"I like seeing you."

Camila held her side slightly as she unlocked Lauren's front door. She wanted to get some of the existing furniture away from the walls before the painters came later that afternoon. Placing her bag down, she pushed the front door shut and made her way in toward the living room. But, as she entered the room, she quickly moved her hand away from her side and smiled down at Lauren.

The woman was asleep on the sofa and looked so peaceful that she barely had the heart to wake her. Camila knew that she needed to though. The painters would be there in an hour to get started in the kitchen and living room. "Lauren?" She stated softly as she reached out to shake the woman's shoulder gently.

Lauren had a long shift at work the night before. She came home exhausted. She barely got a shower in before passing out on the couch. Lauren was a heavy sleeper, and it took a lot to wake her. She was hoping to be able to sleep in because she had the next couple of days off work. Lauren felt something shake her body.

"Mm. No." She mumbled as she curled deeper into the couch. When the shaking didn't stop, Lauren sighed and rolled on to her back before opening her eyes. She was met with the sight of Camila. "Oh. I'm sorry."

Lauren sat up quickly. She brought a hand down to her crotch to make sure she didn't wake up with a problem because she never slept with her compression shorts on. Lauren let out a soft sigh of relief as she wasn't hard. She quickly rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "What time is it?" She mumbled.

Camila let out a small laugh at Lauren, unable to deny how cute the older woman was. "It's okay. I didn't think you'd be home. I was just coming by to get some of the furniture moved. It's just after 10. The painters will be here in an hour." Camila smiled at the woman before going to one of the end tables to pull it away from the wall some. With Lauren at home now, she knew she couldn't favor her side like she'd planned on doing that day. They hadn't talked about what happened earlier that week, nor had she really felt the need to bring it up. Camila didn't regret the kisses she shared with Lauren at all, and thankfully, Austin had no idea what had happened.

Lauren sat there for a moment trying to fully wake up. She had been out completely before the other woman came in. Stretching slowly, Lauren stood up. She adjusted her shorts and tank top before moving over to help Camila move some stuff. "Just get everything away from the wall I'm assuming?" She asked as she pulled the couch back. "I guess I should probably get a real bed some time soon, huh?" She joked with Camila. She looked at her phone. She needed to take a shower and stuff. "What are you going to do while the painters are here?" Lauren wondered.

Camila nodded. "Yeah, so they have room to get around the furniture to paint. At least you don't have much in here yet," she laughed softly, letting out a small grunt when they pushed the sofa away. "I was going to make sure they were settled in before going to get the furniture lined up for you. I've worked with these painters for a few years now, I know them and I trust them being left alone in the house to paint... if that's okay with you?" She asked as she looked across at the raven-haired woman.

Lauren nodded. "Yeah, that's fine. If you trust them then I will trust them." She smiled. Lauren wanted to kiss Camila again. They hadn't talked about what happened, but it was definitely at the forefront of Lauren's mind. "Have you eaten yet?" Lauren asked as she walked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. She wanted to make sure that Camila was as comfortable as possible during her time in her home.

Camila followed Lauren into the kitchen and watched her. "I ate breakfast this morning." And if she were to be honest, she felt a little nauseous so she didn't want to push it. "Thank you though." She leaned against the door frame and smiled to the woman. 

"Would you mind if I came with you to get the furniture stuff? I'm off work today and I don't really want to stay here while the painters are working." Lauren asked as she looked at Camila, smiling softly.

"Of course. You'll have the final say in furniture. I was planning to head over to Ikea to take a look at the shelving units and get an idea of how they look when they're assembled." Camila went back out to the living room to grab her cell phone. "I should be able to stay here to work most of the day." Austin was working another double shift, so she should have time to relax with Lauren and actually enjoy her day away from him.

Lauren let the coffee pot run. "Well if you don't mind I am going to run upstairs and grab a quick shower and get ready." She said smiling at the woman. "Help yourself to anything that you need." She said before running upstairs.

The younger woman nodded to Lauren and watched as she went upstairs. When the coffee finished, she pulled two mugs out with the intention of making them each a cup when she felt her stomach churn and she had to run to the downstairs bathroom. 

Lauren quickly got showered and dressed before coming back down. She didn't see Camila, she figured the woman must have been prepping somewhere. Lauren poured herself and Camila a cup of coffee. She put some sugar and cream in, stirring them before taking off to find the woman. "Camila?" Lauren called out.

