Chapter 14

*Jordyn pov*

Me and Josh stayed up until two o'clock on his couch with the TV on just talking and laughing about random stuff. His hand ran down my leg that was across his lap and touched the bottom of my foot. I flinched and he chuckled. His fingers ran up my foot and I flinched again and giggled.

"Oh god no." I said wide eyed.

"What?" He said in a cute, innocent voice and he crawled closer to me.

"No, no, no..." I said and already started to giggled.

"No what?" He pined me down and started tickling my hips.

"N-no!" I screamed and started laughing. He kissed my neck and he knew that always tickled me. He continued to tickle my hips. "S-stop!" I squirmed and tried to push him off or do something. He stood up quickly and scooped me up. "My hips are throbbing." I told him. He chuckled and started walking up the stairs with me in his arms. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." We made it to his room and he threw me on to his bed. I giggled and he laid down beside me. We faced each other and our heads weren't far away. I smiled at him and yawned.

"I'm gonna steal a shirt." I whispered and hopped off the bed. I walked in his closet and looked for a shirt I could barrow. I grabbed one and walked out of the closet. Josh was sitting on his bed with no shirt on, half covered by the blankets playing on his phone. I took off my shirt, not caring if Josh sees anything, and put on his. I looked up to see Joshs lips curled in. I made a small laugh under my breath and looked down at myself. The shirt goes just above my knees.

"Holy shit, this is like a fucking dress." He laughed.

"Pretty sexy dress." I giggled and slipped off the sweatpants. Josh curled his lips again and looked back at his phone. I smiled and he looked at me. "What?" He asked with a confused smile.

"Do you always do that?" I paused. "Curl your lips in." I asked and sat beside him on the bed.

"I guess. I never realized." I smiled. "I guess I always do it when-" He stopped himself and shook his head slightly. I giggled.

"When what?"

"Never mind."

"Fine, be that way." I said and shot him a look.

"Turn that frown upside down." Josh said and put his fingers on the corner of my mouth and made me smile. I laughed and actually smiled. He kissed the tip of my nose. "There's my perfect disaster." I smiled and I could tell my face went light pink. He laughed under his breath. He moved closer to me and I put my bare legs across of his. We just smiled at each other. "So, now that you're my girlfriend..." I smiled at the word. Girlfriend. He chuckled. "What?" He asked.

"I'm your girlfriend." I almost said it as a question. He smiled.

"Of course. Isn't that what dating, going out... Caring is?" He asked and put his hand on my leg.

"Well, yea. Just never going to get used to it."

"You're gonna have too."

"Guess so." I smiled at him and he put me on his lap. He curled his lips again and smiled. "You're doing it again." I told him and giggled.

"Shit." He made his lips look like duck lips so they didn't curl. "How's that?" He asked weirdly with his lips still puckered. I kissed them and I felt them go back to normal. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put one arm around my waist and the other hand slid up to my thigh. I felt his tongue ring and smiled mid kiss. "What?" He asked with a cute smile.

"Nothing." I said and kissed him again, controlling myself but I don't know if Josh was. His hands went to my lower, lower back and slowly crawled even lower. "Don't regret anything." I whispered in his ear and just hugged him.

"Sorry." He whispered. I took his face in my hands and pecked him. I squished his face in my hands and laughed.

"You look funny."

"Thank you, you too." I laughed.

"Oh thanks." I said and yawned.

"Bed time?" He whispered and I nodded. He kissed me for longer than I thought he would and turned off the lights. I got under the covers with Josh and kissed him on the cheek. I fell asleep on Joshs nude torso.

*Josh pov*

Me and Jordyn woke up when we heard the front door shut.

"It's probably just one of the guys." I told Jordyn in a tired voice.

"M-mkay." She said quietly and put her head on my stomach.

"Josh?" A girl voice said. Jordyns looked at me. "You left your TV on babe."

"Babe?" Jordyn repeated to me with a confused and worried look on her face. Oh god... Please no.

"Jordyn, it's not what y-"

"Josh?" Amanda walked in my room and crossed her arms. "Who's this?" She asked firmly. Me and Jordyn sat up.

"Amanda, why are you here?" I asked.

"Amanda? Ex-girlfriend Amanda?" Jordyn asked me.

"Girlfriend Amanda, actually." Amanda said. Jordyn looked at me confused. I got out of bed and stood far from Amanda.

"Amanda, I broke up with you months ago."

"No you didn't babe. It's just one of our ups and downs. We just needed some space for a bit." She said in a sweet voice then looked at Jordyn. "Then you just came back and slept with this slut." Jordyns eyes widened.

"Excuse me?" Jordyn asked.

"What happened to the purity ring, huh Josh? Was that just a lie?"

"No it's not. I didn't sleep with Jordyn, but thats none of your business anyways. And she's not a fucking slut." I told her, getting frustrated.

