Space x Reader

"Alrighty everyone! Let's prepare for today's matches. You all know what to do."

The Blizzard Arena was buzzing with excitement this afternoon. There were going to be some crazy games today and everyone needed to make sure the arena was in tip top shape. People began cleaning the stage, adjusting lights, and making sure all the seats were in place.

On the other hand, you had the amazing job of taking care of Niles, the security dog. Niles was basically your best friend. You two would wonder the arena and make sure no one had an illegal items on them or looked suspicious.

You didn't need to do anything for awhile, so you decided to wander backstage.

"Come on Niles. Let's go and check up on the players." You said. Niles happily stood up, tail wagging excitedly. He loved the players, especially one on the LA Valiant.

You walked backstage and down one of the hallways towards the team room. You knew who Niles wanted to see and you secretly wanted to see him too.

You stood in front of the LA Valiant door. You took a deep breath and looked at Niles. He was wagging his tail wildly. You giggled and opened the door.

Inside, the LA Valiant boys were practicing before today's match. They all turned to you when they heard the door open. Everyone instantly brighten up when they was you two.

"Niles!!!" Space shouted, before getting up from his chair. Niles dashes towards Space, taking you along with him. He jumped up and licked Space all over his face.

Everyone laughed as they watched the two greet one another. They all gathered around and began petting Niles, who was loving all the attention. Custa stood next to you.

"How are you two doing today, (Y/N)?" He asked. He was gently petting Niles's head.

"Doing great! Everyone is getting ready for the matches and I decided to let Niles wander around. He really wanted to see Space." You said. Custa laughed.

After attacking Niles with pets for 15 minutes, the team went back to their practice. Space walked over to you.

"Thanks for bringing him here (Y/N). It really cheered everyone up." He said.

"No problem Indy. Niles loves seeing all of you guys." You giggled. Niles made his way back over to you and sat by your side.

"Well, I guess we should be going now, buddy." You said, looking at Niles. You turned to leave but Space lightly grabbed your hand.

You blushed and turned to look at him. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Hey umm... do you wanna maybe hang out after the match today?" He asked. He was looking at the floor and shifting on his feet.

You smiled at him before squeezing his hand. Indy looked back up at you.

"I would love to." You said. Indy's face brighten up and he nodded.

"Awesome! I'll come and get you after the game." He said, excitedly.

"Sounds great! It's a date!"
