Chapter 11

Dove's POV

In a couple of days is Logan's birthday and I'm planning a surprise party for him where the whole pack will be invited.

"Dove, please talk to me."

Did I mention that I'm ignoring Logan to keep his party a secret? Well I am.

"My dear friend, I'm not ignoring you. I'm just tired and don't feel like talking." I reply to him. He gives me a strange look like he knows what I'm saying is bs.

"You're hiding something and I'm gonna find out or better yet I'll just ask Xavier."

I instantly freeze. I told Xavier about the party but I don't think he will blabber to Logan. Will he?

That night I had trouble sleeping due to how anxious I was for everything to turn out perfect. After all its my first time planning a party.

It's finally the day of the party. The plan for today is for Xavier to take Logan out on the pretence of overseeing the pack border security meanwhile I prepare for the party. All invitations have been sent curtesy of Xavier and the pack mind link.

Glancing at my watch I realise that they will arrive in ten minutes and I need to get ready. Since the party is happening outside I decide on black jeans, a white crop top and a black jacket with black heeled boots. I leave my hair in the natural wavy style and go makeup free since i actually don't like it.

My phone vibrates on top of the dresser and I check it to see a message from Xavier saying that they are on their way. Which means I need to go downstairs and get this party started. Wish me luck.

Outside I see that people have already started gathering. Some greet me and some are just indifferent. But there is one girl who wherever I go her eyes follow me. I even catch her giving me the stink eye.

What's her problem?

"Hello everyone, as you know today is the birthday of our Beta Logan and i would for you to arrange yourselves in height so shortest in the front and tallest in the back so we can all shout 'happy birthday' when they get here."

I surprised myself since that came out pretty well even though I was dying with nerves.

Soon everyone was properly arranged and I sent the conformation to Xavier via text to bring the birthday boy.


He was presently surprised when he saw all his pack members here to celebrate his birthday.

"Was this the reason why you were ignoring me?" He asks coming near me.

"Maybe." I replied with a wink and left him to socialise with others.

Since I don't know most people here I stand on the side and watch all the festivities when a deep baritone voice congratulates me. Looking up I notice the caramel eyes that I so very much love.

"Thanks." I reply and I see a ghost of a smile on his perfectly sculptured face.

"You should smile more, it fits you." As soon as I said it his smile disappeared and his stock emotionless face took its place.

I should have kept my mouth shut.

The party continues as normal, I see Logan having fun meanwhile Xavier has disappeared. I decide to take a walk when I hear my name being called.

"So you are Xavier's mate"? A blonde browned eyed women with a dress way to small for her size snobbly asks


"“Mmh, you’re nothing interesting. I wonder why he chose you over me. Everything was good until you decided to shove your way into our relationship.  Just a word of advice leave him before he eventually rejects you since all those days he’s been gone he was warming my bed and I don’t want you to suffer the humiliation and heartbreak when he leaves you.” She says with a smile on her perfectly contoured Botox face.

Is this true?

I turnaround and leave not willing to listen to her nonsense anymore. I walk aimlessly, my head occupied with thoughts of Xavier and that lady together so much that I didn’t see the tree root sticking from the ground. I suddenly find myself down on the group with immense pain in my ankle. I try to stand up but the pain in my ankle was too much that I eventually fell down again.

Looking around me I see that I’m far away from the party and all I can see are twinkling lights in the background. Searching for my phone I find it next to me with a broken screen. So much for calling for help. Hopefully they will look for me if he can remember that I even exist.

I don’t know how long I sat there when I hear my name being called, I reply and soon enough I see help just not from the person I expected.

“Why did you leave like that? Didn’t you know how worried I would be? Don’t you care for anyone apart from yourself?” Xavier rants the moment he sees me.

He was worried about me?

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disappear, I just wanted to be alone than I tripped, broke my phone and I couldn’t contact you.” Wait. Why am I apologising when he is clearly cheating behind my back and thinking I wouldn't know.

He bends me down and carries me in his arms when he sees that I can’t walk. Upon closer inspection I see the worry lines on his face but I don’t believe it.

The walk back to the house was deathly silent and as much as I wanted to hate being in his arms I couldn’t. His cologne that smelled like the morning after the rain was a treat to my nose.

I don’t know if this attraction is due to the mate bond but right now I don’t care as I wrap my hands around his neck and snuggle closer. I don’t if I was delirious from the pain or what but I felt him hold me tighter as I wrapped my arms around him. I know I’m falling for him even though this maybe a one sided thing.

The magic spell was broken as soon as I felt the bedcovers under me. Well that was fast.

“I’m going to look for some pain medication for your foot and if you want to change I could help you or ask one of the female omegas to help.” He says as he lays me down on the bed.

Soon he returns carrying a glass of water and a plate with two tablets on it. He helps me sit up to take the medication and then proceeds to remove my shoes. I turn him down he asks if I need him to help me with anything else. I’m embarrassed from just thinking about him undressing me and it’s not even in a sexual way which makes it even more embarrassing.

He leaves to give me privacy and I use that to change into my pyjamas that he left nearby. I groan in pain when the jeans tug at my ankle. Even I’m done and I feel like I’ve run a marathon. This day was chaotic and all I want is to sleep and forget about everything.

The last thought in my head was the feeling of being carried by him and wishing for the experience to repeat itself.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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Love, Ria
