The Role You Were Born To Play 4x05

     Unfortunately, heading straight back to New York didn't exactly go according to plan. To her dismay, the flight got canceled. Thankfully, they refunded her money with flight points which gave her enough to fly back at the end of the week. She already reached out to Simon, Madame Tibideaux, and Ms. July to discuss her absence this week. Luckily, everything they are doing this week is something Blake can accomplish back in Ohio and present to them when she returns.

When she returned to her father's home, he and Derek were absolutely elated. When she went to find Finn, she didn't exactly stop by to see them... She felt terrible of course, but she felt like the Finn situation needed to be handled first.

Aaron and Derek happily accepted her into the house, telling her she could stay for as long as she liked. She had a wonderful night with them, all of them bundled in the living room watching movies together. It was a peaceful night after a train wreck of a day. She explained to them what happened with Finn, and both of them were saddened by the news, but they understood. Which she was very grateful for.

The next morning, Blake felt almost out of place. Like she didn't have anything to do. After a few moments of debating on what she could do, an idea sprang into her head. She whips out her phone and decides to call Mr. Schuester.

"Hello?" The man asks, not knowing who's number just called him.

"Mr. Schue, hey." She starts. "It's Blake!"

"Blake!" He exclaims with a happy laugh. "It's good to hear from you. How have you been?"

"Um, I've been better." She answers honestly. "But, I'm in town for the week and I was actually wondering if I could tag along this week in glee club?" She asks hopefully.

"Absolutely." The man answers with no hesitation. "We'd love to have you."

"Awesome." She smiles. "I'll see you then."

"Bye Blake."

"Bye Mr. Schue."


Walking through the hallways of McKinley high and towards the all to familiar door of the choir room. She did walk through these same halls yesterday, but seeing all of the new faces she never saw when she was in school, made her feel almost irrelevant. Like she hadn't been to high school in years.

Instead of poking her head through the regular door, she had come up with a sneaky idea. She was going to enter through Mr. Schue's office, in hopes of surprising her friends. She quietly walks through the dimly lit office and maneuvers smoothly into the choir room where all of her friends sit.

She giggles to herself as none of them seem to even be aware of her presence. She notices some new faces as well and takes a mental note to learn their names. She smoothly takes a seat directly behind Sam and Brittany who still have not seen her.

She hears mumbles between the rest of the group, discussing numbers from Grease and characters they would like to play. Blake's chest fills with warmth for a split second, knowing this musical suggestion had to have come from Finn. She then remembers they're no longer together and the warmth disappears.

She shakes off the sad feeling and slyly leans forward in between Brittany and Sam, "Boo!" She exclaims.

Both blondes jump in their spot, Sam to the point where he almost tumbled out of his chair. Brittany looks back and registers who is sitting in front of her and she gasps loudly, embracing Blake in a tight hug. Sam soon joins after regaining his balance.

"I can't believe you're here!" Sam exclaims happily.

That's when everyone's attention turns back and the rest of the upperclassmen glee members clamber up to the top row, joining Sam and Brittany in hugging her.

"What are you doing here?" Tina asks excitedly.

"This week could not get any better." Artie smiles happily.

Blake laughs, "I missed you guys too." She smiles as she ruffles Sam's hair. "I'm actually here for the rest of the week. Flight complications." She explains.

"Well, we're so happy to have you." Artie says.

"Um, I'm sorry." A brunette girl that Blake doesn't recognize chimes in. "I don't mean to sound rude, but who are you?" She asks politely.

"She is the Blake Henley." Sam introduces, keeping his arm around Blake's shoulders.

"Also technically me, since I was dubbed the new Blake." River announces as she walks into the room, making Blake squeal.

Blake pulls her old friend into a hug, "I knew it would be you." She whispers.

"She is the most talented person that this glee club has ever seen." Artie confirms with a nod causing Blake to blush and wave off his compliment.

"You guys have a lot of talent here. Each of you is special in your own way." She insists. "No one is more talented than the other, we're all equal."

"And she's humble." Tina continues.

Blake reaches over the empty seat in front of her and shakes the new brunette girl's hand, "It's really nice to meet you..."

"Marley." She answers with a shy smile. "It's really nice to meet you too. And uh, this is my friend-"

"Unique!" Blake finishes the sentence for her, pulling the girl into a hug. "I am so happy you decided to transfer to McKinkey. You're gonna love it here."