By the time her stomach finished turning, she heard Lauren call out for her. She flushed the toilet and rinsed her mouth out with some water before going back out toward the woman. "Sorry... I've been feeling a little ill today." She sighed softly as she reached out for one of the mugs. Camila didn't want to think of the possibility, but knew that it was there. Pushing the thought aside, she smiled to Lauren.

Lauren saw Camila come out of the bathroom. She handed the woman the cup of coffee. "No need to apologize." She looked at the woman worriedly. "Are you okay? Like do you need to see a doctor or something?" She asked taking a sip of her coffee. All Lauren wanted to do was wrap her arms around Camila and comfort her, but she didn't think that would be appropriate. Camila was married. "Do you need tums or something? I'm sure I have it somewhere."

Camila smiled to the raven-haired woman before nodding. "I'm okay. It's been coming and going most of the day to be honest." She really hoped that she wasn't pregnant... on her way home she'd have to stop for a test. But it would make sense considering how she was feeling that day, on top of the realization she had that she was late. If she was, she had no idea how Austin would react to it. She was sure that it would somehow be her fault, even though he refused to let her take birth control. It was like he was trying to get her pregnant. "I'll be fine." She sipped from her mug and smiled to Lauren. She liked the fact that she felt comfortable around the other woman.

Lauren nodded. "Okay." She smiled at Camila before finishing her coffee. She was stalling until the painters came. She didn't have much to do in her house because there wasn't much of anything. Lauren rinsed out her cup and put it in the dishwasher. She walked back in to the living room and walked over to Camila. She wanted to feel the woman close to her again. Lauren took the almost empty cup from Camila's hands and set it on the coffee table.

Camila watched as Lauren took the cup from her before smiling softly. She was wondering what the woman was doing, and then she felt her hands on her hips. 

The police officer was about to be bold. This would tell her whether or not Camila was interested. She put her hands on the woman's hips and pulled her closer. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about what happened the other day." She said softly as she looked in Camila's warm, chocolate eyes.

Camila whimpered softly, Lauren's hand having landed on a bruise from a couple of nights ago, but she played it off and wrapped her arms around the other woman's neck. All she could do was smile at her. "At least I'm not the only one," she whispered in response. Camila found herself glancing down at Lauren's lips for a moment before looking back into her eyes. She'd never been attracted to a woman before and it was a somewhat frightening experience for her.

Lauren smiled as Camila wrapped her arms around her neck. "Yeah? You've been thinking about it, too?" She asked hopefully. Lauren moved her face and nuzzled it into Camila's neck. She really wanted to kiss the woman, but she didn't want to push anything without knowing what Camila was thinking about all of this. Lauren placed a soft kiss to the woman's tanned skin and pulled back, looking her in the eye. "I know how I feel. I just...I don't want to pressure you into anything." Lauren spoke softly as if she would ruin the moment if she spoke any louder.

Camila took a deep breath and sighed when she felt Lauren's lips against her neck. She felt the jolts through her body that she hadn't felt in years. "I'm just... I'm really confused right now." She pulled back slightly so she could look at the woman. Forcing out a small smile she decided to open up a little bit. "I'm happier here than I am at home."

She left it at that. Choosing not to go into further detail. There always was a reason Camila never mentioned her husbands name, simply because of his occupation. But Camila was scared. There was always a chance that he would find out that she cheated on him. Granted kissing wasn't that bad, but Camila still considered it cheating.

Lauren looked at Camila as she spoke. She figured all of this was probably uncharted territory for the woman. She nodded softly. "I understand." She spoke softly. "It's okay to be confused. I'm guessing you've never kissed a woman before?" Lauren asked curiously. Sure, Lauren was a woman...but there was something...not so womanly about her...something that would probably make Camila a bit more comfortable.

Camila bit her lip before she shook her head. "I did once in college, but that was a very drunk night," she laughed some at herself before pulling in closer to Lauren.

"I'm also sorry that you're not happy at home. Is there any reason why?" Lauren wondered. She still had her hands on Camila's waist. Lauren pulled the woman closer. "I want to make you happy." She spoke sincerely.

"I um... I can't tell you," she quickly looked away from Lauren. She wanted so badly to tell her, but knew that she couldn't. She risked her life if her and Austin's secret got out. He was a well liked and well known police officer. She brought her eyes back to Lauren's and smiled some before she actually stepped in closer to kiss her again. Camila's eyes closed as she drew in a sharp intake of air through her nose. She slowly tightened her arms around Lauren's neck to pull their bodies completely together.

