All I Wanted was a Car- 2

Chapter Two

I took one last look at myself in the mirror at my dress. It was blue lace, with a silver belt around my waist and it hugged my curves nicely, coming to rest just above mid-thigh. Along with it I had on a silver necklace with a pair of heels. Lily came over early and helped me curl my hair where it fell to just at my shoulders. I put on a layer of light eyeshadow and eyeliner to make my hazel eyes pop. I almost didn't recognize myself.

I took one last glance in the mirror before grabbing my ticket and heading downstairs where Lily was waiting. When she saw me, her jaw dropped. "Katie! Girl! You look absolutely stunning! Do you know how many guys are gonna wanna talk to you when they see you looking like that!?"

"Thanks, but you look amazing too." And I meant it. Her ginger hair was straightened to flow down to her waist and she wore a purple strapless dress that made her eyes look like brighter than usual with a coat of purple eyeshadow that really brought out her eyes. She, too, wore a pair of heels and was clutching her ticket.

"Let's go. The concert starts in two hours and I want to make sure we find a decent parking spot." Lily said as she grabbed my arm and started leading me towards the door.

"Wait, my purse!" I ran up to my room and grabbed the clutch off of my nightstand. I ran out the door and stopped short. "Lily, what the f-"

"I know right?"

Sitting in front of me was probably the nicest car I had ever laid my eyes on. It was a silver 2012 Ferrari 458 Italia. I wiped away the bit of drool from the corner of my mouth and turned to face Lily. She was looking at me with a smug look on her face. "What did I tell you? I said I would take care of everything."

"Lily! Holy shit! Where-how? What?" I sputtered out. Damn that car is nice.

"Let's just say I know people. Now come on, let's go!" she tossed me a key ring with a single key with the Ferrari symbol emblazoned on it.

"Lily. I can't drive this. It's a brand new car! A Ferrari no less!" I exclaimed.

"Come on Katie. Live a little." Lily replied as she opened the passenger seat door and slid in. I walked cautiously over to the car, not wanting to breathe on it in case it crumbled away like a dream. I opened the driver door and slid in. I instantly let out a sigh of contentment. The seats, oh my God. The seats were like heaven and the interior was so nice, not a ding or scratch in sight. I put the key in the ignition and turned. No resistance whatsoever. The engine let out a deep throaty noise as it started up and I almost cried because it was such a beautiful sound.

"Are you going to sit here and cry over a car or are we going to go to the concert?" Lily's voice snapped me out of my reverie.

"Right. Let's go." I said as I slowly pulled out of the driveway. I gently pressed on the accelerator and the car shot off. I almost screamed because of how fast the car accelerated. I eased up but to almost no avail. The engine was so powerful.

After a lot of sudden stopping and going, we arrived at the concert hall looking quite frazzled. As we pulled into the parking lot, I rolled down the blacked-out window. Everywhere there were people, most of them staring at the car. I caught one man's eye and winked at him. He stood gaping at the car, not even acknowledging me. I quickly honked the horn twice and luckily most people were smart enough to get out of the way.

We found a parking spot relatively close to the entrance. And by relatively close I mean we wouldn't have to walk for more than 10 minutes to get to the entrance. By the time we got up to the area where we gave our tickets, already 3 people had tried to grab my ass or slip their number into my clutch. I was feeling very violated when we got inside the building. I needed release.

"I'll be back." I murmured to Lily. She acknowledged me with a dismissive wave of her hand. I proceeded to search for a back door or side door- anything to get away. I finally found one that was-luckily-relatively close to the stage so when I came back inside I wouldn't have as far to walk. Silently slipping out the door, I found myself in a side alleyway. I pulled out what I needed from my clutch-my cigarettes. Taking the lighter out of the purse, I flicked it open, lit the cig, and took a deep inhale. As I was standing there, I heard a rustling noise behind me. I turned, nothing was there.


No answer. Once more.




Dun dun DUHHH!!! Cliffhanger cause I feel like it.

Vote, comment, keep it real babes. :)
