13. Finale Pt.1

(finale pt.1)

Catherina felt cold—but not because of the winter wind.

The coldness she felt, was ice down her bones and tight on her nerves. Standing between her son and Garrett—she still couldn't brush off the air that suffocated her.

As the snow fell, her eyes travelled along with each snowflake as she tried to calm her nerves. However, it seemed futile as the feeling of apprehension and belligerence came as a force through her lungs.

She was overwhelmed by the feeling, never having felt it even with the vengeful witches.

A battle—one she feared, just very much might follow and despite her natural instinct to be strong—the overwhelming pessimism for the young child was powerful.

It was enough for Catherina to know that the Volturi was fearful as told.

If things did not go as they ruled out—they'd make sure to let you know.

The pain, the anger and even sorrow were felt suffocated her.

Catherina felt the nuzzle of her son's snout on her hand, snapping her out of the trance she was slowly falling into.

"Thorn..." She whispered hearing a whine come from his muzzle.

"Steady yourself, mom, breath and keep your nerves in control. You know what happens when you get overwhelmed"

Catherina chuckled softly patting his head," Thank you, sweetie" Thornton nuzzled her palm once more before straightening his posture. His head turned to the direction that the Volturi were coming from and while he was also just as dismayed with his emotions—Being among the other shapeshifters gave him a reassurance that he never felt before.

Edward snarled, a very low but fervent sound from directly in front of the three, "Alistair was right," he murmured to Carlisle. Catherina watched her brother turn to his eldest in question.

"Alistair was right?" Tanya was next to whisper in question

"They—Caius and Aro—come to destroy and acquire," Edward breathed almost silently back; as he peered discreetly to Catherina, Carlisle and the Denali's.

"They have many layers of strategy already in place. If Irina's accusation had somehow proven to be false, they were committed to finding another reason to take offence. But they can see Renesmee now, so they are perfectly sanguine about their course. We could still attempt to defend against their other contrived charges, but first, they have to stop, to hear the truth about Renesmee."

Then, even lower under his breath, he said grimly "Which they have no intention of doing."

Catherina's eyes lowered as she took her sight to the large coven dressed clad in black. The ice-cold emotions still remained, but along it came pride and triumph.

Regardless of the hundred feet in front of them, she felt as if they were breathing down her neck. Catherina turned hearing the heavy footsteps of the remaining shapeshifters that stayed in hiding until the right moment.

When they appeared, she felt the intense growth of anger come from one of the leaders—who she easily depicted as Caius.

The snow-white hair he had almost seemed blinding from afar and the anger coming from him ran chills down her spine. It was easy for her to know he had detestation for the shapeshifters that made themselves known.

"Edward?" Carlisle asked, low and anxious.

"They're not sure how to proceed. They're weighing options, choosing key targets—me, of course, you, Eleazar, Tanya. Marcus is reading the strength of our ties to each other, looking for weak points. The Romanians' presence irritates them. They're worried about the faces they don't recognize—Zafrina and Senna in particular—and the wolves, naturally. They've never been outnumbered before. That's what stopped them."

"Outnumbered?" Tanya whispered incredulously.

"They don't count their witnesses," Edward breathed. "They are nonentities, meaningless to the guard. Aro just enjoys an audience."

"Should I speak?" Carlisle asked.

Edward hesitated, then nodded. "This is the only chance you'll get."

Catherina's eyes widened and before she realized it, she reached over grabbing her elder brother's arm. She couldn't explain the feeling of dread that suddenly overtook her, but something deep inside was screaming for her to now make him go forward.

Carlisle and a few of the others shared a look of surprise at the sudden gesture, but before anyone could speak—Catherina grit her teeth and kept her hold on his arm," You are not going alone—

"Cat—" Both her brother and Garrett said in sync, but she stopped them from saying anything more.

"I am going with you"

Carlisle shared a look with his children and wife—each also sharing the same concern, so instead of arguing with anyone he squared his shoulders and paced several steps ahead of our defensive line with Catherina holding his hand.

Garrett stepped back begrudgingly as she gave him a look to stay and not follow—much to his disagreement.

He spread his arms, holding his palms up as if in greeting. "Aro, my old friend. It's been centuries."

Aro observed in amusement at the sight—a new face, but not one of his children. Though, he knew she was not human and instead took an interest. He stepped forward from the centre of the formation. His actions, however, caused a stir among his people—but halted when he raised his hand," Peace" The words didn't take long to reach their ears and pull back their stirs.

"Fair words, Carlisle," he breathed in his thin, wispy voice," They seem out of place considering the army you've assembled to kill me, and to kill my dear ones," He said those words but not looking at his old friend, instead of to the female that stood next to him

"And who are you?" Aro requested in curiosity

"Catherina" She nodded

"My sister" Carlisle informed

"Adopted?" Aro questioned

"Blood" The witch corrected straightly," However, you knew this, so please, don't humour me as naïve"

The leader's lips tightened, but Carlisle stepped forward and stretched his hand, "My old friend, you have but to touch my hand to know that was never my intent to harm your dear ones"

Aro's shrewd eyes narrowed. "But how can your intent possibly matter, dear Carlisle, in the face of what you have done?" He frowned, and a shadow of sadness crossed his features—whether it was genuine or not, no one could truly tell.

"I have not committed the crime you are here to punish me for."

"Then step aside and let us punish those responsible. Truly, Carlisle, nothing would please me more than to preserve your life today."

"No one has broken the law, Aro. Let me explain." Again, Carlisle offered his hand. Before Aro could answer, Caius drifted swiftly forward to Aro's side.

"So many pointless rules, so many unnecessary laws you create for yourself, Carlisle," the white-haired ancient hissed. "How is it possible that you defend the breaking of one that truly matters?" He then turned his burning glare to Catherina," And a witch in the ranks? How foolish to bring the kind that seeks out to destroy us?"

Catherina's brows furrowed at the accusations—but then again, she was never part of a coven of her own.

It was always Thornton and her.

"The law is not broken. If you would listen—"

"We see the child, Carlisle," Caius tousled. "Do not treat us as fools."

"She is not an immortal. She is not a vampire. I can easily prove this with just a few moments—"

Caius cut him off. "If she is not one of the forbidden, then why have you massed a battalion to protect her?"

"Witnesses, Caius, just as you have brought." Carlisle gestured to the angry horde at the edge of the woods; some of them growled in response. "Anyone of these friends can tell you the truth about the child. Or you could just look at her, Caius. See the flush of human blood in her cheeks."

"Artifice!" Caius snapped. "Where is the informer? Let her come forward!" He craned his neck around until he spotted Irina lingering behind the wives. "You! Come!"

As they brought the Denali forward—and the accusations led to misunderstanding—Catherina watched in silence as they sullied every word.

For the poor woman had only thought of what she did—how would she have known from afar that the child was not an immortal child?

The whimper as the guards held her in their grips—Catherina had felt powerless, but to her last resort just before the Volturi had parted the female from the world—she let her power pull the soul. Her power stripped the hardened soul within the Denali—and just before she was destroyed a light came towards her.

One only she saw.

The screams of horror filled her ears and the tense emotions from her brother nearly strangled her—however, until the time was right—she was going to wait because coming from her brother's eldest son—was assurance.
