Chapter Twenty-Two

Next day, I arrived at GCPD before my shift started. Jim was preparing his things for the next day's trip and the conference. I should tell him ...

Not now!

Not now??!! What do you mean??? Only you could support a criminal! You said yourself that I should not surrender to my feelings when it comes to him! And now you don't want me to stop him from stealing Arkham??!

And then they say I'm the crazy one!

"Good morning, captain!"

"Good morning, Harleen! You're early!"

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd come and work early."

"I still have no work for you, and Lucius has not come yet."

"I'll wait in my office then, how's Barbara doing?"

"Well! She is an amazing girl! I love her so much!"

"She really is! You seem like a happy daddy!"

"I am!"

The ringing phone ruins our conversation. I signal that I'm leaving the room when Jim picks up. I decide to go to my office and see houses in another city ... In another city ?? Where am I going to go? Metropolis? Not! It's very close! National city ?? That's a good place!

The prices are reasonable. And with the money I collected from my job I can support myself until I got another job.

"Good morning, Harleen!"

"Good morning, Lucius!"

"I've had 3 coffees today and it's not even midmorning!"

"I'm not a big fan of coffee honestly."

"Too many cases so far?"

"Just a few quick tracks to solve."

"What are you doing now? Looking for houses? !!! Are you going to leave Gotham? !!!"

"I think so ..."

"You weren't going to tell us?"

"It's just a recent decision."

"Why? Don't you like this place?"

"There's nothing to me here."

"Are you thinking of moving where?"

"National City."

"Uh, I have a cousin there who can rent you his old apartment, if you want, I'll give you the number?"

"Really? Thanks, Lucius! You are a good friend!"

"You're welcome. His name is James! He can help you."

"Thank you so much!"

"I will miss my partner."

"I will miss you too. But I am still here and we got work to do! Alvarez put some files on your desk."

"You wanna help me?"

"Me? Of course!"

     His affairs had nothing to do with mine. They were so much more interesting! Maybe if my father was alive I might as well be resolving cases like this! Who would say that even in dead you bring me problems, daddy ?!

I begin to hear a commotion coming from outside the door, but as Lucius doesn't seem to care I don't care either. Until someone opens our door all of a sudden. It's Captain Gordon.

"Is everything alright, Captain ?!"

"Yes, it will be. Can you go to the question room please, Harleen?"


"There is someone who needs to speek to you!"


And there I was, quite calm. The commotion from the outside that I had heard was just a drunk who had come in and stuck the nose of a guardsman to bleed. Another normal day at work.

I open the door carefully. Until I realize there's no one in the room.

Am I in the wrong room?

Jim enters the room, quietly, as I entered.

"What's going on, captain?"

"Sit, please!"

"You said that someone needed to talk to me here."

"Yes, I need to talk to you."

"Couldn't you just say that? You scared me!"

"You should be!"


"Because you're under arrest, Harleen!"

"What !! ???"

WHATTTTT ?????? WHHHATTTT ????? WWWHHHAAAATTT ???? What gave in to him????? I can't be arrested! I don't want to go to Blackcage! I heard that the environment there is awful !!!! What a fuck!?

Just be calm!

You're right! I should be calm, I didn't do anything wrong ...

Well, I did killed my father and Ecco ... But besides I didn't do anything wrong ... Taking that time where I kidnapped Jenna, but she is fine now!

"What did I do?"

"You tell me!"

"This is madness! I don' know what you think I have done ... But we can solve this situation in a better place."

He closed the doors! I AM condemned! All I have to do now is sit down and listen to what he has to say.

"I have a call this morning, saying that you have killed people."

"What are you going to arrest me based on a call without any proves that I did that awful things ???"

"Jeremiah Valeska, the hospital footage of you killing your dad, the medical history of your mother and the corpse of Ecco! "

Ho shit! I am about to commit another murderer! But it will not be Jim Gordon the victim ....

"Nothing to say !?"

"I didn't do what you're suggesting! I mean I did, but it's not what you think! I'm not a killer!"

"You have three minutes to explain before a guard walks through that door and takes you to Arkham."

"You know my father, you know how much I liked him, I loved my father, I would never end his life out of spite!"

"Are you saying it was an act of mercy?"

"He was suffering! Even if he was about to leave the hospital he could never have is normal life again. "

"And you decided it was right to kill him and then kill the person who put him in that situation?!"

"Ecco deserved it, not only for what she did to my father, but also for what she did to her sister!"


I can control my own words! With every word that comes out of my mouth he has more arguments to send me to the Asylum, but maybe that's what you want!

"Alison, the girl I sent to an orphanage and her mother died because of those drugs we discovered, was Ecco's younger sister!"

"Did you omit information to the police?"

"She destroyed the life of her sister and the rest of her family, she couldn't let ..."

"And you thought you'd better not let me know that?"

"Jim, you killed people, you're no more innocent than me!"

"I'm not trying to throw stones at you, I just want you not to end up like certain people..."

"Who was it that denounced me?"

"Your stepmother, Jenna!"

    WHAT ???? HOW IS SHE CAPABLE !!! ??? I thought we had a deal !! I thought we were a family!


"I saw so much potentional on you! But do not worry I believe you will be better off in a short period of time, and then you can come back to work."

"Jim, I beg you! Do not send me to Arkham, the voices will not leave me alone! Please !!"

A guard in a uniform different from the others brings handcuffs that come towards my hands, I try to escape, but it's too late. I think I'd rather die now than have to spend the next days, months or years in a closed room with you constantly telling me to kill my cell neighbor

I can not stand to see more blood on my hands! I do not want to become the person Jim accused me of being!

All my life I feared this very moment! The moment they accused me of being like my mother and I had to go through what she went through ...

All I wanted was to be normal, but you don't allow it!
