"I've been trying not to think about that."

Lauren had a busy day between classes and working that afternoon. She was beyond excited to get home and be with her family. Things between her and Camila had gotten back to normal in the last couple months. Lauren parked the car in the driveway as she got out and went inside. "Babe?" She called out as she set her bag down.

Not hearing any commotion, she looked around the first floor, walking into the living room. Lauren walked over to the sliding door and saw some movement outside. Smiling to herself, she walked out the back door and moved to sit on the steps of the deck as she watched her wife and Taylor in the yard. She wasnt going to tell Camila that she was home, but just wait for the woman to realize that she was sitting there watching them.

Camila continued to laugh as Taylor attempted to throw his ball at her. "Good try, baby." She told him before she picked the ball up and started toward her son. Camila giggled some as Taylor started laughing and ran away from her.

Over the past 6 months, the boy had become a pro at walking and even started running now. "Get back here, munchkin." Camila called out to him, causing him to let out a squeal as he realized his mami was getting closer to him. 

Lauren couldn't help but smile softly to herself as she watched her wife and son playing together in the yard. She loved how active Taylor was and the fact that he constantly wanted to be outside. Lauren watched as Camila chased Taylor. She smiled widely as she saw the little boy's legs move faster as he tried to get away from her. 

"Mami no." He yelled just before spotting Lauren. "Momma!" He turned his attention toward Lauren as he started running toward her.

Lauren leaned back as she saw Taylor look at her. "Hi, bud." She said as she leaned forward and the little boy came charging toward her. Once he got to her she scooped him up in her arms and kissed his face over and over. 

"Ew! Momma! No!" He said as he tried to wiggle out of her grip. 

Camila couldn't contain her grin as she watched Taylor and Lauren together. "Hey you." She greeted her wife softly.

Lauren looked up and smiled at Camila, "Hi, baby."

Camila sat down on the steps of the deck beside her wife. "We've been out here since we finished lunch. He's got so much energy." Camila leaned back onto the deck and looked up at the sky. "Now he can tire you out some." Taylor continued to wiggle in Lauren's grasp before he was able to get down on the ground and run off after his ball.

Lauren looked over at her wife as the woman sat down next to her. She ticked Taylor as the little boy wiggled his way out of her hold. She chuckled softly to her wife, "He will never tire me out." She said jokingly, "You on the other hand." She said before kissing Camila softly and standing up. 

Camila chuckled before letting out a shaky breath before resting her hands on her stomach. "I think I have a bug starting on me."

Lauren looked at her wife and frowned. "Yeah? How come?" She asked as she reached down to brush some hair from Camila's face. "Your stomach hurting?" She asked softly.

"I've just been feeling queasy all day long. And him running me around hasn't been helping at all." Camila didn't think anything of it. She encountered hundreds of people each day so it was only a matter of time before someone got her sick. "Now that you're home, you can play with him and keep him busy."

Lauren smiled down at her wife. She listened as the woman told her how she was feeling. She had a thought in the back of her mind, but she didn't know if she should bring it up or not. "I'm sorry, love." She said as she looked to her wife. Lauren leaned down and rested her hands on the woman's thighs before kissing her lips tenderly. "We can cuddle tonight and have a relaxing family movie night if you want." She said softly.

Camila smiled and nodded to her. "I would love that. That's assuming that little ball of energy ever sleeps." She leaned up on her arms as Taylor got Lauren's attention. 

Lauren looked down as she felt something tugging at her pants. "Hi, Tay." She said softly looking down at the little boy. She chuckled softly before glancing at her wife, "He will be tired after dinner. He usually gets tired then."

"Momma! Ball!" He yelled up at her. Lauren smiled and took the ball and the boy started running. She threw it in the direction he was running.

"He'll probably start getting hungry soon." Camila said as she watched Taylor trip and land face first in the grass. She kept her eyes on him for a few minutes to make sure he was okay. Taylor simply stood back up and continued after the ball. "And at least he doesn't cry every 10 seconds anymore."

Lauren started to walk toward Taylor as the boy fell, but when he got up with no fuss she stopped and went to sit back down next to her wife. "What did you want for dinner?" Lauren asked. "I actually feel like cooking tonight." She said softly.

Camila sat up completely and looked at her wife. "I feel like some chicken tonight... maybe some chicken parmesan?" 

Lauren leaned back as Taylor busied himself with the ball in the yard. She knew if he wanted attention he would come running right over. She looked over at her wife and smiled, "Yeah. I can do that for dinner." She said softly as she held her wife close. 

The older woman wrapped her arm around her wife's waist as she pulled the woman closer to her body. "What would you say to the idea of getting him a dog?" Lauren asked out of nowhere, breaking the silence. She had been thinking about it for a while...it would certainly save both of their energy, too.

Camila raised her eyebrows. "Like a puppy?" She slowly smiled. She'd never had a dog before, but wasn't opposed to getting one. "Any specific type of dog that you're thinking about?" She reached out for Lauren's hand and laced their fingers together.

"Yeah. A puppy." Lauren smiled. She looked at Camila as their fingers laced together. "I was thinking a siberia husky or maybe something smaller like a beagle." She said as she kissed Camila's cheek. "It will be good for him, too, because we can start to teach him responsibility when he gets old enough."

Camila took a deep breath before closing her eyes. "I like that idea." She whispered to her before she suddenly stood up and went inside to the downstairs bathroom. The moment she was there, she took a few deep breaths before she threw up what she'd eaten for lunch. Camila wanted to just blame a stomach bug but she knew there was a chance of it being something else.

Lauren smiled at her wife as she saw Taylor coming toward her out of the corner of her eye. She looked over to see her wife getting up suddenly. She chuckled softly to herself, knowing that her hunch was probably right. Her wife only ever got sick like that when she was pregnant.

Lauren looked at Taylor as he stood there holding his ball, "Time to go inside, bud. We need to make dinner. Are you going to help momma?" She asked as she grabbed his hand to help him up the steps.

"Yeah!" He yelled before putting his ball in the bin by the sliding door. Lauren opened the door as Taylor ran into the house and toward the bathroom where Camila was.

Camila looked up when she heard little feet coming into the bathroom with her. She got sick one more time before she looked toward Taylor and smiled some at his worried face. "Mami's okay buddy." She flushed the toilet before wiping her mouth off and leaning back some. She pulled Taylor into her arms and held him for a moment. "Did momma come inside, too?" The little boy nodded and tugged on Camila's hand to pull her from the bathroom.

