Ch 2. The Time of Giving

This chapter is very late. It was supposed to be the Christmas upload but I decided to also make it a chapter. In this chapter, you will see who is the good and bad in Pikachu's family. You also get to know about a big event that will happen

When morning rose, Pikachu woke up tiredly as he got out of his bed. As he walked to the window to have a look outside, he was surprised to see that it had snowed overnight. He then looked at a calendar he had on the wall to see it was Christmas Eve.

'Strange, I thought it was still November' he thought, 'Then again everyone was putting up Christmas decorations very early afterward'.

After getting himself together, he decided to take a shower and get himself ready for the day. He also needed to get proper winter wear for Eevee as well.

After doing everything he needed to do, he decided to make breakfast for him and Eevee so it will be ready when she woke up. While making it, he was thinking over the events that happened yesterday, to meeting Eevee and learning about her backstory, to inviting her to live with him. It seemed like to him everything was going so fast in such a short amount of time.


Pikachu turned around to see Eevee standing there looking very tired. Her fur was in a mess like she got attacked by a wild Pokemon.

"Hey Eevee, are you alright?" he asked as he went to check on her.

"Y-Yeah, just a nightmare that's all" she replied while blushing.

"Do you want to talk about it"

"I... it's just about my father, I was dreaming about what would happen if he caught me before I met you, and all of the things he would do to me" after she was done explaining, she ran up to him and started to hug him tightly, to which he returned.

"Hey, he won't do anything to you, he'll have to get through me in order to do anything to you" he spoke calmly.

"Thank you" she said quietly.

When they broke up the hug, a knock was heard on the door and Pikachu went to answer. Standing at the door was a Pelipper was standing there with a mailbag around him.

"Are you King Raichu's son?" he questioned.

"Yeah, why?" he asked.

"You got a letter" he said as he gave it to Pikachu and flew off.

"What does it say" Eevee asked as she looked at the letter Pikachu was holding.

"Well let's see" he says as he opens the letter.

Dear Son,

As you know, every year the royal family has a Christmas Dinner and you have to be there, but you also have to bring a guest with you seeing how that is out tradition for us. You better be there or else you know what I'll do to you.

Your Ruler,


"Man this again, I don't want to deal with his shit again" Pikachu complained.

"Is it really that bad"

"You have no idea" he said as he went back to making breakfast. 'Now who can I bring with me' he thought. But it didn't take him long as he kept staring at Eevee for a long time.

"Want to go with me Eevee?" he asked.

"M-M-Me" she stuttered. "I... yes I would love to go, but I don't have anything to wear for the party.

"Don't worry, I was planning on going to the shopping center after we were done eating, I can show you around there too if you want" he said. She agreed and they both got themselves prepared. Once they finished eating and getting their stuff together, they went off to the shopping center.

Time skip 30 minutes

The shopping center was always a busy place, Pokemon always trying to sell their products and Pokemon trying to get their hands on their needs.

"Wow, this place is very busy here" Eevee said in awe.

"Your right about that, stay close to me, you can easily get lost here" Pikachu told her as they both stayed close to each other.

"So what do you need to get Pikachu?" Eevee asked.

"Well, I need to get a present for my mom and sister"

"Wait, I thought you said your family didn't support your battle career"

"Well, to be honest, it's mainly my dad the reason I left, my mom and sister were kinda forced to take his side, otherwise they would end up like I am" he explained. "I'm gonna go look around for a bit, you have money on you right"

"Yeah, I got some leftover I had before I left the East" she said.

"Alright, when we're both done let's meet up at the clothing store, it's to the right of the big tree in the middle" he said as he pointed to the direction of the store.

"How did I not see that" she asked.

"Don't worry about it" he said as they went their separate ways.

With Pikachu, he decided to get his mom new cooking ware that she can use. He knows that the ones she's using are very old and it was time for her to get new ones, he also got her some jewelry for her also. For his sister, he got her a bunch of plush toys he knew she wanted to have since he left. They were perfect for her since the plushes were slightly shorter than her and he knew how much she had missed him since he left his old home. He thought he was done but he decided to get something for Eevee, something that can make her day better. Something had caught his eye and when he asked the Purloin about it, he decided to get it for her, and a few other things to go with it.

Eevee's case was a bit different, she wanted to get something for Pikachu as thanks for letting her stay with him and for all that he's done for her. But knowing him for only a day was hard for her to think what she wanted to give him, she was about to give up until a yellow ball caught her attention, along with a pink and white capsule next to it. She bought it and went to the store where Pikachu told her to meet up with him.

After a while, they both managed to meet up with each other at the store.

"Hey, you got everything you need so far?" Pikachu asked her.

"Yeah, I just need to buy some clothes and I should be good" she said.

But what Pikachu didn't know was what he got himself into. They were in the store for 3 hours before they were finally done shopping, with both of them carrying at least ten bags each full of clothes for both of them, but mainly for Eevee.

When they got back to their house, they set all of the bags down before collapsing in exhaustion.

"Umm, I think I went a bit overboard" Eevee said sheepishly.

"No kidding, I'm going to wrap presents and take a nap" he said.

