Ch 8. The Guardians Revealed

'Of course, Eevee somehow gets herself in this situation' Pikachu thought to himself as he ran to the spotter area. Once he reached the top, he saw Eevee in her weird costume dodging all of Linoone's attacks. Pikachu put on his headset and connected it to the small earpiece in his hands. He stood on top of the guard railing and aimed the earpiece to Eevee. It was hard to do with Eevee moving around a lot. Once he got a good sight on her, he threw the earpiece towards her, hoping for it to land on her or at least near her.

Down below, Eevee was having the worst time of her life. Linoone was attacking her and she didn't know what to do, the only thing she thought of was to avoid her attacks but she was starting to get tired from it. She stopped in place and stared at the Linoone, she could tell it was getting annoyed by her dodging. Before she could think more, something hit her head and landed on the ground. She looked at it and could tell that it was an earpiece. She looked up to the sky to see where it came from and saw Pikachu waving to her, Pikachu pointed to his ear repeatedly, Eevee realized Pikachu wanted her to put it in, and she did.

"Pikachu?" She spoke fearfully.

"Eevee, are you ok?" Pikachu questioned her.

"Hell no!" She exclaimed. "I'm forced into a battle and I have no idea what I'm doing."

Pikachu winced at her reaction, "Ok, listen to everything I say, I'll get you through this so you can get out of there fast."

"Why can't I just forfeit the match?" Eevee asked. She looked back to Linoone and quickly backed away when Linoone was coming in with a Quick Attack.

"It's the championships, the WBA doesn't allow it," Pikachu stated. "Move left."

Eevee did so, avoiding another one of Linoone's attacks. "Ok Pikachu, tell me what to do."

"Alright, now listen closely," Pikachu told her.


Knowing that Eevee was now battling and Pikachu going to help her. Jolteon, Pichu, Buizel, Shinx, Greninja, and Braixen all went back to the private suite they were in earlier. (Check battle arena chapter to see where it is)

"Will that girl be alright down there," Shinx asked.

"Depends on how well she battles," Buizel replied. She hoped that Eevee would be safe. She turned to Jolteon, "Ma'am, do you know if Eevee has ever battled before?"

Jolteon nervously turned to her, "Uhh, to my knowledge, no," She replied to Buizel.

"Well, let's check her out then," Braixen said as she pulled out a laptop and a laser pointer that was connected to the laptop.

"This ain't the time to check out your social media," Buizel said a bit irritated.

"This ain't no social media," Braixen huffed. "I work with the WBA and collect data of all of the fighters,"

"What, even ours!" Buizel exclaimed.

"Yep, here's yours and Shinx's," Braixen turned the screen towards them, besides their move and species, their stats were nearly similar, and they were both higher than normal for their evolution stage, both almost surpassing their evolution. It also showed their current health, which was both healthy, and their experience level, which both had over 10 years of experience.

"Huh, interesting," Shinx said, though already knowing that was Braixen's job.

"So I'm guessing the laser scans us without us noticing," Buizel assumed.

"Right on," Braixen walked to the window and aimed the laser at Eevee, she pressed the button on the laser and within seconds, scanned all of Eevee's data. "Now let' see how strong she is," When Braixen looked, her jaws dropped to the ground.

"What? Is she like really strong or something?" Greninja asked his wife.

"These are the worse stats I've ever see!" She bellowed in shock. Surprised, everyone looked at the laptop and was shocked, Eevee's stats were very low, almost at a rookie-level fighter. Her experience was just over a week, and her health was also bad.

"Oh dear, it's that bad," Jolteon muttered.

"This is horrific, five unhealed bruises, a paw sprain, and not fully recovered from a surgery that happened over eleven years ago," They were all quiet.

"Well, she's done for," Shinx said bluntly.

"Rubbish, Pikachu will be able to get her out of this," Buizel said with hope.

"The chances of her winning are 0.9%," Braixen said.

Jolteon sighed and looked towards the field. "Pikachu, please help her," She prayed to them.


The battle scenes will be short due to me being bad with writing battles.

"Pikachu, are you sure this will work?" Eevee asked nervously.

"It will trust me. Once you finish off the battle go with the escape plan and I'll be waiting for you," Pikachu told.

Eevee nodded, she stared down her opponent and the opponent stated back, there was a brief silence before Eevee sighed to herself.

'Ok Eevee, you can do this' She said to herself. Her body surrounded in white energy and she dashed towards Linoone.

Linoone, not expecting the attack was hit head-on by Eevee, Linoone quickly recovered and used Hidden Power. Eevee was hit by it but quickly got up.

"Are you ok?" Pikachu asked concerned.

"I'm fine," Eevee replied, she charged back to her opponent. Her tail turned to shiny metal and slammed it on Linoones side, sending her flying far.

Pikachu was impressed, for Eevee's first-ever battle she was doing well. Eevee dodged another one of Linnone's attacks and hit her with a Double Kick, doing lots of damage to Linoone.

"We may not know who she is but this unknown fighter seems to be putting on a show," The Announcer Loudred. The crowd cheered as they watch the fight go on.

Linoone was snarling, she was being beaten by an unknown fighter, and from what she could tell she was very inexperienced. In anger, she shot an Ice Beam at Eevee's feet and froze her to the ground. Eevee tried to move but was unable to.

'Uh oh,' Pikachu thought. Linoone started to slash Eevee with Fury Swipes, tearing her costume and revealing part of her face as well.

"Pikachu help!" Eevee cried out as she kept getting hit by Linoone's Fury Swipes. Pikachu thought of a plan and quickly spoke to Eevee.

"Change of plans, you need to use the Plate Crystal now," Pikachu told her as he watched on.

"Are you sure?" She said as half of her face was now showing due to Linoone cutting it off.

"Yes, hurry and switch to fire and end this quickly, it's the only way," Pikachu exclaimed.