Lauren frowned softly. She didn't understand why the woman couldn't tell her... She wasn't going to push it though. If Camila wanted to tell her she would. Lauren smiled when Camila leaned in to kiss her. Her lips moved against the latina's. She couldn't remember the last time that kissing someone felt this good. Lauren wrapped her arms around the woman and held her close as their lips moved together. She couldn't believe that Camila actually wanted to kiss her. Lauren tilted her head and deepened the kiss, dipping her tongue out to brush against the woman's lower lip. Kissing Camila was intoxicating.

Camila let out a small moan and opened her mouth to let Lauren deepen the kiss. She missed the days when kissing someone could be so nice. She gently moved her hand up to the back of Lauren's head to pull their bodies as close as possible. And just as she snaked her own tongue out to meet Lauren's, she heard the door bell ring. Sighing softly, she pulled away. "That would be the painters."

She smiled to Lauren before reluctantly pulling away from the comfort the other woman offered to her just so she could go and open the front door. Them showing up when they did, gave Camila a chance to get trapped in her own mind again. She didn't want to lead this woman on, there was no way she could ever leave her husband.

Lauren sighed and closed her eyes, looking down when Camila walked away. People always had fantastic timing. Maybe this was a sign...they were doing something wrong and they both knew it. She smiled as the painters came in and began to get things set up. She was regretting having asked to go get furniture with Camila. It was obvious that they had a connection, but the other woman seemed shy. She wasn't sure that Camila would want to talk about what was happening. Lauren just silently walked out of the room as Camila was talking to the painters. She went into the kitchen and began trying to busy herself.

She was finishing doing her dishes from the evening before. She was getting lost in her thoughts. She hardly knew Camila, but from what she could tell they would get along really well. She was obviously physically attracted to the woman...but Camila was married. But, Camila said she wasn't happy in her marriage...maybe there was a chance. Lauren sighed softly as she set the dishes on the drying rack. 

Camila greeted the guys as they came into the house. She led them into the living room and showed them the colors they'd be using as well as where the line break would be before a color shift. Though, she never had any problems with them before, they always gave her exactly what she wanted.

Once they were settled, Camila found Lauren in the kitchen. "Did you still want to go with me to Ikea?" She bit her lip as she let her eyes wander over Lauren's body. She was still trying to figure out if it was a genuine attraction or if it was because Lauren was showing her what it was like to be cared for.

Lauren turned around when she heard Camila's voice. "Um. Yeah. I don't have anything else to do today." She spoke quietly. Maybe this would give the two of them a better chance to figure out what was happening.

Camila went back out to grab her purse. "Um... will you drive?" She smiled softly to her. Being on her feet was hurting, plus she was starting to feel nauseous again. She bit her lip again as she looked to Lauren. Camila hated that she felt so confused and maybe the time spent out with the other woman would help her to figure things out.

Lauren nodded. She grabbed her car keys from the kitchen counter and headed out the front door. She walked down the steps and toward her car. Once inside she fastened her seatbelt and started the car. 

"Listen..." she started when she was in the car with Lauren. "I don't want to lead you on," she whispered to her as she looked down at her own hands to play with them nervously.

The older woman turned to look at Camila after she spoke. "You're fine. I'm an adult and I can handle it." She said as she started to back out. "Just...take as much time as you need to figure it out." Lauren spoke softly, afraid that she was going to be rejected by the woman. She turned on to the main road and headed toward the furniture store. She didn't know what to say...this may be an awkward car ride.

Camila busied herself with her own hands and kept her eyes down as she spoke. "I just need to figure some things out on my own. I haven't been... happy for a very long time. And I feel happy when I get to come and work in your house... when I get to see you."

She barely knew the woman next to her, but she has feelings that are developing for her. Feelings that she shouldn't be having considering she was married. But, she was married to a man that used her as his personal punching bag. Camila closed her eyes to take a deep breath to avoid any kind of crying. Crying is what she did in the privacy of her own home. Not in front of Lauren, a woman she considered and thought of to be a friend.

Lauren just listened as the woman spoke. She could tell that Camila was torn by all of this. "It makes me happy, too." Lauren said quietly. "I like seeing you." She said, eyes still trained on the road. She came to a stop at the red light and looked over to Camila. She could tell that the woman was upset. Lauren sighed softly and reached her hand over to grab the other woman's. She held on to it tightly. "It's okay to be vulnerable in front of me." Lauren spoke softly. She looked up as the light changed and continued to drive, never letting go of Camila's hand.