"Same here" Eevee replied.

An hour later, they were both done wrapping their gifts after many trial and error during the process. But unknowingly, they had both fell asleep with each other with Eevee laying on top of Pikachu with Pikachu's arms wrapped around her neck.

The Next Morning.

Morning raised, and that can only mean one thing, it was Christmas Day. Kids waking up early and making their parents up to see them open presents, hoping that Santa got them what they wanted. For Pikachu and Eevee however, their day started out a bit weird and it started when the brown vixen woke up.

'Huh, what happened' she thought. She rubbed her eyes with her paws to clear her vision to see that she fell asleep on top of Pikachu, and his arms wrapped around her.

'Oh my Arceus, I.. I actually slept with him, oh no he's going to freak out about this' she thought frantically. But she didn't move, she was too distracted by the mouse's body. As she felt under his fur, she can feel all of the muscle that the mouse was hiding under the thick coat of fur. The way they were placed didn't make it any better, his fur was so soft to her and it kept her so warm, she laid back down on his chest and started to purr on him, enjoying the feeling for as long as she can.

But every good thing has to end soon as Pikachu started to wake up, but Eevee didn't notice until he spoke up.

"Umm Eevee, what are you doing?" he asked. A blush appearing on his face. His voice startled her as she jumped off of him and crashed on the floor. "Are you ok?" he asked as he went to check on her.

"Y-Y-Yeah, I'm fine, sorry for doing that without asking" she replied embarrassed, now thinking that he thought she was crazy for doing that.

"Hey you have nothing to be sorry for, but just to ask, why were you doing it" he questioned.

"I-I-I, I just couldn't help it, you're really soft you know" she said, still embarrassed about him knowing.

Sighing, Pikachu looked up at the clock on the wall to see that it was only 9 am.

"Well we don't have to go to the party until it's 6, we need to take a bus ride to get there and that ride will take about an hour" he said, "We got some time to spare so what do you want to do" he asked.

"Well... we can get to know each other more, that way our friendship can be stronger" she suggested. He agreed and they got back on the couch they were sleeping on, but Eevee accidentally stepped on the T.V remote turning it on showing the battle channel.

On the T.V, a Gardivoir and a Gallade were sitting on a desk together, both wearing fancy outfits.

"Well good morning to all of you today and Happy Holidays from all of us on the Battle channel" Gardivoir said.

"Yes and today, we are going to give you our opinions of out fighters we have chosen to win the Western championships next week" said the Gallade.

"And joining us today is a veteran fighter and 5-time champion Lucario, and he'll be our analysis reader for us today" Gardivoir introduced.

"Thank you, ma'am, it's a pleasure to be here today" Lucario said happily.

"Alright let's get to our picks for today, my pick is a no-brainer for a lot of people, our king Raichu, he's been our champion for the last 5 years and has been undefeated ever since, I don't think anyone can stop him" Gallade stated.

"Well that's nice of you to say about our king but I would have to disagree with you there because my pick is our guest today, Lucario" Gardivoir said.

"Oh me?" he said

"Well yes, you clearly show the strength to match our king out of anyone else on the list, if there is anyone that is going to beat our king, then it's you" she finished.

"Well I'm flattered but I would disagree with both of you there on that" Lucario said surprising both of them.

"Oh, and who would your pick be?" Gallade asked.

"You might be surprised about my pick but I'm going to go with our rookie" he replied as he tapped on the screen showing Pikachu's image on the screen.

"Really?" they both said.

"Yes really, this kid has been shocking the Western side for a long time now, at only age eighteen, he's been breaking records left and right in every tournament he's been in. Not to mention that we know nothing about this kid and he's won half of the tournaments that were held this year. I don't know about you guys but I'm a bit scared to fight this kid" he stated. Many people watching T.V were shocked that an experienced fighter and former champion was afraid of a rookie who is 1/5 of his size.

With Pikachu and Eevee, Pikachu was getting nervous while Eevee was giving him an 'Explain or else' look.

"So... um" he started but was soon interrupted by...

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS!" she yelled at him.

"Well it didn't seem that important"

"But that guy said he was afraid to fight you and you won half of the tournaments, and you make it seem like it's not important at all"

"Well sorry I guess" he said, but all she did was pout and stick her tongue out at him.

"Ok then, I'm gonna ask questions to you first then if you don't mind" she said.

"Go ahead"

"When is this championship going to happen?"

"Next week on Wednesday"

"How many Pokemon will be in the tournament"


"How many tournaments were there before this?"


"...How many do you need to win to qualify to be in the championships?"


"....And how many did you win?"

"Uhh... thirty-two"

"We have a lot to talk about"

"I thought so"

"But let's do that another time, next question, how did you learn how to cook?"

"My mom taught me when I was younger, she used to own a restaurant before I was born and decided to teach me as well"

"Any friends you have besides me?"

"Well... not really, I never had time to make any, you know used to living in royalty and all"

"Your right about that, so anyone you have a crush on"

"Well... I... uh..." he stuttered.

"Hmm" she hummed playfully as she got closer to him, making him blush.