Eevee took a deep breath, she closed her eyes and the Plate Crystal under her costume glowed a bright red. In a matter of seconds, a pillar of fire erupted on both of them. The crowd was shocked at the sudden attack. The fire soon died down, Linoone was on the ground knocked out, while Eevee was still standing. But Eevee's costume was now completely gone, her face now fully revealed to the public.

"That's the princess of Tracia!" Someone exclaimed. Eevee heard and began to panic.

"Eevee, go through the tunnel behind you, I'll be waiting for you there," Pikachu said to her. Eevee looked up to where Pikachu was and saw that he already left, not wasting any more time she hurried down the tunnel. As she did, paramedics came onto the field and put Linoone on a stretcher and took her away to be looked at.

Eevee ran down the long tunnel quickly, she came upon a three-way path and didn't know where to go. But to her luck, Pikachu was running down one of the hallways.

"Pikachu!" She exclaimed, she ran up to him and hugged him tightly, Pikachu returning the hug.

"Thank god Eevee, are you alright?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I think so," She said, her injuries from the battle were very noticeable. "I was so scared," Eevee buried her face into Pikachu's chest and teared up a bit. Pikachu rubbed his hand on her back to calm her down.

"Don't worry Eevee, it's over now," Pikachu reassured her.

"She went this way," A distant voice said, it came from one of the hallways and both Pikachu and Eevee heard it.

"What was that?" Eevee asked.

"Reporters, we need to get out of here fast," Pikachu said. He took Eevee's paw and started running with her.


"So a 0.9% chance huh," Buizel said amazed. She gave Braixen an 'I never believed you' look. "I guess you were wrong on that."

"But this doesn't make any sense, she shouldn't be able to use any fire moves unless she evolves into a Flareon," Braixen said, still baffled by Eevee's win.

"Well numbers don't always mean anything, maybe your analysis was, wrong" Greninja said.

"And what's that supposed to mean," Braixen questioned him, "I thought my husband would always take my side."

"Er... well... uh..." Greninja stuttered.

"Hmph," Braixen huffed, crossing her arms and looking away from him.

"He's got a point you know," Shinx spoke, "You can't just rely on someone's stats without knowing everything else about them."

"But all my other analysis are on point, why was I wrong on this?" Braixen kept wondering out loud.

"Answer me this, when Pikachu started his Rookie season, how many tournaments did you think he was gonna win?" Buizel asked.

"Based on average performances for Rookies, I said 3-5 wins," Braixen said.

"And guess how many he won, thirty-six, that's half of the damn season for pro fighters," Buizel pointed out. Braixen sighed in defeat, she was gonna have to do more research to make her predictions better.

A knock was heard on the door and the door handle jiggles to the lock, Jolteon unlocked the door and Pikachu and Eevee ran in. Eevee out of breath due to her lack of stamina.

"Oh thank god you two made it back," Jolteon said sighing in relief.

"How the hell did you do that Eevee?" Greninja asked curiously.

"Do what?" Eevee said confused.

"The fire attack, you used Lave Plume when you aren't supposed to know it," Shinx said.

Slowly, Eevee moved the fur on her neck and revealed the Plate Crystal around her neck.

"No way," Braixen gasped.

"A Plate Crystal," Jolteon said shocked. "Where did you get it?"

"Pikachu gave it to me as a present," Eevee said. Their attention now turned to Pikachu, who was standing by Eevee.

"What?" He said.

"You gave her the Plate Crystal, do you know how dangerous it is, if it falls into the wrong hands it can cause havoc," Greninja said sternly.

"I know, so I gave it to someone who can protect it," Pikachu said.

"You're full of shit," Greninja looked at Eevee. "Give me that crystal."

"Ha, as if she'll give it to you," Pikachu laughed.

"Shut it, now give it to me," Greninja demanded as he walked up to Eevee.

"No," She said back to him.


"I said no," Eevee growled at him.

"I'll give you another chance to give it to me before you regret it," Greninja threatened.

"Greninja!" Braixen said upset.

"I'm not giving it to you. You said it yourself, if it falls under the wrong hands it can cause havoc, how do I know you won't do anything with it," Eevee didn't trust Greninja at all. She held the crystal right next to her chest in case Greninja tried to take it.

Greninja was surprised, the only other person to talk back to him was Pikachu and his wife Braixen. Saying nothing more, he walked to a corner and leaned his back against the wall.

Braixen sighed to herself. "I'm sorry about him, he takes things a bit too seriously."

"It's fine, I've dealt with things much worse than him, he didn't scratch the surface of threatening me," Eevee said.

"I gotta say though, you did bloody well in your battle," Buizel complimented.

"How did you end up in the battle anyway?" Shinx asked curiously.

"That Sableye me and Jolteon met a few days ago when I entered his 'contest' I was picked and he forced me into the battle," Eevee explained.

"A Sableye? He wouldn't happen to be the owner of the Women's Middle-Class would he?" Greninja asked.

Jolteon face-pawed herself. "I knew I recognized him, I'm stupid for not realizing it sooner."

Buizel growled, "Of course he got you into this mess."

Pikachu was confused, "Who exactly is he?" He asked.

"He's one of the owners and managers of the Women's side of the WBA, he particularly manages the Middle class," Jolteon explained.

"He's also a greedy bastard, all he cares about is money and fame," Shinx said in disgust.

"But why would he put me into the tournament?" Eevee wondered.

"Probably because one of the girls quit," Braixen said.

"Wouldn't be surprised if one of the competitors quit because of him, that bugger can shove his head up his bollocks," Buizel said, her hatred for Sableye was very clear. Every girl in the room hated him.

"Well is there any way I can get out of the tournament," Eevee asked.

"Nope, once the championship is on there's no turning back," Buizel said.

