Arjun was looking straightly into shubha's  beautiful hazel eyes but got disturbed when he heard someone calling him from behind.Arjun turned behind .

voice:"Hi arjun"

"Hello principal sir,Good afternoon"said arjun greeting the principal as he entered the curtain side.

Principal:"Good afternoon arjun"

Arjun smiled at him.

"what are you doing here arjun ?? asked principal.

"I was talking to ....started arjun turning behind and got shocked as he didn't saw shubha behind him.

principal:"You were talking to ??

Arjun stood silent in a sad expression as he lost  the chance of talking with shubha again.

principal:"Leave it arjun,I have to tell you something else"

"sure sir"replied arjun.

A little later

"ok arjun,I'm late ,will meet you later"said principal.

Arjun:"sure sir"

"Arjun,don't you have any  exam today?? asked the principal.

Arjun:"Yes sir,but....

principal:"oh I forgot that today's exam got postponed"

"POSTPONED?? asked arjun in a shock.

"yes arjun,I know you're sad but  don't worry, today's exam will be conducted soon after the other exam's "said principal patting a happy but sad (outside) arjun's shoulder.

"By the way,you were talking to whom arjun?? asked principal taking his hands from arjun's shoulder.Arjun was about to say shubha's name when,

"ME"said vrushali coming upto them and smiled at arjun.

principal:"who are you ??

vrushali:"Good afternoon sir,I'm vrushali, second year student.I was the one whom arjun  was talking with"

principal:"what are you doing here vr...

vrushali:"It's vrushali sir.."

principal:"yeah.... vrushali,what are you doing here ?? Don't you know that second year's are not allowed here?? ( looking at vrushali).

vrushali:"I...I... ( frighteningly)

"she came with me sir"said  arjun interrupting vrushali .

"ok then,both of you carry on.I have a meeting with the staffs"said the principal and left the auditorium.

"I saved you from getting caught arj"said vrushali to arjun giving a triumphant look.

"Really ?? asked arjun raising his eyebrows.

vrushali:"yes,of course"

Arjun:"  I saved myself vrish, and ....



vrushali:"Never mind"


vrushali:"ok,ok ,by the way where's shubha??

"That's what I'm thinking too"said arjun looking around.

"Hey ,leave me....said shubha trying to release her hand from a boy.

"who's that karan uncle ?? asked abhi.

"what happened to aunty ?? asked uttara and varun.

"Let me tell guys "said karan .

"ok,ok"said the three in unison.

"Is there any villain in this story uncle ?? asked uttara.

"villain ?? asked varun.

"Villain in Dad and mom's lovestory ?? asked a shocked abhi.

Abhi:"Is there any villain in the story uncle ?? 

varun:"Dad,tell na....

Abhi & Uttara:" Uncle ...please....please ....

"Guys...keep some patience... and let me  continue"said karan folding his hands before the three impatient storylisteners and continued the story.


"Guys......shouted shubha as her friends grabbed her away from arjun and brought her outside the stage.

"what happened shubha?? why are you shouting?? asked nandhini.

"You all dragged me here without saying anything and asking me what happened ?? asked shubha in a irritated tone.

"shubha ,we just tried to help you from getting caught with that arjun kapoor infront of principal sir,sorry.... "said dhruv holding his ears.

shubha smiled at dhruv.

"Dhruv,I think she is shouting at us, as she lost the chance of romancing with her boyfriend,'arjun kapoor' " said aliya in a teasing tone.

"yeah,I think so"said manik and smiled at nandhini.

Nandhini:"yeah,yeah, I too think so".

"what say shubha dear ?? asked aliya teasingly.

"shut up guys,  Me, romancing ?? And that too with him ?? No way " said shubha in a little anger.

"And guys, I went there to shout at him not to ROMANCE,ok ?? said shubha taking her bag from mukthi.

"Look guys,the calm shubha has become an angry bird now"said aliya irritating shubha.

"I'm a calm person aliya ,but does that mean I can't get angry  even after what all you did ?? asked shubha .

Aliya:"I doesn't mean that....


"Is he that much bad to romance ,shubha?? asked aliya irritating shubha again.

