xQc x Reader

A/N: Just a little heads up, pretend that xQc is still apart of Dallas Fuel ;)

(G/T) = Ingame gamertag

It had been a hard first season for Dallas Fuel. The struggle to win against other teams was tiring and the team was ready for a few months off. But, today was their last match, and the team used the last of their energy to channel it into their determination. They wanted to go out with a win and show the league that they were still as strong as everyone first thought they were.

"Alright guys! Are you ready to grab this last win?" Mickie cheered as everyone gathered backstage before the match. There were a few mumbles heard from the team. Mickie frowned a little.

"Come on guys, you heard Mickie. Are you ready to get this win?!" (Y/N) shouted happily. She rested her arm on Mickie's shoulder before throwing her fist into the air triumphantly. The team cheered up and replied with a loud "hell yeah!"

Mickie smiled at (Y/N) before thanking her and walking to chat with their teammates.

(Y/N) sighed before leaning on a nearby wall. Her teammate and best friend, xQc, walked over to her and stood beside her.

"Hey (Y/N), why the long sigh?" he asked. (Y/N) looked up at him and smiled softly.

"Nothing. Just tired is all, Felix. Didn't get much sleep last night. I was so worried for this match that I just stared at the ceiling most of the night." she admitted. Felix raised an eyebrow at her.

"What is there to be worried about?" he questioned. (Y/N) looked away for a moment before drawing her attention back to him.

"This whole season all of the Dallas fans have thought I've brought the team down. I just don't want to do that during our last match of the season."

Felix's eyes widened and he stood straight. He walked in front of his best friend and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't you ever say that you bring down our team. You have such a big role and play it perfectly. You are our most reliable healer. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Never ever think something so stupid like that again. I know that you will lead us to victory today."

(Y/N) blushed lightly at Felix's little speech and shyly smiled at him. She saw fire in his eyes. He truly meant what he said.

He slowly backed up from her and ruffled her hair. (Y/N) quickly fixed her hair and gave xQc a side hug. He chuckled before wrapping his arm around her.

"Come on. It's time to take the stage."

With that, the team lined up and got ready for their big entrance. The crowd cheered as each team member made their way to the stage.

After getting settled in their seats, each player waved at the camera and got ready for the match.

(Y/N) glanced over at the opposite team, the L.A. Gladiators, and saw how concentrated and determined they looked. Thoughts of failing and losing ran through her mind and her hands began to shake.

Then, a hand that belonged to the person to her right grabbed onto hers. She shot her gaze to beside her and saw Felix tightly holding her right hand. He was watching his screen, but his thumb was slowly drawing small circles on the top of her hand. His skin was soft and warm, bringing (Y/N) back from her small panic attack. She breathed out and lightly shook her head. She could do this, if Felix believed in her, she could definitely do it.

Seconds later, the team was pulled into a game. (Y/N) locked on Mercy. xQc chose Winston while Mickie picked Dva, aKm on Genji, Seagull picked Junkrat, and lastly Chipsajen on Lucio. Everyone quickly stretched their hands as the countdown began. Feeling a sudden rush of excitement, (Y/N) looked over at her team and smiled at everyone. She saw xQc nod at her and she nodded back. And with that, the match began.


"Oh no! Seagull is down! It's just Mickie, xQc and (G/T) left on the point!" the commentators shouted. The room filled with shouts and fans went crazy. The match was two to two and this last stage would decide the winners.

"Behind you Mickie! Look out!" (Y/N) screamed into the microphone. She flew over to heal him but it was too late. His mecha was gone and now he was running around as baby Dva.

"Shit! There are too many of them!" Felix yelled as he chased after Tracer.

(Y/N) tried her best to keep Mickie up but he got shot down by Widowmaker. "Mickie, no! I'm so sorry!" (Y/N) cried out. She managed to fly her way over to xQc, who was having trouble keeping everyone off the point.

"Come on guys! Just stall for a few more seconds! It's almost over!" Seagull said as he waited for his character to respawn.

(Y/N) latched her healing beam onto xQc's Winston and continued to fly around, trying not to get shot. She knew this incident was all her fault. She got sniped by Widowmaker early on during the team fight and had to wait to respawn. Now, her and her team were stuck in this mess. She began to lose her fighting will, and her movements in game began to grow clumsy.