Lauren went to the front door to take off her shoes before making her way into the kitchen. Lauren pulled the necessary ingredients out of the fridge for their dinner. She began washing and chopping the vegetables before heating up some of the pans. Lauren was waiting for her wife and son to join her in the kitchen as they usually did in the evenings while she cooked dinner.

Camila rinsed her mouth out with some water before she let Taylor lead her back into the kitchen. "Do you need any help with anything?" She asked as she picked up Taylor and looked toward her wife. She sighed some when Taylor tried to reach out for Lauren. "Momma is cutting stuff now, Tay. She can't hold you right now." Camila kept some distance between herself and her wife so that Taylor couldn't grab her.

Lauren was chopping the basil leaves for the meal as she heard her wife come into the kitchen. She looked over and shook her head. "I've got it." She said softly, "You just sit down and relax, love." She said as she pulled the block cheese out to cut it up. Lauren quickly seasoned the chicken before putting oil in the pan and placing the chicken in. She prepped everything else quickly before walking over to her family and leaned over the counter. 

Camila sat down at the counter and took a few deep breaths again to try to calm her stomach down. "Baby... I'm really not feeling well." She whispered to her.

"Have you considered the idea that you're pregnant again?" Lauren asked as she smiled and held Taylor's hand because he was still reaching out for her. She walked around to pick him up and hold him in her arms. Lauren loved that Taylor enjoy helping her cook.

Camila sighed some as Lauren took Taylor. She rested her head down onto the counter. "I've been trying not to think about that." She would be happy if she was pregnant. But it felt so bittersweet because they should already have their second child right now. Maria would have been just two months old right now. She sighed softly before lifting her head up to look at her wife.

"But it's possible that I might be... Maybe after dinner we can go out to the store for a test. Getting him in a car ride will help calm him down too and get him ready for bed." Camila suggested softly before running her fingers through her hair. The thought of her being pregnant so soon almost felt like a bit of betrayal toward their daughter.

Lauren smiled at her wife. She could understand why Camila wouldn't want to think about it, but it was a very real probability. She held Taylor as she looked at her wife. "We can do that." She smiled softly as she bounced Taylor in her arms. "Then maybe we can cuddle as a family in our bed. Taylor, too.." She said softly. Lauren walked over and kissed Camila's cheek gently before going back to the stove and flipping the chicken.

Camila nodded to her before leaning back some and letting out a heavy breath. "I would like that." She teased some with a smile on her face. 

Taylor leaned forward looking at the chicken. "You can help me put the toppings on, Tay." Lauren said as she kissed his cheek.

Camila couldn't believe how smart their little boy was already and he was learning and doing new things every single day. "Make sure his hands are washed, babe." She murmured before she put her head back onto the counter to close her eyes.

Lauren turned the burner down on the stove before throwing the tomato paste and vegetables in the pan. She saved some of it for Taylor to put in. She walked over to the sink and turned the water on. "Wash your hands, buddy." She said before putting a little soap on them. Lauren looked over to her wife as Taylor leaned forward and rubbed his hands together under the water.  She grabbed some paper towel for Taylor to dry his hands on as she shut the water off.

"Okay. Pick those up and drop them in." Lauren said as the little boy did just that. Lauren watched as Taylor clumsily dropped the vegetables in the pan before he started clapping. He was always so proud of himself when he helped either of his mommies.

"He's so smart. He definitely takes after me." Camila teased. She always loved that she could pick on Lauren like this and her wife, instead of getting pissed, just fought back playfully.

Lauren looked over at Camila and playfully rolled her eyes. "Keep telling yourself that." She chuckled before putting Taylor on the ground.

The older woman reached for a couple napkins before handing them to the boy. "Can you take these to the table for momma?" Lauren asked. The little boy took the items from her hand and walked over to the table.

"Want to help him set the table while I finish this up real quick?" Lauren asked her wife with a soft smile.

Camila smiled warmly to her wife and watched Taylor go off to the table. "Keeping things simple for him. I think that's why he's learning so much so quick." She scrunched up her nose playfully, standing up to help Taylor.

Lauren smiled softly. "He's a smart boy." She said, "He learns very quickly and he likes to help. Let's just hope this sticks through his teenage years." She chuckled softly. "But, before you help Taylor, I would like a kiss." Lauren said as she leaned over the counter to bring her face closer to Camila's.

"I don't know if you deserve one or not." Camila teased and took a minute to think about it before smiling and leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips.

Lauren pouted to her wife, "I always deserve a kiss." She said with a smile before returning the woman's kiss. 

Camila walked over to grab some utensils to put onto the table for her and her wife then grabbed Taylor's smaller set for his attempt at eating, too. "Maybe we can get some i-c-e cream at the store?" Camila couldn't believe she'd just spelled part of it out, but Taylor knew what ice cream was and she didn't want to get him too excited about it before dinner.

Lauren finished mixing all of the food in before cutting a few pieces of bread to go with their dinner. She grabbed the plates and put food on hers and Camila's before cutting a piece of chicken off her plate and putting it on Taylor's with some of the sauce and vegetables. Lauren took all three plates over to the table. "Tay, what do you want to drink?" She asked the little boy.

Camila handed him the utensils one at a time, telling him what they were before she pointed to the table for him to put them down. Taylor's head turned to look at his momma, shrugging. "Just get him some juice, babe."

Lauren walked back to the kitchen to get water for her and Camila before putting some apple juice in a sippy cup for Taylor. She took the items back to the table before sitting down.

Camila nuzzled her son for a moment before getting him settled into his high chair with a bib on. She sighed when he pulled it off. "Keep it on buddy. You make messes like your momma does." Taylor giggled and let Camila put the bib back onto him before he picked up his fork to play with it.

Lauren chuckled as the little boy took his bib off the second Camila put it on. "You could just take his shirt off like I usually do." She said to her wife before the little boy cooperated. Lauren looked at her wife from across the table.

Camila sat down at the table beside Taylor and looked at Lauren. "I'm not going to teach him that he needs to strip every time he eats something." Camila took her plate from Lauren and picked up her fork.

Lauren shrugged her shoulders. "It works...especially until he learns to control his hand to mouth movements better." She said taking a bite of food. She looked over at Taylor who was trying to use the fork as a spoon and scoop up the little bites of chicken. 

