Dance With Somebody 3x17

Blake holds her breath and squeezes her eyes shut as Finn holds her hand. "You got this." Finn tells her. "It'll fit."

"No." Blake shakes her head, "It's not gonna fit. It's too big."

Finn huffs loudly, "Blake, the doctor cleared you. Your foot is fine, now put it in the shoe so I can take you to school." He scolds.

"But it looks swollen still." She whines.

"You've been walking on it just fine this whole weekend." Finn rubs her back. "Now that it's time to go to school you have a problem?"

Blake pouts slightly, "Can't we just stay home today?" She plays with the color of his shirt. "My dad and brother aren't gonna be home for the next couple days." She flutters her eyelashes, "You and I could take the day off, watch movies, eat popcorn..." She leans up to whisper something in his ear, causing his eyes to widen.

Finn coughs profusely, not expecting the words coming out of his girlfriend's mouth. He tries to shake the image from his mind to form a coherent sentence, but it seems to be burned in his mind. In a good way.

"No, we have to go to school." Finn fights his inner desires.

Blake throws her head back and groans, "Fine." She slides her foot into the shoe, "Let's go."

Blake begins to walk away but Finn reaches forward and grabs her wrist, spinning her around and crashing their lips together. They move perfectly in sync as his tongue slides into her mouth, causing her to squeal with delight.

He smirks down at her, "I'll be expecting you to live up to your teasing later." He whispers.

Blake feels her heart flutter at the demanding tone in Finn's voice. She nods, "I will."

"Good." He kisses her once more, "Now we can go."

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

Blake rolls her eyes annoyed, "It was written for Diana Ross."

Finn snakes his hand around her waist, planting a small kiss on the crook of her neck as she continues to fight with Rachel. He's always found it attractive when Blake became mouthy. Her sass is one of the many things he loves about her.

"No, Blake, you are wrong, okay? The Bodyguard was originally written for Barbra Streisand." Rachel counters.

Before Blake could quip back, Mr. Schuester walks in with a smile on his face. "Actually Rachel, Blake's right. It was supposed to be Diana Ross and Steve McQueen, back in the 'Seventies."

Blake grins sarcastically at Rachel, "Thank you Mr. Schue."

"I've been doing some research to prepare
for this week's lesson." He admits as he writes the two words on the whiteboard, making mostly everybody in the room excited.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Blake and Kurt squeal.

"It's about time we did a Whitney tribute!" Ace nods in agreement as he wraps his arm around River.

"Are we sure that's appropriate?" Sam asks awkwardly.

Mercedes looks at the blonde incredulously, "You did not just ask that."

He puts his hands up in defense, "I just mean,
didn't Whitney kind of have a lot of problems?"

"She had a hard life, Sam." Mercedes tells him, "And?"

Sam slowly sinks down in his chair as he notices the harsh glares from the girls, Kurt and Ace. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat as Mr. Schue sits on the piano bench.

"Look, this week isn't about passing judgment on Whitney. It's about celebrating her legacy, honoring her memory, her accomplishments-"

"Which I will happily list for you." Kurt butts in as he leans forward.

"But I also want you guys to use her songs to get underneath your own feelings. To express and explore what's really going on with you." Mr. Schuester explains causing Blake to furrow her eyebrows.

"I don't get it, Mr. Shue. What's really going on with us?" Finn questions, making Blake giggle. Almost like he read her mind.

"Well, for most of you, these next few weeks will be your last here at McKinley. Lots of changes coming up, lots of saying good-bye. To your friends, to your significant others, to the last four years of your life."

Blake frowns at her teachers words, her eyes falling to the floor beneath her. She begins to bounce her leg up and down nervously. She wasn't ready to say goodbye to her family at McKinley. It all went by way too quickly, and now in a mere few weeks, they'll all be scattered. Gone.

"For a young person, all that transition can be overwhelming. So it's easier to focus on other things. Like not being able to say good-bye to Whitney Houston."