Camila gave Lauren's hand a gentle squeeze as she looked at their joined hands. They looked good together. They looked right. Why hadn't she met Lauren before she met Austin. Things might not be as horrible as they were now. She slowly reached up with her other hand to wipe some unfallen tears from her eyes. She couldn't cry. It would smear her make-up and reveal the fading bruises on her face. She was trapped in a loveless marriage and Lauren might just be her only way out.

Lauren turned into the parking lot of Ikea and parked the car and shut it off. She still had her fingers laced with Camila's. She turned to look toward the woman. Lauren reached her hand out and put in under Camila's chin gently lifting her face so she could look at her. "It's okay." She spoke softly. She wasn't sure why she was saying that...but she wanted the woman to know that whatever it is, whatever reason she was unhappy, everything was going to be okay. Lauren pulled their faces closer together and captured Camila's lips in a chaste kiss. "Lets go inside, yeah?" She said as she hopped out and walked around to open Camila's door for her.

Camila let a smile when she felt Lauren's lips against her own. "Okay," she nodded and pulled away. She took a moment to compose herself before looking up when Lauren opened her door for her. "Thank you." Putting her purse over her shoulder, she made her way inside with Lauren and took a moment to look around, figuring where they needed to go.

Lauren shut the door behind Camila. "It's my pleasure." She smiled. She really just wanted to grab the woman's hand as they were walking inside, but she thought better of it. 

"Did you want to go ahead and find your bed while we're here?" Camila wanted to start with the shelving units, already having in mind what she wanted for the living room and for Lauren's office.

Once they got inside, Lauren planned on following Camila's lead. She had no idea what she was doing. "That sounds good." She smiled. "That's probably something I could have used weeks ago when I moved in." She chuckled as they headed toward the bedroom stuff. She watched as Camila walked a few paces ahead of her. She just smiled and admired the woman's body and how fluidly she moved. She definitely was physically attracted to the woman.

Camila let out a small laugh when she realized Lauren was hanging behind her a few steps. "Come on. This is your house, not mine." She smiled at her as she turned the corner to the bedding.

Lauren shook her head and broke away from staring at the woman. She blushed a little having been caught. "Yeah, yeah." She sped up her pace to walk side by side with Camila. 

"There are so many choices. For the size of your room I would recommend a queen. Though, a king obviously gives you more room." Camila went to the first display bed and sat down on it to watch Lauren. "This is all you. I don't know what kind of beds you like." She shivered some, the thought of being with Lauren in her bed flashed through her mind and it wasn't exactly something she was opposed to trying at some point.

"A queen sounds good. I like being close to...um, my partner when we are in bed together." She said awkwardly. She blushed again as she went to lay on some of the mattresses. " I like soft, but not too soft. Like somewhat firm, too." She said. She knew that was confusing and probably didn't help any. Lauren laid on the fourth mattress. "Oooh. I like this one." She smiled up at Camila as she was laying down, propped up on her arms.

Camila leaned back on her own arms as she watched Lauren go from bed to bed. "You're reminding me of Goldie Locks." She stated without even thinking. Camila shook her head as she stood up to approach the woman. "Is that the one?" Camila went to the tag to get the item number from the mattress and the box spring.

Lauren smiled up at the woman and nodded. "Uh-huh. I like this one."

"That mattress, with this headboard." The younger woman pointed to it, a smile on her face. Camila couldn't help but look over Lauren's body as she leaned back on the bed. She was feeling way too attracted to the woman.

The raven-haired woman looked over to the headboard Camila pointed at. "Whatever floats your boat." She chuckled. "You are the designer after all." Lauren sat up and got off of the bed. She could tell that Camila was checking her out while she was laying down, but she chose not to bring it up. The woman was already having a hard time with her feelings and she didn't need to pressure her. She walked up behind the latina and ran her hands down the woman's arms. "Sorry." She said quickly stepping back, forgetting they were in public.

Camila let out a shaky breath when she felt the gentle touch on her arms. Her eyes closed for a moment before Lauren stepped back and apologized. "It's okay," she said softly before she cleared her throat. Honestly, Camila had no idea what was going through her mind. But, she was willing to explore it if Lauren was. She was just afraid of hurting the woman.

"What next?" Lauren asked with a smile, trying to change the subject.