"So I'm screwed then," Eevee slumped down to the ground, "Great, now what am I gonna do, I'm stuck in the tournament and now everyone knows I'm the princess."

Pikachu spoke, "What if I train you," Eevee turned to him surprised.

"That... actually might work," Shinx said. "Pikachu trained me and Buizel and both of us have been championship contenders for many years."

"Yep, if anything Pikachu is the best person to ask for battle advice," Buizel said.

"Uhh, I'm don't know," Eevee said unsure.

'You don't have to fight Eevee, we'll try to find another way if you don't want to," Pikachu reassured her.

'What should I do? If I don't fight then everyone will think I'm weak,' Eevee thought to herself. 'No, I'm not gonna keep running away anymore.' Eevee turned and faced Pikachu, "I'll do it."

Everyone was shocked, they didn't think Eevee wanted to keep fighting.

"Well, great," Pikachu said.

"So, when can we start?" Eevee asked eagerly.

Pikachu chuckled, "Hold on a sec, let's get you healed first before we do anything," He told her. Just thin, a voice was heard from the loudspeakers of the stadium.

"The next fight will be between Buizel and Butterfree of the Women's Middle-Class. Fighters please go to your tunnels with your spotters."

"Well, that's me," Buizel grabbed Pikachu's hand "We gotta go, cheers love," Buizel waved bye to them before dragging Pikachu out with her. Pikachu quickly waved bye before disappearing with Buizel.

Jolteon let out a sigh as she watched them leave, "Sometimes, I worry about him a lot."

"About what?" Eevee asked.

"Well... with everything going on I can't imagine the stress Pikachu has right now. He never seems to get a rest and is always busy with something," Jolteon explained. "I wish this whole thing was over with," She walked back to the window to watch Buizel's battle.

Shinx walked up to Eevee and stood beside her, "Pikachu's lucky to have a mother that cares about him, it's rare to have parents that care about their children."

"Yeah..." Eevee agreed. "It seems that most of us have parent issues. Pikachu has an abusive father, my parents only want to sell me off for money..."

"Buizel's mother was shot to death," Shinx said, surprising Eevee. "It destroyed her relationship with her father, she blames her for her mom's death because Floatzel didn't do anything to protect her."

Eevee didn't say a word, what could she say after knowing that.

Shinx continues speaking, "My parents... they never really paid attention to me, I tried everything to impress them to speak to me, every award, accomplishment, and victory I had didn't work," Tears started to form from Shinx's eyes. "I'm sorry, I need to go," Shinx quickly left the room, leaving only Eevee, Jolteon, Pichu, Greninja, and Braixen left.

None of them talked for a long time.


At Amber Castle, a shadowy figure was walking down the dark underground halls of the castle, the person turned left and into a dim-lit room, inside was King Raichu waiting for the figure.

"Ahh, nice to see you made it, King Umbreon," Raichu greeted. Umbreon nodded and sat down in a chair.

"Let's get to the point, where is she?" Umbreon asked impatiently.

"Well you see, I had her in my custody until a disturbance got in the way," Raichu said slamming his fist in the armrest of the chair.

"A disturbance you say, you're telling me the almighty King Raichu was defeated?" Umbreon spoke in a bit of a teasing tone, "I think you're losing your edge."

"Shut it, it's a good thing I had a plan," Raichu picked up a remote and turned on an old T.V, on the screen was Eevee in the costume that Sableye put her in on the battlefield in a fight.

"Is that my daughter?" Umbreon said surprised.

"Indeed it is, I remember when you said that she's really weak, so what better way than to put her in a fight. Once she's defeated the 'paramedics' will take her away and bring her to us," Raichu explained to the rival king.

"Impressive, I see your planning is a good as ever," Umbreon complimented.

"Oh you flatter me," Raichu replied. They kept watching the battle and were surprised to see Eevee defending herself pretty well. Raichu gave Umbreon a look, "I thought you said she wasn't a good fighter?"

"She isn't, why is she doing so good?" Umbreon wondered.

"Well would you look at that folks, it seems that rookie Pikachu is helping out this mysterious fighter," Loudred said from the T.V. The camera moved up to Pikachu with his headset on, he was talking to Eevee and telling her what to do.

"Dammit! It's always him!" Raichu yelled furiously.

'So that's the boy,' Umbreon thought. He got a good look at Pikachu to know what kind of person he is. 'He could be trouble for me getting the Plate Crystal.' He said in his head.

They kept watching on until the end of the battle where Eevee used the Plate Crystal and defeated Linoone. They also saw her costume completely gone and revealed to the public. The screen went to commercial after that.

"It seems your plan has failed once again, King Raichu," Umbreon said unamused.

Raichu growled loudly. "There has to be a way to stop them!"

"It's simple really, I have Cerberus and you have Pegasus, we'll just use them and we'll have no problems," Umbreon said.

"No problems huh, then look at this," Raichu held up the blue ring that contained the power of Pegasus, in the middle of the ring was a red force field that prevented Raichu from putting it on. "The damn bastard activated his trial, and I could lose Pegasus if he is worthy of being king."

"Hmm, that does seem to be a problem," Umbreon said.

"Yeah, and I would be worried if I were you, your daughter could activate hers soon as well, and as long as she's near my wife, Jolteon can activate the trial for her," Raichu explained.

"I won't let that happen," Umbreon got up pulled out a purple ring, "I'll take care of this quickly, this shouldn't be too much of a problem.

"Good luck with that, it's not as easy as it seems," Raichu said, getting up from his chair he turned off the T.V and left the small room, Umbreon following behind him, with the purple ring around his paw.