"What are you talking about?" Santana asks from her seat behind Blake.

"Santana, it's okay. I get it. You're hanging on to Whitney because it's difficult to handle the upheaval in your own lives." Mr. Schue explains as if he knows exactly what's going on in their heads.

Santana scoffs irritably, "We're hanging on to Whitney because she was incredible and we love her, so don't put your baggage on us."

"You guys, Mr. Shue's attempt to understand us, though misguided, doesn't matter. What matters is that I start rehearsing Whitney's version of 'The Star-Spangled Banner' immediately." Rachel rambles on as Blake fights the urge to roll her eyes. Nobody is ever going to recreate Whitney's performance of that song. No matter how hard they try. "It is the Mount Everest of anthems."

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

Blake smiles as she notices Quinn wheeling up to her in the hallway. The blonde girl looks at her best friend excitedly as she comes to a halt in front of her. She looks Blake up and down as she grabs her hands.

"Your ankle looks great!" Quinn exclaims.

"It feels great." Blake admits. "It's still a little swollen, but I'm finally cleared to dance on it."

Quinn's face falls and Blake realizes her mistake, "I'm so sorry Q. I didn't mean to be insensitive."

Quinn shakes her head, "No, don't apologize. I know you didn't mean anything by it. I'm happy you can dance again." She smiles up at her brunette friend.

Blake tries to shake the guilt she feels after what she says and she tilts her head, "How's physical therapy going? I heard Joe is going with you."

The blonde nods, "He just started coming with me. It's definitely been a lot less depressing with him there."

"You know if you ever want me to go, I'd love to." Blake tells her. "Then maybe I can take you out to dinner afterwards."

Quinn raises an eyebrow, "Are you asking me out?" She teases.

Blake's face flushed red, "Uh- I-" She stutters and quickly clears her throat, "No." She answers.

"I'm kidding." Quinn laughs. "I didn't actually think you'd get nervous over it."

Blake chuckles, "Can you blame me? You are a beautiful woman."

"Thanks." Quinn smiles with amusement. "But I think Joe is good enough company." She grins happily, making Blake raise an eyebrow.

"Don't go falling in love on me now." Blake teases.

Quinn rolls her eyes, "It's not love. He's just nice, and he makes me smile. That's it."

"Well if you ever wanna talk about it, I'd be happy to listen." Blake tells her softly. "Also, when are we going to start your campaign for prom?"

Quinn looks up at her surprised, "You wanna help?"

"Duh." Blake nods. "We gotta make sure you win this year."

"Come to my house tonight." Quinn feels her heart warm at how much Blake cares. "We can come up with some poster ideas."

"Sounds good." Blake nods.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

After a lovely night at the Fabray house, Blake walks into school the next day. She is slightly exhausted after spending most of the night discussing campaign strategies for Quinn. After what happened last year with the Finn and Jesse debacle, Blake couldn't help but feel guilty as it was her that they were fighting over.

Eventually the two began to discuss what songs they were going to sing this week, and Blake had no idea what to do. She doesn't truly feel she can do any of Whitney's songs justice, but that doesn't stop her from wanting to perform one.

The brunette girl stops at Kurt's locker, groaning. "I literally can't figure out what song I'm going to sing."

Instead of Kurt jumping forward to give suggestions, he stays silent, eyes focused on his phone. "Did you end up going to Between the Sheets?" She asked.

Once again she was met with silence. She looks over to her friend and notices a small smile on his face. Blake tilts her head as she snaps her fingers in his face. His eyes finally lift from his phone as Blake laughs, "Welcome back Space Cadet." She teases.

Kurt's eyes widen, "Sorry, were you saying something?"

Blake lets out a breathy laugh, "Did you end up picking a Whitney song for glee?" She smiles as she watches his eyes flicker back down to his phone.

Kurt sighs as he shakes his head, "No, I'm still stuck between So Emotional, which was obviously written for me, or One Moment in Time, which was also obviously written for me."