"We have i-c-e cream in the freezer, by the way." Lauren said, remembering what her wife asked earlier, before taking another bite from her plate.

"I didn't think anything was left over. You know how much we've been eating it lately. Especially me and him." Camila suddenly stopped. Ice cream had been her go to each of the previous times she was pregnant. Camila rested her hand onto her stomach then and cracked a small, tiny smile. It still terrified her, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized that she probably was pregnant.

Lauren chuckled softly before looking at her wife. "He only eats it because you do." She pointed out. She watched as the realization dawned on Camila... It was an extremely probable thing that her wife was pregnant again. "I know what you're thinking." She said softly as she used her foot to rub gently on Camila's calf.

Camila shrugged toward her wife and smiled. She let out a heavy sigh as she heard Lauren's words. "If I am... I'll be happy, don't doubt that for even a second. But it'll almost feel like we're betraying her so soon." She kept her one hand on her stomach as she used her other one to eat. The stress of not knowing was already starting to eat away at her, but she figured she would have to hold off for at least another hour before they were able to get to the store and back again with the test.

Lauren smiled as she watched Taylor eat. He would look up at both her and Camila to watch what they were doing before trying to copy it. She took a bite of her food before she leaned back in the chair. "Well... I can see how you may feel like that." She said softly. Lauren sighed. It's not that she didn't think that Camila didn't want to continue expanding their family with her, but she knew that her wife being pregnant again would help her move on. "You'll have 9 plus months to come to terms with it." She said as she took another bite.

Camila moved her hand down to touch Lauren's leg under the table. She pulled it up onto her lap and gently ran her hand along her leg as she ate. She knew that Lauren had a point but it would still take some time. She finished off her dinner then without another word. Her mind was still working on what was going on.

Lauren looked over at her wife as Camila touched her leg, just letting the silence between them be. She smiled softly and leaned over to place a soft kiss on the woman's cheek. She sat there picking at her dinner as she watched Taylor to make sure he wasnt choking on the food. 

Camila leaned over when she finished to help show Taylor how to stab the fork into a piece of the chicken. She smiled when he was able to do it on his own. "Just like that, buddy." She kissed the top of his head as she stood up and went into the kitchen to clean up her plate.

Lauren looked at Camila as the woman stood up. She watched her son stab the food the right way, "Good job, Tay." She said softly as she pushed her plate to the side. She leaned back and rested her head on the back of the chair before closing her eyes.

Camila put the leftovers into a container before slipping them into the fridge. She went back into the dining room and kissed the top of Lauren's head. "I'm going to go and get changed and grab a new shirt for him while I'm up there." She wrapped her arms around her wife's shoulders and hugged her from behind before she went toward the steps to go up to their room.

Lauren nodded as Camila kissed her head. "Okay." She said softly. She got up from the table and put her plate in the sink, rinsing it off before putting it in the dishwasher. She walked over to Taylor and looked at him with a smile, "You done, bud?" She asked softly as she saw his plate cleaned.

Taylor nodded as he reached out for Lauren. "Hang on." Lauren chuckled as she set his plate in the sink before taking him out of the highchair. She picked him up and walked him over to the sink. "Wash your hands." She said squirting a little soap on them as he did the same thing as last time. She grabbed a wet towel and wiped up his face.

Just as Camila hit the top of the steps, she felt her stomach churning again. Groaning some, Camila bolted into their bathroom and lost everything she'd just eaten. She didn't feel sick in any other way other than her stomach turning. She knew she was pregnant. She had to be pregnant.

Camila finished up in the bathroom and rinsed her mouth out. She went out to their room and pulled out the sonogram pictures from Maria. Camila stripped out of her shirt before she just sat on the edge of the bed to look at the strip of pictures. "I'm so sorry we didn't get to meet you." She whispered to the pictures as she rested her hand on her own stomach. Camila felt a few tears sting her eyes as she looked over the images. These were the only pictures they had of their daughter. "I might be pregnant again... I don't want you to think that we didn't love you. We did... we were so excited for you to join our family." She continued whispering as she felt the ball in her throat growing and more tears slid down her cheeks.

Lauren finished cleaning up the dishes from the dinner before putting them in the dishwasher and starting it. She pulled out two bowls as she went to the freezer to get ice cream out and scoop it in to. She held both bowls and spoons in her hand as she started to climb the stairs with Taylor in her arms. Lauren walked over to her and Camila's bedroom. As she peeked in the door she saw her wife sitting on the edge of the bed crying.

"Mami!" Taylor yelled. He wiggled to get out of Lauren's grasp. She set him on the ground before closing the door and following him into the room and setting the bowls on the bedside table. 

Camila quickly wiped at her eyes when she heard Taylor's voice call out to her. She forced out a smile through her tears before reaching out for the new shirt to put on then looked toward Taylor as he climbed up onto the bed to get to her. "I'm okay," she whispered some as she pulled their son into her arms and cradled him close to her. 

"What's wrong, love?" Lauren asked as she sat down and rested her hand on her wife's thigh.

Camila closed her eyes and buried her nose into Taylor's hair as she held him close. She showed Lauren that she had the sonogram picture out before putting it onto the nightstand and lying back with Taylor on top of her. "Don't worry Tay, Mami's okay." She whispered to him as he settled onto her stomach and looked down at her.

Lauren watched as her wife laid back with Taylor in her arms. She loved that their son was such a cuddle bug and so in tune with emotions. He could tell that Camila was sad, and Lauren couldnt help but smiled when the little boy puckered his lips and kissed Camila soundly. She looked at the sonogram picture before setting it back down on the nightstand. She moved and laid on the bed next to her wife, wrapping an arm around both Camila and Taylor. "I love you." She whispered. "I can't wait to have another baby with you." She confessed softly.

Camila let out a small laugh and kissed her son back before turning to look at her wife. "I love you too." She whispered back and smiled warmly toward her. 

"Lub! Lub!" Taylor shouted as he wedged himself between his mommies on the bed.

"Oh, of course. I can't forget the little man. I love you too, Tay." Camila nuzzled him some before tickling his side some. "Do you want to go to the store?" She asked him before looking to Lauren. 