Hours passed and the sun was starting to set. The first rounds of the championships have ended and all of the fighters were healed. The ones who were defeated all went home with nothing else left to do. Due to Eevee's sudden entry in the championship, she had to get a fighter's license, which was quickly done by the WBA. Everyone had gone to do their own thing. Pikachu and Eevee decided to take a walk down the park, Buizel went to her private hotel room the WBA gives to every fighter, Jolteon took Pichu out to eat, Greninja and Braixen went out on a date, and Shinx... well no one knows where she went, but Greninja reassured that she would be back tomorrow. Pikachu and Eevee were sitting on a bench at the park, there was no one there besides them and they had a good view of the sunset.

"It's so pretty, have you ever seen anything so beautiful?" Eevee said as she gazed at the sunset.

"Well, you're right beside me, does that count as more beautiful," Pikachu said. Eevee blushed from his compliment.

"Pikachu, I want to ask you something,"

"What is it?"

"Are you... ok?"

Pikachu was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Is there anything that's stressing you out?" Pikachu thought about her question.

"No, I don't think so," He replied.

"Oh really," Eevee sat on top of Pikachu's lap and faced him, making them both blush a bit. Eevee grabbed his hand with her paw and held it to her heart. "I want you to close your eyes and think about everything from the past week," She said.

"Uhh, ok," Pikachu closed his eyes, he went deep into his mind about everything that happened in the past week, separating from his mother and Eevee, Raichu's sudden attack, Electivire taking his mother's old diner illegally...

"Stop," Eevee said. Pikachu eyes shot open, he realized during the last minute he was squeezing Eevee's paw tightly.

"S-sorry," He said. He tried to let go of her paw but Eevee kept it held.

"Pikachu, that's enough proof that you're stressed out, I've only known you for that week Pikachu and from what I can tell it's getting too much," Eevee said, her voice sounded worried, with everything happening so fast it was easy to tell it was taking a mental toll on him.

"Yeah, you're right," Pikachu admitted.

"Pikachu, you've done so much for me ever since we met, and now I want to repay you for it," Eevee moved her face closer to Pikachu's face, they were now inches apart from each other.

"Eevee..." Pikachu said quietly.

"Pikachu, I'm not doing this because of my religion, I'm doing this because I care about you," Eevee inched closer until their lips met, immediately they both were in a frenzy of kisses. Eevee pushed her tongue to Pikachu's lips, in which he allowed her access and they started to french kiss. A few minutes passed and they both reluctantly let go of each other to catch their breath. They both breathed heavily and looked at each other, then they both went back to french kissing each other. As they went on, Eevee moved one of her hind paws lower down Pikachu's body and started rubbing his lower area. This surprised Pikachu and he separated from the kiss.

"I-I don't think we should do that," Pikachu said blushing, feeling Eevee's paw rub on him more.

"I want to do this Pikachu, please let me do this," Eevee was blushing hard, she kept rubbing her paw on Pikachu and started to feel something poke it.

Tempted by Eevee pleasuring him, he couldn't resist, "Ok, but not here, we don't want anyone to see us and get involved with the media," Eevee agreed with him. She stopped rubbing and got off his lap to let him up, it was getting dark and they were losing sunlight.

Pikachu got up and Eevee stood close by him, together they started walking to the private hotel the WBA rented out for the fighters. It wasn't long until Pikachu felt something wrong. Eevee noticed and started to worry.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Someone's here," He said. They both looked around to see where the person could be. All of a sudden, Eevee felt a chill up her spine.

"Oh no, he found us," Eevee started to panic.


Before Eevee could reply, Pikachu quickly turned and blocked an oncoming purple glowing chain towards him, the chain wrapped around his arm tightly and tried to pull him, but Pikachu was putting up a fight.

"Well, I always knew you were a slut."

Pikachu and Eevee turned around to the voice, to their surprise and Eevee's horror, King Umbreon was right behind them, four purple chains including the one on Pikachu coming out of his back.

"You," Pikachu snarled.

"How nice to finally meet you, Prince Pikachu, I see you've been taking care of my daughter, who I now know is a slut. So I'll be taking her back with me to Tracia now," He said, purple energy flared up around him

"Not a chance, I won't let you lay a finger on her," Pikachu yelled angrily as he got himself ready to fight.

Umbreon chuckled evilly before looking Pikachu in the eyes, "Boy, you have no idea what you got yourself into," Umbreon pulled Pikachu up into the air with one of his chains and slammed him back into the ground.

"Pikachu!" Eevee cried out. She was relieved when he got back up on his feet, He ran up to Umbreon and attacked him with a barrage of Thunder Punches. Umbreon didn't give up though, he shot a blast of purple energy at Pikachu, the bast was enough to send Pikachu flying back and landing on his stomach. Pikachu tried to get up but he was suddenly held down by chains that came from the ground. Three chains wrapped around his body and one around his neck. The chain around his neck started to choke him and the three around his body squeezed him tightly. Pikachu was now desperately trying to get air.

"See, you never had the chance to defeat me," Umbreon said. He was about to deliver the final blow but was hit by a Moonblast that came from Eevee, she has activated the Plate Crystal again and was using its Fairy power.

"Stay away from him!" Eevee yelled out.

Umbreon gave a dark glare towards her and laughed. "Do you think you stand a chance, your boyfriend didn't stand a chance so what makes you think so," Umbreon started to walk towards Eevee. Intimidated, Eevee started to back up to get away from him, unfortunately for her, she didn't see the chains behind her and tripped over them. Eevee laid on her back, and Umbreon stood above her.

"S-stay away," She said in fear, worried by what Umbreon would do to her.

"You know, I didn't want to do this because you were my daughter, but now I could care less, I have the perfect punishment for you," The chains on Umbreon's back wrapped all around her. Eevee went to use another Moonblast but Umbreon ripped off the Plate Crystal around her neck and threw it away. "Don't think I didn't know about the Plate Crystal, I've been searching for the thing my whole life and you of all people have it!" Two of his chains inched closer to Eevee and began glowing a bright purple. "I hope you remember this, 'cause it's gonna be a lot worse this time."