"I... sure, let's just leave it at that"

"Hmm, fine, my last question, what pleases you?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean, what things get you excited, you know, get a bit naughty, a fetish, anything you know"

"Wait, why do you want to know?" he asked again.

"No reason" 'At least not yet' she thought.

"Umm let's just skip that question if you don't mind" he said as he got a bit nervous by her question.

"Aww ok, I'm done asking" she said a bit disappointed. She really wanted to know to show how much she's grateful for letting her stay. "Ok, ask me any question now"

"Ok then, what do you want to make a career out of?"

Eevee thought for a moment, she never thought of her future before. All of her life was just trying to survive living with her family.

"I don't know, my family didn't really help me decide what I want to do with my life, I guess I just need to be inspired to do something"

"Well whatever you find out what you decide to do, I'm sure you'll do great at it" he encouraged her.

"Thanks" she said blushing.

"Alright, just to ask, when did you start to have nightmares?"

There was a long pause between the both of them, neither spoke a work before Pikachu spoke again.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" he said.

"No I want to tell you, it's just, a lot to explain. I started having these nightmares when I was five, my fifth birthday was the first day my father abused me, my sister was saying I tore her dress because I was jealous of her, but she lied but they believed her, everyone in the kingdom believed her and I got punished for it" Eevee's body was now shaking from remembering all of the torture she was put through. From beating, burning, drowning, electrocution, and starvation, she's been through it all.

Seeing her current state, Pikachu decided to hug her, which she returned. She didn't know why, but whenever she is with him, she feels like she has everything in the world, she finally had someone who cared about her, someone who she can trust, and someone who she can love. At that moment she knew something, she wanted to always to be by his side, to feel his warmth, to feel his love. She knew now, she wanted him to be her mate.

"Thank you" she whispered quietly.

"Hey, go ahead and get some rest, I'll wake you up an hour before we have to leave" thinking she would sleep, Pikachu tried to slip out of her grasp but was suddenly pinned on the couch by Eevee, who had a look of desire in her eyes.

"P-Please don't leave me alone" she begged, not wanting him to leave her.

Pikachu can see the fear in her eyes, fear of her father coming back to find her and do whatever he can to her to make her life worse.

"Ok, I'll stay" he said as he started to rub her back, to which she purred too. "Do you want to stop asking questions?"

"No, we can continue"

"Ok well, what do you want to evolve into, since you have a lot of options and all"

Eevee thought for a moment, she knew that evolution was permanent and can't ever be reversed. What would she do if she did evolve, what would Pikachu think if she evolved.

"To be honest, I don't know. I had a bad experience with all of the evolutions that I can turn into, so I think I'm fine with who I am now"

"Any hobbies you have?"

"Not really, all I've ever done was sit in my room and hide from my family, I used to be a good singer when I was younger but now, I don't think that I can sing anymore"

"Ok, I'm done asking"

"R-Really, am I that boring?" she asked.

"No it's not that, I feel like I know everything I need to know about you enough to know how great of a person you are" he complimented. She blushed at his compliment and looked away in embarrassment. "Anything else you want to do?"

"Well... we can..." before she could continue, a knock was heard on the door, both got up and walked to it. Since the house was designed for small Pokemon, the door wasn't that big and the peephole was Pikachu's hight. Pikachu looked through the hold to see a brown bunny in an orange dress with flowers on it.

"Ugh, her again" he groaned. Clearly not happy to see the bunny.

"Who is it?" Eevee asked.

"I'll explain later, go hide around that corner so she doesn't see you, trust me, it's not pretty" he said. Learning from past experience, she immediately went around the corner to hide but decided to peek a bit to see how everything goes.

Pikachu opened the door and instantly felt the cold air blow on his fur. He looked at the bunny with an annoyed look.

"What do you want?" he asked, not happy to see her at all.

"That's no way to talk to your girlfriend like that" she said. When Eevee heard her say that she started to get heartbroken, thinking she was actually his boyfriend.

"We were never dating Buneary, and we never will" he said, making Eevee perk up, happy that they weren't dating.

"Well hurry up and get ready, we're going to be late for our date"

"What date?" he asked.

"For Christmas party dummy remember"

"Uhh, you're not going to be my date" he said bluntly.

"W-W-What, I thought I was going to be your date again this year"

"Well, I asked someone else this year. Besides, I never wanted to ask you anyway"

"My family is rich and friends with your family, what do you think they are going to say about this, we're supposed to be together anyway"

"I could care less about them, they can be killed for all I care" he said. Buneary now had tears in her eyes.

"You'll be sorry, I'll take Litleo then, you don't know what you're missing from having this body to yourself" she said as she walked off angrily. Pikachu sighed as he shut the door.

"Who was that" Eevee asked as she got out of hiding.

"That was Buneary, she lives with one of the rich families in West Koma. Her family is friends with mine, they also tried to make an arranged marriage for both of us, but I was lucky enough to get away from the marriage from happening" he explained.

"Should I be worried about her?" she asked, scared to what he will respond with.

"Only a bit, when we leave later today, stay by me at all times, I don't want anything to happen to you" he said.

