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Dear readers
This is the end of this book. The next book is Arrow of Legolas. Here is a summary of the book. Please read and vote. I truly enjoy all of your comments, so please keep them coming.
Colfinthel Beleniel

Arrow of Legolas
Nienor is the step daughter of Galadriel, the lady of Lothlorien. And she is in love with Haldir. Neinor's been though a lot. Her real parent were killed by orcs and all she has left is her sister Beleniel. When the Fellowship of the Ring pasts though Lorien, Nienor is drawn to the young prince of Mirkwood, Legolas. Her heart is troubled for she loves Haldir without measure but doesn't want to break Legolas's heart. When Legolas gives her an arrow, she promises to return it. Why does Haldir start to turn away from her?  Why does she feel like she has know Legolas forever? Why is it so hard to make choices? Why does she feel torn in two?
