Chapter 2; Dad! Stop it.

3rd person Omniscient;

Venti is bored. He was happy, but bored. Today was one of those days where he wasn't on phone calls with different agencies, trying to get the band on company standards. Venti already has strong, very strong, ties to one in particular. 

The Favonius Agency. 

He sighs, not having his boyfriend at home doesn't help his boredom.

Xiao on the other hand, was out with Aether, trying to get something for his and Venti's 4 year anniversary. Aether had offered to help, despite Heizou not wanting Aether/his cr- OK OK sorry, his bestie, to go and miss their cuddle time(and they say they're just friends). 

Now Aether was listing various things Venti liked and Xiao was taking note of all of them. They eventually came to a stop at a music store, filled with a range of instruments. They went in and looked around though nothing seemed anything remotely interesting. Until they found it! The perfect gift for him. They both nodded at each other with one thing in mind. 'It's perfect.' 

After they had purchased the gift, they felt like walking around more. So what did they do? Walk around more. The Qixing mall in Liyue's county was busy. Run by a representative of the merchant council, Ganyu, Xiao's younger sister and Scaramouche's cousin. They went to different stores and ate some food, well they were going to, until they got to Madame ping's humble store, and Aether saw something that he really liked, matching Pyjamas for him and Heizou. He turned to Xiao with pleading eyes and the raven eventually gave in, going to his aunt's store and spotted his cousin Yanfei while Aether went to the counter to purchase the pjs.





Meanwhile, at home, Venti had gotten drun<k of boredom, not too much though. He's still aware of what hes doing. Very aware. 



Heizou, on the other hand, had gone off to The Inazuma county and entered the Tenryou Commission rooms. There's a hallway leading to rooms of all of the occupations they cover, including Heizou's part-time job as a detective. 

He entered the room, looking around, before grabbing a bag full of... very good things, and walked out to where he was greeted with a high ranking member of the Kujou clan, Rou, who was wearing something indecent. Heizou adverted his eyes.

"do you need something Rou?" He asked, still refusing to meet her eye.

"Oh Heizou~ look at me won't you?" She cooed, Heizou knew there would be no point in arguing, she would annoy him until he looked at her. "Thank you~" 

"Rou, what could you possibly need?" Heizou growled impatiently, Aether could be home right now and they could be cuddling, not listening to this nonsense, but he is practicly obliged to tolerate her. 

"You're always in Monstadt now! HUMPH!" She pouted, "You never ever have time for me!"

"Why would I need time for you exactly?" He asks, pissing the girl off.

"Don't forget, We're meant to get MARRIED remember?" She reminded him, though that was half the truth. 

"IF I don't find someone else first remember? I still have around 2 years left of not being your official Fiance and I would like to keep it that way!" He exclaims, startling the thing in front of him.

"WAHH!!! Heizou darling how could you say that!! I'm going to bear your kids!!!" She yells, which through's our favourite purple haired anemo catalyst boy off. 

'How delusional is she?' he thinks while looking disgusted. "No Rou. No. You will never be the mother of my children. never." He says, looking at her with pure rage. 'If anyone, I'd like it to be my Aether' he thinks, while pushing past the thing in front of him and walking away. 

After about an hour, everyone in 6reeze sits down in the living room for Venti's birthday, each giving different presents. Xiao and Aether go last, Aether brings out a cute Beret, with Venti's iconic green-ish colour on it and a cilia flower as well(His canon hat)

Xiao was about to give him his present, Until...

The doorbell rang, and Venti's eye's looked shocked and full of panic, so much so, he got up and said that he would get the door, and made his way over there, leaving the remaining 5 anemo boys in the room confused. They all went after him, they looked decent enough, and were shocked to see THE Kaeya and Albeado Albrich at the door, with gifts in their hands and Albeado's younger sister Klee as well. 

Venti spun around and looked embarrassed, seeing his friends see something he's kept from everyone...

"Uhh, Venti? Are these the friends you were telling Klee about?" The little girl in red asked While her brother picked he up.

"Yes Auntie Klee. They are.." Venti sighs disappointed, he hung head head low as friends, and boyfriend, looked at him with their jaws opened, which caused a chuckle from Kaeya to arise. 

"You still haven't told them?" The dark skinned man asked, to which Venti just grumbled.

Scaramouche was the first to recover from his shock, followed by his boyfriend and the the two single people, and finally, Venti's own boyfriend, Xiao.

"DAD!! STOP IT!" Venti groaned, causing a chuckle to arise from Albeado.

"So wait, let me get this straight," Scaramouche began, Very pissed off, "Your parents are THE Kaeya and Albeado Albrich. The lead designer and lead producer of the Favonius agency. AND YOU NEVER TOLD US!?" He yelled, causing Kazuha to flinch, but calm down quickly and bring Scara to the living room.

"Umm..." Klee began, "are you going to let us in or what?" The little girl asked.

They all stepped aside and lead them into the living room, Xiao, however, was still standing there, still processing how his boyfriend comes from, like, the most influential family in Monstandt. Okay, His aunt may be the county representative for Liyue, and his dad may be filthy rich and is very politically involved in Snezhnaya, but that's besides the point. 

He soon got dragged to the living room by Aether and Heizou, and saw Venti sitting where he was before he got interrupted by his potential-future-parents-in-law.. yeah, Pfpil for short.

Venti patted the seat next to him, which was where Xiao was sitting before, signalling him to sit there again. Right. Next. To. His. Dad.

"So you're Xiao, Correct?" Venti's father, Kaeya, asked the poor boy, to which the Adeptus just nodded.

"Y-Yes sir, I am." Xiao stuttered, Kaeya was about to say something else, until he got hit by his husband who looked like he was ready to murder, but gave a sweet smile to Xiao.

"OH! Xiaoo~ what was the present you got for me?" Venti giggled, remembering about the poor gift. 

"o-Oh!" the small boy remembered, handing Venti the gift, and waited patiently for Venti to open it while fiddling with his fingers. 

Venti gasped at the gift, a lyre. A beautiful lyre. 

"I know you like playing classical things as well as  singing, and well... I thought you might like this." Xiao explained his reasoning behind the choice, and all Venti did was bring the boy in for a kiss, a soft, innocent, kiss.

"EWW!!" Klee yelled, at the sight of her nephew and her potential-future-nephew-in-law kissing, and all the 'adults' started laughing, including the two boys in question.

Then Venti began explaining why he didn't tell them who his parents were, ect, ect. Xiao still felt lied to though. He felt like Venti didn't trust him, and as if Venti was a mind reader, he pulled Xiao aside and kissed him behind closed doors. 

"You know" Xiao began, "I feel very lied to"

"I know, I know" Venti started, putting his head in the nape of Xiao's neck, "I'm sorryyyy"

"Well, I can't stay mad at you very long, and," Xiao paused, Venti looking up at him, "You have another gift.." 

"Aww, Xiao, you didn't have t-"

"you can have me, whatever you please. Do it." Xiao says sternly. Looking Venti dead in the eye. "Do what you please.".


I see a little silhouetteo of a man,                                                                                                      Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the fandango? 

Why did I do this? Bc @Rai_Aya aka, my best friend, suggested this while we were at school, eating lunch... in her form room.. with her form tutor in front of us... yeah... anyways... should I keep this book wholesome.. or not? Idk. You decide. anyways, yes 2 updates in 2-3 hours. shocking ik. But I felt the need. Also, eat food and stay hydrated. If no one else, I care about you, just remember, you have at least 1 person to live for.

