s4- Tuna Helper

As the morning sun streamed through Spencer's window, she leaped out of bed with boundless energy, eager to start the day. Hastily dressing herself, she started her dash down to the barn, her excitement palpable with every step.

As Spencer makes her way toward the barn, her hurried pace didn't go unnoticed by Beth, who happened to cross paths with her on the way to her car. Concern etched across her face, Beth called out to Spencer, "Hey! Hey, Spencer! Slow down!"

Spencer skids to a halt, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath. Beth approaches her slowly, a mixture of worry evident in her expression. Placing a gentle hand on Spencer's shoulder, Beth asks, "You alright, baby?"

Spencer nods eagerly, straightening up to mask her slight fatigue. Beth, however, could see through the facade, noting Spencer's slight weakness. With a gentle touch, Beth inquired, "Where are you running off to?"

"Travis is here with new horses. I'm gonna go check them out."Struggling to speak between breaths, "Daddy said as soon as I wake up I can come to the barn," she explains, her eyes shining with excitement.

Beth sighs inwardly, knowing the risks of Spencer being around the dirt and dust by the barn. "Baby, you know you shouldn't be down there right now, especially with all that dirt flying up. It's not good for your lungs. The doctor..."

But Spencer cuts in, "Please mama, daddy said as long as I wear my bandana over my nose and mouth, I should be fine. And I promise if I start to feel bad, I'll say somethin."

Reluctantly, Beth relents, knowing how persistent Spencer can be when she sets her mind on something. She rubs Spencer's head affectionately, "I don't know, baby..."

But Spencer's persistence was unwavering, her arms wrapping around her mother's legs as she pleaded once more. "Please mommy," her eyes pleading earnestly.

Reluctantly, Beth nodded, her resolve softened by Spencer's heartfelt plea. "Okay, Penny," her voice tinged with a mixture of resignation. "But please take it easy and no riding any horses today. Do you hear me?"

Spencer's face lit up with joy, a wide smile spreading across her features, "Yes, ma'am, I promise!"

Bending down to Spencer's level, Beth offered one final reminder. "I'm going to be in town for a while, so just call me if you need me," she instructed, her embrace tight as she showered Spencer with kisses, eliciting giggles from her daughter.

Spencer squirmed with laughter, eager to embark on her day's adventures, "Okay, okay, mama, I gotta go. Love you," she chirped, already racing off towards the barn.

Beth called after her, her voice filled with love and warmth. "Love you more," she declared, her heart swelling with affection as she watched Spencer disappear with a mix of pride and apprehension, hoping her daughter would heed her warnings and enjoy her day safely.

As Spencer made her way down to the corral,  Rip caught sight of her and couldn't help but smile. "Here comes trouble," he remarked, scooping her up in his arms as she approached.

"Mama knows you're down here, right?" Rip inquired, a note of caution in his voice. "I don't want to get chewed out about this later."

Spencer nodded eagerly. "Yeah, I told her," her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Rip chuckled softly and helped Spencer up onto the fence, his hands deftly assisting her in tying on her bandana to shield her from the dust and dirt swirling around the corral. As Rip and Spencer lingered, they overheard Travis and Teeter engaged in a conversation nearby.

"You're from where? Texarkana?" Travis asked.

Teeter nodded. "Yeah, Texarkana."

Travis probed further, "Which side of the river?"

"North." Teeter replied.

A look of disapproval crossed Travis' face. "That is not Texas, that is fucking Arkansas. Don't tell people you're from Texas. Don't you fucking do it." he admonished.

Teeter shrugged nonchalantly. "Whatever you say, sir," she responded, clearly unbothered by Travis' rebuke.

As they listened in on Travis and Teeter's conversation, Spencer couldn't resist a laugh. "Told you," she teased her dad, nudging him playfully.

"Yeah, yeah," Rip replied, returning her playful gesture with a smile.

Travis rode up on his horse, catching Rip's attention. "Hey, brother, congratulations on that derby win," Rip greeted him warmly.

Travis returned the sentiment, "Thanks." his gaze shifting to Spencer. "How's my favorite cowgirl?" he asked, placing his hat atop Spencer's head.

Spencer grinned, pulling down her bandana to reveal her mouth and nose as she replied, "Never better."

Travis and Rip continued their conversation about horses, but Spencer's attention was diverted when she spotted her grandfather John and Uncle Kayce riding over on their horses.

"No way! Grandpa gets to ride a horse already," Spencer exclaimed, her eyes widening.