"No! Please!" She begged. Umbreon started to viciously whip Eevee with the chains. Eevee screamed out in pain. It was much worse than the last time Umbreon whipped her. "No! Stop!" But Umbreon didn't stop, he continued to whip Eevee more. I was getting to a point where Eevee started to bleed out. "Pikachu! Help me!" She cried out desperately.

Pikachu wanted to help her, but he started to run out of air due to the chains squeezing his neck. The chains were much stronger than he thought and struggled to break them. He tried to break them again but the chains started to resist and squeeze him more tightly. He watched on as Eevee was continuing to be whipped, his vision started to fade due to lack of oxygen.

"Y-you bastard," He muttered quietly. He could feel his life slowly fading away.

"Child," A voice said. "Do you wish to save her?"

Pikachu didn't know what the voice was but quickly replied. "Yes."

"Do you agree to what I'm about to do, it will be very danger-"

"I said yes! Do it!" Pikachu yelled, cutting off the voice.

"Very well. Good luck, Guardian Prince Pikachu," The voice said. Not long after a bright blue light came from the sky and went straight for Pikachu.


At Amber Castle, Raichu was getting ready for a night's rest. He set the blue ring on a nightstand right beside his bed and prepared for a shower. As he turned around, the ring started glowing brightly, so bright that Raichu noticed and turned around to see it.

"What the..." He said confused. He went over to pick it up but the ring started to float on its own. As it did, Raichu started to feel weak, like all of his power was being taken away. The ring started to spin and it blasted straight through the walls and out of the castle. Raichu was stunned and felt a pain on his hand and his Mark of the Kings was gone.

"No, No, NOO!" He cried out and fell to his knees. "That's it! I'm taking drastic measures."

Raichu stormed out of his room and back to his underground room. He was going to do whatever it took to get what he wants.


In the center of town called Alba, Jolteon was with her daughter Pichu in a small restaurant, they left behind their crowns so they wouldn't be recognized.

"Are you enjoying your food Pichu?" Jolteon asked her. Pichu nodded happily and kept eating. Jolteon smiles, at least she can keep one of her kids happy.

"I still can't get over how cute your daughter is," Jolteon turned her head and saw Braixen and Greninja standing behind her. They both pulled up chairs and sat beside Jolteon and Pichu.

"Thank you, I'm still amazed how fast of a learner she is, she's able to walk and talk fluently, and do other things most one-year-olds can't do," Joltoen said. Pichu had finished eating and she snuggled into her mother.

"You are a wonderful mother Jolteon, lots of women can learn a thing or two from you," Braixen complimented.

"Thanks, but I'm not the best mother there is, I failed at a lot of stuff trying to raise Pikachu," Jolteon admitted, she looked down in a depressed tone and rubbed Pichu's back.

"That's nonsense, you're a great mother," Braixen said.

"You truly are ma'am," Greninja said.

Jolteon sighed, "You two," She looked at her paw and saw the mark on it. She hated it, the mark was a queen's crown surrounded by bolts of lightning with a wing pattern on top. It signifies that she was the queen of Amber Kingdom. It's a blessing to have one, but to Jolteon it was a curse, a curse that haunted her for years. "Raising Pikachu was one of the toughest things I've ever done, especially being so young at the time. I couldn't give him the things that every parent should, no New Year's, no Easter, no Holloween, No Thanksgiving, and no Christmas."

"No Christmas, surely Pikachu had some friends to spend Christmas with," Greninja said.

Jolteon shook her head, "His only friend was Buizel, and because of Raichu always hunting him down he had to avoid her for her safety," She explained. "This year was his first-ever Christmas."

"So eighteen years," Greninja said quietly. Jolteon slowly nodded and laid her head on the table in sadness.

"But Mommy, when Pikachu defeats bad man then we can be happy together," Pichu said cheerfully. It made Jolteon smile a bit.

"Yes, we can be together again," Jolteon replied. Then out of nowhere her eyes started glowing blue and her body started to shake. Braixen and Greninja were alarmed.

"Jolteon, what's going on?" Braixen asked.

"I, I don't know," She replied. Jolteon started to have weird visions, she saw her son being attacked by Umbreon, Eevee was also being held down by Umbreon as well. She then saw Pikachu's eyes also glow blue, but she knew what it was.

"Save him..." Jolteon said.

"Save who?" Greninja asked.

"Pikachu! The park! Save him!" She cried desperately.

Greninja didn't waste any time and quickly ran off to the park. Jolteon's eyes turned normal and she collapsed, her breathing was really heavy. Braixen ran up to her to make sure she was ok.

"Jolteon, what's going on?" Braixen asked.

Jolteon looked at her paw, she still had her mark of the queens on it. "Pegasus, she didn't make Pikachu the king."


Near the stadium was a hotel the fighters stayed at. They have to share a room with other fighters by a random selection. If one of the fighters is defeated then they have to leave and the other one keeps the room to themselves for the time being. Buizel was one of the lucky ones to have their roommate defeated in the first round. Though it made her feel a bit lonely to be by herself. She laid on her bed in deep thought, her mind only going to on thing, or person, in this case, Pikachu.

Though she said she didn't live on T.V, she did have feelings for the mouse. She had planned to confess to him after he was done doing his group interview, but with the events that happened afterward, her plan was ruined. Her mind was in a mix thought, on one side was her and Pikachu happily spending their time together as a couple, but the other was Pikachu denying her feelings and never seeing her again. That stuck in her mind, what would happen if Pikachu didn't feel the same way. She wondered if it would ruin their relationship forever, and it scared her to think about it.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The knocking broke Buziel out of her thoughts, she got up and opened the door. Standing in front of her was Shinx, she looked roughed up like she was in the middle of a jungle for months.

"Blimey! Are you ok mate?" Buizel asked in worry.

"I'm fine, just a little training is all," Shinx replied.

