Facing the Blade

Warning! A small amount of graphic violence! I rate this M.

I woke up and find the door being pushed open. My neck was burning like it was in fire. I was covered in blood from head to toe.
'Hello elves. Ready to met your maker?' Not that I could say anything. The orcs unchain me and draped me out of the cell. They did the same with Raven and I saw they were dragging another girl as well. I turned to the girl.
'How come there are so many girls here?' I whispered to her. The girl looked at me and replied
'The village was raided. They killed the men and took some of the women and children captives. I'm Loreth.' I smiled at her and replied
'Nienor and that's Raven. Do you know where they are taking us?' She shook her head. Another stone door rolled opened and we were dragged onto a stone balcony. I saw a huge Orc standing there with a sharpen sword in his hand. My stomachs started to churn. Raven was alright vomiting. I tried to keep myself calm and relax but it was impossible. Loreth was choking on her tears. The orcs forced us to our knees. Raven's was covered in vomit and was looking very unwell. I gave her a small smile. Then they dragged out another prisoner. A male.
'Loreth!' He cried.
'Talion!' She screamed. At once I saw what was happening. They were married. No! I screamed in my head. The Orc with the sword walked over to the girl and placed the sword under her neck. I struggled against the chains and the Orc holding my down. They were laughing. Then I went limp. There was nothing I could do. Loreth looked at Talion.
'We will met again so, my love . I promise.' Tears were streaming down her face. Talion was struggling with his Orc and chains.
'Talion!' I cried to him. 'Fighting will not help her!' He looked at me, his eyes filled with pain. The Orc laughed and walked past her, dragging the sword across her throat. They let her go. She slumped to the ground, blood pouring from her cut. The Orc walked over to me and placed the sword at my throat. I relax and looked him straight in the eyes. He took a step back, shocked. Then I hear a horn blowing. The Orc looked towards the gate.
'Get to the gate!' He cried. They ran off, leaving us at the balcony. My neck was bleeding again, as the Orc had cut deeper again. Raven looked at me then at Talion. We both crawled over to him. I couldn't place a hand on his shoulder but I did put my shoulder on his.
'I'm so sorry.' Tears streamed down my face. Talion was blind and deaf to us. He had already left is world. Then I turned to see the doors being opened. We all quickly moved apart and back to our knees. In walked to orcs, smiling evilly. They drew their swords and walked over to us. They placed the swords at our throats. I was waiting for the sword cut but it never came. The orcs fell at our feet, elven arrows in their backs. I turned back to the door to see Haldir and some elves standing there, bows drawn. Haldir coming running towards me. He whipped out his dagger and cut the rusty chains quickly. By then my head and neck were burning. Haldir helped me to my feet. I dropped into his arms. I couldn't move.
'Haldir!' I gently placed my hand on his cheek. I could think straight. Then he saw the cut at my throat and all the blood on my dress and hands.
'I love you.' Haldir's tears wetted my face. Then it went black. I thought I heard a scream.