"(Y/N)! Don't give up on me now! We can do this! Just pop your ultimate and trust me!" Felix shouted while taking down Tracer.

(Y/N) bit her lip as she unleashed her ultimate, soaring into the air and damage boosting xQc. He popped his ultimate as well and began pushing the enemies off the point.

"And there goes (G/T)! She's in the air while healing xQc! But, will they be able to pull this one off?"

The crowd got louder and (Y/N) began to hear the countdown.

"Six more seconds! You guys can do it!!" screamed Mickie. The rest of the Dallas team tried their best to quickly get back to the point, but they knew it was up to xQc and (Y/N).

"Five!" (Y/N) yelled.

"Four!" Felix shouted back.




Then, the crowd screamed, "Overtime!"

(Y/N)'s eyes grew wide as she heard them. She grit her teeth and tightened her hold on the mouse. She fanatically looked around the point for anyone on it. In the corner, was a Zenyatta.

"Zenyatta is on the point!" she called out.

"Take him out! I'll hold them off!" xQc shouted back. He jumped on the enemies that tried to get near the point.

(Y/N) quickly switched to Mercy's pistol. She took a few shots at the Zenyatta, who fired back. As her health slowly began to go down, she let out a scream as she flew towards the enemy and dealt the final shot. Within a second, huge yellow words read on the screen, "Dallas Fuel wins!"

"Holy crap! They did it! xQc and (G/T) did it! That was brilliant!" the announcers cheered.

The Dallas Fuel players jumped up from their seats and tightly hugged each other. Mickie started yelling out victory screeches as Seagull picked him up and spun him around.

The fans in the stands rushed up to the team and began crowding around and congratulating them. Through all the chaos, (Y/N) tried to find Felix. She called out to him, but she could not hear or locate him. The fans pushed past her, causing her to fall backwards. She landed on her back and cried out.

"(Y/N)!" a worried yell was heard as she tried to stand. She looked up and saw Felix pushing past the fans to her. He finally reached her and picked her up. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her head into his chest. With the help of the rest of the team, the two managed to squeeze through the crowd and safely make it backstage. After finding a safe corner, xQc let go of (Y/N), who quickly missed Felix's warmth.

Mickie made his way over to the two. "The rest of the team and I will keep the fans busy. You two get some rest. You did great." He patted Felix on the back and lightly ruffled (Y/N)'s hair before leaving.

Felix grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and dragged her to the team's practice room. The two finally had time together after the rough match.

Felix told (Y/N) to sit down on his chair and she did. He quietly inspected her arms and legs to make sure there were no scratches. After that, he sat down in front of her.

There was a long silence before he looked up at her and said "I'm proud of you. You did great." Felix grabbed (Y/N)'s hands and enveloped them in his. He brought them up to his mouth and kissed the top of both her hands.

Blushing and heart beating quickly, (Y/N) softly said, "Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you watching my back." She looked into his brown eyes and smiled at him. xQc smiled back before scooting closer to her. As he drew closer, (Y/N) did too.

Inches apart, they both stopped and looked at each other. Felix had the biggest blush on his face, and (Y/N) giggled quietly at how cute he looked. He drew his attention to her lips. He wanted to kiss her so badly. He was tired of hiding his feelings for his best friend. He wanted her to be his. To belong to him.

(Y/N) looked at his lips as well before letting out a shaky breath. She wanted to kiss him too. Her heart beat so loudly in her chest. Seeing that Felix was still looking at her lips, she slowly nodded her head. Felix's eyes shot up to hers before closing them and quickly grabbing her waist. He pulled her onto his lap and pressed his lips against hers.

Sparks flew as the two kissed. (Y/N)'s hands flew into xQc's messy blond hair, running her fingers through it. Felix tightly held onto her and ran his hands up and down her sides.

The two stayed like that for a few minutes, before breaking apart for air.

(Y/N)giggled at she saw how flushed Felix was. He chuckled in return before kissing her forehead and standing up.

"Come on. Let's go to my place and celebrate the win." Felix said, as he grabbed (Y/N)'s hand.

"But what about everyone else?" (Y/N) asked.

"Eh, they won't miss us. Besides, I want to spend some private time with my new girlfriend." xQc said, as he winked at (Y/N). She blushed and nodded before walking out with Felix, back to his apartment.

A/N wowie. This was a long one. 1774 words lol. I hope you enjoyed it! :)