A few hours passed and Pikachu and Eevee were getting ready to leave, Pikachu was wearing a black tie with a black suit. Eevee was wearing a pink dress with a hole for her tail to stick through, she was also wearing black leggings on all four of her legs and a pink scarf.

"How do I look" Eevee asked, a bit embarrassed that she couldn't stop thinking how Pikachu looked in his suit.

"You look great" he said. Blushing while looking at Eevee in her dress. "Ready to go, we need to catch a bus to take us to the castle" he asked, wearing a bag that was holding all of the presents he bought. She nodded and they left the house.

When they got to the bus stop near the town they were shopping in, they waited for the bus to appear and it soon did. They both paid and got on and readied themselves for the long ride. They both sat down at the back of the bus and waited for the bus to move.

"Is there anything or anyone I should watch out for when we get there?" Eevee asked.

"Only my dad and Buneary, I don't know what they'll be planning to do when we get there, but I don't think I don't think they will be happy to see you with me" he said making Eevee nervous, but Pikachu calmed her when he held her paw telling her that he won't let anything happen to her.

An hour later, nighttime fell as they arrived at the castle, Eevee looked in awe gazing at the castle and all of its glory. After a while, they walked up to the gate where they were greeted by a guard, who was a Bisharp.

"State your name and reason why you are here"

"I'm the king's son, Pikachu, this is my guest Eevee, we're here for the party" he said as he pulled out a medal showing he was a part of the royal family.

"You may pass Prince Pikachu" Bisharp said as he bowed to him, making Pikachu groan in annoyance as Eevee giggled.

They both walked inside to see many Pokemon at the event, making Eevee instantly hide behind Pikachu. They made their way around the crowd and got to an area where a big tree stood. It was filled with colorful lights and ornaments of many colors and designs on it, and a big star at the top of the tree, at the bottom, nine presents laid that the royal family got for each other. Pikachu walked up to the tree and placed the presents he got for them, a big one for his mom, a small long one for his sister, and a small box for his dad.

"BIG BROTHER" someone yelled. When Pikachu and Eevee turned to see who it was, a Pichu tackled him to the ground, the Pichu was wearing a small white dress and a white flower on the top of her head to match with it. On the top of her head was a crown

"Hey Pichu" he said to his sister, as he returned the hug she was giving him. Eevee watched from afar, watching the cute scene in front of her.

"I'm glad to see you haven't forgotten about her, but aren't you going to say anything to me" someone else said. A Jolteon suddenly joined in on them, the Jolteon was wearing a dress similar to Eevee's dress, only her's was different colors, her scarf and dress were purple, but the leggings were the same black color, she also wore her crown on the top of her head showing she was the queen

"I haven't forgotten about you mom" Pikachu chuckled. All three of them shared a hug but eventually broke it off. Jolteon then noticed Eevee who was standing behind Pikachu.

"Aww you look so adorable" she said. Making Eevee blush from her complement.

"T-T-Than you ma'am" she said as she bowed down to her.

"Oh stop with that, no need to be formal here" Jolteon told her. "Is this your date Pikachu, I thought you were bringing Buneary again?" she asked.

"I'm going to be honest mom, I don't really like her" he said.

"Oh thank Arceus, I thought you were actually interested in her, I'm glad you're dating her than Buneary" she said, making both Pikachu and Eevee blush.

"Mom we're not dating, we just met each other a few days ago" he explained.

"At least not yet right?"


"I'm just kidding" she joked as she turned to Eevee. "It's nice to meet you Eevee" she greeted.

"How did you know my..."

"Oh don't be surprised, I used to be one myself"

"Well. Well. Well. what do we have here" a voice boomed, making everyone jump and causing Eevee and Pichu to hide behind Pikachu and Jolteon respectively.

The voice came from a Raichu wearing a red and white cape on his back. On his head was a big crown, letting everyone know that he was the king. The King of the East Raichu.

"Nice to see you can make it here son"

"No one asked you" he said.

"Well then. Who is your little friend there" he said pointing to Eevee. All Eevee did was stay behind Pikachu and not make a sound, scared of what will happen if she does anything."

"Hey, I asked you a question answer me or I'll make you" he threatened, making her back away in fear.

"Leave her alone Raichu, she doesn't have to say anything to you" Pikachu said. Instead of saying anything else, Raichu went in and thew in a punch at Pikachu, only for him to catch his stub hand blocking the attack.

"HEY, we didn't come here for a fight. Honey if you have a problem with her not saying anything then go somewhere else" Jolteon scolded him.

"But honey.." he tried to speak.

"Five... four... three..."

Not wanting to feel her wrath, Raichu quickly left them and went to the door to greet more guest. Jolteon then turned to them and spoke.

"I'm sorry about him, he's just not happy about seeing you here" she explained.

"It's fine, I'll deal with him myself when the tournament starts" he said.

Before he can say anything else, the clock started ringing. They looked up to see the clock on the big wall showing it was nine o'clock.

"Oh dear, it's time for the feast, Pikachu can you help me gather everyone to the table, and Pichu, show Eevee where the table is and make sure she is sitting next to Pikachu's since she's his guest" once Jolteon finished, everyone went their ways to get the big dinner ready. After ten minutes, everyone was at the table waiting for the king to give his speech.

