s4- You are wanted.

In the dead of night, Spencer found herself struggling to breathe, her chest constricting with each cough. Desperately needing water, she rose from her bed and tiptoed through the dimly lit hallway. As she passed her parents' bedroom, she noticed the light filtering from within. Curiosity piqued, she peeked through the cracked door, her voice barely above a whisper.


Beth, startled by Spencer's presence, feigned a smile.

"Hey, baby. What are you doing up?"

Seating herself before Beth, Spencer cut to the chase. "Are you going somewhere?"

Before Beth could respond, Rip emerged from the bed, addressing Spencer gently.

"Cub, why don't you go back to your room? I'll come tuck you in, alright?" Tenderly, he planted a kiss on Spencer's forehead, ushering her away.

Obeying her father, Spencer retreated, but instead of returning to bed, she lingered outside her parents' door.

Alone again, Rip confronted Beth with concern evident in his voice. "What the hell are you doing?"


"Yeah, no kidding. But where are you going?"

Beth's reply was laden with uncertainty. "I don't know. Livingston for a few days while I figure it out."

"Why?" Rip sighs.

"Because I sacrificed his little lamb."

"What the hell does that mean, Beth?"

"Doesn't matter. He doesn't want me here."

Rip attempted to reassure her, "Well, guess what? You're wanted."

"Not by him."

"Beth, what about Penny?"

Beth's self-doubt surfaced once more.

"Yeah, well, she'd be better off without me. Look what good being a part of me has brought to her life."

"Can you just put that down for...? Beth? Just stop. I thought we made a promise to each other."

Seating himself before her, Rip delivered a heartfelt plea.

"Hey... You can run away and then wander back in a few years and think that everything's gonna be the same, but it won't. I mean, she.. she might be gone. Your father might be gone. Shit, this ranch might be gone. And when they're gone, baby, I'm gone. You break your promise to me... and it stays broken."

Spencer sat outside her parents' door, quietly absorbing their conversation, her heart heavy with sadness as she tried to make sense of their words. Suddenly, a cough escaped her throat, disrupting the quiet exchange and alerting Rip and Beth to her presence.

Rip approached the door, opening it to find Spencer standing sheepishly on the other side. With a warm smile, Spencer reassured them, "I wasn't eavesdropping, I promise."

Bending down to her eye level, Rip asked gently, "How much of that did you hear?"

Spencer admitted, "All of it. But if it makes you feel better, I didn't really understand what you guys were saying."

Beth extended her arms, inviting Spencer to come and sit in her lap. Spencer accepted the invitation, snuggling into her mother's embrace.

"I don't want you to go, Mama," Spencer confessed. "You should just say sorry to Grandpa. I'm sure he will forgive you. Family loves each other no matter what."

Moved by Spencer's words, Beth kissed her head tenderly, acknowledging, "You're right, sweet P, you're absolutely right."

As Spencer let out a yawn, Rip suggests, "How about we all go back to sleep now? Tomorrow's gonna be here real soon."

He lifted Spencer into his arms, suggesting, "Come here, cub. You can stay with us tonight. Mama might need some extra cuddles."

Spencer's giggle filled the room, a joyful sound that Rip couldn't help but respond to with a grin.

Beth stood up saying, "I'll be right back, just going to grab some water."

"Alright, darlin'," Rip acknowledged, his attention returning to Spencer.

As Beth made her way to the kitchen, she paused by John's bedroom, a sense of remorse tugging at her heart.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what she meant to you," she confessed softly.

John's response was equally subdued, his words laden with a weight of their own. "It's not what she means to me, honey, it's... it's what's right. What's decent. No rules with our enemies, but she isn't an enemy."

Beth nodded, acknowledging his point. "Well, that's an argument for another time. But... your ranch, your rules. I fight how you say fight. I'd like to stay," she expressed.

"This is your home. You don't need my permission to live here," John assured her.

"For me, I do."

"Then you have it," he affirmed, his love for her unwavering.

Beth offered a warm smile to her father before quietly retreating to her bedroom.

