
*4:39 Am*

Y/n P.O.V.

This morning I woke up early AF and neither Millis or Sade were awake so I started texting Gates hoping he would wake-up and I would have someone to talk to until everyone got up at 7:00






Gaten wakeuppp 




What do you want y/n?!?!?


Now you know how it feels!


What do you want?!?!?!?!??!?!


I can't sleep


Well I was sleeping! 


Well I'm sorry 




Can I come hang out with you


Idk sure I guess 


OK I'm coming to your room be there in 2



I quietly got out of my bed and pulled my hoodie over my pyjamas,  slipped on my sandals and walked down to his room

I lightly knocked on the door not wanting to wake anybody else up

He opened the door and let me inside we tip toes over to the couch trying super hard not to disturb Caleb but somehow we did and he was triggered 

Y/n, what are you doing here?!?! It's 5:00 AM!

she couldn't sleep so I let her come over

Yeah, sorry Caleb.

OK,  just don't be so loud next time

We literally haven't said anything out loud

Whatever, just keep it down. He turned the corner and went back to bed

We tried our hardest not to laugh at him we decided to talk through text so we wouldn't wake him up again


He sounded like an angry mom 😂😂😂😂


He was so mad 😂


Tysm for staying up with me


That's what I'm here for!


I wonder how the fans will react to us dating?


Well whatever they think idc because I love you and that's all that matters 


Your so cute when you defend me 😚


Your always so cute😘


I love you so much, what did I ever do to deserve you?


Be the most beautiful, amazing, Kind, funny, and intelligent girl I've ever met💕


You are my everything 💕


You are mine too 💕


You complete me💞


You make me melt💞


I'm still so excited and nervous about the con 



I pulled him in for a tight hug we just sat there hugging for 3 minutes we before we pulled away he gave me a sweet kiss I kissed him back 


I'm hungry


Well it's 5:30 McDonald's is probably open, you wanna walk 


Anything for food 


lol ok

We got up and he grabbed his jacket  off the hook, we quietly left the hotel and walked to the nearest McDonald's we had to eat in there because if we brought food back Caleb would probably yell at us for chewing to loud or something stupid like that. The restaurant was empty except for us and two workers in the back. We finished our food and I went to the bathroom. When I came back I saw Gaten taking a picture with one of the workers, she looked like she was about 20 years old he turned around to give her back the phone and she kissed him on the lips 

Y/n: What the hell!?!

Gaten: Oh my Gosh?!?! Why did you just kiss me?!?!

Worker: Because your cute!

Y/n: He's my boyfriend!

Gaten: your like 25!

Worker: so?

Gaten: that's fucking disgusting!

Manager: is there a problem out here?

Y/n: yeah, this bitch just kissed my boyfriend

Gaten:  *gags*

Worker: you know liked it 

Gaten: *actually vomits all over the floor*

Manager: OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!

Y/n: I'm reporting you!

Manager: Karly  (Idk random. Name) your fired

Worker: good I don't wanna work at this dump anyways!

Gaten: *stops puking*

Y/n: Gaten are you OK? !?!

Gaten: I don't know anymore

Gaten: I'm absolutely disgusted, I'm only 15!

Manager: holy shit! 

*Police show up*

Officer: what's the problem here!

Y/n: that girl just sexually asualted my boyfriend!

Worker: I only kissed him!

Y/n: he's 15 your like 28!

Officer: ma'amI'm onna need you to step away from the children and come with me down to the station

Worker: I refuse!

Officer: *into speaker* I'm gonna need backup 

Two more officers come in and put the worker in handcuffs and take her to the cop car

Officer: are you kids OK? 

Y/n: I am but he just projectile vomited 

Gaten: I'm fine, it was just nasty I think she's drunk or something!

Officer: did you to drive or walk here?

Both: walked

Officer: where are you tworking staying?

Gaten: at a hotel,  what was it called again ?

Y/n: I think it was the Greenbush hotel

Officer: where are your parents?

Y/n: not here our guardians are still back at the hotel 

Officer: you two come with me and I'll escorts you back to your hotel

Gaten: thank you sir

Officer: no problem

By the time we got back it was around 6:45

Shit the con starts at 7 we need to hurry!

They're probably worried about us 

I know!

OK here's the plan!

Run up the stairs as fast as you can, grab your clothes, shower, brush your teeth and meet me outside the rooms in 10 

OK got it!