Lauren smiled as she rubbed Taylor's hair. She laughed softly as he tried to fight off both of his mommies messing with him. She looked at her wife and shrugged. "We don't have to go today." Lauren suggested. She knew that the second Camila found out she was pregnant that she would constantly be worried about losing the baby. 

"I'm ready to go. As ready as I'll ever be." Camila whispered the last part before she sat up and tugged Taylor close to her.

Lauren sighed softly, "What's the rush? We can go tomorrow or later this week after work." She said softly as Camila changed Taylor's shirt. Lauren just hoped that Camila would be able to handle being pregnant again without obsessing over losing the baby. She reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the bowl of ice cream, taking a small bite. She didn't even want any, but figured that Camila and Taylor would eat it all.

"Take your shirt off." Camila told their son and watched him struggle some to take it off, but succeeded anyway. She tossed his shirt into the clothes hamper before pulling and new one over his head.

Camila sighed some as she turned to look at Lauren. "I want to know sooner rather than later..." She admitted as she held Taylor close and reached out for one of the ice cream bowls. "No, I'm gonna feed it to you. I just changed your shirt." She told him as he tried to reach for the bowl. Camila knew she should have let him have some before changing him, but she wasn't thinking. "If you don't want to ride along that's fine... but I'd rather know now than worry about it for a few days."

Lauren looked at her wife as she leaned her back on the headboard. "I'll come with you... I just.." She paused and sighed softly, trying to approach the topic gently. "I don't know if I want to know yet." She said softly. Lauren knew it didn't matter...it was her wife's choice whether or not she wanted to find out right away, but Lauren didn't know if she was ready.

Camila turned to look at Lauren. She gave her a sympathetic smile and nodded. "I understand. But I'm the one feeling like crap right now. I'd like to know if that's the reason for it or if I need to go to the doctor because I'm actually sick." She scooped up a bite for herself before giving Taylor a small bite.

Lauren nodded, "Okay." She didn't want to push the topic with Camila. 

"Why don't you go get momma, it looks like she's got a lot of ice cream in her bowl and I think she needs some help." Camila chuckled some as Taylor crawled off of her lap and across the bed to where Lauren was at.

Lauren moved the bowl off her lap so Taylor could sit down. She didn't say anything to her wife, instead she just fed Taylor the ice cream. She really wasnt hungry at all. Lauren would be extremely excited if her wife was pregnant...she's excited at the thought of Camila being pregnant again, but she was just nervous as to what would happen once they found out and it was official. She gave Taylor the spoon and let him feed himself. Lauren sighed as she closed her eyes. She felt something cold against her lips and opened them to see Taylor holding the spoon with ice cream on it to her lips. She smiled softly and accepted the food.

Camila watched Lauren with Taylor as they all ate the ice cream. She smiled as she watched her. Lauren was always so good with their son and had been ever since the day he was born.

The more Camila watched her wife and son, the more she was realizing that it would be okay if she was pregnant again. They had made some mistakes with Taylor, but all parents do that. Their son was happy and healthy so they'd obviously done something right with him. What happened with Maria was traumatic, but Camila knew that it was neither of their faults. She'd taken her vitamins like she was supposed to and didn't over exert herself. As she finished her ice cream, she leaned over to kiss Lauren's cheek gently. "I love you."

Lauren smiled as she took the spoon from Taylor and finished off the ice cream. She set the bowl on the nightstand before looking at her wife, "I love you, too." She said before handing Taylor over to Camila.

"I need to change from work and then we can go." Lauren said as she stood up and unbuttoned her shirt. She reached in the drawer and kept her back to Taylor and Camila as she put the new one on. She pushed her pants to the ground leaving her in her boxer briefs. "Babe, have you seen my jeans?" Lauren asked turning around some.

Camila took Taylor back in her arms and leaned back against the pillows. Taylor busied herself with one of the buttons on her shirt as Camila watched her wife change. "Which pair?" She asked softly before pointing toward the chair. "Are those the ones you were looking for?"

Lauren threw her work clothes in the hamper before looking over at the chair. "Yeah. Thanks." She said as she walked over and slipped them on. She tucked herself in before buttoning and zipping them up. Lauren looked over at her wife and child and smiled softly. She couldnt believe that she was settled down and had a family. It was something that seemed so foreign to her a short while back, but she couldnt be happier. 

Camila smiled at her before looking at Taylor. "Your momma's so beautiful." She whispered to him.

"Booful." He tried to repeat, making Camila smile to him and run her fingers through his hair.

Lauren walked over to the bed and picked Taylor up, holding him high in the air. "Ready little man?" She asked as he giggled. She looked over to her wife. "We're starting now with the taking it easy on lifting things." Lauren said teasingly. "He's getting so big."

Camila went to protest when Lauren picked up Taylor. But at hearing what she said, Camila smiled and nodded. "Okay. That sounds fair." She wasn't going to argue with her. With Taylor being almost a year and a half old now, he was starting to get too big to carry, especially if she was pregnant. It wouldn't stop the occasional time she would pick him up though. She still needed to show him some love.

Lauren looked at her wife. She could tell that Camila wanted to protest what she was saying, but she knew that she was right. Taylor was getting bigger and bigger every day. If Camila wanted to hold him Lauren could pick him up and hand him to her...they could make it work. 

Camila stood up and leaned up to kiss Lauren softly before smiling warmly to her and leaving the room. She made her way downstairs and slipped on a light jacket as well as her shoes before grabbing her purse and waiting for her family.

Lauren smiled before returning her wife's kiss. She chuckled and followed her wife down the stairs, Taylor in her arms. "Can you hand me his jacket, love?" She asked as she slipped on her shoes and grabbed her car keys. "Hold out your arms, Tay, so mami can get your jacket on."

Camila grabbed his light jacket off the hook before waiting for him to lean back and hold out his arms. "Good boy." She murmured to him as she slid the jacket on his arms and left it unzipped. It wasn't cold enough in the evenings yet to worry about zipping it up yet. Camila opened the front door and took the keys from Lauren so she could open the door up for them.

Lauren smiled as her son knew exactly what to do. He wasnt at the point of getting it on himself yet...he always did it backwards, but he was good at helping. She handed her wife the keys before setting the alarm and shutting the door behind her. 

Once to the car, Camila opened up the back door so Lauren could get Taylor in then she climbed into the passenger seat and hooked her seat belt. There was a huge possibility that she was pregnant yet again and she was finally starting to come to terms with it.