Mukthi:"what's your problem aliya ??  why are you irritating her intentionally ?? 

"Always...added shubha.

"So you listen whenever  I praise him?? right shubha ?? asked aliya in a teasing tone.


Mukthi:"Stop irritating her aliya and answer my question"

Aliya:"I'm not praising him mukthi , just telling my best friend that she should rethink her decision of not letting anyone in her life before marriage "

shubha:"And what exactly you mean by ' rethink ' aliya ??

Aliya:"Go for a date with him"

shubha:"what ?? No way"

Nandhini and Manik:"Aliya's right shubha,give it a try"

"Don't try to be innocent guys ,I know about your  relationship very well,sometimes fighting , sometimes loving and sometimes caring and all.I'm not interested in all of these dramas"said shubha.

Manik and nandhini stared at each other.

"Hmm hmm..coughed mukthi bringing them to the present.

"Let's go guys ,I don't want to talk about this anymore"said shubha walking away from there.

"Shubha,just look at him ,then take a decision.please.... "said aliya pointing towards arjun who was still searching for shubha with vrushali.

shubha looked at arjun.

"Now tell me your decision"said aliya excitedly.

shubha thought for a while,everyone looked at shubha curiously.

"I'm not going to rethink"said shubha disapponting aliya,manik and nandhini.

"why ?? why shubha?? asked aliya in a pleading tone.

"I don't feel anything  for him ,you got the answer, now give me my phone "said  shubha trying to take her phone from aliya .

"To feel something, first you have to talk with him ,atleast for few minutes shubha"said aliya.

Shubha:"No need of that "

"Then no need of this too " said Aliya and started playing with shubha's phone .

shubha:"Aliya,give me my phone back"



Mukthi:"Aliya,give it to her"

Aliya:"No mukthi,she has to rethink ,she should  and must rethink about him"

Mukthi:"why aliya?? why are you being so stubborn ??

"Give me  my phone  aliya..."said shubha trying to reach aliya's hands.

Aliya:"No shubha"

shubha:"ok then,I know how to take it back"


"Dhruv... called shubha.

Dhruv looked at shubha.

shubha:"Dhruv,looks like someone is interested in someone else than you "



"No dhruv,I'm not interested in arjun kapoor,I'm yours right ?? asked aliya smiling at dhruv.

shubha:"Dhruv,does  anyone in a relationship praise another one infront of  their guy ??

Aliya:"shubha...this is too much...dhruv..I..

Dhruv:"Yeah shubha is right,why are you praising him aliya ??

"I swear dhruv,I just love you, only you"said aliya coming towards dhruv to console.

"Don't you need any proof dhruv ??asked shubha winking at dhruv.

Dhruv:"Yes ,I need proof aliya"

"Are you doubting me dhruv ??asked aliya making a puppy face.

shubha:"No aliya...he's just possessive about you "( smiling)

Aliya:"It's you making him possessive shubha "

Shubha:"I know ...(smiling)

Aliya:"How can I prove it dhruv ??

shubha:"There's a way "

Mukthi:"what's that shubha??

"Aliya have to give back my phone within the count of three,then we all will believe  you ' ALIYA mainly  dhruv coz he never disbelieves me"said shubha smiling at aliya.

Aliya:"what ?? No way..."

Shubha:"Right  Dhruv??

Dhruv:"Right "

Aliya:"That's cheating shubha"


Aliya:"Mukthi tell her na ...

Mukthi:"Sorry,I can't help you in this"


Aliya:"Manik ,nandu ??

Manik & nandhini:"Dhruv's with shubha ,so...sorry aliya"

Shubha was about to count three ,

"Take it "said aliya in a defeated tone while  placing the phone in shubha's hands.

"Thank you my 'BEST FRIEND'  "said shubha irritating aliya.

Everyone laughed  at aliya .

"Thank you D "said shubha to dhruv and they hifi-ed .

Aliya:"Dhruv.....you ....this is not fair"

Dhruv:"What can be done aliya shubha's more than a friend to me .....

Dhruv sidehugged shubha.

They all were about to leave the auditorium .when shubha  felt someone's hands on her's.