"Obviously." Blake giggles. Kurt glances back down to his phone as it vibrates and Blake crosses her arms, smirking. "Oh... I see what's going on." She gestures to the phone. "Finn sends me messages like that all the time. I will literally be sitting in the middle of class and he'll send me some out-of-pocket pick-up line about my boobs." She smiles endearingly, "I still appreciate the effort though."

"It's not from Blaine." Kurt denies without looking up from his screen.

Blake furrows her eyebrows in confusion as she pauses from the admission. "Well then who is it?" She queries. "You seem to have a never ending smile on your face."

"He's just a guy. I met him at Between the Sheets. His name is Chandler. He's-he's nice." Kurt shrugs as he tries to brush off what he just said.

Blake narrows her eyes at Kurt, "Hm, really? And what did Mr. Between the Sheets say then?"

"Nothing. We just joke around. It's sweet." He says in defense. Blake raises a suspicious eyebrow and Kurt tries to keep up a brave face, but eventually crumbles under her hard stare. "Ugh, fine." He grumbles, handing her the phone.

Blake slowly scrolls through the messages, "Um... Are you an astronaut? Because your smile is out of this world." Blake scoffs, "Oh come on. That's all he's got?" She shakes her head as she continues to analyze the messages. As she goes further and further up her eyes begin to widen at the amount of words exchanged between the two. Blake gasps, "Kurt, you have been going at this with him for two days now?"

"It's nothing. It's-it's just fun. He makes me feel good." Kurt says as he takes his phone out of Blake's hand.

The brunette girl blinks rapidly, trying to get over the initial shock and confusion that's coursing through her system. She's just curious if this is something Blaine knows about. "I mean, isn't it Blaine, your boyfriend's job to make you feel good?" She inquires.

Kurt frowns at Blake's words, feeling slightly defeated. "You said that Finn sends you
cute text messages every day? Does he compliment you? Constantly trying to get in your pants?"

"Yeah, he's an eighteen year old boy." She nods. "They're all like lizards. They need something warm under them or they can't digest their food." She jokes.

Kurt shuts his locker as he turns to talk to Blake, more hushed than he was before. "Have you ever heard of lesbian bed death?"

"No." Blake laughs under her breath at the name.

"I read about it online." Kurt states, his worried tone increasing. "It's when two lesbians date for long enough, they become like sisters." Blake's nose scrunches up at the explanation and Kurt nods in agreement at her disgust. "And Blaine and I are like an old married couple- a fabulous old married couple, like Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. But I don't think we've had an unscheduled make-out session in, like, a month."

Blake puts her hand up, stopping her friend. She smirks, "Wait, you schedule your make-out sessions?"

Kurt huffs, "Yes Blake. Not everyone can just sit in their truck and make-out for three hours spontaneously."

"Hey, that was one time." She corrects. "And at least I got some action out of it." She giggles with a small shrug.

Kurt rolls his eyes, "The point is: I love Blaine
and-and Blaine loves me, but he doesn't exactly make me blush with his texts right now. W- What's the harm of someone making me feel special if it's all innocent?"

Blake lifts a suspicious eyebrow, "Okay." She concedes. "Just answer me this, would you show Blaine those text messages?"

"Of course not." Kurt answers instantaneously.

She sends him a sympathetic smile, "Then I guess it's not that innocent."

The girl turns away from her friend and begins to make her way down the hallway. She hums the tune to So Emotional as she saunters down the tile floors. Before she can take a turn to her locker a hand comes out of the blue and grabs her wrist, pulling her into a janitors closet.

Blake yelps, "Help-" She tries to call out but the culprit slaps their hand over her mouth.

"Relax." Santana tells her. "It's me."

"And me." Rachel pipes up. "She dragged me in here too."

"Oh can it dwarf." Santana rolls her eyes. "I have a proposition."

Blake smirks at her and Santana's close proximity. Santana noticed the look on Blake's face and groans, "Get your mind out of the gutter Henley."

