"Pritha ma'am, breakfast has been taken to the dining table" said a maid looking at a woman inside the pooja room.

Few minutes later, a woman in her mid 70's wearing an elegant saree came out of the pooja room, looked at the maid and said with a smile, "Thank you Hema"

Hema:"Ma'am, I just did my work, you don't have to say thank you everytime"

Pritha:"Then stop calling me ma'am everytime, I already told you to call me aunty"

Hema:"As you wish ma'a---"

Pritha slightly glared at her.

"Sorry Pritha aunty" Hema corrected herself smiling.

Pritha smiled back and asked, "Did you have your breakfast Hema?? If not, join us"

Hema:"No need Pritha aunty, I had my breakfast before coming here. Now I should leave to do my remaining works"

Pritha:"Ok then"

Hema nodded her head smiling at Pritha and walked towards kitchen.

After Hema left, Pritha walked towards the main hall and said looking at upstairs, "Come on everyone, breakfast is ready!!"

"Coming Ma!!"
"Coming Mom!!"
"Coming Grandma!!" Pritha heard voices from different rooms.


"Kriti, Riti, eat slowly!!" The elder twin son of Pritha, Nikhil, said to his twin daughters; Kritika and Ritika, who were eating so fast after taking a look at the clock hanged in the main hall. 

"Ok Dad!!" They both nodded and started eating in a normal pace not wanting to get scolded in the morning itself. 

Pritha who was about to warn her granddaughters about the same smiled at her son who did it first, he smiled back understanding it. 

"Sons', how's your job going??" Pritha asked, taking a seat, the same place she sat everyday, the place which was meant for the eldest person in the family. It also helped Pritha to have a clear look at her sons' and grandchildren  who sat on both sides of her in the big dining table which could occupy at least 30 people at a time, sons' on the right and grandchildren on the left. 

"It's all good Ma, there is nothing to worry" Yash, her first born spoke first with an assuring smile. 

"Yes Ma, everything is fine. Ain't I right Nikhil??" came the reply of her second son, Harsh but with a teasing smile on his face which was directed towards her elder twin son. 

"Yes Ma, all good" replied Nikhil looking at his mother and later passed a quick toothless smile to his second eldest brother which should be counted as a mocking smile rather than a normal smile. 

Pritha along with her other sons' and grandchildren smiled silently looking at her second son, who now made a face as he didn't get the expected reaction from his younger brother.  

"Probably Nikhil got some complicated case which needs to travel a lot, maybe walking to inner most areas of the city during this heat, beauty conscious son of mine" Pritha thought stifling a laugh. 

"Ma, I'm doing good as well. But, where is Arj bhai??" Pritha heard her youngest one's voice which made her realize that her middle child isn't here yet. 

"I'm here" said the most charming son of Pritha, coming downstairs well dressed.

Pritha:"Arjun, come have breakfast"

"Sure Ma" Arjun smiled at Pritha and everyone else present in the dining table who passed him a smile seeing him and then he sat beside his second eldest brother, Harsh. 

Pritha then turned towards her grandkids, "And kids, how's your classes going??"

"Fine Grandma" replied Vishnu and Jishnu, the twin sons of Pritha's youngest son. 

"Right Kriti??" Jishnu asked wiggling his eyebrows looking at Ritika.

"BORING" replied Ritika with a done face.

Kritika, Vishnu and Jishnu broke into a big laugh.

"Why?? What happened?? Why are you guys laughing??" Pritha asked confused.

The kids were about to reply when,

(Sound of a school bus)

"Time to go, Vishnu-Jishnu"

"And you too, Kriti-Riti" 

Pritha's youngest daughter-in-laws, Vrinda and Kavya said placing the lunch boxes in their kids bags. 

"Careful" Pritha said, seeing the kids rush to wash their hands. 

"Bye Dadi, bye Dad, bye Mom, bye everyone!!" The kids waved to everyone before running out of the mansion as the school bus horned twice, which means they have to reach the school bus before the third horn if not, it'll leave without them and they will be getting scolded by their moms more than their teachers. 

As a typical Indian grandmother Pritha was worried seeing her grandchildren run fast out of the mansion without eating properly, but she didn't say anything as she didn't wanted her grandchildren to get scolded by her daughter-in-laws for getting up late. And as an elder, she also knows that only during their academic life the kids can wake up late and have some fun it's the opposite when they finish studying. Pritha was lost in thoughts of this when she heard her second son's voice. 

"Time to go guys. And Ma, where is Yuvraj and Hritik??" Harsh asked while getting up from his chair, others followed him.

"They have gone early" Pritha's eldest daughter-in-laws, Devika and Saya said in unison and smiled at each other.