Then the bell rang, dismissing the group from the confines of the classroom. Sam, Tina, Artie, River, and Brittany all hang back as the newbies leave. Once they're sure all of them are gone, they turn to look at Blake.

Sam frowns, "So is it true that you and Finn broke up?"

Blake rubs the back of her neck awkwardly, "Uh, yeah. We did." She looks down. "I just couldn't get over the fact he ignored me for four months and came back only to leave in the middle of the night without saying goodbye." She rambles.

Blake watches as their faces begin to contort into sympathy and she shakes her head, wanting to change the subject. "Anyway, let's change the subject. What's all this talk about Grease?" She raises an excited eyebrow.

Artie smiles, "I'm directing Grease this year as the school musical." He reveals, absolutely beaming.

"Artie, that's awesome!" Blake congratulates. "If you need any help with anything, let me know. I'd love to lend a hand."

"Actually, since you're here for the rest of the week, why don't you help me with auditions and casting?" He proposes.

"Absolutely." She laughs happily. "This'll be the perfect distraction. Plus, I've been dying to spend some more time with you guys." She looks at her friends sappily.

"We're happy you're here." Tina confirms, hugging her once more.

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake should've known deep down that when she agreed to help with the musical that Finn would somehow have been involved. She just didn't expect to have to work with him directly, but here they are. Thankfully, she called Chris before she began to help with auditions and that really helped calm her down.

Artie, Finn, and Blake sit in the dead center of the auditorium, prepared to watch all of the auditions that are going on today. Blaine is currently performing Hopelessly Devoted To You, which is absolutely beautiful, but she can't help but be a little angry at the raven-haired boy for what he did to Kurt. But she knows how important professionalism is, so she'll keep her personal feelings aside. Plus, she still loves Blaine. He's still one of her closest friends.

Once the song ends, Artie looks in between the ex couple. "Say something." He whispers to the two of them.

Finn furrows his eyebrows confused, "Like what?"

Blake sighs and leans forward to speak into her microphone. She smiles up at Blaine, "I think I speak for all of us when I say that though you auditioned with a Sandy song, you are the Danny Zuko of our dreams."

Finn's eyes travel over to Blake, his heart breaking and warming at the same time. It's been driving him crazy how he managed to let her go. He forcibly tears his vision away from her and back to Blaine, "Yeah, yeah, totally. You were awesome." He nods.

"Amazing." Artie confirms.

"I can't." Blaine croaks out, his voice shaky. "I'm sorry, I just can't, you guys. I didn't want to let you down, but Grease is a romance, and how can I play any of the scenes if I have ruined mine?" His eyes begin to fill with tears as he looks at them. "Thank you for letting me
audition, but I– I just can't."

"But wait!" Artie stops him. "Is there any part you think you could play?"

Blaine shakes his head, trying to hold back a sob. "I don't think so."

"Maybe Teen Angel?" Blake suggests softly. "It's only one scene and there's no romance. Do you think you could handle that?" She asks him politely.

Blaine simply nods with a small shrug and then sulks off the stage, leaving the atmosphere very morose. Blake breaths out, "Wow, I've never seen Blaine so..."

"Masterpiece Theatre." Artie finishes.

"Exactly." Blake nods. Her eyesight accidentally makes its way over to Finn, the two making eye contact. Finn's breath hitches for a moment as a terrible pain begins to fill his chest.

The man stands up, "Look, sorry, man. I know
you're just trying to help, but this is a bad idea." The brunette man storms out of the auditorium, making Blake feel terrible.

She sighs, "It's probably best if you go after him." She admits sadly. "I don't think he can handle talking to me right now."

Artie nods in understanding. He rubs her back lightly before taking off to find Finn. Blake places her head in her hands, groaning to herself. She takes out her phone from her pocket and decides to dial Chris's number once more.

"This is the second time you've called me within two hours." He opens, worriedly. "Is everything okay? Do I need to go down there?"

Blake relaxes at the sound of his voice, "No." She answers with a chuckle. "I just really needed to talk to you."

"About what?"

"Everything." She sighs. "This whole breakup thing sucks." She rubs her forehead. "It's like we can't be around each other without one of us storming out."