"Is that dad ?? Did he found mom??asked abhi.

"Is that arjun uncle ?? asked varun and uttara.

karan:" Guys....

"sorry ....really sorry ..."the three apologised to karan.

" This the last warning guys"said karan.

"karan....called out vrushali.

"It's ok guys,back to the story "said karan smiling at the four mainly at vrushali,she smiled back.

Karan  continued the story.....

"Aliya.....called shubha turning towards aliya.

"please shubha ,atleast give him one  chance .... For me please ..."asked aliya still looking at arjun who was desperately searching for shubha,but couldn't see shubha as the place they stood were not visible for people standing in the stage.

"Ok,I'll think about it , but not 'rethink' ok ?? said shubha  looking at arjun.

"oh, thank you shubha"said aliya hugging shubha happily.

"ok,ok"said shubha and they both released themselves from the hug.

"Now ,let's go ,if not the maths sir will not rethink about letting us stand outside during his class forever"said shubha with a smile and walked to the class ,her friends following her.

They all smiled at shubha's wit.

"Aliya,why are you so adamant to  make shubha fall for him ?? asked mukthi walking along with her friends to the class ,shubha walking before the the four with dhruv.

"Coz I think they'll be a perfect couple mukthi,don't you think like that ??asked aliya .

"Yeah ,I think so coz he 's so madly in love with our shubha just like manik with me"said nandhini smiling at manik.

"I think nandhini's right ,but he's really crazy over shubha  than me over nandhini"said manik.

"what say mukthi ?? asked the three in unison to mukthi.

Mukthi:"I don't think he's bad, but I always wish  best for shubha.so...

"Don't worry mukthi,I think he's a nice guy "said aliya.

"But what will we do ?? asked nandhini ,manik and mukthi.

"Nothing"replied aliya.

"Nothing ?? asked the three at the same time.


"Then how will we make them come together ?? asked nandhini and mukthi.

Aliya:"we shouldn't do anything coz he'll come for shubha if he truly loves her, so just don't interfere much between them ."

"So arjun kapoor is final for our shubha "said aliya and the three shared a hug.

"what's going on here guys ?? asked shubha and dhruv.

"Nothing"said the four with a warm smile and followed them .

"D,I think ,they are planning some prank on us "said shubha to dhruv.

"Think so,be careful shubha"said dhruv.

"what are YOU TWO talking ?? asked aliya.

"Nothing"replied dhruv.

"Nothing?? asked nandhini.

"If you're not talking about 'nothing',why shouldn't we talk about ' nothing ' NANDU ?? asked dhruv in a teasing tone.



Nandhini:"Dhruv ,don't call me nandu...

Dhruv:"Why nandu ?? (teasingly)



Mukthi:"Don't fight guys,let's go to the class "

After that they 6 went to their class.

karan:"Now holi celebration"

"But what happened  after that uncle ?? asked abhi and uttara.

"They went to attend there class,what else guys ?? asked karan smiling at them.

"I mean what did mom's friend do after that uncle ?? asked  abhi.

"They just enjoyed their college life and studied for their exams"said karan.

"And arjun uncle ?? asked varun and uttara.

"Arj too left the stage with vrish , after that  started studying for his exams just like us and in between that trying to impress your mom"said karan smiling at abhi.

"ok now holi celebration"said the three looking curiously at karan.

karan:"It was a fine morning.......


It was a fine morning ,the day of holi .The students were celebrating holi in the college campus  by throwing colours at each other and all.splashing colour water wasn't started yet.

"where's shubha guys ?? asked mukthi.

"She went home yesterday to celebrate holi with her family " said nandhini.

"Does that mean she won't come here ?? asked aliya in a sad tone.

"I don't know ,you were with her yesterday, right nandu ?? asked manik to nandhini.

"Yeah but ,I too don't know if she'll come or not ?? said nandhini.

"Dhruv ?? all looked at dhruv.

"I too don't know guys,she'll come if ram bhai doesn't stops her with any emotional drama "said dhruv and everyone laughed as they knew how ram behaves to make shubha stay with him .