We ran up the stairs faster than sonic and I ran into me, sadie, and millie's room and grabbed my clothes

Where have you been?

Can't talk right now I'll tell you when I'm done!

I jumped in the shower and brushed my teeth in there to save time. I got out and dried off in 0.05 seconds and got dressed ran out and fell onto my bed.

The girls stared at me with a look of disbelief 

Who are you, the flash?! Sadie cried

Just watching you made me feel out of breathe! Millie's exclaimed

I .... can't. ...... breathe.... I managed to get out between heavy gasps 

I walked over to the small kitchen area and chugged a glass of water

You gonna tell us where you were or nah?

I was at McDonald's with Gaten. There was a crazy fan and she kissed him on the lips so I called the police and we were there for almost an hour and then we were almost late so we ran up here and got ready and now I have to go meet him outside 

They just stares at me again

OK bye!

I left the room and stood outside the hotel rooms

I heard a door open but it was just Noah and Finn

OH hey y/n!

Hey guys!

You look like you just ran 5 laps in 3 seconds!

I think I did!

They looked at me, then each other, then back at me again and started making illuminati signs and singing the illuminati song at me

It's not a conspiracy theory!

They ran away leaving me in the hall by myself again

Then Millie and Sadie came out of our room and walked down the hallway in the same direction Finn and Noah did.

Are you OK? 

I honestly don't know!

Well were going down to the car see you in a few minutes I guess?

Ya in a few minutes be right there.

They walked away once again I was in  the hall by myself

Then finally Caleb and Gaten came out of their room 

Hey y/n!

Hi Caleb 


Hey Gaten, I've been waiting out here like you said!

Sorry I ook so long SOMEONE was in the bathroom forever 

Whatever, let's just go.

We all got in the car and drove to the con. We met up with Joe, Natalia, Charlie, Winona, and David

Hey guys! Joe greeted us

Who's your new friend? Natalia smirked at us

This is y/n, she's my girlfriend 

Oooooohh did someone say girlfriend? Charlie exclaimed as he waked over 

Yup! It was me!

A/n this got really ackward so I'm gonna stop it here SIKE

we walked to the stranger things table and everyone sat down in there chairs. I didn't have a seat obviously because I'm not part of the cast so I stood in front of the booth *ackwardly*

So..... what do I do?

Well you could stay here with us if you want, or you could go and look at the other stuff

I think I'm gonna go look but I'll be back in a few minutes 

OK bye y/n

Bye babe I blew him a kiss. I could here the rest of the cast snickering quietly I couldn't help but laugh myself 

I walked over to an interesting looking booth it was for the new IT movie. All of  the sudden I heard someone yelling


I turned around to see Jack Grazer waving around in my direction 

Me? I pointed to myself 


I slowly walked over as he waved at me wildly

Hey, I know you!

You do?!?

Yeah, your Finn's friend Gaten's girlfriend right?

Oh... yeah! Wait he told you?

Yeah he told all of us in the IT cast

OH. ....... 

Yeah it's nice to meet you.

Thanks nice to meet you too!

HEY GUYS! He called to the other kids. They all came over

This is Gaten''s girlfriend. 

Nice to meet you! They all said to me

Nice to meet you guys too!

Welcome too the family! Jaeden smiled

The family?

Everyone who is friends with Finn becomes part of the ST/IT fam, because he's in both. Wyatt  explained 

Oh! Yeah I guess I am part of the family now!

Well... I gotta go but it was nice to meet all of you guys!

OK have a fun Comic con! Jeremy shouted after me

Hit me up later sis! Sofia added

Will do! I waved to them

I kept walking until I found the booth for y/f/s. 

OMG it's y/f/a can I please get a picture with you

Of course, anything for a fan!

I took a selfie with y/f/a and got their autograph. I walked back over to the stranger things booth to see them taking questions from the fans

Hey guys! I said putting down my stuff beside Gaten's chair

Hey bab- I mean Y/n!

And of course he said it just loud enough for the fans to hear






I'm sorry guys but we're all out of time for questions today but we'll be here again tomorrow so see you then! Joe said saving our asses 

The rest of the night was really ackward after that

A/n OK this is really the end of the chapter this time because it's almost 2000 words and this chapter was just really weird but if you Nader it all the way through I hope you liked it lol

1775 words DAMN!

Edit: also it took me the whole day to write this I started working on it at 10:46 AM and now it's 7:12 