Rip turned to see John and Kayce approaching and voiced his concern. "Did Doc say it's okay for you to be riding?" he asked John, a hint of worry in his tone.

John shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, well, I didn't ask," he admitted with a smirk.

Spencer couldn't contain her excitement as John handed her the reins to his horse. "Penny, how 'bout you take him for some treats?" John suggested with a grin. "You can even braid his hair."

The prospect delighted Spencer, and she beamed up at her grandfather. "Really? Can I add a bow too?" she asked eagerly.

John raised an eyebrow in mock consideration before relenting. "Fine, but only one," he conceded with a chuckle.

"Yes!" Spencer cheered, her enthusiasm contagious.

Before Spencer could run off to the stables Rip put her bandana back over her nose and mouth saying, "If I see it down again your going back to the house."

Spencer straightens up saying, " Yes sir." She quickly led the horse into the stables, already planning the perfect bow to adorn its mane.


Later that afternoon Spencer engrossed in her snack, glanced out the window of the cabin and noticed Sheriff Donnie's truck pulling up the driveway. Curious, she ventured outside to investigate, her snack in hand.

She approached Sheriff Donnie, who was accompanied by a familiar face in the backseat. "Who is that?" she inquired, her concern evident in her voice.

The sheriff greeted her with a nod. "Good afternoon to you too, Spencer," he replied.

With a sigh, Spencer reciprocated the greeting. "Good afternoon, Sheriff."

Sheriff Donnie then gestured towards the person in the backseat. "Kid says he's a friend of yours," he explained, opening the car door to reveal Carter, the boy Spencer had encountered at the hospital, albeit now sporting a black eye and a cut lip.

Shocked, Spencer rushed to Carter's side. "Carter! Are you okay? What happened?" she asked, her worry evident.

Sheriff Donnie intervened, shutting the car door. "No, uh-uh," he interjected firmly.

Frowning, Spencer protested, "Hey! Why'd you do that for?"

Just then, Beth's car pulled up, and she stepped out, observing the scene with a mixture of confusion and concern. "Spencer, what trouble could you have possibly gotten into?" she inquired, her tone reproachful.

Spencer glanced down sheepishly, shuffling her feet in discomfort as Sheriff Donnie addressed Beth. "She's not in any trouble, but I need to show you something," he informed her.

Beth's brows furrowed in confusion. "Me?" she echoed.

Sheriff Donnie nodded. "Yep. This boy any relation to you?" he asked, gesturing towards Carter.

Beth peered through the window instantly recognizing Carter, taking note of his injuries. "What did he do?" she inquired, her concern deepening.

Sheriff Donnie revealed, "Tried to rob a convenience store with a screwdriver. You can see how that worked out for him," he explained.

Spencer interjected once more, her voice tinged with concern. "What are you going to do with him?" she asked.

Sheriff Donnie outlined the options. "Well, I was going to put him in foster care until I search up his relatives, but he... he claims that you're his guardian," he explained, pointing towards Beth.

Beth's expression turned stern as she addressed Spencer. "Spencer Hope," she said firmly.

Spencer hung her head slightly, realizing the gravity of the situation. "I may have said if he ever needs help that he could come to the ranch," she admitted reluctantly.

Beth motioned for Spencer to go inside. "Spencer, go inside, please. I'll handle this," she instructed.

As Spencer complied and retreated into the cabin, Beth turned her attention back to Sheriff Donnie and Carter, seeking clarity. "No bullshit, what are his odds?" she asked bluntly.

"Odds on what?" he inquired.

Beth clarified, her voice firm. "A future."

"Unless I can find his relatives, that's his future. The world's lucky if it's drugs that send him to prison and not murder or something worse. But look, I will make some calls and try to find his people. But for now, just to keep him out of the system, it would be best for him to stay here. And look, if Spencer says he's her friend, he must not be that bad a kid," he reasoned.

Beth sighed, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "Yeah, well... alright, fine. He can stay here. For now," she conceded.

Sheriff Donnie nodded in agreement. "Great, I'll get searching," he affirmed, before directing his attention to Carter.

Opening the truck door, the Sheriff issued a stern warning to Carter. "Don't start no trouble here, kid. This is your one chance. Otherwise, you're waiting in the system till we find your people. You understand?" he cautioned.

Carter nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I understand."

As Sheriff Donnie departed, Spencer rushed out of the cabin and enveloped Carter in a hug. "Don't worry, my mom's nicer than she looks," she assured him.

Carter managed a small laugh at Spencer's remark, his tension easing slightly in her presence.

However, Beth intervened, reminding them . "Don't get too comfortable, kid. We still have to convince her dad," she warned.