"My mind wasn't in the gutter." Blake says defensively. "But clearly yours was if that's what you were thinking." She teases.

Santana fights the urge to smile as she turns to look at Rachel, "So I've heard we've all been struggling to find a good Whitney number. Well, I have just the thing that will suit all three of us." She looks at them triumphantly, "So Emotional is the perfect song for our voices."

Rachel's eyes light up, "Are you saying you want to sing as a trio?"

Blake hums, "I wouldn't be opposed. It would be a good chance for us to sing together."

"So, are you guys in?" Santana raises a brow.

Rachel and Blake make eye contact and look back at Santana, "Yeah." Blake nods, "We're in."

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

After a relatively peaceful evening of she and Finn talking on the phone about her NYADA audition next week, Blake is now currently standing in front of the piano with Santana and Rachel, all three girls smirking at the confused faces in front of them as the music begins to play.

I don't know why I like it, huh
I just do
Ooh-ooh, hee!

I've been hearing your heartbeat inside of me
I keep your photograph beside my bed
Livin' in a world of fantasies
I can't get you out of my head (Oh)

Santana gestures over to Blake, making her smirk as she walks to the center of the floor. She looks around seductively as her eyes land on her boyfriend who's smiling as he records her performance. She feels her heart warm at the sight of his support. She watches as everyone's eyes are on her as she revels in the attention.

I've been waiting for the phone to ring all night
Why you wanna make me feel so good
I got a love of my own baby
I shouldn't get so hung up on you

She winks at Finn's camera as she waves over to Blake and Santana who then join her in the middle. She's surprisingly having fun performing with Rachel. Santana truly is a genius.

[Rachel, Blake and Santana]
I remember the way that we touch
I wish I didn't like it so much (Uh!)

I get so emotional, baby
Every time I think of you
I get so emotional baby
Ain't it shocking what love can do?

Ain't it shocking what love can do?

The three girls sound phenomenal together. Their voices blending in the best ways. Santana grabs onto Blake's hips before they go into the next part, making Blake blush profusely.

[Rachel, Blake, and Santana]
Ain't it shocking what love can do?

I gotta watch you walk in the room, baby
I gotta watch you walk out, mhmm
I like the animal way you move
And when you talk
I just watch your mouth

Oh I remember the way that we touch
I wish I didn't like it so much (No!)
I get so emotional, baby
Every time I think of you
I get so emotional baby
Ain't it shocking what love can do?

[Rachel, Blake, and Santana (Blake)]
I get so emotional, ohh! (Oh baby!)

Blake closes her eyes as she begins to belt the last part of the song. The three of them smile at each other fondly, happy that they seem to have finally found common ground... for now at least.

[Rachel, Blake, and Santana]
Ain't it shocking what love can do?




The three girls finish the performance with wide smiles on their faces. Everyone is going crazy for the show they just put on. Blake laughs as she hears Sam yelling encore from his seat as he bounces up and down.

"Let's give it up for this oddly amazing trio." Mr. Schue chuckles, impressed by what they have done. "I am extremely proud at what you guys did with that song. Seriously, bravo." He commends as he looks back out towards the rest of the class, "Would anyone like to follow these three's performance?" He queries, causing everyone to shake their head. "Alright then, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

After Mr. Schue released them, Blake and the rest of the glee girls headed to the restroom. She had no idea why, but she could not hold her bladder for much longer. She quickly walked into one of the stalls, relieving herself and she walks out to wash her hands.

She glances at herself in the mirror and grabs a paper towel to wipe the sweat off her forehead. She won't lie, that performance took a lot out of her.

Mercedes steps back from her sink and smirks over to Quinn, "Quinn, when you sang Saving All My Love For You with Joe yesterday, it sure felt like you meant it."

Rachel nods her head, "You guys seemed like a lot more than just singing partners."

"I don't know," Brittany shrugs, "Joe's really pretty, but I heard she doesn't shave her armpits."