As she slipped under the covers, she found solace in the comforting presence of Spencer and Rip, both peacefully asleep beside her.

Beth allowed her thoughts to drift, her mind buzzing with ideas and strategies to support and mend her family. With determination burning within her, Beth resolved to do whatever it takes to soothe her family's  wounds.


The morning sun cast a golden glow over the ranch as Spencer focused on braiding the horses' hair down at the barn. Her nimble fingers worked with practiced ease, weaving intricate patterns as the horses stood calmly beside her.

Unaware of her mother's approach, Spencer continued her task until a sudden tickle at her side broke her concentration. Startled, she turned to see Beth standing there, a warm smile lighting up her face.

"How's my baby girl doing?" Beth teased, her eyes dancing with affection.

Spencer wrinkled her nose playfully. "Mom, I'm not a baby anymore," she protested, though her smile betrayed her amusement.

Beth chuckled softly, glancing around the barn. "Who's this 'mom' you're talking about? It's either mommy or mama," she teased back, gently cupping Spencer's cheeks in her hands.

Grinning mischievously, Spencer relented. "Okay, Beth," she conceded, earning herself a tickle from her mother.

Amidst Spencer's laughter, a sudden coughing fit interrupted the moment. Beth's playful demeanor vanished instantly, replaced by concern.

"Are you alright?" Beth asked, her worry evident in her voice.

Managing a smile despite her coughing, Spencer reassured her mother. "Yeah, I'm good, just need some water, that's all."

"You wait her, I'll go grab you some." Beth began to offer before Spencer halted her .

"It's okay mama, I'm going inside now anyway. I just finished braiding all of the horses' hair."

Beth smiled tenderly as she reached out to brush a stray strand of hair away from Spencer's face, "Okay, Penny," her gaze filled with a mixture of love and concern.

Spencer, noticing the intensity of her mother's stare, playfully interrupted the quiet moment.

"Mama, you're doing that thing again."

"What thing?" Beth inquired.

With a giggle, Spencer elaborated, "The thing where you stare at me all sad, like you want to say something but you don't."

Beth couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter's astute observation. "I just like looking at your cute little face."

Beth swiftly changes the subject, "I'm going to be busy most of the day, and I might miss bedtime."

Spencer nodded in understanding, "Okay."

Beth wrapped her arms around Spencer, holding her close, and whispered, "Do you know how much I love?"

Spencer nestled into her mother's embrace, a soft smile gracing her lips as she shook her head.

"More than everything," Beth admited.

Their foreheads touching, Spencer whispered back, "Everything?"

The two gently rubbed noses sharing an eskimo kiss, Spencer's giggle filled the air as  Beth confirmed, "Everything."

The mother and daughter savored the moment, reveling in their bond. But as Spencer's cough broke the tranquility, Beth's motherly instincts kicked in. "Alright, you go drink some water and rest up, okay baby?" she said softly. "I'll see you soon."

Watching Spencer make her way up to the lodge, Beth stood for a moment, ensuring her daughter reached safety before turning back.

Beth's determined stride carried her toward Walker, her mind focused on the task ahead. She approached him, cutting straight to the chase.

"You were in prison?"

Walker, unruffled by the question, simply replied, "Yeah."

Beth pressed further, her curiosity evident. "Explain that to me. Explain prison."

"What part?"

Beth delved deeper, seeking specific details. "Could you have visitors?"

"I didn't have any, but I guess I could have," Walker admitted.

Beth's next question hinted at her true intentions. "Wives? Girlfriends, they can visit?"


"Can they do more? Like, conjugals?"

With a nod, Walker explained, "Yeah, you can do that. You just got to reserve a room."

"One last question... how do I get a weapon in?"

Walker's response was measured, considering her request. "What kind of weapon?"

"One that doesn't look like a weapon."

Walker contemplated for a moment before offering a suggestion. "Them hairpins are pretty good. Just gotta give the guards something else to look at... I reckon they wouldn't be too concerned about your hair."