"So you're making fun of my ram bhai again ?? asked shubha twisting dhruv's ears from behind .

"shubha"they all called out shubha's name.

"Hii guys"said shubha and they all shared a group hug.

"We thought you won't come "said mukthi hugging shubha.

shubha:"why ??

"Coz we thought you'll be celebrating this holi with your family "said aliya .

"of course I'm going to celebrate this holi with my family "said shubha with a mischievious smile.

All of her friends looked so puzzled.

"Don't think too much guys,friends are family right ?? said shubha and throwed  colour on  her all friends.

"shubha......called out her friends.

"catch me if you can " said shubha and ran away from there.

A little later,everyone caught shubha and throwed colours on her too ,except dhruv.

"where's my boy friend ?? asked shubha searching for dhruv .

"Oh ,so you're looking for lover boy arjun kapoor "said aliya in a teasing tone.

"Aliya.....shubha called out aliya's name in a irritated tone.

"Your lover boy is not here yet shubha" said nandhini.

Mukthi ,aliya,manik and nandhini started laughing at shubha.

"Come on Guys ....not today"said shubha at her friends.

Aliya:"Bura na maano holi hain".{ "Don't get offended ,its holi"}

shubha smiled at aliya.

shubha:"I'm happy that he......

"There he is .......said manik pointing towards someone coming behind shubha at a distance.

song starts.......

SONG SCENE- Its sung by arjun as its in the story,not as a film song resung .

"Woh aaya,woh aaya.........

Arjun enters there wearing white shirt and jeans with a black glass .shubha and her friends looks at arjun as he dances with some boys.

"Toh jhoome banke befikr ,zara dekh tu idhar ,meri  aankhon se sab telecast hogaya"

Dances looking at shubha ,shubha's friends looks at her and smiles as they realised  arjun was trying to talk with shubha.

"jo tune aankhon se aankhein ladaayi"

Arjun comes near shubha and looks into her eyes .

"jo maine kheech teri pakdi kalayi"

Arjun softly takes shubha's hand in his ,shubha looks at arjun raising her eyebrows.

"Toh dil mera blast ho gaya"

Arjun falls backwards into the arms of boys smilingly, as shubha looked at him.

 "Aankhon se telecast hogaya ,ke dil mera blast hogaya ,aankhon se telecast hogaya"

Same dance move that of in this song.


Everyone dances with arjun ,shubha dances with her friends near arjun,not facing him.

"Oh teri in latko jhatkon main atke he hum,tujhse mil kar hi bhatke he hum,jabse ek doosre ke  hum close aa gaye saari duniya ko khatke he hum"

Arjun dances with shubha ,its like he saying to her about his feelings.

"Oh teri in latko jhatkon main atke he hum,tujhse mil kar hi bhatke he hum,jabse ek doosre ke hum close aa gaye saari duniya ko khatke he hum"

Arjun  comes closer to shubha and dances with her,shubha too dances but not with  him as she was really enjoying the holi.They all poured coloured water on each other except shubha and arjun to each other .

"Jabse hui mulaqaat jaagu saari saari raath,tuhi pehla mera love hain tu hi last ho gaya .Jo tune chamkeeli kurti silayi mere mind main baj gayi shehnaai...toh dil mera...yeh dil mera...toh dil mera blast hogaya  aankhon se telecast ho gaya ....ke dil mera blast ho gaya ..aankhon se telecast hogaya ..."

Arjun  remembers their first meet and sings this lines coming closer to shubha.They both looks at each other for a few seconds and looks away and starts dancing in the last tune.

Everyone were enjoying the dance ,after sometime arjun searched for shubha but he didn't found her as she left  with her friends a little before.


"So dad couldn't talk with mom again,right uncle ?? asked abhi.

"yes abhi"replied karan.

"Then what happened uncle ?? asked uttara .

"We studied for the final exams and got passed"said vrushali.

"what happened between arjun uncle and shubha aunty after that  mom ?? asked varun.

"karan......called vrushali.

"ok,let's continue the story "said karan  after drinking some water


It was the first day of college after the summer vacation.Arjun was humming a romantic song of shah rukh khan remembering the moments he had with shubha in the previous year.Finally he reached his new class.

