
Y/n P.O.V.

Attention passengers this is your captain speaking we will be landing in about 5 minutes please be aware, there may be slight turbulence please put up your trays and set seats back into seated position. We hope you enjoyed your flight thank you for flying with *insert airline name* airlines we hope to be seeing you again soon travel safe!

I awoke to the pilots announcement and looked over the see Gaten cuddling with his blanket with his headphones on I took a snap of him

Awwww what a cutie I thought playing around in his caramel coloured curls

Gaten, we're about to land I whispered into his ear 

Wha? Who? What's going on y/n? He said half asleep

We're about to land you have to fix your seat and stuff

Ugghhh ok! 

We both laughed 

I can't believe you actually just slept for 5 hours, yet this morning you wouldn't let me sleep for one I said

I'm just happy you're here with me right now he responded 

Me too.

We got off the plane and practically ran to the nearest Starbucks we got back WiFi and our phones were blowing up with texts from the cast

                                      Stranger things gc💕


Are you guys seriously dating


I ship it! 😍


Awwww I'm so proud of you guys


Ayyyyyyyyy Get some Gaten


I'm so happy for you guys!!!!


Yes guys it's true me and Gaten are dating


Yes I knew it!


Couple goalz😘😘


Where are you guys were at the front waiting for you


We're at Starbucks we'll be there in like 4 min


OK,  see you soon 




Wtf Finn?!?!?!




I'm shaking I'm so happy and nervous right now!!!!

I'm so happyfor you too your about to meet the rest of the cost in less then 5 minutes

Wait how do I look!?!?

You look beautiful as always 

Awww thanks babe, but really lies my hair all messy and stuff?

I'm going to be completely honest with you right now.... yes

OK I need to stop at the bathroom ready quickly can you wait here and text them we'll  a few minutes

Sure baby

BRB don't leave until I come back out!

I know I'm not 3 years old!

OK I'm just being sure!

I ran into the bathroom and YIKES! I could NOT meet the cast for the first time looking like this!

I quickly brushed my hair, wiped my face, and applied a truck load of chapstick because my lips were just..... no! (Put on  makeup if you wear any I don't so...),  and ran into a stall and changed my clothes really quickly 

Damn, the things travelling does to you!

I came back out of the restroom to see Gaten posing for a picture with some fans

I let out a small awwwww and came over after the fans left

Ok  I sighed, let's get out of this dump!

You can say that again! He remarked

We got to the front of the airport and see the cast sitting on their phones in the waiting room 

We ran up behind them and yelled SUPRISE!!!!!!

Y/N, GATEN!!!!!!!!!    they all scream back

We all come into a big group hug

We're so happy to finally meet you in real life y/n! Millie cries

I'm so happy to finally meet you guys!

So to what we were talking about before..... she continues 

Y/S/N is real!!!!!!! (Your ship name) Noah yells

You bet your boots it is Noah!

I'm so happy for you guys though! Sadie says

Yeah congrats! Caleb adds

Well let's get to the hotel then I guess I say

We all get into the SUV we rented Caleb drove to the hotel and we all got our turn with the aux cord, it was so much fun

*at the hotel*

OK so we got 3 rooms and only one of them has 3 beds so whose rooming with who? Caleb says taking charge 

I think the girls should all share the three bed room

OK sounds good! Sadie, Millie, and I say. We grabbed our room passes and left the boys to sort our everything else.

I call dibs on the biggest bed! Millie shouted as soon as we opened the door

No fair! We should  Rock paper scissors for it sadie yelled back 

Ugghhh fine! Millie groaned

OK let's do it! I said unreasonably pumped up about a bed

Rock, Paper, Scissors,  SHOOT!

Millie ended up winning the bed and the other two were the same size so there was no fight about who got the second biggest bed. We set up our stuff, sat on Millie's huge bed and started talking to each other about life.

Soooo y/n what's it like dating Gaten? They ask in unison with smirks on their faces

Guys... I'll be honest with you.... it's not all that it's cracked up to be I said with a sad tone 

IT'S BETTER THAN YOU THOUGHT! I screamed in their faces



Everything! They demanded excitedly 

Omfg where do I even start, he's the whole package he is the love of my lifeeee! 

He is so caring of me he just wants me to be happy, y'all need to getchu a boy like him!

I honestly don't remember life without him, he's the best boyfriend I could ever ask for.

Awwwwwww Millie cried out

You guys are the cutest couple ever. She was recording me talk about Gaten.

Millie what are you doing? You better not post that me and Gaten haven't publicly announced that were dating yet!

OK OK I won't! But, I am going to save it because it's so adorable watching you get goo goo eyes over Gaten she giggled

Oh whatever! I joked back

Goo Goo for Gaten puffs sadie added

We all laughed so hard we were crying.

Gaten's P.O.V.

I ended up rooming with Caleb and he immediately asked about me and y/n dating 

It's amazing, it's like this whole other world when it's just us together. I can tell her anything and be really open with her and we just have so much fun and we laugh a lot and I just love her so much. The day I asked her to be my girlfriend was the biggest day of my life, but when she said yes I almost had a heart attack I was so overwhelmed with joy

Wow you really love her 

I would do anything for y/n

A/n this might be the longest chapters I've written so far 1103 words