"Today is a day where we all gather together and celebrate this great day. With our families, friends, and others that are close with us. Let us celebrate this wonderful day with each other and remind how great it is to spend time with your loved ones"

Everyone cheered and they dug into their meals, having a great time with their family and friends. When the time passed, everyone started to leave as the day almost came to a close. Buneary tried to make Pikachu jealous by hanging out with a Litleo, but to no avail, as he completely ignored her again, making her upset and run off home crying, which made her parents, her dad a Machamp and her mom a Lopunny, glare at him before going after their daughter.

Soon everyone had gone and only the royal family with Eevee were still there. They were about to open the presents that they gave each other.

They started with the presents Pichu gave them, she gave all of them handkerchiefs that matched their design, Pikachu's was a bright yellow with a lightning bolt mark on the middle, like the shape of his tail. Jolteon got a yellow one as well but it was a bit darker than Pikachu's. Her's had white zigzags on it like the spiky neck fur on her. Raichu's was orange with brown horizontal lines on it.

Next were the ones Jolteon got them, Jolteon got Pichu a pink dress that she sewed herself. She got Raichu a new cape since he destroyed his old one a while back. And to Pikachu, she gave him something a bit special.

"Pikachu, I want you to take this" she gave him a small box that had a thunder mark on it. He opened it and saw what it was, it a small yellow crystal that had a black lightning bolt engraved inside the crystal.

"Mom I can't take this, this is your Z-Crystal" he said.

"Take it, my days of fighting are over, I think it's time for you to use this you might need it more than I do right now" she said, her eyes going into the direction of Raichu without him knowing.

"Mom..." without saying anything, Pikachu gave her a hug to which she returned. "I'll get you and Pichu out of here soon" he whispered.

"I know" she replied. Before they broke the hug, Pikachu whispered something in her ear, she looked at him and nodded, knowing that Pikachu needed her for something.

Now it was Raichu's turn to give his presents. For Pichu, he gave her a giant plush version of himself. Pichu frowned looking at the giant plush in front of her. She knew her dad knows she wanted a certain plush for Christmas but this was the opposite of what she wanted. Jolteon opened up her present and also frowned at what she got. It was the same thing she has gotten for the last 10 years, a picture of him flexing. She sighed but put on a fake smile on her face to not make it suspicious to him. Pikachu was about to open his but was stopped by Raichu when he told him to wait until the end to open his, he hesitated but eventually agreed and put it down.

Now it was time for them to open the presents from Pikachu.

"Here you go Pichu" Pikachu said as he handed Pichu her gift. When she opened it, they were the plushes she wanted. A small plush of herself with her flower on the ear, a plush of her mom, and a plush of her own brother. She turned to him and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you Pika" she cried as she hugged him tighter. He chuckles and returns the hug. After she let's go of him, he picks up a big box and gave it to Jolteon, she opened it and saw two boxes under the wrapping, she opened the first one and saw a pair of pearl white earrings and a necklace. The necklace had a silver chain and a pearl white heart on hanging down. On the heart, the word 'Hope' in gold was on it.

"Aww thank you sweetie" she said and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She opened the next one and saw new cooking supplies. Pots, pans, skillets, and cooking tools were inside.

"This is great, thank you Pikachu" she gave him another hug. He returned it and they soon broke it up.

Now it was time for Raichu to open his present but before he could, Pikachu spoke.

"Before you open that, let me open this up first" he held the present that Raichu got him. The present was very light so he wasn't expecting much. When he opened it, it was a sheet of paper with a lot of writing on it.

"The hell is this?" he asked.

"Read it and you'll find out".

He read it and said out loud what was on it.

"'This agreement is made the 25th day of December between Prince Pikachu behalf of King Raichu'. Is this a contract, for what?" he asked.

"Well, I've been looking at your battle history this season and I've noticed how popular you've been getting, so we're going to make some merchandise" he exclaimed happily.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, think about all of the money we would make, toys, shirts, sports appliances, video games, we can make it all. We even made a prototype of this doll with all of your famous lines" he pulled out a doll and squeezed the belly of the doll.

'I'm awesome' it said. Making everyone cringe at the bad voice acting someone did.

No one could believe what he was doing, he was using Pikachu just to make more money for himself.

"Oh I see, you only invited me to get something out of me" he stated.

"No, you're going to get five percent of the money" he said.

"Unbelievable". Without saying anything else, Pikachu walked away, but not before he looked at the back of the paper, which revealed even more of what he was trying to do.

"So you were also going to have me married to Buneary too huh" he yelled.

All of the commotions brought some of the maids and butlers to them but they stayed at a far distance from them not wanting to be an annoyance to them.

"They were giving a good bargain for the marriage to happen" he explained.

Pikachu had heard enough. He picked up his bag and walked off, away from his family and the person who he used to call 'Dad'. Tearing the paper in his hands to shreds.

"Big brother please don't leave" Pichu begged. Pikachu turned to her to see Pichu and Jolteon with tears in their eyes. Pichu holding the plush of him in her arms and Jolteon with the earrings and necklace on her.