"It's gonna take time." Chris tells her honestly. "It probably doesn't help that you're staying there all week right after it happened. I know you probably don't wanna hear it, but you've gotta give the poor guy some time."

"I know." She says softly. "I just don't know how to make things not weird. I mean, we were best friends for a long time before we even dated. I just miss that sometimes."

"Well, from what I've heard, you guys had a love for the ages." He chuckles. "That's not something you can just backtrack on. Just give him a little bit. I'm sure he'll come around."

"I don't know. Finn can be stubborn when he wants to be." She breathes out. "If he doesn't want to talk to me, he won't."

"I know he hurt you." Chris says comfortingly. "And I know that this is just as tough for you as it is for him. But think about it, in a couple of days you'll be back here and then we can go on a Disney movie marathon to make you feel better."

Blake smiles at the thought of being cuddled up on the couch with Chris, "That sounds heavenly."

"Just hold out for me okay?" He asks her seriously. "It'll be over before you know it. Just enjoy helping your friends put on the show."

"You always know how to help." She tells him cheerily. "Thank you."

"Anything for you." He replies. "I'll talk to you later, beautiful."

Blake blushes, "I'll talk to you later, handsome." She says cheekily.

After that helpful phone call, Blake stood up from her spot and headed out into the hallway to help Artie. She doesn't want Finn to think she stopped caring about him, because she does. With every fiber of her being she does. Once she spots the two, she notices they're hugging two very familiar faces.

"Mercedes?! Mike?!" Blake practically squeals out.

Both adults look up and gasp at the sight of her, "Blake?" Mercedes laughs with joy.

Within two seconds, Blake has her arms wrapped around both of them. "This is seriously the best thing ever." She smiles at them. "All five of us together," She continues, looking over at Finn. "What could be better?"

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "We have plenty of girls auditioning for Sandy, but we're gonna have a serious Danny Zuko problem if Blaine can't do it." Mercedes blatantly says after Blake, Finn, and Artie filled her and Mike in about their current musical status.

"What are the other options?" Mike queries.

"How about Sam?" Finn suggests.

Blake shakes her head, "He's got his heart set on Kenickie." She laughs slightly, "Ever since I've known him, his ringtone has been Greased Lightning. And when I took him to Breadstix one time, he knocked himself out with a car door. So needless to say, he is really looking forward to recreating that moment on stage." She says with her lips in a thin line.

"Joe Hart?"

"Won't cut his dreads." Artie answers. "Thinks he looks like Erykah Badu."

"Wait, what about Puck's brother? Can't he sing?" Finn snaps his fingers.

"Not interested."

Finn groans and throws his head back, "Why is it that we can't find one dude to play the lead in the school play?"

Blake tilts her head, admiring the passion that seems to be oozing out of him. She always knew he would thrive as a director or teacher. Helping people accomplish their dreams is always something he's been good at. It makes her smile seeing him try so hard to make this production successful.

Mercedes sighs, "Well, there aren't a
lot of dudes like you. Even Mr. Shue had that problem when he first started Glee Club." She admits to him.

Blake nods in agreement, "That's why he went looking for you." Her eyes widen as an idea pops into her head. She looks to Artie, "Coach Bieste is having practice right now, right?"

Artie nods, "Yeah, why?"

Blake pivots her body over to Finn, "We're gonna find the new you."


"Get them up! Get your knees up. Let's go!" Coach Bieste yells.

Blake smiles at the familiar sound of the woman's yelling. Oh how she missed the power that whistle gave her. She walks over to the left side of the woman and puts her hand on her shoulder as Finn goes to her right.

"Hey Coach!" Blake says excitedly.

Coach Bieste's head whips to her left, immediately recognizing the voice. "Blake!" She exclaims, not hesitating to pull the brunette girl in for a hug. She smiles even wider when she notices Finn on the other side. She pulls him in for a hug as well before turning back to the boys on the field.

"There's no prize for running the slowest! Come on!"

"Good-looking bunch of recruits this year." Finn comments as he watches the boys do the drills Coach had set up.

"Idiots on patrol." She shakes her head. "But I'll knock them into shape. Heck, Blake and I coached you to a state championship." She jokes, nudging his side playfully. She notices his face fall and she tilts her head, "I'm kidding. You're one of a kind. I just wish you still believed that."