"A little, you look like you were attacked by a vicious Primeape."

"Well, I assure you it's not, mind if I come in?"

"Not at all, make yourself at home," Buizel moved aside and allowed Shinx in her room. "Any reason why you came here?"

"Yes, I need to talk to you about something, about Pikachu."

Buizel was interested. "Go ahead."

"Let's get to the point here, we both can admit that we have strong feelings for Pikachu, am I right?" Both girls blushed and Buizel nodded to her. "Good, cause it seems like we have a three-way battle for him."

"Three? Who's the third?" Buizel asked.

"Don't be surprised, it's Eevee," Shinx said. "She's the third person in love with him, it's very obvious."

"I guess... but why bring this up?" Buizel asked.

"Because we can't let our little love 'rivalry' affect anything between us, especially at this time when he's stressed out right now," Shinx explained.

"Yeah, you're right," Buizel agreed.

"And another thing, I hate to admit this by this bus all three of us aren't even close to confessing to him, we're all too coward to do it," Shinx said in embarrassment.

Buizel blushed, "Yeah, I was gonna do it after the media thing but things got in the way, but now I'm glad that happened."

"But that's not all I came here to say, I have a proposal to offer."

Buizel was intrigued. "Spill it."

"So, Pikachu will be most stressed when he makes it to the finals, and we both know what happens if he's stressed too much."

"Yeah, he gets a bit crazy," Buizel said.

"Exactly, so I have a plan to get rid of that stress," Shinx whispered her idea to Buizel. Once she finished Buizel was a blushing mess.

"I-I can't do that! My father will kill me if he found out I did that!" She exclaimed.

"Then don't let him find out, simple," Shinx said.

"Well still, I can't risk getting pregnant at a young age, it would ruin my career," Buizel said worriedly.

Shinx raised an eyebrow, "So it hasn't happened to you yet?"

"Has what happened to me?"

"Infertility, it's been happening to all the fighters lately. The intense fighting is causing our reproductive organs to be destroyed. Many had to have surgery because of it," Shinx explained.

"What! That's not good," Buizel said. She then realized something. "Wait, how do you know this?"

Shinx's expression saddened. "Because it happened to me when I was eight," Buizel was horrified to hear that.

"That's awful. It must've been terrible to hear that at a young age."

"It was... but I chose to fight and this is what I get, it was going to happen eventually."

"But now you can't make a family in the future, aren't you upset about that?"

"There's nothing to be upset about," Shinx said. "Having kids isn't the only way to have a family, it also involves friends and other people you care about. My parents never cared about me so I thought I never had a family in the first place, but it changed when I met Pikachu, he accepted me into his family and gave me more love in a day than my parents did for my whole life. I'm grateful for all he's done for me and it's the main reason why I'm doing this, I can't think of a better way to thank him than this."

Buizel took her speech into thought, Pikachu has changed many people's life. Without him, she would've become the great fighter she is today, she would've never gotten over grieving her dead mother, and she wouldn't know what love truly love. She didn't need to make a family to have one, as long as there are people that cared about her and she cares about them than it was a good enough family for her to have.

"You're right, alright I'll join your plan," Buizel agreed.

Shinx smiled. "Great, now all we need to do is get Eevee into it, shouldn't be too hard."

"You sure, she still is a princess you know, they're always too formal."

"Not her, she acts more like the shy girl in school."

"Ha, that was me in school."

"Same here."

The two girls laughed.

"Well, I best be off, it's getting late," Shinx said.

"Alright, do you have a place to stay? You're welcomed here anytime," Buizel said.

"Thanks, but the WBA already gave me another room, I have to share like you guys, and I'm hoping it's not a pervert."

"Well, good luck then," Buizel said. "The two lower series have the day off tomorrow so you can come over if you want."

"I'll keep that in mind," Shinx headed towards the door, but then had an evil thought in her mind to tease Buizel a bit. "Also, I'm going on a date with Pikachu tomorrow cause he lost a 'bet' with Greninja," Shinx left the room laughing to herself and running off to her room.

Buizel was amazed at what she heard. "That little cheeky bitch," She said before laughing. This was truly going to be one interesting love battle for Pikachu.


The ring flew across the sky, it shone brightly and anyone outside could see it. It looked like a shooting star soaring across the sky. The ring neared the park, it zoomed down and went straight to Pikachu and destroyed the chains. The ring moved more and destroyed the chains around Eevee as well, then it went back to Pikachu and put itself on his left wrist. Pikachu was surrounded by a blue aura, he felt even more strength in his body. He stood up and gave a deadly glare at Umbreon, who he and Eevee were surprised at what happened.

"W-what!" Umbreon cried out.

Pikachu pointed to him, "You, I'm going to make you regret doing everything you've done to her!" A pair of white wings surrounded by a blue light appeared from his back and he charged for Umbreon. Umbreon wasn't prepared and was tackled hard by Pikachu.

Umbreon skidded onto the ground hard, he got up and wiped some blood off his face. 'How can this be, there's no way he got the power of Pegasus without beating the current king,' He thought. He used one of Cerberus' attacks and shot it towards Pikachu. Pikachu formed a shield using the ring on his wrist and deflected it away.

At that moment Greninja appeared, he narrowly dodged the attack Pikachu deflected. He was amazed when he saw Pikachu with wings on his back and fighting back against Umbreon. But he was confused at the same time, Pikachu shouldn't have Pegasus' powers unless he defeated Raichu, he made a mental note to ask Jolteon what was going on.

Back to the battle, Umbreon tried to use another attack but Pikachu hit him with a Thunder Punch before he could. "I'll make you pay for what you've done!" Pikachu yelled furiously. He went to use Thunderbolt but instead shot a ball of stars at Umbreon, it made direct contact with him and sent him back far.

'What the...' Pikachu thought in confusion.