"If you need me I'll be outside, I can't stand him anymore, he's a joke" he walked off with Eevee behind him, who got the message that they were about to leave.

Jolteon looked at her 'husband' to see him walking up to her.

"That dumb idiot. Doesn't know he turned down the greatest offer he'll ever get. Don't I have a right to my own creation" he yelled in frustration. He went to kiss his wife only for her to smack him away, causing damage to his right electric cheek. "Oww, the hell was that for?"

"You want to know? You made my son run away from us again, called him your property and made my daughter cry. All I've wanted is for us to be a family again but all you do is care about money and tried to scam my son" Raichu tried to speak again but was slapped on his left cheek, making him wince in pain again. "Your sleeping in the spare bedroom for 7 months, and don't you think you can bribe me into forgetting this ever happened, I'll make sure the whole town knows as well, to make them see how bad of a father you are" she got the crying Pichu on her back and walked down the hall to get the things Pikachu needs.

Raichu watched as his wife left him with his daughter crying onto the Pikachu plush she was holding. At first he felt nothing, but then it turned into anger, anger from feeling betrayed from his own family. That anger soon was let loose as he started to destroy the tree. Ornaments, lights, ribbons, they were all destroyed by his anger. The Maids and Butlers all watched in fear as he turned the tree into nothing. Once he was done, he looked at them and spoke.

"What are you fucker looking at!!" he said in a harsh tone making them flinch in fear. "Clean this up or all of you are fired" they all didn't hesitate and started to clean up the mess he made. "You, come here" he said to a Pachurisu, who nervously walked up to him

"Y-Y-Yes sir" she shuddered.

"Come with me. I got a 'special' job for you" he said as he dragged her to a room and closed the door.

Back outside, Pikachu and Eevee were sitting outside of the castle, thinking about the events that just happened inside.

"Are you ok Pikachu?" Eevee asked. Rubbing up against his body to comfort him.

"I'm fine, I just thought he would change this time" Pikachu looked down sadly, he wanted his family to be whole again, but it seems like that will never happen.

"Just forget about him Pikachu, If he doesn't care enough to love you or your family, then he's not worth worrying about" she said.

"Yeah, your right" he replied. Pikachu knew that he would never changed the man who was his father. That person was gone and now he is an enemy to him.

"Hey Eevee, I need to tell you something"

"What is it?" she questioned.

"You know that your not a citizen of the West side do you"

Eevee never thought about it, she was from the West and living on the East as an intruder is a big problem for her.

"Oh no what am I going to do" she panicked.

"Don't worry, I can help you with that"

"But... how?" she asked.

"Well, my mom is the one who decides if anyone wants to live on the West, she tests them to see if they are worthy to live here" he explained.

"But what if she thinks that I'm not worthy to live here, I'm the princess of the East for crying out loud" she exclaimed.

"Well that explains the shape of your tail then"

They both jumped at the voice to see Jolteon standing there with a small bag around her. Pichu, who was on her back, jumped off and ran to Pikachu and gave him a hug.

"Wait, mom, before you jump to anything..."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything yet, Pikachu can please get your sister to sleep while I talk to Eevee" Pikachu hesitated for a bit before taking Pichu to another location to get her to sleep.

"So princess on the East huh"

"Ma'am please I'm not here to do anything. I'll do anything you say just please don't hurt me" she begged as she crouched down and started crying.

"Now hold on a second, I won't do anything to you, all I want to know is why you're here and not in the East" she asked, curious to why she was here.

Eevee wiped a few tears from her eyes and spoke again. "I-I was abused by my family, my sister keeps telling lies to them and they punish me whenever she tells them something. They don't even ask for my side of the story" she told the queen.

"Hmm, show me evidence of the abuse"

Eevee was nervous, she had evidence but was scared to show it. It brought back bad memories to her. Not wanting to waste time, she sat down and moved some fur on her stomach revealing some stitching and a scar on her stomach. Jolteon gasp when she saw it, it was one of the most heartbreaking things she had ever seen.

"Oh Arceus are you ok?" she asked worried as she went up to the scar to see how bad it was. "What did they do to you?"

"I want to know as well"

Both females turned to see Pikachu with a sleeping Pichu in his arms.

"P-Pikachu" Eevee was not expecting him to come back so quickly.

"Eevee, you don't have to but I want to know the story about this"

Eevee sighed, there was a long silence before she started to talk.

"About two years ago, my sister accused me of mating with a male and that I was going to have an egg. They believed her and they punished me the worst way they could. They all physically beat me on my stomach trying to destroy the 'egg' they thought I had. Then they wanted to make sure that I would never have a child ever and made me go through surgery while I was awake. It was so painful to go through, feeling the sharp objects cut me open and cut apart my organs. I'm lucky that I survived the process, otherwise I wouldn't be here".

Eevee now had tears pouring out of her eyes. Seeing her crying state, both Pikachu and Jolteon gave her a hug, it seemed to calm her down as her crying started to stop.

