Chapter 4

*Jordyn pov*

I put my books back in my locker and grabbed my bag.

"Hey." Alex came over and leaned against the locker beside me.

"Hey there."

"Whatcha doing after school?" She asked as I shut my locker.

"Well, I wish Josh would text me but," I paused. "That's not going to happen." We started walking down the hall to the font of the school. "I downloaded all their music last night." We laughed.

"Really? So you like them?" She asked, exited.

"Yea, I like Beside You. It makes me teary." She laughed.

"I love that song." I felt a vibrate in my back pocket, I took my phone out and checked who it was.

"O-o-o-o-o, who is it?" I looked at my phone.

'I'll be home late tonight sweetie - mom'

"It's just my mom."

'Ok, love you - Jordyn'

"Aww, thought it would be Josh." Alex whined. I laughed. We started walked home. I felt a another vibrate.

"Ugh, my mom again." I grabbed my phone and opened the text.

'Hey, wanna come swimming? Me and Matt are bored and we're hot - riverdance.' I smiled.

"What?" Alex asked.

"It's Josh."

"O-o-o, what he say?"

"He wants me to go swimming." I smiled at the text.

'Sure, I can be there in 15 minutes - perfect disaster'

"What you say? What you say?" I showed her the text. We made it to the corner of my street. "Tell me what happens!" I laughed.

"Bye." I walked up my street and unlocked the door.

Bathing suit, bathing suit, where's my bathing suit? I looked in the laundry room and found my bikini and my girl swim trunks. I'm not comfortable in my body. I ran upstairs and put on my bikini. This one's my favourite, it's white with black and red polka-dots. it makes my boobs look good, just sayin'.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my scars on my legs. Yes, I used to cut, there was too many things happening in my life. There's some on my wrist but they aren't that noticeable. Dont wanna talk about it. I threw on my shorts and my Metallica shirt. I found a small beach bag and put some extra clothes and sunscreen in it and zipped it up. I put my hair in a messy bun and jogged downstairs, slipped on my flip flops and walked out the door.

When I made it to Josh's house I stood there, outside his door. Should I just walk in or knock? Naa, walk in. I twisted the door knob and luckily it was unlocked.

"Hello-o-o!" I yelled. Matt came down the stairs only in his swim trunks.

"Hey, nice of you to knock." He chuckled. I shrugged and laughed.

"Where's Josh?"

"In the back. C'mon." He smiled and he started walking to the back. I followed. We walked outside and Josh was on a a long chair, laying down with his eyes closed, bathing in the sun.

"Hey there princess." I said. He opened his eyes and sat up.

"You came." He said standing up.

"Well duh, it's hot and you have a pool. I couldn't say no."

*Josh pov*

"Oh, so you just came for the pool?" I joked.

"Maybe." Jordyn raised a eye brow. She put her bag on the chair and opened it and threw a bottle of sun screen at me. Surprisingly I caught it.

"Usually, I wouldn't have caught that." She laughed. "Are you even wearing a bathing suit?" I heard a splash, Matt jumped in the pool.

"For your information, I am. These are girl swim trunks."

"I mean bikini." I shouldn't have said that. She gave me a funny look and smiled. "It's a rule for my pool. Girls must wear bikinis and boys swim trunks." She rolled her eyes. She slipped off her shirt and threw it on the chair beside her bag and took the sun screen for my hand. She squirt some in her hand and rubbed it on her arms and legs.

"Can you do my back?" She asked throwing me the bottle.

"Oh, um, sure." I put some in my hands and rubbed her back.

"Josh, stop massaging her and get in the pool!" Matt yelled and Jordyn laughed.

"It's sunscreen." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. Jordyn took her hair out from her bun and was about to jump in the pool.

"Hey, hey, hey! What do you think your doing?" I asked her.

"Going to go in the pool?" She looked at me confused. I crossed my arms.

"Swim trunks." She smiled.

"That's a stupid rule."

"Hey, don't make fun of my rules." I scooped her up, bridal style, and threw her in the pool. Matt laughed. Her head bobbed up.

"What was that for?" She asked giggling. I slid in the pool.

"You made fun of my rules." She laughed and dove underwater all the way to the deep end. I did the same and met her underwater. We sat at the bottom and she smiled. She poked my stomach. I touched the spot she touched and gave her a look. She laughed and that made her push herself to the surface.

"Hey, no making-out in the pool." Matt said with laughed. I looked at him.

"Really?" I saw Jordyn blush at the corner of my eye.

"Relax dude." Matt told me.

*Jordyn pov*

My face got hot.

"Relax dude." Matt told Josh. I laughed. I walked up the steps of the pool.

"Where you going?" Josh asked.

"Bathroom." I quickly dried myself off. "Um, where is the bathroom?" I asked.

"If you go up the stairs and to the right." Matt said.

"Thanks." I walked inside and up the stairs. I found the bathroom and shut the door. I rubbed my face with both my hands.

"Ok." I whispered to myself. I took off my wet shorts and put them in the sink. I opened the small closet door, found a towel and wrapped my legs with it. I made my way back to the pool. Matt and Josh were in the pool giving me a weird look.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." Josh said awkwardly.

"Ok?" I threw the towel beside my shirt and jumped in the pool before they could take a glance at my legs. "I took off my shorts, happy?" I teased Josh. He laughed and he still had that look on his face.

"Ok, what's going on?"

"Oh nothing." He said again as he slowly went underwater. Oh god, what is he doing? Matts hands wrapped around my stomach, hands wrapped around my ankles and Josh came from under the water. I struggled to get out of their grasp.

"What the hell are you guys doing!?" I squirmed.

"Making sure you don't have shorts on." Josh said with a laugh.

"Let me go!" I ordered. Please, please, please. They started swinging me.

"1...2...3!" They both yelled and threw me back in the water. I came up.

"What the hell?" I said again with a laughed. They laughed and shrugged.

We swam and joked around for at least a hour. I got out of the pool before the guys did and wrapped myself in the towel. The guys got out and Matt open the door. I followed him inside with my bag in hand.

"Can I change in the bathroom?" I asked Josh.

"Yea, yea."

"Thanks." I smiled and walked up the stairs. I shut the door to the bathroom and put my clothes on. I took my shorts and bikini out of the sink and wrapped the towel around it and put it in my bag. I ran my fingers through my hair. When I finished I opened the door and heard a noise coming from Josh's room.

"Hey, I-" I looked up and saw Josh shirtless buckling up his belt. "Woo..." I covered my eyes. "Sorry!" I heard him laugh.

"It's ok."

"Is it safe? Can I look?" I peeked through my hands. He laughed again and slid on his shirt.

"Yea." My hand fell from my face and I walked in his room.

"I'm stealing one of your towels." I said sitting on his bed.

"Ok." He sat across from me.

*Josh pov*

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yea. Why?" She looked confused.

"I saw the scars on your legs." Jordyn looked down.

"Oh you saw those huh?"

"Yea, what happened?" I asked. She looked back up at me.

"It was a couple years ago and there was just so much things going on." She shook her head. "I fuckin hated myself." She whispered to herself.

"Don't." I told her. "What was happening?"

"School, teachers, depressed, bullying, everything. I just hated myself." She shook her head again.

"Oh." I nodded, understanding. I heard her sniffle and wipe her face. I stood up and walked over to the other side of the bed. She stood up and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Sorry." I whispered. I rubbed her back. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked, trying to make her feel better. We released the hug.

"Do you have Grease?" She asked.


"Then yes, I would love to watch a movie." She said smiling up at me.