Lauren walked out to the car and put Taylor in his car seat, fastening him in. She kissed his head before shutting the door and getting in the driver's side. "I still expect family cuddling tonight...and a celebration afterward." She said starting the car and backing out of the driveway before putting her seatbelt on.

Camila looked toward her wife and nodded. "I would love family cuddles in bed." She reached out to take Lauren's hand as she drove toward the store. She turned to look in the backseat when she heard a huff. Camila giggled some when she saw Taylor trying to zip up his own coat and getting frustrated because he couldn't figure it out. "If you wait until we get to the store, I'll zip it up for you, baby." She reached back and patted his leg gently.

Lauren looked back at Taylor and chuckled softly, "He has your patience." She said with a wink. Lauren stopped at the red light and turned to look at Taylor, "Music?" She asked as she reached to turn on the CD with all of his favorite songs. As soon as it started playing Taylor went nuts and started to dance, more like wiggle, in his carseat. "Never gets old." She chuckled to her wife before driving forward and turning into the parking lot.

Lauren drove down the street before stopping at the stop sign and turning on her turn signal. She turned on to the main road before lacing her fingers with her wife's. "I think we may need a few grocery items and more diapers, too." She said keeping her eye on the road. 

Camila nodded and leaned her head back against her seat, "We'll already be out so we might as well get some shopping done. He loves the store anyway so it's okay." Camila turned her head to just watch her wife as she drove. She chuckled some before resting her hand on Lauren's leg. 

"Toy?" Taylor asked when he saw the big sign, indicating where they were going.

Camila laughed. "He's associating the store with toys now, great." She commented softly.

Lauren chuckled as she found a parking space. She parked the car and looked over to her wife, "We're in trouble. I can't say no to his cute little face." She pouted. "Could you get the cart while I get him out of the seat?" She asked opening the door.

Lauren got out and walked around to get Taylor out, "You have to ask mami about the toy." She said quietly to him. Taylor knew that Lauren would say yes, but Camila was the real deciding factor on this one. She walked over to the cart and put Taylor in the seat.

Camila unhooked her belt and climbed out of the car. "He was a good boy today, something small won't hurt anything." She smiled to them before heading into the store to get a cart ready for them. She pulled her purse off her shoulder to put into the basket beside him, making sure it was zipped up so he wouldn't dig through it. Camila leaned against the handbar of the cart to look right into Taylor's face as they walked into the store.

The boy looked around before looking back at his mommies. "Toy?" He asked again, making Camila smile to him.

"We'll see, Tay." Camila said as she kissed his head and pushed the cart through the store.

Lauren smiled as she walked side by side with her wife as she pushed the cart. She chuckled as Taylor asked Camila for a toy again. She followed her wife as they navigated the aisles toward the pregnancy tests. Lauren reached out and got the one they had used for Taylor and the last time Camila was pregnant. She put it in the cart as they walked down the aisle again.

The older woman stepped closer to her wife and rested her hand on the woman's lower back, "Do you want a massage later?" She asked softly knowing that her wife got more sore than usual when she was pregnant.

Camila took a deep breath when Lauren picked up the pregnancy test. It was the same brand and it was one they both trusted. She glanced toward Lauren and smiled to her. "I would love that. I just hope I don't get sick again. Dinner was amazing, but it didn't taste too good coming back up." She admitted as she started around the store, going down one of the aisles with toddler aged toys in it.

Lauren sighed softly, she hated that her wife always got so sick during the first trimester of her pregnancy. "Maybe we could talk to the doctor about anti-nausea stuff this time." She said softly. Her wife being sick so often during pregnancy interfered with their personal time and she just wanted her wife to be at her best health. 

"Toy!" Taylor chirped up and clapped his hands excitedly.

"Yes, buddy, toy." Camila looked at the ones on the shelf before glancing toward Lauren. "I know it's really early to think about Christmas, but do you think he'd play with one of those?" She pointed to a red and white cook set.

Lauren smiled and nodded to Camila, "He loves to cook... I think that's a good idea." She said as she watched her son reach for a stuffed toy dog.

Camila saw Taylor looking at a pull behind dog and started to reach for it. "This one?" She picked it up to show it to him and he started pushing the buttons to make it bark.

"Oh god. That's going to be annoying." Lauren chuckled as they walked toward the grocery section of the store.

Camila laughed to her wife as they walked to the other section to get some groceries for the house. "But he seems to love it." She commented just as he pushed another button to make the toy bark and Taylor giggled at it. "See? You'll become immune to it. It's either that or you make him cry because you take it."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "You know I have a soft spot for him." She said softly, "I may just have to remove the speaker when he's sleeping one day." She joked. Lauren looked at her wife and smiled softly.

Camila shook her head at her wife. "You won't do that because he'll come hunting us down because it doesn't work." 

The younger woman stopped walking and went to grab a case of water before stopping herself and looking to Lauren. "You'd better grab that..." Camila whispered to her before going further down the aisle to grab a new container of coffee, knowing they were running low at home. "We'll end up forgetting something and have to get it tomorrow."

Lauren leaned in to kiss her gently before bending down to pick up the case of water and putting it in the cart. "He needs more snacks, too. But the most important thing is diapers." Lauren said as they walked through the aisles.

"Nack!" Taylor said as he hit his toy on Camila's hands.

"Guess we're going to have to start spelling that word out, too." Lauren chuckled grabbing some apple sauce and gummy bears, putting them in the cart.

Camila pushed the cart before she hissed when the speaker on the toy hit her knuckles. "Taylor, that hurt." She told him a little loudly and he cowered back some. "You know better than to hit anybody." She looked toward Lauren and watched her get some snacks for him. Camila looked back down at Taylor who busied himself with the toy again, little tears glistening in his eyes.

Lauren looked at her son pointedly as Camila told him not to hit her. "You know better, Tay." She said as he looked at her to help him. She could see that he was getting teary eyed because Camila got stern with him. Lauren walked to the other side of the cart and pulled out his binkie from Camila's bag, handing it to him. "He's such a sensitive little guy." She said softly to her wife as they got to the diapers. She grabbed a pack and some wipes before dropping them in the cart.

Camila watched Taylor take the binkie from Lauren and shove it right into his mouth. "He is, but at least he learns really quickly with things because of it. He doesn't like us being mean to him." Camila was so thankful that her and her wife were on the same page about most of the things they did with Taylor. 