"The shelving units and the desk for your office. We can come back later to figure out dressers and whatnot. I don't want to spend all day here, it's easy to get lost." Thankfully, Camila had been there enough with other clients and was pretty familiar with navigating the massive building.

Lauren nodded and followed Camila as they headed toward the office furniture. She couldn't keep her eyes off of the woman. She smiled to herself thinking about how lucky she was to have had Camila stumble into her life. She was lost in her thoughts as they got to the office section. She heard Camila talking to her, but she didn't register what the woman was saying. Lauren shook her head and smiled. "Sorry, what? I didn't hear you." She said slightly embarrassed because she was daydreaming about the beautiful latina.

Camila rolled her eyes for a moment before she forced herself to stop. "I said that I don't want to spend all day here. We'll worry about you dressers and smaller furniture later. You already have a sofa so there's no rush on the new one yet." Plus, delaying some of the furniture purchases, meant she could spend more time with Lauren. "Have you come back to Earth yet?" She giggled softly before walking away from her to look at the different units on the wall, deciding on a modern black and white one for Lauren's living room, then picking out the corner desk for her office.

Lauren chuckled softly at the latina. "Yes. I am here. Sorry." She smiled as the woman pointed out things for her office. Lauren approved of them all. "So all of the stuff we are getting today...when will it be delivered?" Lauren wondered. She was hoping that setting everything up meant getting to spend more time with Camila.

The younger woman turned back to Lauren after getting the last of the item numbers. "It all depends on what they have in stock now and what they may have to order. They may be able to deliver some tomorrow, or it may take a couple of days." She smiled to the woman.

In a way, she was hoping for some of it to take a couple of days for a few different deliveries. It would mean more time alone with Lauren to build the furniture. She had made her decision when watching Lauren choose a bed. She was willing to explore. Even if it was just for a little bit of time to have happiness. She made her way toward the checkout with Lauren to get everything ordered. Camila gave them Lauren's address for delivery.

Lauren smiled. "Okay." She said as they headed toward the check out. "I'm off the next few days, so I can call you when the furniture comes." She stopped walking as they got to the checkout line. She watched as Camila handled everything like a pro. Lauren pulled out her credit card and gave it to the woman. "Thank you for all of this." She said sincerely.

Camila let Lauren handle the payment before she walked with her back out to the car. "Well, you're the one paying for it. I'm just picking it all out for you." She laughed softly as she climbed into the passenger seat of Lauren's car. 

Lauren chuckled. "That's all I'm good for. Forking over the cash." The older woman followed Camila out to her car. Lauren opened the door and helped Camila in before closing it and running around to her side of the car. "When will the painters be done for the day?" Lauren asked. She was hoping they would be there a little while longer so she could spend more time with Camila.

"They'll probably stick around long enough to finish the living room and possibly kitchen today... tomorrow they'll come for the upstairs. The next day is any touchups." It was always a process with them. She glanced at the woman before she ran her fingers through her own hair. "She said the bed and desk should be delivered tomorrow, while the frame and shelving unit should be by the end of the week."

"That sounds good. I can't wait to get a real bed!" She said as she was driving, unsure of what was next on the agenda. "So where should I go now?" She asked as she sat at the red light. She slyly reached over to grab Camila's hand again, missing the closeness she felt with the woman. Lauren couldn't explain it, but she was just drawn to Camila.

Camila shifted her hand a little bit to lace her fingers through Lauren's, completely missing the woman's question. She looked down at their hands for a moment before she looked toward the raven-haired woman as she drove. "I don't know what this is... But I'm willing to explore it... as long as you're patient with me. Because I have to be careful until I figure things out." She smiled sadly to the woman, hoping she didn't end up hurting her in the end. Camila knew that if she did decide to leave Austin, it would be nearly impossible for her to do so.

Lauren felt happy that Camila kept their hands together. That was a step in the right direction for them. She knew that there was a chance that she may end up getting hurt, but it was something that she was willing to risk. "You can take as much time as you need. I will be right here." She looked over at Camila and smiled. The woman was so gorgeous...she just couldn't stop looking at her whenever she got the chance.

"Am I just going back to my place?" Lauren asked, not sure of where they were going now. 

Camila nodded and smiled. "Yeah. We can head back to your house." She pulled her phone out to check the time. It was still early in the day and she didn't have to worry about being home for a while. She rested her head back against the seat as she looked over at Lauren, smiling some more when she met her eyes. Camila was finding that she also had a hard time looking away from the other woman. In reality, she only hoped it wasn't just herself seeking comfort.