"I think I've heard enough, you aren't going back to that place anymore" she pulled out a sheet of paper and a stamp pad from her bag. "I don't need to give you a test knowing about what happened to you, just put your pawprint there and you are an official citizen of the West"

Those were probably the best words that Eevee had ever heard. Without wasting any time, she pulled off her legging on one of her paws and pressed it against the stamp pad, she then moved her paw and pressed it against the paper in the area she needed her pawprint on. Lifting it up, her print was now on the paper, meaning she is a citizen of the West.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how grateful I am" she said, bowing down to her and repeating 'thank you' to Jolteon, who giggled at her fast mood change.

"It's no problem, if you need anything else just tell me, I'll put the rest of your information in and you'll be all set, just tell Pikachu everything and he'll write it down since I can't write and all"

"Age 17, female, currently unemployed, unevolved, Eevee species, and I live where ever your house is Pikachu" she rushed.

"Hold on, your living with my son?" Jolteon asked.

"Y-Yeah, he offered me to stay with him"

"Aww that's so sweet"

"Don't push it mom" Pikachu handed her the paper. Jolteon looked at the address to see where they were living.

"So you've been living in Alpha Town in house 25 huh, I'll keep that in mind" she said, putting the paper back in her bag.

"Ok mom, it's getting late and we need to get going back home, make sure Raichu doesn't do anything to you and Pichu" Pikachu said making Jolteon upset at the news.

"Well I guess I can't stop you from leaving, please stay safe for me"

"I will mom" he said. They both gave each other a hug and Jolteon gave him a kiss on his lips, making him flustered by her.

"Mom" he exclaimed.

"Don't worry, there's more when you make it to the finals next week, Pichu said she wants to join too"

"Oh Arceus" he muttered. They both gave their goodbyes again and were about to leave until they heard a scream from inside the castle.

"What was that" Pikachu asked, before running into the castle with Jolteon, Eevee, and Pichu close behind. When they got in, they saw a maid Pachurisu running away, her dress torn from someone. She saw the group and ran towards them but a long tail pinned her. The owner of the tail soon walked up revealing it was Raichu.

"HELP HE'S GOING TO RAPE ME!!" she cried. Not wasting any time, Pikachu dropped his bag and charged up his Iron tail and slammed it against Raichu, allowing Pachurisu to run away.

"You, get to them now, Mom, call the guards while I hold him off, Eevee, cover Pichu's eyes she's too young to see this" Pikachu instructed.

"GUARDS!!" Jolteon yelled while Eevee covered Pichu's eyes.

Pikachu turned back to Raichu just in time to block a thunderbolt with his arm. But since he didn't absorb the attack, his arm took some damage and he flinched at it. Pikachu ran up and used quick attack to tackle him down, he then charged a ball of electricity on his tail and threw it at him. The ball then exploded and turned into a net, trapping Raichu inside.

Not long after, A group of Bisharps and Machamps came running in and went next to Jolteon.

"My lady, what seems to be the problem" the lead Bisharps asked.

"Make sure he doesn't get away" she said pointing at Raichu and Pikachu. They all nodded and they went towards them, but they didn't go for Raichu they all went and tackled Pikachu to the ground. The sharp blades of the Bisharps body and the heavy weight of the Machamps causing him pain.

"No, not my son, my husband he tried to rape a maid" Shocking the guards, they all got off of Pikachu, who was now covered in cuts and bruised and did the same to Raichu. After a while, two Machamps were now holding him on both sides.

"Take him to the cell, we will go to court tomorrow and solve this problem" Jolteon instructed. The guards nodded and left for the cells. As they did, Jolteon, Eevee, and Pichu ran up to Pikachu to make sure he was ok.

"Pikachu are you alright" Eevee asked. Checking over his body to make sure nothing serious happened.

"I think so" he tried to get up but his arm gave out making him fall to the floor. Jolteon looked at his arm to see a deep cut from one of the Bisharps that tackled him.

"We need to get him to a doctor now, follow me we have one here" Jolteon said. they picked him up and ran to the medical area of the castle.

After an hour, the doctor, a Toxicroak, came out of Pikachu's room after looking at his injuries.

"Sir, will my son be alright" Jolteon asked, hoping for the worst to not happen.

"He's going to be fine, he needs two weeks rest in order to be able to move around again" he said.

"But isn't the Championships next week?" Eevee asked. "He can't wait two weeks"

"Is there any way we can speed up the process so he can get out tomorrow?" Jolteon asked.

"Well, if we can find ten Pokemon who know Heal Pulse, then we can get him ready for the rest of the week" he said.

"Ok, we'll do it tomorrow, we won't have any luck finding anyone now since it's so late" Jolteon stated, as Pichu was asleep on her back.

"Well, what do we do now?" Eevee asked.

"All we can do is wait, do you mind if you can stay here with my son overnight. I don't want anything bad happening to him" she asked Eevee.

"Oh, of course" she replied. After a while, Jolteon left to take Pichu to bed and to check on Raichu.

Eevee walked inside Pikachu's room to see him lying on the bed looking at the ceiling.


Pikachu sat up to see Eevee walking towards him. Getting on top of the bed, she gently gave Pikachu a hug, a few tears falling from her eyes.

"Hey don't cry, it's not like I'm dying or anything" he joked.

