10. Mrs. Clarke

(mrs clarke)

     "So, you don't age?" Catherina who was currently in the middle of her meditation routine had jumped in fright at the sudden voice that filled the air. The young mother turned and a smile formed on her face as she slowly stood up dusting off her clothing.

            "Well, no, not since I've become a witch against my will" She explained to her older brother who had been trying to find the right moment to just talk with his little sister.

It has hardly been a few weeks since the reunion, but the timing of just speaking with each other had been delayed. Mainly because Catherina had been the person of interest for most of the guest and his family.

So, her time was usually spent entertaining them and answering questions about her abilities or lifestyle. Along the way, she had also gotten to meet the remainder of the Quileute's that were voluntarily helping the possible upcoming war. Her time was evenly disputed within everyone but her older brother—which she had done on purpose.

She was afraid to get to know who he was because her image of her older brother might change drastically. She knew they were completely different people now, but she wanted to be selfish and concede into being oblivious that they were the same.

However, she knew that delaying the inevitable was impossible.

"How did it happen?" Carlisle sat on the porch bench inviting his sister as well, who gladly took it joining him.

"Well..." She turned up to him and gave a sad smile," It was honestly, my fault we got into what we did"

"We? As in you and Thornton?" Catherina nodded as she took a breath before preparing herself to tell what had happened," Do you remember, Mrs Clarke?"

Carlisle had looked at her for a moment and tried to dig deep into his memories, but it was a challenge considering most of his life as a human was vague—if it was not Catherina or their father, it was completely wiped from his mind.

"She was the elderly woman that often took care of us whenever father left home"

Carlisle raised a hand to his head lightly scratching it still not remembering the elder woman. His sister had smiled reaching over and turned his hand. She ran one of her fingers on the lines in his palms.

"Whenever things get so hard, you do this as a way. Let this guide you in a way, to know that you're okay. Count it easy, from one to ten and it will all go away" Catherina chanted the words as she guided her finger in his hands.

Carlisle's eyes widened at the words and a small airy laugh filled the air. The memory of the unusual but accommodating 'charm' that the elderly woman known as Georgina Clarke had taught them. The elderly woman who often made them tea and biscuits whenever their father was off to work. The elderly woman who always gave the oddest advice, that somehow been one of the main reasons he was able to go through his transition.

"Mrs Clarke...How could I have forgotten about her?" Carlisle turned up looking at his sister," She saved me"

Catherina grinned at his words and turned to look forward.

"She saved me as well"

"Did she?" Carlisle asked as his sister nodded her head keeping the smile on her lips.

However, it didn't last because she knew she'd have to reveal why exactly Mrs Clarke had saved her in the first place.

"When you died...I lost control of my life. I hardly gave care of being a proper woman and I made it hard for father. I never listened to him and I refused his beliefs on the supernatural after what happened to you" Catherina turned her head to him," I made it a daily reminder to blame him...and I still do blame him till this day, is that wrong of me?"

"Of course, it's not wrong, because I too blame him for what happened to me"

"I blame him, yet I still miss him" She commented while drumming her fingers on her knees," He kicked me out when I turned 19 because I somehow gained the title of being the town Harlot"

Carlisle's eyes widened at the final word making him look at her in disbelief. His mouth gaped slightly not being able to conjure words.  Catherina, on the other hand, responded with a hum and semi-exasperated sigh.

"It's not a joke, Li, I really was what most would call a loose woman. I won't deny it because I truly gave no care for my own life...and Mrs Clarke...she was that glimmer of hope—but Thornton, he was the light in my darkness. Once he was born, I decided to change my life, and become the person I should have been"

"So...you don't know who Thornton's father is?" Carlisle asked carefully and Catherina just shook her head.

"Why did you say it was your fault? Becoming an immortal witch?"

"Mrs Clarke was kicked out of the church in town, for taking me and Thornton who they considered a bastard child. So, out of my anger, I..." Catherina took a deep exhalation as she lowered her head.

"I heard of a Witch Coven, that had done curses on people...and at the time, I let the anger take over—so I approached them, but tables turned because that Coven, was ones that absolutely hated our family. They were one of the supernatural's that father had properly hunted without wrongful accusations."

Catherina let out a bitter laugh as she raised one of her hands to her face. Her eyes had betrayed her allowing her tears to flow down profusely, and Carlisle reached over bringing her into a hug.

"I'm the reason—that Thornton and I became what we did. I'm the reason they took him away and I'm the reason that Mrs Clarke sacrificed herself" She looked at him," Mrs Clarke was a witch, Li, and she gave up her life for me so that I could live"

Carlisle raised his hand to Catherina's face," From what I remember, is that Mrs Clarke was one of the smartest and kindest people to have ever lived. Her self-sacrifice might have made you think it was your fault, but I can only see it one way"

"And that's what?"

"She saw the life you had yet to live...no the life you and Thornton had yet to live"

Catherina looked down to her hands and twisted the ring on her middle finger. She was still in denial at Mrs Clarke's death, but somehow, Carlisle had said the words she might have just needed to hear.

"How...did Mrs Clarke save you?" This time Catherina had looked up at her older brother in question. She knew one day, he'd tell her everything, but for now, she was content with just knowing the simple detail.

"Well, during the raid—I had been bitten, but I was left on the street. The others in the raid had not been so lucky, and I was the only survivor. When I realized that I had been affected, by the venom, I hid in a potato cellar. I knew better to try and return home, especially with father who despised what I was becoming. Though, the most part of me also knew not to go home, not with you there" Carlisle closed his eyes as he hunched his posture," All I could think about was draining your blood" Catherina reached over holding his hands in comfort.

"So, as I transitioned, I was far from ever casing in what I was. I had tried to take my life, but all my attempts failed. At the time, I was sure, I had wanted to die—but...then I remembered my promise to you. My promise to not die and for Mrs Clarke, that little chant she taught us; somehow made me slowly not lust for blood"

Carlisle's face contorted as he turned to look at his sister who had her eyes on him the entire time. She had not interrupted but listened without questions.

"Forgive me, Cat, for never appearing, for never letting you know I was still here"

Catherina's mouth formed into a slight close-lipped smile as she shook her head.

"I think...I would have done the same, Li. I mourned for you, and suddenly appearing before me...I'm afraid I would have gone insane and ended up calling you nothing but a monster"

"I am a monster" Carlisle corrected her and it caused Catherina to huff at him with a crinkled nose.

"We both are monsters," She stated with a brusque tone in an attempt of mocking their father. Carlisle having understood what she was doing started to shake in laughter. She instantly joined him making the once tense air completely cease to exist.