Blake can't help but agree with Coach Bieste's sentiment. She knows how lost Finn feels right now, but he's such a talent. He just needs to rediscover his passion again.

Finn huffs, "Thanks, Coach." He gazes over to Blake for a moment before his eyes fall to the floor. "It's just kind of hard to feel that way about myself right now."

"Give it time." The woman reassures him, feeling the tension between the freshly broken up couple. "You're going through the biggest change in your life. Guys like you always find their way."

Finn clears his throat as he notices Blake sending him a small smile. He looks over the football players, crossing his arms. "You think you got any guys like that out here today?"

Blake nods, mimicking his pose. Her arms rest comfortably over her chest, "We're searching for some recruits of our own. We need a male lead for the musical." She explains.

Both Blake and Finn's eyes fall onto a certain kid who runs into the goal and begins doing the most extra end zone dance Blake has ever seen. The two adults' heads tilt in the same direction as they simultaneously ask, "What's his story?"

The older woman shakes her head in amusement. She could tell the two were no longer together, but they clearly still operate on the same wavelength. "Ryder Lynn, sophomore." Coach Bieste begins. "I think he flunked out of his old school, so they transferred him here. Sweet enough kid, but he's a loner and can't learn to play for his life, and if you ask me, I say he's got a lazy streak."

Finn nods, slightly impressed. "Moves good though."

"You want to know the thing about the two of you that makes you both special? It's not the singing or the dancing or the way you threw the ball." She nudges Blake, knowing she only played one game. "It's that you could move people."

"Figure that Ryder kid's got anything like that in him?" Finn asks, with his signature half smile. One Blake hasn't seen in a long time.

"Maybe." Coach pats his back. "If he had the right guy showing him the way."

After that meaningful heart to heart, Blake and Finn begin walking back towards the inside of the school. Finn has his hands shoved deeply in his pockets while Blake is walking with her arms crossed in front of her.

She sighs, "Listen, before you go and recruit that Ryder kid, just remember he might need some persuasion like you did."

"What?" Finn looks at her confused, slightly surprised she talked to him while they were alone.

"If he's anything like you were sophomore year, he's going to be concerned about his rep. He might not want to join glee club right away, so try to keep the focus on him auditioning for the musical." Blake explains. "But try to refrain from putting the Chronic Lady in his locker." She jokes, nudging his side.

Finn genuinely laughs, one he nor Blake has heard in quite some time. He shakes his head, "I still can't believe Mr. Schue did that."

"Oh don't try to act all shocked about it. I know you thought it was funny once you found out." She teases him.

Finn shrugs, "It was funny. One desperate moment led to the best three years of my life." He says softly, looking at her.

Blake tilts her head, "You haven't even lived one year out of highschool yet." She counters. "Give it some time. I'm sure you'll have a way better year in the future."

"I don't know. So far things aren't looking too good for me." Finn looks down at the ground, kicking stray rocks that fall in front of his feet.

"Hey." She stops him. "You are the Finn Hudson. If anyone is going to succeed in something, it's going to be you. You don't need to have a plan." She reassures him. "You just graduated. Take the time you need to figure it out. People who go off and do things without really thinking it through tend to fail. But those who take their time in trying to figure out their life, they succeed. I mean, think about it, Harrison Ford didn't figure things out and get his big break til he was thirty-five." She smiles softly. "You have time."

Finn looks down at his now ex-girlfriend with a small smile. He truly doesn't understand how she always knows the right thing to say when he's down. Even after they broke up, she's still going out of her way to help him. While it does sting talking to her, he knows he'll have to do it eventually, so why not just start now.

"Thanks Blake." He nods.

"You're welcome."

           ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Watching Marley and Unique perform Blow Me (One Last Kiss) by P!NK was very refreshing. Mercedes, Mike, Artie, Blake, and Finn all are very impressed by the work they put into the performance. It's definitely clear that the two girls want a lead in this show. Blake laughs in excitement as Unique hits a high note and Marley skips around the stage.

Once the song ends, Blake stands on her feet clapping with the rest of her friends. "Yeah! Bravo!" Artie yells.

Blake sits back down and smiles, "That had more energy than the last three auditions combined."

Artie nods in agreement, "Ladies, do you have any preference for the parts you want to play?" He asks curiously.

"Sandy." Marley blurts out. "Definitely Sandy."