"Whatever. But you did cheat on me, how could you? I thought you loved me."

"We broke up months ago!" I said again.

"No you didn't." Jordyn got off the bed and walked right passed me. She picked up her pants from the ground and put them on. "Jordyn-" She looked up with mad, teary eyes.

"Save it. I'll leave so you guys can catch up from the past months you guys had when you were on your 'break'." She took off the shirt I gave her and threw it on the ground. She picked up her shirt and put it on.

"Jordyn stop." I grabbed her arm and a tear ran down her cheek.

"Let me go." She said sternly. I did what she said and she walled out my room and slammed the front door behind her.

"Listen Josh. I forgive you." Amanda said and walked closer to me. I stepped back.

"Forgive me?" I repeated. "No. We broke up for good but you don't get that, do you? I finally got happy and then this happens? I just can't win." I walked out of my room not caring if Amanda stays or goes. I just want Jordyn back.

"Josh." I ignored her and slammed the door behind me. I ran out without shoes on, just in my sweat pants. I looked around to see if Jordyn was still close. She wasn't. I started running down the street, towards Jordyns house. I saw her speed walking and came up behind her.

"Jordyn, hear me out." I demanded. I started walking backwards in front of her and her eyes were blood shot and her face covered with tears. "That was not the truth, I swear."

"Oh so you lied about breaking up with her." She said through her tears and just starred at her moving feet.

"No, not that part. I DID break up with her. I didn't cheat on her. I'm not using you." I made myself clear. She stopped walking and looked up at me.

"How do I know you haven't been lying to me all this time? I'm probably not your perfect disaster." She started to cry more. "Probably not cute, hot, sexy, funny... I'm probably not your girlfriend for all I know." She walked past me and I walked behind her.

"If I didn't care for you why would I be trying to get you back?" She ignored me and I stopped walked. I watched her turn the corner to her house with her head down. I think I just lost the best thing that happened to me. I started walking back home. She probably won't take me back. She fucking hates me. I got wrapped in my thoughts and I was already home. Amandas car was out of my driveway, thank god. I walked in and shut the door. I laid on the couch.

"Fu-u-u-uck!" I screamed and rubbed face. I sat there for minutes starring at the ceiling. My front door opened.

"JO-O-OSH!?" I heard Ian yell. I moaned and all the guys walked into the living room.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Mike asked.

"I think me and Jordyn just broke up." I said still looking at the ceiling.

"What!? No." Matt said and frowned. I sat up and tucked my legs into my chest to make room for the guys. "How?"

I told the guys everything. No details, but everything.

"I'm sorry man." Ian said. I gave a, kinda, half smile.

"I don't know what to do." I said and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Give her time. She probably needs it." Matt told me.


*Jordyn pov*

I walked in my house and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't see through my tears.

"Jordyn?" My mom asked from down the hall. I didn't answer, just wiped my tears so I could see. "Jordyn, honey, what's wrong?" Mom asked concerned. I didnt answer again. I walked over to mom and gave her a hug, I cried into her chest. She kissed my head. After a minute of crying I released the hug and wiped my face. "What happened?" She asked again and we sat on the couch in the living room. "Was it Josh?" I nodded my head.

"Just don't get mad." I told her.

"Of course I wont."

"Everything was... Amazing. We woke up from the door closing and it was his ex girlfriend, Amanda. She said she's his girlfriend and she saw Josh with no shirt on..." I paused and wiped my tears again. "And i borrowed his shirt so I guess she presumed the we... Had sex. She started asking if the purity ring was a lie. She said Josh cheated on her and that they were actually together. She said something like they didn't actually break up." The tears started to come back.

"I'm sorry honey."

"I just got up, changed and walked out. He did run after me and he said that what she said was a lie and he wasn't using me. But then I said what if this is all a lie and when I wasn't with him he was just with Amanda." I started to cry again. Mom pulled me into her chest and I stayed there for minutes.

"I'm sorry." She said again. I sat up.

"Can Alex come over?" I asked.

"Of course." Mom said and kissed my forehead. "Do you want anything?"

"No, I'm ok." I walked upstairs and sat on my bed. I took out my phone and texted Alex.

'Can you come over please? I need my best friend right now. - Jodyn' She replied right away.

'Of course - Alex' I put my phone down and laid down on my bed. I miss him already. I don't know if any of that was true. I couldn't think when all of this was happening... I heard the front door open and I sat up. My room door open and Alex walked in and shut the door behind her.

"Are you ok!?" She asked. I walked up to her and hugged Alex. I released her. "What happened?" She looked concerned. We sat on my bed and I told her everything. Exactly everything. "Oh my god." She frowned.

"I don't know how I feel. I might have over reacted... But I feel like Amanda was telling the truth." I paused. "I don't know. I couldn't think." I started crying again.