Lauren smiled. "My house it is." She quickly made the drive back to her place. Once they got back, Lauren hopped out of the car and walk around to help Camila out again. She walked up to the door and walked in. The painters were in the kitchen. She turned around and looked at Camila. "You don't have to stick around if you have somewhere else to be." Lauren took her shoes off and put them in the front closet so they were out of the way. She made her way over to the living room to look around.

Camila shook her head once they were inside. "I don't have anywhere to be until later." She followed her into the house, pleased that the guys were already in the kitchen. A smile plastered across her face as she looked at the living room. It was perfect. The top part of the wall was a darker grey color while the bottom portion was black. It was exactly what she wanted. "Perfect," she muttered to herself as she went to check on them in the kitchen. "You guys are still amazing," she complimented them before going back to Lauren. "So? What do you think?"

Lauren was happy she would be able to spend more time with Camila. She watched as the woman went over to the painters to talk to them. She was beyond pleased with the color Camila had chosen. "I love it." She smiled. "You certainly know what I like." Lauren pulled Camila aside, away from the view of the kitchen. "Thank you." She said softly as she wrapped her arms around Camila's waist and pulled her close. She rested her forehead against the woman's as she looked into her eyes. "I want to kiss you right now, but I also don't want anyone to walk in on that." She said shyly.

Camila smiled as she was pulled to the side, just out of view. She relaxed when she felt Lauren's arms around her waist. She felt content with the other woman and she couldn't figure out why. Letting out a small laugh, she leaned in to place a soft kiss to Lauren's lips before pulling away to make sure they were alone again. "Nothing more than that until they're gone... one of the guys knows my husband." And that was the last thing she needed, was for one of the painters to see them together and go running to Austin. It wouldn't end well for either of them if that were to happen. But, as Camila glanced over at Lauren, she found herself wanting the guys to leave soon so she could have a little bit of time alone with the woman again.

Lauren held Camila tightly as the woman kissed her. She couldn't help but smile into the kiss. She groaned softly when the woman pulled away quickly. "That wouldn't be good if your husband found out." She said quietly. Lauren stepped away from the woman and moved over to the couch. They didn't need someone coming to find Camila and have them in a compromising position. Lauren sat down on the couch and motioned for Camila to come over and sit. Once the woman sat down, Lauren leaned over and whispered, "When will they be leaving?" She was anxious and wanted to spend more time alone with the woman.

The designer took a peak into the kitchen before going to join Lauren on the sofa. She couldn't help but to smile at the woman. "They're actually wrapping up now. Since they're coming back tomorrow, they'll probably just leave all of their supplies here so they don't have to lug them back and forth." To busy herself, she reached out for her bag that was on the table and pulled one of the drawings out for the living room. If the guys saw them just talking, it might look suspicious. She needed to look like she was doing her job. "When the shelves get here," she pointed up on the wall to the side of the fireplace. "That's where they're going to go, to fill that big space." She shivered as she leaned a little bit closer to Lauren and caught a whiff of her perfume.

Lauren nodded. She watched as the painters finished up in the kitchen. "That's fine." She smiled at the woman next to her. Lauren chuckled as Camila pulled out some sketches and began to explain the living room layout and plan for the fifteenth time that day. She understood that the woman didn't want the guys to be suspicious so Lauren just listened and nodded as she looked around her living room. "All of that looks amazing." She said softly, with a little huskiness in her voice. "I can't wait to see the progress once things start to get more put together." She said as she leaned forward and rested her arms on her legs.

Camila continued going over everything she had planned for the living room until one of the guys announced they were heading out for the day. Camila looked back at him and smiled before she stood up to walk them out. "Thank you guys so much. I'll see you the same time tomorrow morning." Once she had the door closed, she paused to take a deep breath. She'd made her decision at the store and she planned to stick by that. She was going to give things a shot with Lauren, and that meant exploring the tension that she was feeling with her. Camila returned to the living room and sat down beside the raven-haired woman before she looking into her captivating green eyes. "Well... we're alone now," she teased, a soft smile on her face.