"Hey vrish,how are you ?? said arjun as he saw vrushali inside his class while  entering the class .

"Hii arj,I'm fine.How are you ?? asked vrushali shaking her hands with arjun.

Arjun:"It was great and you know one thing ??

vrushali:"what arjun??

Arjun:"I'm really happy ,vrish ,you want to know why ??

"NO "said a boy interrupting vrushali.

"who's that?? asked arjun  searching for the owner of the voice.

"who asked for  your opinion ,TOPPER ??   said arjun in a sarcastic tone as he saw karan behind vrushali sitting in his seat and reading some books.

vrushali smiled at both of them.

"And who told you that I gave 'YOU' my opinion "asked karan.

Arjun:"Then why did you say 'NO' ,TOPPER  ??   

"I just said the answer for the true or false questions in the text book,you CHAMP"said karan showing the text book to arjun.

"oh god ,how I'm going to bear this irritating fellow for 2  more years "said arjun while kind of praying to the god.

"That's what I'm thinking too "said karan.

Arjun:"Pardon ??

"I 'm praying the same thing ,that how I'm going to bear a stupid and flirting fellow like you for 2 more  years "said karan with a smirk.

"I'm not stupid like you,TOPPER"said arjun with a little anger.

"And I'm not irritating  like you ,CHAMP"said karan in anger.

"Guys stop ,just stop ok,you both are so good ,now calm down both of you "said vrushali coming in between arjun and karan.

They two sat silently not facing each other.

"ok tell me arjun,what's the reason of your happiness ?? asked vrushali thinking that it'll be about shubha.

Arjun  understood that.

Arjun:"I have passed both 1 & 2 year exams vrish, so......

"So go and give some chocolates to children,its really a great news "said karan in a mocking tone.

"Enough,I'm going to kill him vrish "said arjun walking towards karan.vrushali stopped arjun by saying shubha's name again like she done in the previous year.karan sat silently in his seat,not minding arjun.

"Let's go outside arj"said vrushali and both vrushali and arjun went outside the class.

"How did you became his friend ,vrish??asked arjun.

"why arj ?? asked vrushali.

Arjun:"He's irritating vrish  ,irritating means like I think the word irritating is found to describe him"

vrushali started laughing.

vrushali:"I know he is irritating but not a bad guy like you think "

Arjun:"I know he's good but he's so irritating .Don't know how I'm gonna bear him in the upcoming days"

vrushali:"Leave it arjun,now you have to focus on shubha , for that we need karan's help "

Arjun:"Are you sure vrish ??He's not gonna change his decision .I'm damn sure about his decision on things like this"


Arjun:"vrish try to understand  ,its one of his unchanged decision"

Vrushali:"Don't worry  arjun,let's go now"

Arjun:"ok,let's" go inside"

They two entered the class and saw karan still studying but with listening to some songs.

Arjun and vrushali smiled at each other as its arjun's habit of studying while listening to music.

Arjun:"Vrish,we can talk this later ,I don't think its right time as we just had a fight "

"No arjun,you have to talk now "said vrushali and pushed arjun towards  karan.Because of that push karan's phone placed in the desk fell down and got damaged badly,really badly.

"NO......screamed karan.

"Oh god,what have I done ?? thought arjun looking at karan's damaged phone.vrushali stood frozen as she was the reason this damage.

Arjun was expecting a slap from karan,but karan just took his phone and put it in his bag and continued studying.

Arjun  was so shocked watching karan's calm behaviour.Then arjun looked at vrushali who gave him a 'please,Don't kill me ,I'm really sorry for that '  look.Arjun  just smiled at her and went near karan's seat.

"I'm really sorry for that "said arjun.

"Don't be sorry ,  I'm gonna used to this habit of yours in the upcoming days too "said karan not looking at arjun.

"what do you mean by going to used to this habit of mine in the upcoming days ?? asked arjun.

"It means we are bench mates till final year "replied karan in a sad tone.

"WHAT ??  exclaimed arjun.

"what happened arjun ?? asked vrushali.