Blake can't help but find the brunette girl absolutely adorable. She can feel the kindness radiating off of her. She just hopes the mean people of McKinley don't break her spirits.

"What about you, Wade?" Mike asks, quirking his eyebrow.

"Unique." Blake politely reminds him.

The young woman looks out at the judges unsurely, but ultimately nods, "I would like to play the role of Rizzo."

Everyone but Mercedes and Blake share a confused glance. Blake smiles as she writes down Unique's name next to Rizzo on her sheet of paper with a star next to it.

As soon as they all finish writing their final notes, Finn rises from his seat. "I, uh, gotta go." He smiles. "I have a potential Danny for us, and I gotta go find him."

Blake smirks, "Just remember what I said."

He shakes his head in amusement, "I don't even know who the Chronic Lady is." He jokes as he walks out of the auditorium.

Artie looks at Blake in complete shock, "You and him just made a joke." He points out. "That's the first time I think I've seen either of you smile since the break-up."

"Wait a minute." Mercedes puts her hand up. "I'm sorry, what? You guys... broke up?" She asks, not even able to fathom the idea of the dream couple splitting up.

Blake sighs, "Yeah..." She looks at them awkwardly. "The whole disappearing for four months thing and then leaving in the middle of the night kinda rubbed me the wrong way." She blatantly puts it.

"Aww, I'm sorry." Mercedes says sadly, hugging the girl from the side. "But it's gonna be okay, you wanna know why?" She smirks. "Because when you get to LA we'll be the hottest singles there. If you're not dating Chris Evans by then." She wiggles her eyebrows playfully.

Blake can't help but chuckle. She shakes her head and leans her head on Mercedes shoulder. "We'll see what the future brings."

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     After discussing some costume ideas with Tina, Blake decided to head to the auditorium to grab her notebook that she left with all of her notes in it. They have more auditions later in the day, and she would like to reread over the previous audition notes so when they have the casting meeting she'll be prepared.

As the brunette girl walks backstage into the auditorium she hears the familiar beat to one of her favorite songs Jukebox Hero. She peeks out from behind the curtain out of curiosity and notices the kid Ryder from earlier... and Finn.

Jukebox Hero was one of the many songs Blake and Finn would sing in the car together. Hearing the familiar words made a smile appear on her face. Truthfully, she hadn't listened to the song since she moved to New York.

The two sing the song very well together. Blake leans against the wall, admiring her ex from afar. Which in all honesty is something she shouldn't be doing, but she can't help it. He looks like sophomore year Finn. The Finn that believed in himself. The one that knew he had a purpose.

Blake bites her bottom lip as the song finishes. She barely hears the small conversation Finn and Ryder have. Ryder ends up picking up his backpack and taking off, but before Finn can leave Blake walks onstage.

"I think your method of recruitment is much better than Mr. Schue's." She claps with a small smirk on her face.

Finn turns and looks stunned for a moment, "You heard all that?"

"Yeah." She nods, placing her hands in her pockets as she walks closer. "It was really nice hearing you sing again." She stops directly in front of him, craning her neck up. "You sounded amazing, as always. I missed your voice."

"Really?" He asks with that smug grin on his face. He leans down closer to her, "Why is that?"

"I missed hearing your determination." She admits. "Seeing the passion behind your eyes again... it's all I wanted for you to find."

"How would Chris feel about you complimenting me like this?" He asks cockily.

Blake shrugs, "Probably just fine." She grins, moving a stray piece of hair out of his face. "Just a friend complimenting a friend right?" She lifts an eyebrow.

Finn nods, but anyone could see that he believed differently with the sly twinkle behind his eyes. "Right. Friends." He pulls away slightly, sending her a wink. "I'll see you at auditions, Blake." He announces while walking away.

The brunette laughs under her breath, "See you, Finny."

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Finally, auditions were over after watching Puck's brother Jake, who is an amazing performer, sing Everybody Talks with a girl who guys by the name Kitty. Frankly, Blake doesn't like her very much. If she grew up a little bit, maybe Blake wouldn't have as much of a problem. She doesn't like bullies and Blake can tell right off the bat that Kitty is.

"Okay, we need to do that thing where we call people back." Finn begins. "What's that called?"

"Callbacks." Blake answers with a chuckle.