"Child," The voice came back, "You have gained my powers, with the ring, what you just used was a Star Blast Attack."

"Star Blast huh?" He said to himself. "Wait a minute, I recognize you now. Pegasus!"

"Took you long enough to realize it's me. But first, let me teach you my moves," As Pegasus finished, Umbreon got up and used the same attack, a ball of dark purple energy. "That's a Demon Blast attack, use Quick Attack to get away," Pikachu nodded, once he used Quick Attack it felt very different, he went faster than normal was able to easily avoid the attack.

"Woah, that was cool," Pikachu said in amazement.

"When you activate my powers your moves change, your Quick Attack now changed to a Light Dash. Though not an attack you can easily avoid attacks at the risk of some energy," Pegasus explained.

"So it's balanced then," Pikachu said. "I guess that's fair enough, can't be too strong."

"Indeed. Now use your Volt Tackle," She said. Pikachu nodded and started running, instead of his normal Volt Tackle he was surrounded in by a bright energy of light. He slammed into Umbreon with a strong force, sending him flying back. Umbreon landed on the ground and started coughing up blood. "That attack is called Star Booster, unlike your Volt Tackle it doesn't do recoil damage and it still does plenty of damage," Pegasus explained.

"That's cool, but you didn't say it causes headaches," Pikachu said as he rubbed his head.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Pegasus said. Making Pikachu groan in annoyance.

'H-How?! How can he master its strength so fast?' Umbreon thought in a panic. He had greatly underestimated what Pikachu could do and was afraid if Pikachu fully mastered Pegasus' strength.

Eevee could only watch, she was too weak to move her body from being whipped. She felt so useless as she watched Pikachu fighting off Umbreon. She silently cried to herself as she laid in a pool her blood.

"Child, go over to her. Put your hand over her heart and I'll heal her," Pegasus told. Pikachu walked up to Eevee and did as Pegasus told. The ring on his wrist glowed and energy started flowing into Eevee's body. Eevee felt her wounds disappear and her energy coming back. She looked up and saw Pikachu standing above her, and Pikachu noticed her tears.

"Are you ok?" He asked. Eevee said nothing, she didn't even make eye contact with him. "Eevee, please look at me," He said.

"Why..." She started, "Why do you protect me, I'm useless to you."

"Eevee, you are not useless," Pikachu said.

"YES I AM!" She yelled. "I can't do anything right Pikachu. I failed at being a princess, I failed to protect myself, and I failed to even be a good friend."

Pikachu grabbed Eevee's paw and held it tightly. She turned to him surprised. "Eevee, nobody can be perfect. It's not your fault that all of this happened. You couldn't be a great princess because you weren't given a chance to be one, you can't protect yourself because of your lack of knowing how to battle, and don't say that you aren't a good friend. You are one of the greatest friends I've ever had, and for not having much social experience you have lots of people that care about you. All these things happened because of that waste of space over there," Pikachu pointed over to Umbreon who was struggling to stand.

Eevee looked at Umbreon and then back to Pikachu. "But still, I can't do anything to help people."

"Well how about protecting my mom and getting her away from Raichu," Pikachu started. He then reached back and held the Plate Crystal up to her, "And for protecting this with your life," Pikachu proceeded to put the crystal back around her neck. The crystal had turned back to its original clear color when it was removed from her neck earlier.

"P-Pikachu," Eevee said. She stood up and looked at him with confidence, "I don't want to have any of those qualities anymore, I want to be able to do something big, I want to be able to defend myself," She turned and stared at Umbreon, "And I want to be able to make him pay for everything he's done."

Pikachu smiled. "And I'll be able to help you get to your goal."

Eevee smiled at him, she then got an idea "Pikachu, I got a plan to take away his power, if we can do that then he'll be a sitting duck."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I'm the child that's supposed to rule over Tracia next and control Cerberus. If we can take the ring off of him I can try to control it," Eevee explained.

"Are you sure Eevee? I'll go with it but it's gonna be risky," Pikachu said. A groan was heard and Umbreon got up, he had a murderous look in his eyes.

Eevee nodded and activated her Plate Crystal back to Fairy, "I'm sure, hold him down and I'll get it off of him."

Pikachu nodded. They both got ready to fight as Umbreon charged another attack.

"That's it! I'm gonna take you both out even if it means killing you!" Umbreon screamed. The chains around him filled with energy and started to lunge for them.

"He's using the Chains of Hell! Don't let them touch you or it will be a devastating blow," Pegasus warned. Pikachu took note of her warning, he quickly picked up Eevee and moved out of the way of the chains. The chains slammed onto the ground hard. It caused an explosion that was heard all around. A huge creator appeared from the ground after the hit. Both Pikachu and Eevee were amazed.

"Well I hope you're ready for this," Pikachu said.

"I am, let's do this," Eevee said. She shot another Moonblast at Umbreon and managed to him it. Pikachu followed up with a Star Blast attack on Umbreon and quickly slammed into him with Star Booster. Umbreon coughed up more blood and began to get angrier. He used another Demon Blast and aimed for Eevee, but Eevee got her Protect up in time to cancel the attack. Pikachu hit Umbreon with another Star Blast but began to feel tired.

"Child, you are low on energy, you need to finish this fast before you pass out," Pegasus warned.

"How come? I normally don't get this tired fast," Pikachu said.

"It's because I used your life energy to heal Eevee, I would die if I used my own, but unlike me, yours will regenerate," Pegasus explained.

Pikachu sighed. "Just great," He charged forward to Umbreon and used Star Booster again. But instead of just hitting him he skidded him onto the ground. Rocks and dirt dragged across Umbreon's face as Pikachu held him down while continuing to use Star Booster. Pikachu stopped, he used another Star Blast on the chains on Umbreon back, destroying them in an instant.

