Chapter 3 - Elephants in the distance

3 looked at the map, unable to determine where it was set. Also, in the hut were stacks of crates containing a variety of supplies and equipment. A single white lamp hanging from the roof illuminated the room. 8 stared at the map intently, while Marie poured the drinks. 9 then arrived.

"I do hope I'm not late?" he asked. He was very polite.

"Of course not, sit down," Captain Cuttlefish signalled to a chair, and 9 sat down.

They all sat down at the table, drinking the tea, and then while an alarm sounded on 3.1s squid phone. She paused, then said,

"I'm very sorry, but we really have to go now."

"That's ok, when will you be back? You know about the operation." Callie said.

"That's the point." This was 4.1. "We have to go to our individual areas. State secrets I'm afraid, although I'm sure you already know which is which."

"That's fine. Take care!"

All the .1 agents hastily left.

Soon after, a new inkling came into the cabin. He was well built, with a simple hairstyle with an obvious military record, and a clear knowledge of everything he was doing. If you got into a fight with him, he would probably have been preparing 2 weeks in advance. He also carried a deck of cards and a foldable croupier stick. He look around 23.

He sat down and began to talk.

"Morning. I'm sure you know who I am, and why I'm here, so why don't we just get started" he had a very commanding tone and presence.

"Of course, Sir", said Captain Cuttlefish. He seemed to know him.

"So, we have intel of their whereabouts," he pointed at the map intently, "here, the remote, snowy plains of the Upper Splatlands, near Mt. Yarsomin. We believe they've set up multiple defensive positions, pillboxes, LMG positions. Now normally, I would send a ground division, but the terrain is too treacherous and a military mobilization of 12000 troops a few kilometers from our second largest city wouldn't exactly be the most rational course of action, not to mention the class divide of the citizen and the soldier. So, I've come to you, I hope you got my memo."

"Of course," Callie replied.

"Right-ho. Get moving: the helicopters will be here in an hour."

"Goodbye general," Marie ended.

He left hastily.

"You heard the man, get moving," Cuttlefish seemed relieved to be the most experienced in the hut again.