Finn rolls his eyes playfully and nudges her side. Mercedes, Mike, and Artie all share a confused look. They still seem to be pretty flirty for being broken up. Nonetheless they all shrug it off.

"I don't know. I feel like Kitty has the inside track on Sandy."

"I'm gonna be honest, Kitty seems like a bitch." Blake deadpans with no remorse. "Marley has that innocent factor that's perfect for Sandy. Kitty just acts and looks way too mean."

"Sandy can't be brunette." Artie crosses his arms.

Mercedes looks at Artie sassily, "Oh, like Maria couldn't be black?"

Artie groans and leans his head back, "That was a year ago, Mercedes. Let it go." He drawls out.

"Okay, so we call back all the Sandys and the Dannys. What about the rest?" Finn asks, looking around at his friends.

"Brittany for cha-cha, she's the best dancer." Mike confirms.

"You know, Tina would make a great Jan." Blake points out.

Mercedes scoffs out a laugh, "It's too bad she won't audition because she refuses to be in the same room with Mike."

The man rolls his eyes as the group moves on. "Okay, what about Rizzo?"

"Now, I know it's way outside of the box, but I like Unique for it." Finn answers honestly, making Blake smile.

The brunette nods in agreement, "She wants it so badly. She's the best singer too."

"So, we cast a brunette as Sandy and a guy as Rizzo. Who's directing this, Julie Taymor?" Artie sasses, causing Blake to flick the side of his head.

"First of all, Unique identifies as a girl, so she is one." Blake crosses her arms.

"Think about how cool it would be to do something really different." Finn insists as everyone turns to look at Artie expectantly.

Artie sighs, "Though I don't agree with your choices, I appreciate your passion. It's nice to have the old Finn back." He says as he pins Unique's name under Rizzo.

Blake claps triumphantly but is swiftly cut off by the familiar voice of Sue Sylvester, "Finn Hudson? In Principal Figgins' office now." She demands.

Everyone gazes at each other in confusion. Finn casts Blake a concerned look and she reaches over and squeezes his hand. In a friendly way, of course.

"Now, fatty!"

             ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     It was time for callbacks and both Blake and Mercedes started to prepare the stage for the chemistry test. One Blake was very familiar with after her screen test with Chris. The brunette was actually very excited to be teaching choreography with Mike again. It's been way too long.

As she moves another music stand to the back of the stage, one Finn Hudson bursts into the room with a look on his face that Blake knew all too well. She internally facepalms, knowing what he's going to say is not going to be good.

The man beelines straight for Blake and wrings his hands anxiously. "Oh no." Blake groans. "What did you do?" She deadpans.

Finn looks at her nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I may have accidentally called Sue's baby a, um... certain bad word." He admits, finding the shoes on his feet very intriguing.

Blake's jaw hits the floor, "Finn, what the hell?" She seethes in a whisper. "That is just as bad, if not worse than what you said to Kurt sophomore year." She scolds.

"I know! I know!" He looks at her with a mix of shame and guilt decorating his face. "I– I tried to apologize, but she walked out." He sighs. "And I know she had every right to, I just don't know what to do." He rambles.

Blake places a hand on her forehead, "There's nothing you can do." She says honestly. "Your best course of action is to apologize later. But I'm sorry to say, if she wasn't after you before, she most certainly is now."

"Okay high school wannabes, no one wants to watch you guys lactate all over each other." The familiar and annoying voice of Kitty Wilde rings out as she walks into the auditorium.

Blake rolls her eyes, "Let's remember who can make the cast list for this show, yeah?" She manages to say in the sweetest tone of voice possible.

"All right! Ladies and gentleman," Artie begins. "You guys killed your auditions, but there can only be one Sandy and there can only be one Danny. The heart of Grease is the Danny-Sandy romance. This callback is all about the chemistry." He smirks. "So, in order to give you a good idea of what I want to see, I want all of you to turn your attention to the stage to find our very own Blake Henley and Finn Hudson."

"Say what now?" Blake looks at Artie in shock.

"They will be performing the ever so iconic You're the One That I Want. So I want all eyes and ears on them, kapeesh?"

Finn shakes his head, "Artie, I don't think that's–"

He is immediately cut off by the familiar tune of the song playing. He and Blake share the same concerned look before the time comes where he has to sing Danny's lines. He immediately gets flashbacks to sophomore year where he sang these lyrics the first time. He looks at Blake unsurely as he finishes his part.