Pritha nodded in affirmation to Saya and Devika's words.

"Oh, ok fine" Yash said taking his file from the small table in the main hall and passed a smile to his wife, Devika, who returned the smile happily. 

Remaining ones except Arjun smiled to their wives too. Then they five hugged Pritha.

Nikhil and Dev:"Bye Ma, see you in the evening"

Pritha smiled at her twins. 

Yash:"Let's go, Arj!! We have an important meeting today!!" 

Arjun:"Ok Bhai. And bye Ma, take care!!"

Pritha:"All of you take care of yourselves too"

They nodded and left the house.

Fifteen minutes later, 

Pritha was sitting in her armchair, eyes closed. 

"Mom, we are leaving" Pritha saw her daughter-in-laws in front of  her, all ready to leave for their workplaces. 

"Ok bye, take care" Pritha smiled at them, they left, she closed her eyes again and started smiling remembering the good old days- her daily routine since a decade. 



(Sound of an alarm)

"Oh God, the alarm!! Doesn't it have any other job??"  a boy murmured while peeping outside the blanket he was covering himself, searching the irritating thing which ruined his sleep. 

After a minute of search, the boy turns off the alarm that was on the table near his bed and gets back into his blanket.

"Wake up, we are getting late!!" said a woman entering inside the boy's room.

"5 minutes Ma" the boy gestured it with his hand, still laying inside his blanket. 

Woman:"It's almost 10'O clock!! Wake up!!"

"Ma....please...." said the boy in a sleepy voice while sitting on the bed.

"OMG!! He's still in the bed!!"

The boy and the woman turned towards the door and saw a girl standing near it, smiling brightly at them.

"Good morning, Abhi" the girl said, looking at the boy while entering inside the room.

"Good morning, Shubha aunty" the girl greeted while hugging the woman, who looked really beautiful even if she was wearing a simple yet elegant saree with simple ornaments.

"Good morning, Uttara" Shubha greeted Uttara with the same bright smile.

"Good night, Uttara" Abhimanyu waved to Uttara before getting inside his blanket.


Abhimanyu:"Please Ma, 5 more minutes"

Shubha:"Abhi, I'll count upto 3, if you didn't get up within that, I'm gonna pour water on you!! 1.... 2..."

"You can't do that Ma, coz you love this son of yours a lot" Abhimanyu said, in a cute voice pointing himself.


(Sound of a water splash)

"UTTARA....I'm going to kill you this time" Abhimanyu shouted while getting out of the bed angrily.

Abhimanyu chases Uttara.

"Abhi, I didn't do this time!! It's aunty, I swear!!" Uttara said, running away from Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu:"No, you're lying!! I won't spare you today"

Uttara goes to Shubha and hides behind her.

Uttara:"Aunty, please help...."

Abhimanyu:"Ma, move aside"

Shubha:"Abhi, it's not her this time, it's me!! You got the culprit, now go and get ready. We'll be waiting downstairs, at the dining table"

"But Ma...." Abhimanyu spoke in a cute voice, indicating it's not fair to pour water and because of this he wants to sleep more.


"Ok Ma" Abhimanyu said, realising his cuteness won't work this time.

Shubha smiles at Abhimanyu and goes downstairs with Uttara, but Uttara comes back in few minutes. Standing in front of Abhimanyu's room Uttara spoke looking at Abhimanyu, "By the way, I forgot to tell you something"

Abhimanyu who was about to enter the washroom turned towards Uttara and gave her a ' What's that?? ' look.

"You look exactly like a drenched cat, so funny" laughed out Uttara and ran downstairs seeing Abhimanyu running towards her to hit her.

"Aunty...Abhi hasn't went to take shower till now" Uttara said while running, to stop Abhimanyu from coming downstairs to hit her.

"Abhi......" called out Shubha, causing Abhimanyu to halt himself from taking steps to downstairs.

"I'm on the way to shower, Ma" Abhimanyu said from upstairs and gave Uttara a ' I'll get revenge for this later ' look.

Uttara mouthed a ' Sure, don't forget ', and then she sticked her tongue out, teasing Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu went back to his room fed up with her teasing, Uttara laughed looking at his expression which seemed really cute to her.

"You teased him, didn't you??" Shubha asked watching the banter between the best friends.

Uttara nodded embarrassedly. 

"Well can't blame you alone, that son of mine is nothing less than you, what am I going to do with you two" Shubha said smiling at Uttara before going back to complete the works in kitchen, while Uttara sat looking towards upstairs waiting for her best friend to go college together.


"Ma, give me some tea" Abhimanyu said taking the seat beside Shubha.

Shubha:"Why tea??"

