For the past few days, Danny seemed upset and angry. I would ask him about it but get mad and walk away.

-At The Dance-

Danny was telling me and Jessica about how Mr. Silver was training him. Me, Jessica, Danny were all dancing when we all felt thirsty. We all were about to get someone to drink when Mr. Silver came up to us. But someone was trying to hit on Jessica. Hey she's with me, Danny said. Says who, The guy said. Says me now let's go, Jessica said. Hey bonehead I'm taking her home, The guy said. Then all of a sudden Danny punches the guy and he falls to the ground. Daniel Larusso what the hell is wrong with you, I said. Yea are you nuts, Jessica said. I look at Daniel mad and walked away.

-Jessica's Place-

I was helping Jessica pack to help to get what Daniel had just done. Then we hear a knock at the door. It was Daniel. He came to say sorry. Me and Jessica sat down with Danny. Danny was talking about how he doesn't think Jessica want to be him to his friend anymore but Jessica reassures him. We told him that he has to tell Mr. Miyagi. I don't if I can face him, Danny said. Daniel look at me, I said. You and Mr. Miyagi have a strong bond I'm positive he'll forgive you, I said. Jessica looked at me and I nodded. Me and Jessica both gave Danny a kiss on the cheek. You'll do fine, I said. Yea you just gotta do it, Jessiac said. Danny was about to leave when Danny asked if I coming. No, I'm staying here for a few days, I said. Well love you, Danny said. Love you too, I said giving him a peck on the lips.

-The Tournament-

It was a heated fight between Danny and Mike but Danny won in the end.

-The Park-

Danny had gotten better after the tournament. I feed him some strawberries. I turned on the portable radio. Come Danny dance with me, I said getting up. No, I'm good, Danny said. C'mon a waltz takes two people, I said. Danny got up and he put his left arm on my waist and the other holding my hand pulling close. My left hand was on his shoulder and the other holding his hand hugging him. We started dancing. These last few days haven't been exactly ideal but I enjoyed them, Danny, I said. Yea me to Ezra, Danny said. We stopped dancing and look each other in the eyes. We leaned in for a kiss and I put my hand on his head while we kiss.

-The Last Day in front of Mr. Miyagi's House-

My Mother gets the car ready so we can drive to the airport. Goodbye Mr. Miyagi, I said bowing. Then hugged Danny's mother. Goodbye Ms.Larusso, I said. I just wanna say thank you for coming into my son's life I've never seen him so happy, Mrs. Larusso said. No thank you, Danny has shown me things that I will never forget, I said. Then I walk to Danny. How long are you going to be gone for, Danny asked? Two or four years depending on how I feel, I said. I'm gonna write letters to you, Danny said. Can't wait, I said. Then I hug him so quickly that he didn't get time to process. I stop hugging him and give him a kiss on the cheek. We both had tears in our eyes. I walked to the car. I love you, Ezra Young, Danny said. I looked back and said and I love you Daniel Larusso, see ya when I get back, I said. See ya, Danny said. I got in the car and cried as we drove off. I thought about how we first met.