Blake takes a deep breath, she's never let anything get in the way of a good performance, so why start now?  She glances at Finn, approaching him slowly, never breaking eye contact. Finn has to admit, if Blake was the one singing this with him during his first day in glee club, he probably would've passed out from how genuinely attractive she is.

She wraps her arms around his neck as they perform the spontaneous choreography that Blake just now came up with. She looks up at Finn, slightly impressed with how well he's keeping up with her dancing. Clearly, his sixteen days in the army taught him some form of hand-eye-foot coordination.

Blake won't admit it aloud, but she has always wanted to sing this song with Finn. It was always him and Rachel when it came to this song. And in her opinion, she and Finn sound way better.

Both of their hearts are beating loudly in their chests at the close proximity. Blake wraps her leg around his as he allows her to slide down his leg. The two of them hear whoops and hollers from the audience causing them to blush profusely.

Blake knew she should've refused to do this. Whenever she sings with Finn, the chemistry they have is absolutely off the charts. She has the urge to kiss him pretty much every time they do something like this. And the five o'clock shadow he has going on doesn't help with that either.

The song ends and their faces are practically centimeters apart. Finn's hand rests on Blake's lower back as her arms sit comfortably around his neck. Their chests are pressed tightly together as they both breath heavily after the phenomenal performance they just put on.

Their eyes don't leave each others until the sound of loud clapping pulls them out of their trance. They turn out to the audience and see everyone on their feet.

Artie whistles, "And that's what I call chemistry y'all." He points to the Danny's and Sandy's, "I want to see that when you're up there."

Blake leans over to Finn, "Do not get the wrong idea. That was just a performance, nothing else." She whispers.

Finn smirks, "Of course." He leans down close to her ear, "'Cause you blushing really says just a performance."

Blake's breath hitches in her throat and she sends him a hard glare. Artie continues, "So, everyone get up there. We want to see how well you play off each other. Is there heat? We also want to see how you sing and dance '50s-style. That's why we gave you the audition song ahead of time."

Blake walks away from Finn and goes to stand next to Mike and Mercedes. The four teens head up on stage, "I don't really read music, so..."

"It's okay." Mike smiles. "Mercedes, Blake, and I will get you started."

Kitty smirks and crosses her arms, "Start away." She says, glaring at Marley. "Everyone knows Kitty cat's gonna finish it."

Blake takes a step closer to Kitty, "Oh, you have a lot of attitude, little girl. Let's see if you have the stuff to back it up." She smiles sarcastically. The brunette turns back to the band, "Hit it."

Before I was born late one night
My papa said everything's alright
The doctor paid, my Mama laid down
With her stomach bouncing all around
'Cause the beebop stork was about to arrive
Mama gave birth to a hand-jive

Mike grabs Blake's hand and spins her under his arm as they land in the middle, performing the basic hand jive they came up with for this callback. Mercedes smiles as she shoves Blake over towards Marley, getting the two to sing together.

[Blake and Marley]
I could barely walk when I milked a cow
When I was three I pushed a plow

"Gentlemen?" Artie calls out from his spot.

Jake takes this as an opportunity to demonstrate his dancing skills. Blake watches, very impressed by how smooth his movements are. If only his brother could dance like that.

While chopping wood I moved my legs
And they saw me dance when I gathered eggs

Blake shakes her head in amusement as she watches Ryder steal Marley from Jake's grasp. It truly is funny watching a love triangle going on. She wonders if that's how everyone felt when it was her, Jesse, and Finn.

Oh how she missed the high school shenanigans.

[Marley and Ryder]
The townfolk clapped, I was only five
Out-dance 'em all, he was born to hand-jive!

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah - everybody

Blake cringes as she watches Ryder and Jake advance on one another, both clearly wanting to fight over Marley. Thankfully, Artie steps in.

"Break it up. Break it up."

Born to hand-jive, baby
Born to hand-jive, baby

Blake stands over top of Jake and Marley, placing her hand over them to see if they'd fall. Surprisingly, both teens are able to bend to the floor with minimal difficulty.

How low can you go?

How low can you go?

How low can you go?

How low can you go?



