Doctor What?- 18

Chapter 18


The first smell that hit my nose when I woke up in the morning, too early I may add. The clock read 8:30 and I groaned and rolled over, pulling the sheets over my head as I tried to get the god awful smell out of my nostrils, to no avail. I rolled over to the source of the smell and smacked him, hard. Adam rolled over as well and continued to snore, right in my face I may add. The prodigious stench was enough to send my stomach churning and I began to feel nauseous.

The bathroom seemed so far away, yet I reached in time before I expelled last night's drinks into the porcelain bowl. My injuries were still aching and my knee screamed in pain from where I landed on it. I gingerly got up and brushed myself off. I walked to the sink and brushed off my teeth. The aftertaste was one that I didn't care to ever taste again.

I tiptoed back to the bedroom and laid back down beside Adam; he was still snoring. I turned the other way to avoid his terrible stale alcohol breath. Taking out my iPod, I placed the song on "I Ran (So Far Away)" by Flock of Seagulls and began to skim through Pinterest. I looked at the Geek board, where I spend most of my time looking at Doctor Who things. I was only a little (okay a lot) obsessed. Currently my TARDIS earrings were laying on the nightstand beside the bed. I wore them just about every day.

After I scrolled through and repinned some new pins for about an hour, Adam began to stir beside me. I turned to the side and played possum as he slowly woke up, for he says some strange things as he's getting up sometimes. Today was no different.

"No, give the banana to the chicken. What are you talking about? Chickens love bananas." He mumbled in his half-dreaming state. I almost snorted and gave myself away. However, he didn't hear me as he stretched and mumbled something else about chickens while groaning in that way we all do when we wake up in the morning. He turned to face me and shook me gently. I tried not to move as he shook me harder. "Katie," he whispered in my ear. I shivered involuntarily and leaned towards him. I could hear the smile in his voice. "Got you."

Suddenly my airways were constricted as a lard butt suddenly rolled on top of me. Correction: my lard butt. Even though his butt isn't really that lard-y. I digress.

I became unable to breathe and soon started to wheeze. "Get off me!" I wheezed out, trying to roll him off me.

"I don't think so." He smugly replied.

However, little did he know that I had panic attacks when anything happened to make me unable to breathe, so I soon felt the oncoming symptoms of one. "Seriously, get off!" I strained. He stayed where he was.

"Say please." He teased.

"No, no, no; I can't breathe. Just get off me!" I yelled out, tears beginning to leak uncontrollably from my eyes. I thrashed back and forth under his grip as I tried to free myself from the vice-like grip that was tightening on my chest. That time he got the message that I was serious and rolled off me quickly. I curled up into a ball and willed the tears to stop. But they wouldn't and Adam began to worry.

"Katie, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I growled out through clenched teeth as the tears continued to fall. I wiped them away quickly, but Adam grabbed my hand.

"Stop wiping them away. It's okay to cry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I won't do it again." He apologized, tracing the tear tracks down my face. I laughed weakly.

"Well then we would never have any fun, would we?" I asked. "Just, next time you do it, get off when I start to sound serious."

We got up and made our way to the kitchen area, where the smell of bacon and pancakes reached our noses. I inhaled the scent deeply and smiled, wiping my nose. Barry stood over the griddle, bacon sizzling on one end and pancakes cooking on the other end.

"Where the hell did you get the food and the griddle?" I asked. "Not that I'm complaining because it smells delicious."

"The griddle I found over there in that cabinet. I had to go to a little store to get the ingredients for this. Eggs?" This question was asked as he cracked two eggs in the pan laying beside him on the burner.

"Two. Scrambled." Adam said and Barry mouthed it along with him, as if he knew what Adam would say.

"None for me, thanks. I don't like eggs." I said. Plopping down into a chair, I took out my iPod and browsed Pinterest some more. Adam came over and sat beside me. He saw me repin a Doctor Who picture and gave me a look.

"You never told me you liked Doctor Who." He scolded me.

"Well, it's just a thing. I'm kind of a nerd, I know..." I trailed off, feeling a bit embarrassed.

He held up his hands. "No, no. I didn't mean it like that." He leaned in close. "It's my secret obsession." He held a finger to his lips as if to say 'shh'.

"It's not really a secret when you go around humming the theme song and you own a sonic screwdriver." Neil said as he walked into the room and took a seat next to me. I gasped and turned to Adam.

"You OWN a sonic screwdriver? Let me see!" I squealed.

He reached into his pocket and I chuckled. "Oh my God he keeps it in his pocket, what a nerd." He pulled out a little keychain with a mini screwdriver on it. He pressed the button and the tip lit up and it made the sound.

"Ha, that's wimpy. Let me go get mine." I said to him as I got up and scrounged around in my luggage. I brought back my actual size 11th doctor's screwdriver.

I waved it in his face as I can back and he looked like a kid on Christmas. "Oh my God. Give it to me."

"Uh uh uh," I chided as he lunged for it. "Not so fast. It's mine. I can't just give it to anyone. Maybe later."

He sulked throughout breakfast and while we got ready to go out on the Strip. I placed it in my purse and we set off.

I ogled each hotel we passed and took lots of pictures. We went into most of them, mostly to admire the lobby. Some were quite spectacular. However, many of the 'sights' to see were on the Strip itself. More than once I saw a person dressed up as a Disney character or some other animas or something. The most memorable one was probably Mickey Mouse, because he was leaning against a fence, passed out, with a bottle of vodka between his legs. That one was picture worthy and was just one of many that I added to the collection that day.

We were standing currently in Caesar's Palace, gazing at the expanse of lobby around us and taking many pictures. It was around 8:30 pm and we were about to leave, when I noticed a grungy man face first in the fountain. I knew he was probably homeless, but I figured he was just taking a bath or something. However, that wasn't the case. A police man on a Segway came over to the man and dragged him out of the fountain. When the man saw it was the police, he ran out of the hotel screaming 'I'm not putting it back!'. It turns out he was stealing the money from the bottom of the fountain.

At 8:45, we lined up along a fence to watch the water show one of the hotels held at the top of the hour. It was so spectacular that we stayed for the next show.

At 10, we finally decided that it was time to head back. I was exhausted anyways so I obliged quickly. We got back, no one said a word, and I immediately went to my room and fell asleep.



Yes, I am alive! Sorry it's been soooo long since I've updated. I just haven't been motivated. And Adam freakin up and left TDG! Which pisses me off to no end so I've been mourning the loss for a while also.

So sorry the chapter's crappy but you know what to do!

Vote, comment, enjoy.

Keep it real, babes