Blake laughs quietly and shakes her head. She doesn't make the effort to correct Brittany because it was just such a funny statement. Quinn sends Blake a playful glare as she turns in her chair to address everyone else.

"Joe and I are just friends. Nothing else is gonna happen." She explains with a solemn look on her face that makes Blake tilt her head.

"But you want it to, don't you?" Tina wiggles her eyebrows.

"Doesn't matter what I want. I've said good-bye to that part of my life." Quinn tells them with a defeated look on her face. The blonde girl sighs, "Joe took me to rehab the other day, we had a moment, and before we kissed, he pulled away. Grossed out by me and my chair."

Blake furrows her eyebrows and she steps forward, going to comfort her friend. "Quinn, I'm sure that isn't what he-"

Quinn puts her hand up to stop Blake from talking. "Joe's not into me. I don't blame him. Who would be?"

The girl then begins to wheel out of the bathroom and Blake watches after her in defeat. She knows Joe is into Quinn, she just needs to find a way to convince her of it.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

Later that night, Finn and Blake made themselves comfortable on her bed. Derek was out at his friends house whereas Aaron wouldn't be home for a couple of hours. So for right now, they have the house all to themselves. It's been a couple of weeks since the two have had some alone time. After Blake's accident it was hard finding time to be alone together because everyone wanted to check on her, which isn't a problem, it's just nice having their own peace and quiet.

Blake curls into Finn's side as he trails his hand up and down her arm. "I love you." She mumbles, looking up into his eyes.

He looks down at her, a small smile forming on his face. He leans closer, their lips brushing against each other. "I love you too." He whispers back, connecting their lips.

Blake slowly snakes her arms around his neck as Finn grips tightly onto her waist. She smiles into his kiss and removes her lips from his, placing little kisses on his jaw and down his neck. She can feel his grip becoming tighter from the contact, she smirks mischievously and bites his neck gently causing him to gasp.

"Don't do that." He warns her, lust filling his eyes.

"Why?" She asks innocently. "Can't handle it?" She teases.

Finn does what Blake can only describe as a growl as he pulls her in for another kiss, this one being much more rough than the last one. He quickly gets on top of the girl without breaking contact. He reaches over to her bedside table, fumbling around in her top drawer trying to find the condoms he knows she keeps in there.

He pulls it out of the drawer, struggling to open it as Blake teasingly runs her hand up and down his thigh. Just as he rips the package open, a loud ringing resounds throughout the room. By the ringtone, they can both tell it's Blake's. Both teens choose to ignore the ringing, continuing with their escapades.

Finn bites Blake's bottom lip as she whimpers into the kiss. Once again, her phone begins to ring. Blake begins to become concerned. Whoever is trying to reach her really needs to talk to her. Finn can feel her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Answer it." He tells her softly as he pulls away.

Blake groans, "No."

Finn smiles as he pecks her lips once more, "It's okay. Just answer it and hopefully it'll be quick."

Blake sighs as she reaches over and grabs her phone. She looks at it and furrows her eyebrows. Finn notices her confusion and tilts his head, "Who is it?"

"It's Blaine." Blake says confused. "And Kurt."

"They both called you?" He inquires.

"Blaine called, Kurt texted." She answers. "I'm gonna call Blaine."

She dials his number and it rings only once before her friend answers, breathing shakily. "Hello?" Blake greets.

"Kurt cheated." Blaine blurts out, clearly crying.

"What?" Blake asks, shocked. "What do you mean he cheated?"

"He's talking to some guy named Chandler." He scoffs, hurt by what has happened. "They've been texting back and forth for days. You know how many times he's texted me in the past two days? Four. And four of them were about peach-colored shoe polish."

Blake sighs, "Blaine, I don't think that qualifies as cheating." She tells him calmly.

"Really? So if Finn were to be texting cute little compliments to Rachel everyday, you would be okay with it?"