While Camila tended to the painters, Lauren silently praised god they announced they were leaving. She couldn't keep the smile off her face as the woman turned around and looked at her with anticipation. She smiled bigger as she felt the couch dip down and Camila sit next to her. She reached her hand out to gently rest it on Camila's leg. Lauren waited until she heard the painter's truck pull out of the driveway before she trailed her fingers from Camila's leg up to her waist. She gently pulled the woman closer and whispered against her lips. "We are alone...what are you going to do about it?"

Camila licked her lips slightly, shivering as she felt Lauren's hand move along her leg to her side. Searching the woman's eyes for a moment, she reached up to cup Lauren's cheek and drew their lips together for a soft and gentle kiss. But Camila soon realized that that wasn't enough. She scooted in closer and tilted her head to the side as she deepened the kiss, dipping her tongue into the woman's mouth. She didn't know what it was but she just couldn't get enough for her. Camila briefly wondered if she was bi, because she'd never even thought about kissing a woman until Lauren kissed her. As their tongues danced together, she gently rested her hand on Lauren's thigh to keep her balance.

Lauren 's breath hitched when Camila's lips met her own. She immediately wrapped her arm around the woman and pulled her closer. Just as she did that, Lauren felt Camila's tongue snake into her mouth. Lauren groaned lightly at the feeling of their lips and tongues moving as one. She could feel her little friend starting to react to the feeling. She didn't want to stop kissing Camila though. Lauren felt goose bumps rise to her skin as Camila's hand rested on her thigh. Lauren continued to kiss the latina deeply as she pulled the woman impossibly closer, needing to feel their bodies touch.

Camila moaned softly into the kiss. Sitting beside Lauren like this was proving to be awkward. Camila pulled away slightly and ran her fingers through her hair before she opened her eyes just slightly to look at Lauren while she moved onto her thighs. "Much better," she murmured to her before sliding her arms around her neck and leaning in to kiss her again, picking up right where they'd left off.

Lauren opened her eyes when Camila pulled away from the kiss. She looked up at the woman and watched as she climbed on top of her, straddling her. Lauren visibly gulped. She knew with this position her secret would be given away. She was nervous, but at the same time she didn't even care. She wasn't fully hard yet, but she could tell with the pace this kiss was moving it wouldn't take long. Lauren instantly put her hands on the woman's waist, pulling her in as their lips reconnected in a heated, passionate kiss. She loved kissing this woman...it was something indescribable. Lauren ran her hands up and down Camila's back as they kissed. She lifted her own body up and pulled Camila into her as it got more and more heated.

Camila let out a little bit louder moan into Lauren's mouth as she was pulled in closer to the other woman. She willingly went with her movements, leaning in closer to her. Camila pulled away for a moment and nipped at Lauren's lower lip, just as she leaned back in, she felt the brush of something hard against her core. She pushed it off, though, as she crashed her lips against Lauren's. Camila's hand came up to grip the back of Lauren's head as she slid her tongue into her mouth. But then she felt it again and pulled away to look down, feeling a little confused. "What's that?" She asked softly, looking down at the slight bulge in the front of Lauren's pants.

Lauren held Camila closer as the woman moaned into her mouth. Lauren could feel herself getting more and more hard as the kissing intensified. She whimpered softly when the latina bit down on her lower lip. This woman was incredibly sexy. Lauren smiled as Camila pulled away briefly. She moaned softly when the woman leaned back in and reattached their lips. Lauren brought her tongue up to meet Camila's as she held the woman closer. She was so into the kiss. When Camila pulled back Lauren was in a haze. It wasn't until Camila looked down at Lauren's crotch and spoke that she became aware of what was happening. She couldn't tell what Camila was thinking. "Oh. Um." Lauren quickly removed her hands from Camila and blushed. "Sorry. I...there's something I guess I should tell you about." She said nervously. "I...have a penis." She closed her eyes and threw her head back...she couldn't look at Camila right now.

Camila slowly raised an eyebrow as she looked at Lauren and saw how she responded to her question. "You what?" She felt confused. She'd heard about it, even read about it in her required health class at college, but never thought she'd ever meet someone like that. And here she was, attracted to one. It would definitely help to segue moving from Austin to a woman. Lauren wasn't quite all women, but she was still beautiful. She gently reached out to cup the woman's jaw before she leaned down to kiss her again. "I was raised to not care when it came to an attraction for someone," she admitted softly against Lauren's lips

Lauren groaned softly when the woman asked the question again. She didn't want to repeat herself. She was extremely embarrassed. This was something she probably should have told the woman...instead of just 'surprising' her. Lauren just wanted to crawl into a hole and never be seen again. Of course there was no way that Camila would be into it. Lauren opened her eyes when she felt a soft hand on her face. She looked up into Camila's eyes. Lauren was surprised when Camila leaned down to kiss her. She smiled when Camila said that she didn't care. "I'm sorry." She whispered softly. "I should have told you before it kind of...just made an appearance on its own." She felt heat rush to her cheeks.