"Anything else that you want, babe?" Lauren asked softly. "What do you want for dinner this week?" She said as they walked side by side.

"I'm trying so hard not to think about food right now." Camila chuckled some but went down the freezer section anyway, just to take a peak. She grabbed a frozen pizza for one of the days and beyond that she had no idea. "We're good on most things for dinner right now, so we can figure it out as we go."

Lauren rested her hand on her wife's lower back as she watched Taylor sucking on his binkie. She chuckled softly as she wrapped her arm around Camila's waist and stepped closer. She always liked touching her wife in some way. It gave her comfort to know that Camila was always right by her side. Lauren reached in and got a healthier frozen pizza for herself. She had been on a health kick as of late and tried to get Camila into the habit as well. 

Camila just chuckled as her wife grabbed a different pizza. "Fine, fine... I'm trying." She admitted and put the one she'd grabbed back into the case. She stepped back to the cart and reached out to run her fingers through Taylor's hair before kissing the top of his head. "I think someone's getting sleepy too," Camila spoke softly after he rubbed his eyes.

Lauren looked at Taylor as he rubbed his eyes. She reached in the basket and picked him up and he immediately buried his face in her neck and gripped onto her shirt. "Definitely getting sleepy." She said as they walked up to wait in a line.

Camila stopped to let Lauren take Taylor before she pushed the cart toward the checkout line. She went in front of it so she could load the things onto the belt, all except for the water which they'd have to come around and scan.

"Hi Mrs. Jauregui." Camila's head popped up and she smiled as she saw one of her students working the register.

Lauren held Taylor in her arms as she gently rubbed his back. He always wanted to cuddle with his momma when he was tired. She loved it. Lauren raised a brow as the cashier said hi to her wife. She smiled at the boy when she figured out he was a student of Camila's. 

"Well hello, Sam." Camila replied before pushing the cart through.

"Is this your son? He's so cute." Taylor turned his head toward the woman before hiding back into Lauren.

"Yes, this is Taylor. Say hi, Tay." Camila tried to encourage him.

Lauren watched as Taylor lifted his head and looked at the boy before rubbing his face in her shoulder. "Sorry. He's tired." She said as she kissed his head. "Wave hi, Tay." She said to him as he whined and shook his head in her neck. "Cranky, too, apparently." She chuckled softly. "We have a case of water in the bottom of the cart, too." She told the young man

Camila laughed as Taylor sank into Lauren. "He's normally more social. Just not when he's tired and cranky." Camila moved the cart up some so he could reach over to scan the case. She then pushed the cart up some and dug her bank card out of her wallet in order to pay for their purchase.

"He'll pass out on the way home." Camila told Lauren before grabbing the pen to sign on the screen.

"I'll see you tomorrow in class." Sam smiled to them and handed the receipt to her.

Taylor popped up some then, "Bye!" He said causing Camila to just laugh. Taylor was apparently very selective of what he said when he was tired.

Lauren smiled as she gently bounced with Taylor in her arms, waiting for her wife to finish up. She knew that he would pass out in the car, but he would probably wake up when they got home and in bed. He loved spending time in bed with his mommies.

Lauren looked at her wife as they walked out to the parking lot. "He's gonna be awake for a little while when we start the movie." She said as she unlocked the car. She walked over and reached out to open the door and settle Taylor in as Camila started to unload the basket.

Camila followed Lauren out to the car and opened up the back as her wife got Taylor settled. "He probably won't even get through the introduction." She laughed softly as she loaded everything except the water into the back of the SUV. 

Taylor whined as Lauren set him down. "Relax, bud." Lauren said as she grabbed his car blanket and handed it to him. He instantly curled into it and closed his eyes momentarily. She smiled and shut the door walking back to pick the water up off the bottom of the cart.

Camila waited for Lauren to get the water before taking the cart across the parking row to put it with the others. Once she was in the car, she glanced back to see Taylor content with his binkie and blanket. His eyes were still open, but she knew he'd pass out before they even got out of the parking lot. "That was one of my students, in case you didn't figure that out." Camila explained softly.

Lauren shut the trunk of the car before walking around to get in the drivers seat. She started the car as Camila climbed in. She pulled out before grabbing her wife's hand. "I figured that one out." She chuckled softly. Lauren and Camila drove hand in hand they whole way home before pulling into the driveway.

The older woman parked the car and got Taylor inside, who woke up instantly when the car shut off. They got all of the groceries inside before locking the house down for the night and unloading the bags. Lauren walked over to her wife and puckered her lips, "Kiss?" She asked softly.

Camila let Lauren get Taylor inside while she focused on the groceries. Once everything was in, she started to unload the bags. "I think I can handle that." She leaned up to kiss her softly before getting the necessary stuff into the fridge and freezer as needed.

Lauren watched as her wife put the groceries away and smiled when the woman kissed her. She let her wife head up the stairs before letting Taylor go in front of her. He was getting adventurous with trying to climb the stairs himself. Lauren stayed one step behind him, so if he were to fall back he would hit her legs. She smiled as they got half way up and he gave up and crawled the rest of the way up. 

Camila took a breath as she came to the pregnancy test. She kept it in her hand before getting her and her wife a bottle of water and starting up the steps behind her wife and son. "Do you have a preference for movies, babe?" Camila pulled out some pajamas before going into the bathroom to get changed for the night.

Taylor stood up at the top of the stairs and ran into his mommies' bedroom. Lauren walked into his room and got a fresh diaper. She walked into the bedroom and put him on the bed, starting to change his diaper. Lauren left him in just that when she was done changing him.

Camila left the pregnancy test in the bathroom to deal with later then went out into the bedroom and smiled at her wife and son. "Any movie preference?" She repeated softly. Camila turned on the TV before shutting the door, just in case Taylor wandered from the bed. It had happened once before where they'd all fallen asleep and Taylor got down and started exploring some.

"Sorry, babe, I didn't hear you the first time. We can watch whatever you want, I don't care." Lauren said as she reached her other hand out to run her fingers through Camila's hair.

Camila pulled the blanket back and waited for Taylor to settle into the middle of the bed before she laid down on her normal side of the bed with him. "Help me find something, Tay." She brought up Netflix on the screen and brought up family movies to scroll through.