Blake runs a hand over her face, "Blaine, you have to think about this logically. You were doing the same thing with Sebastian less than two months ago, and Kurt didn't view it as cheating." She tells him. "Maybe just take some time to cool down and then talk to him. Kurt loves you. He wouldn't do something like this out of malice. Just hear what he has to say."

"I just don't want to be alone right now." He whispers, trying to keep more of his tears at bay.

"Did you want me to come over?" Blake asks kindly. "We can watch Chicago and eat some popcorn." She suggests.

Blaine nods, "Please."

"Okay, I'll be right there." She smiles softly as she hangs up the phone.

Finn pouts, "I'm assuming that means I have to go?"

Blake frowns, "Sadly." She sighs, "But I promise, we will continue this soon." She says as she leans forward and kisses his lips. "Now I need you to do damage control for Kurt while I handle Blaine."

"On it." Finn nods as he helps her off the bed. He places his hands on her waist, "Look at us being couple savers."

Blake shakes her head, laughing. "If someone won't do it, might as well be us."

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

The brunette makes her way to Anderson's front door and lightly knocks, awaiting for someone to welcome her inside. The door swings open to reveal a smile Mrs. Anderson. The older woman smiles at Blake, immediately stepping aside to let her in.

"Blake!" She greets warmly. "It's been so long. It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too." Blake grins as the woman embraces her in a hug.

"Let me go get Blaine. He's been in a funky mood all day." She pouts slightly. "He hasn't told me anything, but I figured once he talked to you he'd be more willing to open up."

"I'm sure he will be." Blake nods in agreement.

Mrs. Anderson walks towards the staircase and places her hand on the wall. "Blaine! Blake is here." She yells and then walks back over to Blake. "He'll be just a moment."

"Thank you Mrs. Anderson."

"Oh honey, I've told you to call me Pam." The woman waves off.

"Blake?" Blaine calls out softly from the stairs.

The brunette looks towards the stairs and sees a very disheveled Blaine Anderson. She can see his hair start to curl from his gel losing its hold on his black locks. He had clearly been crying. Blake sighs as she walks over to him, "Hey." She says gently, placing a hand on his. "You ready to talk?"

He nods with a little sniffle as he guides her up the stairs. They make it to his room and he pats the spot on his bed in front of him, indicating to her to sit down.

She sits down and tilts her head, "How are you feeling?" She asks sympathetically.

"Hurt." He puts simply. "Betrayed. Angry." He shakes his head, "I just don't know what to do." He shrugs as his voice breaks. "I can't even pull up his contact on my phone without crying."

"Well if it's any consolation, he's pretty broken up about it too." Blake tells him.

"He has no right to be." Blaine snaps. "He's the one who texted Chandler, not me. He shouldn't be upset."

Blake sighs as she takes Blaine's hand in hers, "Blainey Days, I know you're hurting right now, but Kurt is too. Think about it from his perspective, you're accusing him of cheating which he feels like he didn't do." She explains. "You didn't exactly give him a chance to talk to you about it."

"How was I supposed to feel? Seeing flirty texts with another guy on my boyfriend's phone." He scoffs sadly. "He hurt me, Blake."

"I know." The brunette girl nods. "I know he did. But you guys are a great couple. You're perfect for each other."

"Clearly he doesn't think so."

"Yes he does." Blake counters. "No matter how upset you are, you can't just pretend that Kurt doesn't love you, because he does. Now I'm not trying to defend his actions, but I also don't think it's fair that you won't even communicate with him."

"I don't know how." Blaine says, exasperated. "I don't know how to talk to him right now."

"Then why don't you try to do it the best way you know how, through song." Blake suggests.

Blaine furrows his eyebrows for a moment until he gets an idea. He makes eye contact with Blake, "You know what? That's a great idea."

Blake smiles, feeling slightly proud of herself. "I know." She nods. "Now, why don't I go get the popcorn and you turn on Chicago. We can sing Cell Block Tango." She shimmies her shoulders as she stands up.