Blake grabs Marley's hand and spins her into Ryder, narrowly missing Kitty's attack. Jake grabs the short blonde and pulls her to the back, protecting Marley. Blake can't help but internally coo at how protective Jake is over Marley. It reminded her of how protective Puck is of her.

And higher, yeah!

Now can you hand jive, baby?
Oh can you hand jive, baby?

Baby, yeah!

Everyone joins the group onstage, Marley and Ryder taking lead up front. Blake laughs as Sam begins to drag Brittany across the stage by her feet. Once everyone gets in line, they go to do the hand jive one last time. Luckily, Kitty seemed to get ahold of herself.

[All, (Blake)]
Oh yeah can you hand jive, baby? (Can you hand jive?)
Oh can you hand jive baby? (Baby!)
Oh yeah (Oh yeah)
Oh yeah (Oh yeah, yeah)
Oh yeah (Oh yeah)

Born to hand jive, oh yeah!

As soon as the song ends, Mercedes dismisses everyone from the auditorium, announcing the cast list will be posted soon. Blake high fives Mike and Mercedes as she hops offstage to grab her water bottle from the table Artie and Finn were sitting at.

She grabs her water and takes a sip from it. She didn't realize how much that number was going to take out of her. She grabbed a clean towel from the locker room before coming to auditions, which she is grateful for so she can wipe off the sweat that's beating down her forehead.

"Well, would you look at that?" Finn smiles smugly, leaning against the table. "You still got the moves."

"Did you doubt I did?" She quips back sassily.

"No." He shakes his head, coming closer to her. "No, I knew you did. It was just nice watching you dance again. For fun, and not for a class."

"Yeah," She agrees. "It was fun."

"You know, if we were still in high school, I think you'd make a perfect Sandy." He tells her, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Blake fights off the smile that threatens to creep out. She tries to look at him seriously, "Yeah? Then who would be my Danny?"

Finn leans down closer, "Me."

Blake's eyes flicker down to his lips but she catches herself and squeezes her eyes shut. Finn chuckles, the sound resonating deeply in his chest. "Just because you close your eyes doesn't mean I'm going to disappear."

"Finn... we're not getting back together." Blake manages to croak out, her eyes still shut. "At least not now."

"That's not a never." He says huskily. "Are you saying there's still a chance?" He teases.

"Yes." She nods. "Uh- I mean, no. I mean, maybe. I uh-" She groans. "I don't know!" She exclaims.

"Hey, hey, hey." Finn stops her, placing his hands on her hips. "Relax. If we're meant to be, we will." He smirks once more, "Nsd let me tell you, we will."

Blake finds it hard to breathe properly at this moment, but as fast as he was to touch her, he's just as quick to remove his hands. Before she can even form a coherent sentence in her head, he's already out the door.

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     The alumni plus Artie had a great discussion about the cast list. Finn and Blake had discussed with Unique about getting the Role of Rizzo, and she happily said she would take it on. So after that, the list was officially ready.

The five of them walked out into the hallway and put the list up on the bulletin board. It was quickly swarmed with the teens who auditioned. Almost everyone was thrilled about the part that they got, besides Kitty of course.

Blake could not contain her laughter when she heard the blonde shout out, "Who the hell is Patty Simcox?"

She won't admit it to anyone besides those who helped make the list, but Kitty getting that part was all Blake's idea. She didn't like the attitude Kitty had. It almost reminded her of sophomore year Rachel. She just hopes that this is a wake up call for her.

Everyone was satisfied with the work they had done, and as Blake began to head out of the school, she felt someone grab onto her shoulder.

She turns around and comes face to face with a very panicked looking Finn. She sighs, "What did you say this time?"

He shakes his head frantically, "I didn't say anything. But Mr. Schue asked me to take over glee club for three months while he is in Washington, and I said yes." He rambles out at a rate Blake would consider rapper status. "Look, I know you're going to be in New York, but is there any way you can help me? Please? You can even do it from your apartment."

Blake blinks slowly, trying to process all of the information that just came flying out of his mouth. He said that he knows she has to be in New York, so if that isn't a problem...

"Yes." She nods. "I can help. But just remember, I have meetings and stuff for the movie." She reminds him.

Finn, without thinking, pulls her in for a hug. "Thank you." He whispers. He quickly pulls away and walks down the hallway once more. Blake stands alone in the hallway, wondering if her helping with the glee club will be a good volunteer option for her college classes.