With an awkward smile, Spencer addressed Carter. "Unfortunately, he can be as mean as he looks," she confessed.


Night had settled over the ranch as Rip returned home to the cabin, greeted by Beth waiting on the porch with a beer in hand.

"Hello, dear," Beth greeted, offering Rip the beer.

Accepting the drink, Rip leaned in for a kiss. "Hello, darling," he replied warmly.

Beth announced, "I made dinner."

"Dinner, huh?" Rip remarked with interest.

"Dinner," Beth affirmed.

Curious, Rip inquired, "Thank you. What did you make?"

Beth explained "Hamburger Helper. We didn't have any hamburger, so I used tuna. So, Tuna Helper."

Rip chuckled, puzzled. "You put tuna in the Hamburger Helper? Why not just use the Tuna Helper, darling?"

Beth shrugged innocently. "They make tuna helper?"

Deciding against the unconventional meal, Rip suggested, "You know what, let's just go into town, get a bite. I'll grab the cub."

But Beth insisted, "You should try it. Might surprise you. The kids sure like it."

Rip raised an eyebrow. "The kids?"

Beth nodded. "Mm-hmm."

Rip pressed, "Who's the other kid, Beth?"

Beth hesitated before responding, "Look, do you remember that boy Penny gave a piece of cake to at the hospital?"

Rip nods, "Sure."

Beth continues, "Well you know how kind your daughter is..."

Rip cut her off, walking into the house to see for himself .

Entering the cabin, Rip found Spencer eating with Carter and demanded, "Who the fuck are you?"

"Daddy, please be nice," Spencer pleaded.

"I'm..My name's ..." but before Carter could introduce himself, Rip interjected sharply.

"You know what? Shut up. Just shut up," before storming back outside to confront Beth.

Returning to the porch, Rip questioned Beth, "Who is that?"

Beth sighed, explaining, "You, twenty years ago. With the same options that you had. Look, he's not going to be here long. It's your decision, but... he's Spencer's friend, so you're the one that's got to tell him." Beth takes a sip of her drink, "and break her heart."

Rip grudgingly accepted the responsibility. "I gotta tell him? All right."

Returning inside, Rip confronted Carter. "Boy. Get your shit and get out of my house. Let's go."

But Spencer protested, "But daddy, please."

Rip silenced her with a gesture and a stern look.

As Beth passed them to enter the cabin, she remarked to Carter, "Sorry, kid. We gave it our best shot."

Carter expressed his uncertainty. "I don't know where to go."

Rip pointed towards the horizon. "You got four choices. Pick a direction."

Meanwhile, Spencer sat on Beth's lap, watching anxiously as Rip dealt with the situation.

Observing Carter attempting to open one of the cars in the driveway, Rip confronted him. "You went to plan B pretty quick."

Confused, Carter asked, "What's plan B?"

"Wait until everybody goes to sleep, rob every car and truck on the ranch, like a little raccoon."

Carter smirks sayisng, "Don't you have it all figured out."

Rip seized Carter by the ear and dragged him back inside. "Come here, you little shit," he growled, his patience wearing thin.

Defiantly, Carter retorted, "Damn it."

Rip tossed Carter onto the couch. "Go on. Go stay on that couch and you don't fucking move," he ordered.

Carter threatened, "I'll just rob you when you're sleeping."

Unfazed, Rip laughed. "I ain't sleeping. I'm gonna sit in that chair until the morning, and then I'm going to run your ass into town."

Beth intervened, seeking a compromise. "Can he at least finish whatever we're calling this?" Gesturing to the bowl of food.

Spencer chimed in, "Please."

Reluctantly, Rip relented. "Sure, why not."

As Spencer prepared to give Carter his bowl of food, Rip stopped her. "Uh uh, no more talking to him," he declared firmly.

Disappointed, Spencer protested, "But daddy..."

Rip cut her off, commanding, "Spencer. Upstairs. Now."

Spencer hugged Carter and offered a hopeful farewell. "Goodnight. I hope I see you tomorrow." Then, turning to her father, she pleaded, "Please don't take him to the train station, daddy."

Rip's expression hardened. "I'm not gonna say it again, Spencer."

With a sigh, Spencer complied, rolling her eyes and heading towards the stairs.

Beth bid Carter goodnight. "Well, I'm gonna head up too. Goodnight, kid."

Beth gently guided Spencer upstairs, acknowledging her effort. "Come on, baby, you tried," she reassured her daughter.

Together, Beth and Spencer retreated upstairs, leaving Rip to contend with Carter.