Blaine laughs, "Will do. Oh, and don't forget the butter on the popcorn." He yells after her.

"I won't!"

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

The next day, Blake felt slightly stupid for suggesting Blaine to sing about his feelings. Instead of singing a romantic, love-filled Whitney song, he decided to sing It's Not Right but It's Okay. He even opened the song with saying how it was for "people who have been cheated on." She stands at Santana's locker, wanting to bang her head against the side of it.

"Oh calm down mi amor." Santana rolls her eyes at Blake's dramaticness. "It wasn't that bad."

"Please tell me we were in the same room, because watching Blaine outright accuse Kurt of cheating and then singing about it, is pretty bad." Blake says.

Santana shrugs, "They'll get over it. Kurt will probably sing some romantic ballad tomorrow and all will be forgiven." She wiggles her fingers as if it was magic. "That's the beauty of Gay one and Gay two. Their problems never seem to last longer than twenty four hours."

Blake chuckles and shakes her head as Santana places a small kiss on her cheek, "Don't blame yourself. You were just trying to help."

Before Blake can respond a voice sounds from behind them, catching them both off guard. "You know, you can learn a lot about a person by looking into their locker." Rachel says with a small smile.

Santana looks at her with creased brows. She looks at Blake and back to Rachel, "Are you, like, stalking us or something?"

"You know we blew it, right?" Rachel tells them. "We wasted three years going at each other's throats when we could have been singing together, killing it in Glee Club."

"I never hated Blake-" Santana begins.

"Yeah, but," Rachel stops her, "You both hated me."

Blake rubs her neck awkwardly, "Sorry." She mutters, "But, yeah, our song in glee was a whole truckload of awesome."

Santana nods, "And who cares that it took three years? I mean, we still have plenty
of time to do it again." She shrugs.

"We have forty-two days left until graduation. Half of that's gonna be prepping for Nationals." Rachel reveals.

The truth finally dawns on Blake, "That was it." She says softly.

"Oh, crap." Santana groans. "I think I just realized I'm gonna miss you. Oh, God, say something irritating so I can get this taste of this out of my head, please."

"It's okay. Look, Santana- you went out of your way to make my life a living hell for three years, and Blake- we hated each other because of some stupid feud over a boy." She shakes her head in amusement at the thought. "But at the end of the day, I know that you both respect my talent and my ambition."

Blake crosses her arms as she leans against the lockers behind her, "I like it when you sing Rachel." She admits.

Santana shrugs, "And hey, you're the only other person at this school besides me who's willing to kill their best friend to get to the top."

Blake cocks a brow and scoffs, "Rude."

Santana looks at her, giving Blake her best fake doe eyes. "I'm sorry B. I wouldn't actually kill you."


Rachel laughs at their interaction as she slowly reaches into her pocket, "Will you two do me a favor? Will you put this up in your locker?" She asks, handing them two small photos of herself.

"You want me to put up a picture of you in my locker?" Santana asks skeptically, which is very different from Blake's response.

"Sure." The brunette girl answers nonchalantly.

Rachel looks in between the two, "Okay, we may not be able to sing together, but we have forty-two days left to at least be friends." She steps forward slightly, "I'm gonna give you guys a hug." Santana and Blake stiffen, not expecting affection from Rachel. "It'll be quick."

She embraces Santana first and then reaches out over to Blake, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry." She whispers to Blake as she pulls away.

"I'll see you in Glee Club."

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

Blake furrows her eyebrows as she makes her way to the boys locker room after getting a text from Puck that read "Urgent. Locker room, now." She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the cryptic text. She never truly knew what went on in that boys head.

She slowly opens the door and her eyes widen at the sight of all the glee guys. They all turn and stare at her. Mike chuckles at the confused look on her face, "I knew he couldn't resist bringing her here." He looks over to Artie, "You owe me ten bucks."

Artie reluctantly hands Mike the money as Finn walks over to his girlfriend, placing a small kiss on her lips. Blake looks up at him, "Where's Puck?"

