Chapter 1; a band?

Third person Omniscient;

Aether was now 17. Chasing his life long dream of becoming a singer. He just moved back to his home country, Tyvate. The place is divided into 7 different counties. Monstadt, the county of freedom, Liyue, the county of contracts, Inazuma, the county of eternity, Sumeru, the county of knowledge, Fontain, the county of justice, Natlan, the county of warfare, and Snezhnaya, the county of well... it was unknown to him and everyone who isn't from there. The Snezhnaya county is very closed of from everyone else, and so is the Inazuma county.

Aether left when he was 10. Leaving Tyvate to go to places like England, America, New Zealand, south Korea, France, Parts of Africa and south east Asia. But ultimately, he came back to Tyvate to study and maybe start a band. Just like he's always wanted.

He's tried his luck in other places, but the music schools were nothing compared to Tyvate's. It has histories of musical cultures. Each county has strong ties with a different country in the world, in both a cultural and political sense. Monstadt, the county of freedom, is home to the best music school in Tyvate, Gnósi tou anémou Uni(Knowledge of the wind uni in Greek), 3 years of music school, and per-expected, it's a real struggle to get in, knowing it's status.

But none the less, Aether managed to score a spot with his voice, bringing joy to his little sister, whom he travelled with, AKA Paimon. The small girl was like a flying Pixi, always popping up when Aether seemed idle, but nonetheless, he loves and cherishes his little sister. His twin? He'd rather not talk about. But other than that, his life was stringing along perfectly.




Until he realised all the kids here were filthy rich. He felt like an outcast there, walking through the halls. All the kids were already in friend groups, even the first years like him, they seemed scary. He kept his head down and just walked across. 'Just don't talk.' he thought to his self, not knowing the was a person in front of him, 'Just keep walking and everything will be fin-' *bump* He blinked in surprise, but started to apologise. 

"Sorry" They both said, Aether opened his eyes and saw, what he deems, the best green eyes he has ever seen. "No, I'm sorry" They said, in sync once again. Until the boy starts laughing. 
"What?" Aether asks, wondering if he's just embarrassed himself.

"Nothing, nothing" The boy clams down, "It's just. You remind me of a friend I used to know, and well. You were kinda red when we said the same thing." He chuckled, and to Aether, it was literal music to his ears. And him chasing a goal of becoming an artist in music and having listened to multiple songs of so many cultures, that says something. 

"I'm Heizou. You?" the boy, Heizou, asks, putting his hand out.

"Aether" The blonde smiled, shaking Heizou's hand.

"Aether huh," Heizou says, trying the name, "What a pretty name for a pretty boy" He adds flirtatiously. *Boink* something had hit Heizou's head. 

"How many times do I have to say?" A new voice asks, a calmer one, "Stop flirting with people you just met Hei."

"But Kazz" Heizou whined, Looking back to see the white haired boy and his boyfriend clinging onto him.

"No buts." 'Kaz' Said, he then turned to Aether and gave a warm smile, "Don't mind him Aether. I'm Kazuha by the way"

"Ahh. no worries and hello Kazuha" Aether replied, returning the warm smile.

"Gee, I have enough warm smiley people to deal with." The purple boy, whom Kazuha was letting rest of his shoulder, whined.

"Oh suck it up Scaramouche. Just because you're emo, doesn't mean your friends need to be." Heizou scoffed.

"Why did I leave the Fatui to hang out with you losers again? Oh right, I 'need to hang out with my cousin'" Scaramouche mocked, earning an eye-roll from Heizou.

"Anyway, where's Xiaoven?" Kazuha asked. Xiaoven? The name sounded so familiar but just out of the reach of his memory. 

"Xiaoven?" The braided blonde boy asked. 

"That's what we call our friends Xiao and Venti. They're dating so we just call them Xiaoven" Kazuha smiled. Aether turned to Heizou and the magenta haired boy just winked at him, causing Aether to be severely flustered, and just then they heard a loud noise.

"Yahoo~" A boy cheered, and the boy next to him simply grunted and felt more annoyed. 

"Look who decided to come to the first day of school, VENTI!" Heizou yelled, pulling Venti in for a hug while the other boy, who Aether presumed was Xiao, glared at Heizou. Aether just laughed. seeing Scaramouche and Xiao act so protective over Venti and Kazuha. When Aether spun around, he was greeted by the most familiar face he had seen all day at school.

"Venti-Chan?" Aether said abruptly, Causing a gasp from the said boy.

"Aether-San?" Venti smiled, both seemingly knowing each other. Venti pulled away from his hug with Heizou, to bring Aether in for a bear hug, both boys laughing as the others grow more confused. Okay, Xiao more jealous then confused.

They stopped laughing, to Heizou and Xiao's demise. Heizou had deemed Aether's laugh as extra terrestrial. Something from another world. He may have something for the boy, but he can't quite place his hand on it, even after winning the national Inazuman detective trials. Something about the boy just, feels so right to him, but he brushes it off.

"Explanation?" Scaramouche asked, since no one else would.

"Well, remember when I left Monstadt for a while? Yeah, my dad, the blonde one, had some business thing in Germany, and there, I met Aether because he was working in the hotel I was staying in, and we became friends from there, I also told him all your guy's embarrassing stories from ages ago, so-" And another boink. Kazuha really like boinking people huh? "Ehe~"

and that was the start of their Uni adventure, 

Just sweet interactions.

People opening up.

And all of them going to Scaramouche's aunt's place for staying the night.

they all loved one thing.


so. After 3 years, 2 years of band work and getting companies. Finally.

6reeze graduated from gnósi tou anémou Uni in 20## .

ready, for the life ahead of them.





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Y'all really thought these depressed anemo boys were going to go through Uni drama? Ha! No. The best tea they got from uni was that Xiao and Scaramouche are cousins. There. I said it. They're cousins. Three years of uni did them good. but you'll have to wait to see why. Until next time, 

May Lord Barbatos Protect you all,