Lauren finished changing Taylor's diaper and put it in the bathroom trash. She stripped down to her briefs and tank top before climbing in the bed. She walked back out to the bedroom and watched as Taylor reached for the remote as Camila searched Netflix. Lauren shut the lights off and climbed into her side of the bed. She smiled softly when Taylor moved closer to her as she settled in. "He's such a cuddler." She chuckled softly as she rubbed his bare belly. 

Camila smiled when Taylor scooted closer to Lauren and curled into him. She helped him press the right button on the remote to play the movie before she got up to flip the overhead light off. Camila turned on the nightstand light before climbing under the blankets with them. She smiled toward Lauren before leaning over Taylor to kiss her softly.

Lauren checked her wife out as she got out of the bed...she did so shamelessly. She smiled as Camila settled back in and returned her wife's kiss. 

"I give it 5 minutes before he's out. I'd say we can move him to his bed in about a half hour or so, just to make sure he's out for the night." Camila rested her head against the pillows and watched the movie as it started playing.

"I give it less than that." Lauren chuckled as Taylor was already fighting sleep. She turned her attention to the movie as she ran her fingers through Taylor's hair. Lauren brushed some hair out of his eyes. "We really need to take him to get a haircut soon...it'll be his first one." She smiled softly as she turned her attention back to the movie. She loved these moments...spending time in bed, relaxing as a family.

Camila took a deep breath to get her body to relax in the bed. "We can take him this weekend," she whispered so she wouldn't wake him up. If they were quiet and he focused on the movie, he was usually out in no time. Camila fixed the blanket around Taylor as he rolled onto his stomach and buried his head into Lauren's chest. "I just hope he sits still long enough for them to do it." 

Lauren nodded her head. She was kind of excited to take him to get a hair cut...he was going to look so adorable, not that he didn't already. She smiled softly as Taylor cuddled further into her as he got more comfortable. She reached her hand down to gently rub his back as he started to fall asleep. 

Camila looked toward Lauren for a moment before she scooted a little bit closer and draped her arm across Taylor to rest on Lauren's hip. "When he's in bed I'm taking the test... do you want to know?"

Lauren kept her eyes focused on the movie as she listened to her wife talk. She smiled softly as she felt Camila's hand on her hip. "Hmm." She said softly, "I want to know...but I want it to be a surprise at the same time." She said softly. "Sex if you are, no sex if you're not?" She joked softly as she relaxed further into the bed and watched the movie.

Camila chuckled softly before shaking her head. "I can live with those terms." Camila turned her head slightly in order to watch the movie. She had no idea how much time had passed, but as she started to feel herself falling asleep, she rolled onto her back and looked to Lauren.

"Do you want to get him moved to bed? I'll take the test while you're getting him settled in." Camila sat up and glanced at them before leaning into kiss her wife softly then getting up to go into the bathroom to take the pregnancy test.

Lauren was watching the movie intently, not even paying attention to the time. It wouldn't have been the first time that they slept with Taylor in their bed, but they tried not to make it a habit. She looked over at her wife as she started to talk. "Yeah." She whispered before returning Camila's kiss.

Lauren sat up and gathered Taylor in her arms. He fussed a little before getting comfortable with his head on her shoulder. Lauren walked down the hall and put him in his crib, standing there a minute, making sure he stayed asleep. Once she was sure he was out, Lauren grabbed the monitor and went back to their bedroom and waited for her wife to come out.

Camila finished with the test and put it on the edge of the counter to wait. She went back out to climb into bed in her wife's arms. "You know the deal... 10 minutes." It definitely wasn't Camila's first time with a pregnancy test, but, this was new for her because the first ones she took without Lauren around and then surprised her with it.

Lauren rested against the pillows in bed as she watched the bathroom door open. She smiled softly as her wife climbed into bed with her. She wrapped her arms around Camila as she held the woman close. "It's going to be a long 10 minutes." Lauren chuckled softly. 

Camila rested her hand on Lauren's stomach and rubbed along her abs slowly. "Are you hoping it's positive?" She lifted her head up some so she could look down at her wife.

"That feels good, baby." Lauren said as she hummed softly.

Lauren ran her fingers through Camila's hair as she kissed the woman's forehead. She laughed softly and looked at her wife... "The reward is sex... so duh." She joked. "Honestly though, yes. I really want another child." She said softly, "I think we are ready to expand our family." She smiled as she felt her wife's hand on her stomach. 

Camila leaned in to press her forehead against Lauren's before smiling to her. "I think we are too... I think I am." She whispered to her before nodding. "I am ready. I was thinking about it ever since you brought it up and I'm ready."

Lauren smiled up at her wife as she kissed the woman's temple gently. "You're so cute when you're pregnant." She said softly as she sighed. 

Camila pushed up Lauren's tank top to be able to touch her bare skin. "Taylor should be somewhat potty trained by the time this one comes... assuming I am pregnant." She leaned down to rest her head against Lauren's collar bone and tossed one of her legs across her wife's.

Lauren felt her body shiver as Camila pushed her tank top up. Her wife was getting really touchy feely and she was definitely not complaining. "You're teasing so hard right now... if it's negative I'm gonna be mad." She said with a light tone in her voice. Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila's waist and pulled the woman on top of her. She couldnt help it as her member started to stir as she looked up at her wife. Just the thought of Camila being pregnant and having sex, coupled with the soft touches, got her going.

Camila let out a small laugh when Lauren pulled her on top of her. "I don't mean to... I just want to touch you." She reached down to lace her fingers with Lauren's before lying down on top of her and closing her eyes. She didn't want to get Lauren going and then the test be negative. Camila breathed in her wife's scent and felt her body starting to relax again as they waited.

Lauren chuckled as she held her wife close. "I don't mind you touching me." She said softly as she brushed some hair from the woman's face. She rubbed her wife's back as she sighed contently. Lauren was surprised that Camila had possibly gotten pregnant so quickly after losing Maria, but she was happy. 

After a few more minutes, Camila lifted her head to look at Lauren. "I need to go and check the test," she murmured to her before offering a small smile.

Lauren looked into Camila's eyes as she said she had to go check the test. "Kiss me first?" She asked as she leaned up and kissed her wife slowly and passionately. "No matter what...I love you, okay?" Lauren said softly before kissing the woman again.