"Eevee now!" Pikachu shouted as he held Umbreon down. Eevee teleported next to Pikachu using the bracelet he gave her, she grabbed the ring and pulled it off his paw. She also punched him in the face which wasn't necessary. But it was funny.

"NO! NOOO!" Umbreon shouted out. He felt Cerberus' power fading from him when Eevee took the ring. "I'll make you all pay!" He shouted.

"Just shut up already, get the hell out of my home," Pikachu said. He used one final Star Blast and sent Umbreon flying through the air. He probably so far he maybe landed back into Tracia kingdom.

Pikachu took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He turned Eevee who was holding the purple ring in her paws. "You said you can control it?" He asked.

"I... don't know, I'm a bit scared to put it on," Eevee said. She stared curiously at the ring.

"It's your choice if you want to do it Eevee, if anything happens I'll be here," Pikachu said.

Eevee gave one last look at the ring. Carefully, she put the ring on around her paw. Instantly her eyes started glowing Purple and she started to feel a sharp pain in her head. She screamed out in pain and held her head tightly.

"Eevee!" Pikachu cried out in worry. Eevee came up to Pikachu and held him tightly while still in pain. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again Pikachu wasn't there. She was now floating in a space with no one around her.

"Who has separated me from my ruler?!" A deep voice shouted.

"Hello?" She said. She looked left, and then right, there was no one there.

"Turn around."

Eevee did. Behind her was the mighty three-headed demon dog Cerberus. His presence gave Eevee a chill up her spine, she had many nightmares about Cerberus and has been afraid of him ever since, but she knew that she had to be brave to control him.

"Princess of Tracia, do not freak as you are in my realm. What do you seek from me? Answer or else I'll return myself to my king," Said Cerberus.

Eevee stood herself straight and tried to be as brave as possible. I-I want to hold onto your power for good, to get it away Umbreon who would use you for evil."

"Evil you say? What proof of this evil do you have?" He asked.

Eevee was nervous, she didn't have any proof to him about what he's done. "I may not have any physical proof, but I can tell you that he recently tried to kill me and the prince of Amber, Pikachu."

"Hmm, how can I believe you with that?" Cerberus questioned.

"I believe I can vouch for her on that," The two of them looked over and saw that Pegasus was standing by them. With her was Pikachu below, his wings still on his back. "King Umbreon and King Raichu have been plotting a scheme to eliminate these two for a while now, Umbreon has been torturing Princess Eevee for nearly her entire life. He abused your powers and used them on her for his pleasure, including an attempted rape attack," Pegasus explained.

Cerberus was shocked but remained calm. "I see," He turned to Eevee, his other two heads also turned to her which creeped her out. "I apologize for not keeping track on him more, I know there is nothing I can do to make the pain go away. But what I can do is prevent this from ever happening."

"So... you won't go back to him?" Eevee said hopefully.

"I will not return to him, instead I'll trust you with my powers for now," Cerberus summoned the ring containing his power and gave it to Eevee. Eevee went to touch it but it attached itself around her paw tightly. "I can't teach you much now on how to use them, but when the time comes I'll give you everything you need to know."

"Thank you, thank you so much," Eevee said. She took a look at Pikachu and realized that he hasn't moved at all. "Pikachu? What's wrong?" She asked. She went up to him and shook him a bit but got no response.

"He is ok, unfortunately for me to be here I had to use the last of his energy. A bit of rest is all he needs and he'll be up and ready just in time for his match," Pegasus said.

"It is time for us to go now, I've been using your energy as well to keep you here. When I sent you back you'll be waking up from a long rest. Till next time, Guardian Princess Eevee," Cerberus said. A bright light shone from Cerberus, Eevee's vision was blinded as she felt herself leaving the realm she was in.


Eevee woke up in a jolt, her breathing going at a rapid pace. She looked around and saw that she was in a very fancy room, on a soft bed no less. She remembered everything that happened last night, but was it real or a nightmare. She looked at her right paw and saw the purple ring. It was real.


Eevee turned and saw Jolteon standing next to her by the bed. Jolteon sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness you're alright, what happened to you two?" She asked.

"I-I don't know, it just happened so fast. First Umbreon attacked up, then Pikachu got Pegasus' powers and..." Eevee realized that Pikachu wasn't around. "Wait, where is he? Where am I?" She said frantically.

Jolteon calmed her down. "You're in Pikachu's hotel room. Greninja found you two passed out at the park and brought you two here. And Pikachu, well just take a look," Jolteon picked up the T.V remote and turned the T.V on, appeared was the coverage of the WBA championship matches. She turned it on just in time to see Pikachu defeat his next opponent.

"And Pikachu easily take his next foe down, can anyone stop this kid from reaching the finals?" The announcer Loudred said. The screen turned to commercial as soon as he stopped talking.

Jolteon muted the T.V, "He recovered surprisingly fast, as soon as he woke up he immediately went to his battle," She said.

"Jolteon, I need answers. Why did Pikachu get Pegasus' ring? Shouldn't he have to defeat Raichu first?" Eevee asked.

Jolteon sighed. "Yes, that's normally how the new king is crowned. Except Pikachu didn't become king."

Eevee was confused. "What do you mean?"

Jolteon lifted her paw and showed her the mark on her paw, it showed that she was still the queen of Amber. "If I still have my mark it means Pikachu didn't become the king, he was given a new job, a guardian."

"A guardian? What does that mean?"

"It means he is now the protector of Amber Kingdom, but it wasn't just him. Look at the bottom of your paw," Jolteon said.

Eevee did so, she looked and saw a mark that resembled Cerberus, a three-headed dog.

"Eevee, you and Pikachu have the biggest responsibilities anyone could ever have. Something that will change your life forever. You both are now guardians of Amber and Tracia," Jolteon said.

Eevee passed out again after that.

9364 words.

That's all for now before you go here's how the rings look like on Pikachu and Eevee, it looks more like a bracelet than a ring though.