Beth nodded in thanks before making her way towards her car, her mind now set on her mission.

Meanwhile, Rip, unaware of Beth's intentions, approached Walker with a mix of concern and urgency.

"What in the fuck was that about, Walker?"

"She was asking me about prison."

Rip's alarm grew as he processed Walker's words. "Prison?"

"Yeah. Think she wants to kill somebody."

Rip's tone turned stern. "Whatever she told you, you don't tell anybody else. You understand me?"

Walker nodded in agreement before riding off to join the other wranglers, leaving Rip to contemplate Beth's actions.

Swiftly, Rip rode up to Beth just as she was about to leave. His concern evident. "Hey. What are you doing?"

Beth, resolute in her decision, replied, "My last act before the kinder, gentler me appears."

"I don't need you getting in trouble, Beth, or hurt or killed. If you need something taken care of, you tell me and I'll take care of it."

"I know, baby. But this one's just for me. Okay?"

Rip's worry lingered, evident in his expression, but he understood Beth's resolve. With a heavy sigh, he relented, realizing the depth of her determination.

As Beth leaned in, their lips met in a passionate kiss, a silent exchange of love and understanding. "I love you," she murmured softly before driving off to carry out her plan.


The anticipation hung in the air as dinner time approached, Rip and Spencer occupying themselves on the couch, awaiting the rest of the family to join them.

With Spencer nestled on his lap, Rip indulged her playful fingers in his beard as they engaged in their father-daughter moment.

"Daddy, can I ask you somethin?" Spencer inquired, her brow furrowed with uncertainty.

"Always, cub," he assured her.

Hesitating for a moment, Spencer finally voiced her question, her gaze dropping shyly. "Do you remember where the meadow is that I showed you?"

Rip's arms enveloped Spencer as he recollected the cherished memory. "The one you found for mama?" he confirmed.

Spencer nodded softly. "Yeah."

Sensing the weight of her question, Rip adjusted her position to face him directly. "What about it?" he prompted gently.

Spencer's vulnerability surfaced as she voiced her concern. "If I die, will you remember to show it to her?"

Rip's response was unwavering, his assurance wrapped in love. "I won't need to remember because you'll show her yourself," he declared confidently. "Got it?"

A soft smile graced Spencer's lips as she nodded in understanding.

Their tender moment was interrupted by John's entrance, his inquiry about Beth pulling them back to reality. "Have you two seen Beth?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Rip's worry mirrored John's as he voiced his apprehension. "Did you try calling her?" he inquired.

"Yeah, she didn't answer. Should I be worried?"

Rip's expression reflected his growing unease. "Think I'm worried enough for both of us."

Just then, Beth made her grand entrance, stunning in a short gold dress that caught everyone off guard.

"Sorry I'm late." Beth annonuced

Spencer couldn't hide her surprise as she exclaimed, "Mama, what are you wearing?"

Undeterred by Spencer's inquiry, Beth approached Rip with determination, picking up Spencer along the way.

"So, hon, before dinner I've got a little business to take care of. Everybody outside," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

As the family gathered outside, Beth enlisted Spencer's help in rearranging some chairs, subtly indicating that something significant was about to happen.

John, puzzled by Beth's sudden directive, approached her with concern. "Beth... What the hell are you doing?" he questioned, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"There's something that I gotta do tomorrow, Dad, and I want to be a married woman when I do it," she revealed, her words carrying a sense of urgency.

John, taken aback by Beth's request, tried to reason with her, suggesting that they plan the wedding properly. But Beth's mind was made up, her focus solely on the future. "I don't give a shit about the wedding, Dad. I just care about the marriage," she asserted, her determination shining through.

John points saying, "Sweetheart, that's a priest. We aren't fucking Catholic." 

Beth says, "I don't care. He can sign the thing, right?  That's all that matters."

John says, "Yeah."

Rip is staring at Beth from the porch.

Beth notices and says, "We're getting married. You okay with this?" 

Rip smiles and says, "Beth, you are so fucking crazy. I thought you wanted to find a place that was just ours." 

