I laughed. This was going to be awesome. I set up my camera and checked the clock. 4:30. I sighed happily. "In. Out. Ready. Set. Go!" I hit the record button. "Hey guys, welcome to my livestream!" I said. The chat was already overflowing with "Hi Pearl"s and "yay"s.

For the next half an hour I played on the HermitCraft server, building, talking with fellow Hermits, the usual. I checked the clock. 5:01. Perfect. I flew over to Grian's base. 

"GRIAAAAAN!" I yelled, crashing into his base. 

"Pearl!" He said back. "Why are you here?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to annoy you." I said. My mind was going and also cause lore.

I heard the sound of my front door opening and closing. I turned my head with a small "what?" for added effect. After a moment, I turned back to the screen and shook my head. 

"What is it?" Grian asked.

"What's what?" I asked back.

"What did you say 'what?' about?"

"Oh nothing, must've been one of my cats." I said back, knowing all my cats were either under my bed, on my bed, or in their cat cages. I looked over to my livestream chat and put on a confused expression. "What-? Grian, my chat is overflowing with "Pearl look out"s. Is that norma-" I felt hands grab me by the neck. I kicked over my face cam and gasped, shattering a glass nearby. 

"Pearl?" Grian's voice rose out of my headphones. "Pearl? You okay?"

I held my hands to my mouth, trying not to burst into laughter.

"PEARL?!" Grian yelled. I smashed another glass, making it sound like a window breaking. I looked over to my computer screen. I saw a new message pop up in chat.

<Grian> guys somethings wrong with pearl

<Grian> unplanned lore at my base

<Grian> help :(

GoodTimeWithScar joined the game

I stifled a laugh. I saw Scar flying over Grian's base behind him. Scar ducked behind a tree while Xisuma, Gem, False and Impulse all landed beside my MineCraft character.

"What happened?" False asked.

"I don't know, Pearl went really quiet." Grian said, sounding nervous.

Impulse snapped his fingers. "Her stream! Pearl's streaming right now! Quick, someone check it!" 

I looked over and saw my chat going haywire. I could barely catch any proper words. I though I saw some "Grian"s and "OHMYGOD"s but I might've been imagining things. 

"The chat's going crazy!" Xisuma exclaimed. 

"Can everyone please calm down while we figure this out!" Grian said, talking generally to the chat.

Scar flew over. "HOTGUY!" He yelled, shooting me. I realized I was on three hearts already- that bow-

PearlescentMoon was shot by GoodTimeWithScar using [hOtgUy]

Typical Scar. Ruining all my plans.
