and warm."

He starts off with slow deep thrusts which turn into fast, hard ones. The room is filled with the slunds our groans, moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin. I feel myself climbing again and Xavier's speed has increased to a more punishing one.

"Hold it in. I'm nearly there." He says between moans. Soon I feel his dick twitching and his seed flowing in me. I couldn't hold it anymore, I orgasm as well.

Xavier rolls us over so that I'm on top of him with his dick still inside of me. "Sleep now, sweetheart." He says with a kiss on my forehead.

I snuggle on his chest and with his arms securely wrapped around my back I had the best sleep in awhile.

Hey, loves

I'm so sorry for missing the last two Saturdays. Writer's block is a bitch. Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments and show some love with a star tap! 🌟