Camila hummed softly against Lauren's lips. "I understand you being shy. I would be too." She leaned back a little bit so she could look into Lauren's eyes. Smiling to the woman, she glanced back down between them to look at the bulge in the front of her pants again before she slowly rolled her hips against it, moaning at the feeling. She couldn't see it yet, but she could tell that she felt bigger than Austin. Rolling her hips one more time against her, she leaned back down to crash their lips together. She wanted to sleep with this woman. She wanted to so badly.

Lauren appreciated how sensitive Camila was being about the whole thing. It made her feel a bit more at ease and comfortable. She moved her hands to wrap them around Camila's waist again. Lauren smiled up at Camila as the woman looked at her. "What?" She said shyly. Lauren then felt Camila's core roll over her hard member. Lauren couldn't help but moan softly. It had been a couple of months since she had sex last...this was torture. She gently gripped Camila's back and pulled her closer as the woman rolled her hips again. "Fuck." Lauren said as the latina crashed their lips together. Lauren immediately snaked her tongue into Camila's mouth, gripping at the woman's back.

Camila continued moving her body slowly on top of Lauren's. She knew she had to be soaked and she wanted the woman's touch so badly. Camila wanted to feel her deep inside of her, deeper than Austin could get. Whimpering against Lauren's lips, she slowly trailed her left hand down the front of Lauren's body and worked at unbuttoning her pants and sliding down the zipper. Leaning in, she nipped at Lauren's lower lip before moving to her neck and slowly working her fingers along the hem of the tight boxers that Lauren had on.

Lauren couldn't believe it. She had a gorgeous woman grinding on top of her. The kissing was incredible and she definitely wanted more, but she wouldn't push it. She continued to kiss Camila deeply. When Camila pulled away from the kiss, Lauren pulled their bodies closer together. She could feel the woman's breath on her lips. She glanced down as she felt Camila begin to unbutton her jeans. "You don't have to." She whispered softly against the woman's lips. When the zipper slid down she felt Camila nip and her lower lip, causing her to moan. Lauren tilted her neck to the side to give Camila more room. She was anticipating the woman's touch where she needed her most.

Before anything could happen she heard Camila's phone go off and the woman climbed off of her. Just as Camila was about to wrap her hand around her cock, she heard the woman's phone ringing in her bag.

"Shit..." Camila wished that she could ignore it, but she knew that she couldn't. Giving Lauren an apologetic look, she rushed to her bag to answer it, especially seeing it was Austin. "Hey, baby" she threw on her happy voice for him and slowly closed her eyes as she listened to him yelling at her already.

Lauren groaned softly, staying quiet as the woman answered the phone. She reached down and gently cupped herself, squeezing gently to relieve some of the pressure as Camila looked at her.

Camila sighed and nodded as she listened. "I know... I'll be home shortly. I have to stop..." she was cut off by him. "Fine! I'm coming home now." She waited until he was done, no matter how much she wanted to hang up the phone on him. She hated that he was home early. When she hung up the phone, she clenched her eyes shut and slowly sat down.

"I have to go," she whispered to Lauren. Camila's great mood had been ruined in the course of a 2 minute phone call. "I'm sorry," her voice was still soft as she gathered up her things as quickly as she could. Camila knew she needed to stop at the store, maybe she could just grab dinner on the way home and that would help to calm him down some.

Lauren stroked herself lightly as Camila talked on the phone. She needed the relief from the pent up tension that had just happened. Lauren could tell that Camila was upset based on the phone call...she could only guess that it was her husband. Not feeling in the mood any longer Lauren buttoned herself back up and sat up, even though her cock was still throbbing. She brought her hand down to cup it again as Camila sat down. "It's okay." She said sincerely, looking at the woman. Lauren leaned over and gave the woman a soft kiss before Camila quickly gathered her stuff and left. Lauren sighed to herself as she stood up and locked the door. She had some business that she needed to take care of...she was just sad that Camila had to leave.   

AN: Dun dun dun! Almost some below the pants action lol. Just brace yourselves.

Hope you enjoy! -Amanda 