"Did  you hear what he said vrish ?? asked arjun. 

"Yes"replied vrushali.

"How I'm going to sit with ' HIM'?? asked arjun  to vrushali through his eyes.

"You have to arj and its a rule of this college too "replied vrushali through her eyes.

"what kind of rules are this ?? thought arjun.

"yeah,its really a disgusting rule, to sit with the same person for four years not even changing for a day "said karan making arjun  open his mouth in shock.

vrushali:"what happened arjun ?? why did you open your mouth like that ??

"Coz I was thinking the same "replied arjun.

"same what ?? asked vrushali.

"I was thinking about the disgusting rule like he said ,don't  know how he knew my thought ?? said arjun to vrushali in a voice audible only to her .

"Does he know mind reading ?? asked arjun to vrushali.

"I don't know "replied vrushali in a low voice.

"Looks like he knows mind reading "said arjun and vrushali in unison looking at karan.who simply smiled at them giving a 'I heard what you two said ' look.

"Did he heard what we said ?? asked vrushali and arjun to each other.

"Think so "said arjun.

"Oh god "exclaimed vrushali.

"what happened vrish ?? asked arjun shocked.

"He gonna beat me after the college time"said vrushali in a fear stricken voice.

"what ?? really ?? asked arjun.

"No ,I just tried to say  how much I'm afraid "replied vrushali.

"Don't worry devi vrushali , I'll help you from the wrath of angaraj karn"said arjun smiling at vrushali.

vrushali:"Devi vrushali ?? who's that arjun ??

Arjun:"I don't know vrish"

vrushali:" And who's  angaraj karn ??

Arjun:"I don't know that guy too"

vrushali:"Then how did you take these names ??

"That's what I'm thinking too"said arjun scratching his head confused.

"Leave it arj,go and talk to karan "said vrushali tapping arjun's shoulder.

Arjun:"ok,I'll try my best"

vrushali:"You have to arj"

Arjun nodded his head and was about to say something to karan.

"All the best arj"said vrushali giving a warm smile to arjun.He smiled back.

"where are you going vrish ?? asked arjun to vrushali who was walking outside the class.

"Outside arj,to give you some space,so that you can talk freely and remember don't fight ,be calm "said vrushali.

Vrushali went outside taking the few students present in the class with her.

Arjun slowly walked towards his seat and sat beside karan,karan didn't noticed the fact that they were the only persons present in the class as he was studying.

"Hmm hmm ..."coughed arjun trying to get karan's attention.

"Take this "said karan giving a vicks to arjun.

"what's this ?? asked arjun  looking at the vicks.

"It's vicks "said karan giving a 'don't you know ?? ' look.

"I know that this is vicks ,but why did you give this to me ?? asked arjun. 

Karan:"You were coughing ,so I thought that this will give you some relief"


karan continued studying while arjun was acting weirdly thinking about how to start the conversation with his so called enemy - Karan.

"You want to say something ,CHAMP  ?? asked karan finally putting an end to the silence prevailed  in the classroom. 

"No ,I mean YES,NO....YES ...." stammered  arjun infront of karan who stood confused looking  at arjun. 

"YES  or NO ?? karan asked again.

"YES "said arjun finally gathering some courage.

karan:"ok,tell me CHAMP "

"karan.....its..... started arjun.

"WHAT ?? exclaimed karan.

"what ,what ?? asked arjun confused.

"Did you just me called KARAN  ?? asked karan in shock.

"Yeah.....why ?? Isn't it your name ?? or did you change your name ?? asked arjun confused.

"No....no...I didn't changed my name "said karan laughing.

"If not,why are you laughing ?? Did you find your name so funny that you're laughing like THIS "said arjun looking at karan.

"Nothing like that ,Ok tell me what you have to say " said karan suppressing his laughter.

"Will you be my friend ?? asked arjun as fast as he could closing his eyes like a kid closing his eyes when a teacher takes stick to beat ,but voice audible to karan.


Then what happened  ?? 

Any guess ??

And what will be karan's reply ??

what will be the exact reaction of karan after hearing this ??

stay tuned.

Do vote and comment if you like ......