Uttara:"Aunty, he's asking to drink with bread and jam"

"With bread and jam??" Shubha asked in confusion.

Shubha:"But, I have made his favourite chappati and kurma!! Then why, Abhi??"

Abhimanyu:"Ma, I wish to have bread and jam today. So, give me some tea, please...."

Shubha:"No tea, drink milk"



"By the way, who drinks tea with bread and jam??" Uttara asked interrupting the mother and son's talk.

"Me, the Great Abhimanyu!!" Abhimanyu said with a cheeky grin while pouring some hot water for himself, instead of tea and milk to drink with bread and jam.

"Anyone else??" Uttara asked the same way.

Abhimanyu thinks for a while and asks Shubha, "Ma, does anyone else have tea with bread and jam??"

Shubha:"Yeah, your----"




"Ma....give me some tea" Arjun said while coming from upstairs.

"Ok, don't scream!! I'll be back soon" Pritha said walking towards the kitchen.

"Shubha dear, bring me a cup of tea" Pritha said to Shubha, her third daughter-in-law, who was in the kitchen helping Devika and Saya, her first and second daughter-in-laws .

"Sure Ma" Shubha goes to take the tea.


Pritha:"Yes, tell me dear"

Shubha:"Ma, isn't it bread and jam for the breakfast, today??"

Pritha:"Yes dear"

"Then, for whom is this tea?? Who drinks tea with bread and jam??" Shubha asked, handing over a cup of tea to Pritha.

Pritha:"This is for your husband dear"

"What?!" Shubha was shocked, while Devika and Saya passed her a smile in agreement to their mother-in-law's words.


Pritha:"Yes dear, Arjun drinks tea with bread and jam, he's a bit different from others"

"Is there anyone to give me some tea??" Arjun asked from the dining table more like whining.

Hearing Arjun whine, they four laughed.

"Don't whine, I'm coming. This boy..." Pritha said and went back to Arjun.

Shubha smiles.

Suddenly, Abhimanyu shook Shubha's shoulder and asked, "Ma, I'm asking you, who else drinks tea with bread and jam??"  **FLASHBACK ENDS** 

Shubha:"Your Dad!!"


Abhimanyu didn't clearly hear what Shubha said.

"No one, have your breakfast, we're getting late!!" Shubha said and went towards the kitchen, quickly finishing the remaining food in her plate.

"Did you hear something??" Abhimanyu asked Uttara, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"I think aunty took uncle's name!!" Uttara said munching on some cookies.

Abhimanyu made an 'O' face.

"Like father, like son" Uttara laughs.

"Very funny" Abhimanyu said giving Uttara a ' Not so funny ' look.

Uttara:"By the way, why does aunty get so sad thinking about uncle??"

Abhimanyu:"It's been 10 years. Still...I don't know why"

"If you want to know, ask yourself!!" Abhimanyu said giving Uttara a ' Go ahead ' look.

"No, no. I don't want to know, let's just go to college!!" Uttara said, to which Abhimanyu gave her a ' I know you won't ask Ma, ever ' look and Uttara smiled sheepishly at that.


"Abhi, Uttara, come I'll drive you two there!!" Shubha said unlocking her car.

"Ma, I'm not a kid anymore. I'll come in my bike" Abhimanyu said trying to protest but with a cute face.

Shubha:"No Abhi, we're too late!! And one more thing Abhi, you'll always be a baby to me. Understand??"

"I'm 21, Ma!!" Abhimanyu whined a bit.

Shubha:"So what??"

Abhimanyu stood silent failing in his cute protest.

"Please aunty...just for today. Please..." Uttara requested showing her puppy eyes.

Shubha:"Ok then, I'm going don't be late and be careful on the road"

They two nodded their head happily.

Shubha left.

"Because of me we are going on bike today, atleast say thanks" Uttara said taking Abhimanyu's bag while Abhimanyu got on his bike.

Abhimanyu:"Well that's the reason why I always let you come with me"

"Really?? Am I that cute that no one can resist me??" Uttara asked making a cute puppy face.

"No, it's just you're good at begging in front of my mom" Abhimanyu said laughing.

"You ungrateful brat" Uttara said and hit Abhimanyu with her bag.

"Who is the brat??" Abhimanyu asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, you're a ungrateful pig then" Uttara said and laughed at Abhimanyu, who had a ' How could you say that to my handsome face?? ' look on his face.

Uttara couldn't stop herself from laughing.

"Now stop laughing and get on the bike, if not, see you in the principal chamber coz the next bus is at 12" Abhimanyu said laughing back at Uttara.

Uttara quickly seated herself on the bike and they left to college while bickering.


What did Abhimanyu meant by it's been 10 years??

What happened 10 years ago??

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