"I do. We will take that ride, I promise."

Rip winks at Spencer and holds her small hand knowing she already found the perfect spot.

"Sweetheart, if it makes you happy, I'm happy." Rip says warmly.

Spencer chimes in, "I need to grab some flowers." and runs off  with a basket in hand.

"There's two things I gotta grab too, real quick. Just give me one second, all right? I'll be right back." Rip says as he makes his way toward the bunkhouse to grab Lloyd, who is his best man for the wedding.

As Spencer dashed off to gather flowers, her small frame barely containing the urgency in her steps, a cough escaped her lips. Ignoring it, she swiftly plucked the blooms before returning to the front of the lodge, where the priest stood serenely.

Tugging on his sleeve with a quiet determination, Spencer sought his counsel. "Sir?"

The priest turned to her, his expression gentle and kind. "Yes?"

With a hushed voice, Spencer confided, "Do you know any prayers that will help someone live longer or not be sick?"

Bending down to her level, the priest took her hand in his, his demeanor reassuring. "I can pray with you right now while we wait."

Nodding solemnly, Spencer agreed, though mindful, "Okay, but you gotta make it quick or everyone is gonna worry."

Beth and John, engrossed in their own conversation, observed Spencer's interaction with the priest as they continued their discussion.

John's tone is serious. "Beth..."

"Mm-hmm?" Beth responded, her attention divided.

"Beth, you can't wear that dress at your wedding," John admonished.

"Don't worry, Daddy. I won't be wearing it long."

"Beth, I'm not your buddy. Okay, I'm your... I'm your father. So can you factor that into our conversations going forward?"


As the makeshift ceremony commenced, Spencer scattered flowers with childlike innocence, while Beth and John walked down the improvised aisle, the gravity of the moment tempered by the spontaneity of the occasion.

The priest, unfamiliar with the couple, skipped the customary introductory remarks and delved straight into the vows.

Rip, resolute and unwavering, recited his vows with heartfelt sincerity, pledging his love and commitment to Beth for eternity.

Beth, swept up in the emotion of the moment, lunged forward to seal their vows with a passionate kiss, her fervent "fuck yes, I do" punctuating the sentiment.

The priest glanced around, uncertainty evident in his expression. "No, um, not yet. You do, I suppose. Are there rings?"

Beth shook her head in response. "No rings."

Rip, sensing the moment, extended his hand to Spencer. "Wait, hold on, I have one."

With a grin, Spencer placed a ring in Rip's hand, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Here it is."

Beth's surprise was palpable. "What?"

Rip's voice softened as he explained, "It was my mother's ring. We didn't have much, Beth, we were poor, but it's yours. And so am I."

Spencer's excitement bubbled over as she squeaked out, "I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

Laughter filled the air, joyous and unrestrained.

Beth couldn't contain her happiness, holding up her ring for all to see. "We're married!"

Spencer, echoing her mother's sentiment, cheered, "Finally!"

John approached the priest, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you, uh... Thank you for doing this, Father."

The priest's response was unexpected. "Oh, you're welcome. And don't worry, I won't press charges."

John's confusion was evident. "Charges?"

Beth intervened, her tone light-hearted. "Sorry, Daddy. I had to kidnap him."

The priest clarified, "If I could get a ride back to my church, I would appreciate it."

John couldn't resist probing further. "Hold on. Hold on... How exactly did she kidnap you?"

The priest's response was matter-of-fact. "Pistol."

Beth interjected quickly, holding up her hand to demonstrate. "It was just a little one. Okay. Tiny."

Laughter erupted, filling the air with warmth and camaraderie.

As Beth and Rip bid farewell to their loved ones, heading off to celebrate their nuptials in solitude, Spencer turned to Lloyd with anticipation. "I heard Teeter made chili for dinner."

Lloyd, ever the indulgent uncle, grinned. "Yeah, come on, pip squeak, I'm sure she saved you a bowl."

And so, the evening ended on a beautiful note, filled with laughter, love, and the promise of new beginnings.

Or so they hoped.