As Finn goes to respond, he is swiftly cut off by Noah appearing from around the corner with multiple gift bags in his hand. He smile over to Blake, "Glad to see you could make it."

Blake leans into Finn's chest, "How could I ever ignore a text from you?" She asks sarcastically.

Puck playfully rolls his eyes, "Okay, bros, here you go." He says as he begins to hand out the bags. "I was inspired by the goodie bags they give out at the end of birthday parties. Thought I'd try it. A little something from the Puckster to all of you." The raven haired boy glances over at Finn, "Sorry, dude, I tried to get your balls back from Blake, but then I realized she's the one who actually has the balls in the relationship." He teases.

Finn shakes his head at his friend's statement as everyone chuckles at the joke. Puck smiles at Blake, "You're pretty much the only girl in glee I haven't slept with, so I figured that made you an honorary bro."

Blake takes out what's in the bag to reveal a shot glass that simply reads fucker on the the side of it. The girl throws her head back in laughter as Puck walks over to her, throwing his arm around her. "I figured it summed up your vibe quite nicely."

Blake nods in agreement as she kisses his cheek, "I love it. Thank you."

"Had the guitar picks inscribed with 'The Dudes of Glee 2012.' Shot glasses all say different
things 'cause I jacked them from houses I clean pools at." He explains innocently.

Blake gives him a fist bump, "Respect."

"Thanks, man. What's this for?"

"The clock's ticking, the time's coming when we're all gonna have to say adios." He looks at them all sadly as he pulls Blake closer into his side, happy that Finn doesn't mind it. "Some of us, forever. I want to make sure you guys remember all the broments that we had together, and the great things we accomplished, forever."

Blake feels her smile begin to fall at the thought of graduating. She doesn't want to be separated from her friends, especially Puck. She and Puck have been inseparable since their sophomore year. The thought of not being around him constantly was slightly terrifying. Finn feels her anxiety begin to rise and he takes her hand in his, reassuring her that it will be okay.

"I know I haven't always been the perfect friend or teammate, but you've stuck by me, forgiven me for sleeping with your women." Puck directs towards Finn. "Not everyone in my life has done that. One cougar's husband even chased me around with a gun. Anyways, I'm only gonna say this once, but I'm going to miss all of you. I love you guys. Cheers."

After that heartwarming moment, Finn and Blake wander aimlessly down the hallway. The couple periodically stop to kiss each other, but other than that, they find comfort in each other's presence. She feels her phone buzz in her pocket and she pulls it out seeing a text from Mercedes asking if she's going to the auditorium for their non-mandatory glee meeting.

The brunette looks up at her boyfriend, "Did you wanna go to glee practice?"

Finn glances back down at her. He smiles, "Do you?" He cocks a brow, knowing by her asking him that she definitely wants to go.

"I mean, yeah." She mumbles. "It's glee. We only have so many practices left."

Finn beams at her cuteness and lifts her ups in his arms, kissing her lovingly. He pulls away, still holding her in the air, "Okay, let's go."

They make their way to the auditorium and Blake smiles as the familiar music to My Love Is Your Love plays throughout the large space. She grabs Finn's hand and pulls them up on the stage, singing with Mercedes, Artie, Kurt and Blaine. The latter two finally making up after a lovely performance by Kurt. Slowly as the song continues everyone begins to file into the auditorium. They all look around grinning at each other with tears brimming their eyes at this bittersweet moment.

They may only have a short time left together, but they are going to make it count. This year is going to end with a big bang. They will not go out without a Nationals trophy to back their final year at McKinley. Finn wraps his arm around Blake's waist as they gaze at their friends with nothing but love in their hearts.

Your love is my love and my love is your love.  

Guys I am still struggling to decide what I should do for the Quarterback episode. I'm in a bit of a dilemma because there's a song I want use for Blake's audition next chapter, but if I were to follow the storyline and Finn dies, the song would go great after that happens. So I don't know what to do 😂