Camila smiled as she leaned into the kiss. She couldn't stop herself from cupping Lauren's jaw to return it. "I love you too," she whispered to her. "I'll be right back." Camila stole one more kiss before she went into the bathroom to check the test.

Lauren sighed softly as she returned her wife's kisses. She loved kissing the woman so much. She gently smacked her wife's ass as she climbed off the bed. Lauren watched as her wife ran into the bathroom. She brought her hand down to adjust her half hard member in her briefs before relaxing more.

Camila's heart skipped a beat. Positive. She was pregnant again. She caught her reflection in the mirror and smiled widely. Now, she just had the sudden urge to tease her wife with the knowledge that she had. Taking a deep breath, she let out a broken sigh and left the bathroom. Camila had left the stick on the counter as she silently went back toward the bed and climbed in on her side, her back to Lauren. She wanted to tease the woman for a few minutes before letting her know the truth.

Lauren waited impatiently for her wife to return. Once the woman came out and climbed back into bed she immediately wrapped her arms around her. "So?" She asked gently as she pulled her wife closer.

Camila was thankful for the mostly dark room. When Lauren wrapped her arm around her waist and pulled her closer, she just shook her head. Without a word, Camila turned in Lauren's arms and buried her head into her wife's chest, trying to hide her smile.

Lauren rubbed her hands along Camila's lower back as she waited for her wife's response. When Camila shook her head, Lauren felt her heart drop. "No?" She asked softly as she pulled the woman closer. "It's okay, babe. I know we were both hoping for it, but I love you no matter what. We can try again." Lauren said softly as she kissed the top of the woman's head.

Part of her hated keeping it from her wife, but Camila wanted to have one last moment of peace with her wife before she let the excitement out. Now that her head was buried, it gave her the opportunity to let out a smile as she wrapped her arms around Lauren's waist to hold her close.

"Maybe we can verify by going to the doctor, because sometimes those things aren't accurate." Lauren said softly, trying to comfort her wife. She couldnt lie, she was a little sad, but it would happen eventually.

Camila stayed quiet as Lauren spoke. When her wife mentioned the doctor, she couldn't help herself. Camila looked up at her wife and let out a smile. "Well... we'll have to go to the doctor anyway." She bit her lip before shifting up some so she could see Lauren better.

Lauren held Camila closely, feeling the need to comfort her wife. She looked at Camila confused when the woman pulled back, "What do you mean?" She asked. 

Camila surged forward and kissed her wife roughly, slipping her tongue into the woman's mouth. "I was teasing you, it was positive," she whispered against her lips before sliding her arms around Lauren's neck and bringing their lips together again.

Lauren was taken back when her wife kissed her roughly. She figured that Camila was just upset and wanted to not talk about it. She moaned softly when she felt her wife's tongue in her mouth. She pushed her tongue against Camila's as she pushed her hips up some. She was out of breath when they pulled back, "What?" She asked, still hazed by the kiss. Lauren's brain finally caught up and she shook her head, "That was mean." She said as she flipped them over and hovered over her wife. "Why must you do that?" Lauren said before she leaned in and pressed her lips to Camila's neck, nipping lightly at the skin.

Camila chuckled some at Lauren's reaction. She wrapped her legs up around her wife's waist when she found herself on her back. "You didn't want to come in and look with me, so I had to punish you somehow." She whispered before she pulled at the bottom of Lauren's tank top to get it off of her.

Lauren pulled back and looked at her wife, lifting her arms above her head so Camila could take her shirt off. She rolled her eyes. "That was mean though." She pouted as she lifted her hips so Camila could push her briefs off. She was already half hard, but she wanted her wife to want this, too. 

"Now, I believe you wanted some sex if it was positive?" Camila whispered before kissing along her wife's neck and nipping at her skin.

Lauren chuckled softly, "Only if you want it, too, babe." She said softly as she leaned in to kiss Camila. She couldnt help but push her member against Camila's clothed core...giving the woman a taste of how her body was reacting under her touch.

Camila nodded up to her wife. "I do want this."

The younger woman ran her hands up into Lauren's hair as she smiled up to her. "We're having a baby." She whispered before kissing her softly. Camila gripped her wife's shoulders as she looked up at her. She let out a moan and arched up into her when she rocked into her. "And I'm so glad we got this room sound proofed." She pushed Lauren back to her knees before she sat up and pulled her own shirt up and over her head then wiggled out of her shorts before she licked her lips and laid back. Camila let her eyes blatantly linger over the front of Lauren's naked body.

Lauren smiled at her wife's words. "We are...and I couldnt be happier." She said as she ran her fingers down Camila's sides. She licked her hips as her wife moaned. She nodded her head in agreement, "I hate being quiet when I am with you." She said honestly. Lauren watched as her wife stripped.

Once Camila's breasts came to view, Lauren immediately cupped them in her hands and teased the woman's nipples. Lauren leaned up and kissed her wife deeply once the woman was completely nude. She felt her member getting harder as she touched her wife's body. "I love you," she said softly before kissing the woman again. "Rough or sweet?" Lauren asked as she settled herself between her wife's legs.

Camila let out a moan when Lauren's hand cupped her breast. She slipped her tongue into Lauren's mouth and wrapped her legs around Lauren's body. "Rough." She murmured before crashing their lips together. Camila scraped her nails down Lauren's back and gripped her ass. "Please baby." She moaned out to her as she rocked her hips up into her wife's as she felt her getting hard.

Lauren tweaked her wife's nipples. She bit her lip as she looked down at her wife. She was always horny for her wife...she loved being intimate with the woman. Lauren nodded her head as she moaned into Camila's kiss. It was rare for them to go slow with another, so she wasnt surprised at Camila's decision.

Lauren groaned softly as she felt her wife's hands gripping her ass. She loved it when the woman played with her ass. She moaned out as she felt the woman's wet core on her cock. That was all she needed to get completely hard. She reached her hand between their bodies and stroked herself before pushing into her wife. Lauren immediately attached her lips to Camila's neck as she bit down.

Camila moaned as she felt Lauren push into her and suck on her neck. She knew it would be a long night and as long as the baby decided to be nice to her, she couldn't be happier about it. Camila was happy to be pregnant and could let her worries hit her later on. But for right now, she planned on spending all night celebrating with her wife.

AN: Sorry for the long delay in posting this. I might put up another chapter tonight. As usual, please ignore the errors!

Until next time! -Amanda