"Pikachu please don't joke about this, I was so worried" she cried as she held him. He chuckled as he rubbed her back.

"So I'm going to guess my mom sent you here to look after me" he said, to which she nodded. "Sounds just like her"

There was a long silence between them. They both just sat there in each others grasp, not moving a bit, until Pikachu asked Eevee something.

"Do you know where my bag is?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's on that chair" she answered, pointing to the chair that held both of their bags. Pikachu got up and walked to the bags, he got his and went back and sat on the bed.

"Well, since Christmas isn't over yet, I guess now's a good time to give you your presents" he said.

"W-What, Pikachu you didn't have to give me anything" she said to him.

"Now what kind of friend would I be if I didn't" he replied.

He pulled out three presents. He gave her the small one first. She opened it and saw a bracelet with a gold chain and a pearl white gem on it.

"Wow, this is so pretty" she said.

"That's not all, there's something special about this"

"What is it?" she asked.

"When you tap on the gem, it will take you to any place that you think is your home. You can also take another person with you as well" he explained. "That way if your old family finds you, or if you're in trouble, you can get away from it"

"Y-You got this for me"

"Yeah, I gave my mom a similar thing like yours but her's is a shield from her earrings" he told her.

Pikachu gave Eevee the next present. She opened the gift and revealed a blue box. She opened it and saw all of the evolution stones she can use to evolve, there was also a grey stone at the top.

"P-Pikachu" she stuttered.

"I know you said you don't plan on evolving, but if you ever change your mind these are all of the stones you need" he said. "The grey one is an everstone, I found out a few years ago you can absorb an everstone in your body, that way you don't have to worry about losing it. I took one my self and now I can never evolve" to prove it to her, Pikachu picked up the thunderstone and nothing happened to him, shocking Eevee.

"I... I don't know what to say" she told him.

"It's fine, it's your choice to evolve into what you want to be"

Eevee thought it over, all she has to do is touch the stone and she can evolve into whatever she wants. But did she want to evolve, she was happy being an Eevee, it was who she was and she was proud of who she was. After making her decision, she touched the everstone and it absorbed into her body. In a flash of white, the stone was gone and into her body.

"Did it work?" she asked.

"Touch another stone and you'll see" he said.

Very carefully, she touched a fire stone, and nothing happened. She went up to Pikachu and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you, Pikachu" she said.

"Your welcome, you got one more gift" he said. He gave it to her and she opened the present and saw the most surprising thing she could ever see.

It was a big clear crystal necklace, you can see the colors reflect from the light. It had a silver chain and a silver metal design holding the crystal to the chain of the necklace.

"P-Pikachu is this.."

"Yeah, it's a plate crystal"

"How did you get this? People don't even believe this exist anymore."

"It's going to be hard to believe, but I found it while I was training a few months ago. As you know you can change your normal type attacks into any type" he reminded her, telling by her reaction that she knows about the object already.

"But I can't take this, you found it first"

"But I think you need it more than me. Eevee, it without a doubt that your dad is going to try to find you, this will help you so you can have an advantage if you fight him"

Eevee didn't say anything. The plate crystal was one of the rarest things in the world, and for Pikachu to give it to her like nothing, was really special. So instead of giving him a hug, she wrapped her paws around his neck and kissed him on the lips. This surprised Pikachu a bit but decided to let her do whatever, remembering her saying this was a normal thing for her. She soon broke the kiss and looked at his eyes.

"Thank you" she said making him smile.

Pikachu put the necklace around her neck and Eevee felt a surge of power run through her body.

"Pikachu what if someone takes it from me?" she asked.

"Too bad for them then, once the crystal is used by the first person to use it, then it will only work for that person. Try using it now, just put your paw on top of the crystal and say a type you want to be"

"Ok" Eevee put her paw over the crystal and felt the power increase more. "Fairy" she said.

There was a bright light that filled the room, once it stopped, Eevee moved her paw to see the crystal had turned pink. She was about to talk until her body started to feel strange.

"Pikachu, something's wrong with me" she said.

"The crystal might be giving you more moves to use" he said. "It's a rare chance but I know it's possible to happen"

And he was right. She felt her mind and body learning about new things she can do. After a while, the feeling stopped and she calmed herself down.

"Hey, Pikachu?"

"Yes Eevee"

"Please don't take this the wrong way"

She leaned up with a feeling of power in her lips. Her lips glowed a faint pink and kissed Pikachu again. Now Pikachu wasn't expecting another kiss. But he was feeling something, he felt tired all of a sudden. He looked at Eevee felt a wave of emotions go through him. This was the first time he had ever felt like this. Looking at Eevee, he was now paying more attention to her more, her soft fur, her beautiful eyes, and everything about her. He wanted more of that feeling, but tiredness soon came over him and fell asleep on the bed. Eevee still kissing him.

Once Eevee noticed Pikachu fell asleep, she laid down on his chest and soon fell asleep but not before saying.

"I love you Pikachu"

9080 words. Yeah, this was supposed to come out on Christmas but internet issues on in the way. I hope you enjoy this long chapter. My next upload will be on An Iconshipping Story. So be ready for that.
