Chapter 11: Hurria Molly Weasley

I grow over the rest of the nine months I am pregnant. Fred listens and comes to my work less, but lets me do less as the baby grows. Within another few weeks I can't hide the baby and the whole ministry knows. Many people come and give me stuffed animals or cards. We ask harry to be the godfather and of course he says yes. Soon I am about eight and a half months pregnant and can expect the baby anytime now. Mrs Weasley comes over every night along with Harry and Ginny. Fred was working later when Harry was over. As it gets later and later I can't help but worry about him. I end up making Harry take me to fred. I feel the baby start to kick, I only barely notice. When we get to the store something doesn't seem right. I hurry in as fast as i can. I can hear voices yelling upstairs, and it's not Fred or George. I grab my wand and hurry up with Harry right behind me. I move aside as harry opens the door. Standing in the ,middle of the room is the snatcher who found Harry, Ron, and I.

"I thought you were dead."

"Yeah well I have a way of surviving even when I should have died."

"Hermione, go!" Fred says to me. He is on the ground in the corner. He looks terrible.

"No, I'm not leaving without you."

"Hermione, go help Fred. I have this." Harry tells me. The baby kicks again but hard her. It takes me back a second. This didn't feel much like kicking. I ignore it and go to Freds side.

"Hermione why are you here?"

"Don't speak, save your strength." It was the cutting spell. I start saying the charm and the blood goes back to his body. I find bandages and start to wrap his cuts. The worst will have to be done manually. The baby kicks harder once again. I let out a little whimper and stop for a second. This baby was definitely coming tonight, but Fred needs my help now. I pull his arm around me just as harry puts and immobilizing spell on the snatcher.

"I'm going to take him to the ministry quick. I'll be down in a minute. Can you get Fred to the car?"

"Of course-"

"Don't drive it. I'll be there soon." Harry is gone seconds later. I take fred down the stair and we make our way to the car. By the time we get to the car Harry is there and I had a few contractions.

"I think the baby is coming Harry." I tell him. I am so scared and nervous because I had needed Fred with me but he is passed out right now. I start to cry a little bit. Harry helps me put him in the car the wraps me in a hug.

"I'll be by your side when you give birth. I'll have George tell him when he wakes up. Right now we need to get you two to the hospital. Get in and let's go." I actually listen. We get to the hospital in record time and when we get there Fred goes with the doctors to get all fixed up and I got with a nurse to give birth. Harry went to go get me some clothes and Mrs Weasley and George. I go into the room and change into the clothes they give me. Soon a doctor comes in to check up on me.

"Where is the father?"

"He was attacked earlier this night. He won't be here but one of my brothers will be here."

"Okay, i thought he was a deadbeat dad,"

"Fred would never be like that."

"Okay, if you say so." With that he leaves me and Harry walks in followed by Mr and Mrs Weasley.

"Oh gosh Hermione! Are you okay?" Mrs Weasley asks me tenderly, like a mother.

"Yes I'm fine. Actually would you do me a favor?"

"Of course dear, what do you need?"

"Can you get my dad?"

"Sure, sure. Arthur will you come with me?"

"Yes Molly."

"George, can you go the Fred, he will really need you right now."

"Alrighty then. I'll come back and check on you for him though."

"Harry send owls out to tell everyone, or well, Bill, Ginny, Charlie, and Percy. Ron won't care. It would be lovely if Ginny even came."

"Okay, are you sure you don't want anyone with you?"

"For a few minutes I'll be fine but I need your help" They all leave and once again I'm alone. I let a few tears fall down my face. I wish Fred was here but he needs to get better before doing anything. I love Harry but it's just not the same as having Fred. I wipe the tears away and grab the book sitting on the dresser. I start to read it giving me something to take my mind off the craziness of today. Harry comes in about fifteen minutes later. And after another ten Ginny is also by my side. Mr and Mrs Weasley come in and out, from being with me and being with fred. Every hour the doctor comes in and George comes as well. After three and a half hours of working I finally get to deliver the baby. Harry is holding my hand tightly but right before I was about to go in the room to deliver George comes helping Fred along.

"I need to be there. I need to be there when our baby is born. I'll go back to bed after but I can't miss this."

"Thank you, Harry, can you help Fred?"

"Yeah." As soon as I entered to room I noticed something different, there was no more pain. As fred walked in he must have felt it too.

"What is this?"

"It's a spell we use to keep the mothers calm while giving birth, but anyone who is in pain coming through here will be healed. Unfortunately it doesn't work entirely well for all mothers. So many still feel pain but not as much as some. Anyways we have a baby to meet." An hour later we have our baby. He was right there was still pain, but not as much as there would have been. The nurses clean Hurria up and bring her over to me.

"Here you are, a beautiful baby girl. Do you have a name?"

"Yes, we are maning her Hurria." Fred says. He has his hand on my shoulder and Harry is on my other side.

"Oh that's pretty name, how did you come up with it?"

"A friend asked if we would use it, it was the name of his late wife, we said yes, it means 'Born in time of Joy'." Fred said. I was holding my baby girl. She was so pretty. Me and Fred will be parents now. Harry leaves the room and lets me and Fred have a moment.

"She is so pretty, I hope she has your hair Fred."

"No, she will look like you because you are too pretty and she is perfect."

"I think I love her more than anything else."

"It's not an option for me." I hand her to Fred. I can't hog her from him.

"I can't tell you what it means to have you here with me right now."

"I'm glad to be here. I'm glad you found me." We introduce Hurria to everyone when we go out, Victoria especially loved Hurria. Mrs Weasley held her so much, but Fred turned out to be quite the baby hog. I had to take more than once from him. Hurria was the sweetest most innocent thing I ever have seen. When we take her home Fred and I take turns to stay up late with her and my dad was over everyday. I take the next few months off to be a mum. When I go back to work Mrs Weasley watches Hurria and I go and check on her every day at noon. Kingsley sometimes comes with me to see her. As life goes on Hurria grows up. We have three more children, Winston, Rose, and Hugo. We have the kids go to a muggle school as we work. When we can't get a babysitter Mrs Weasley comes and helps. Harry o's over almost all the time as usual. He has children shortly after Fred and I do. They only have three kids tho. Their oldest, James, goes to school with Hurria. The kids can hardly be separated. After 90 years of living Mrs Weasley dies, and Mr Weasley dies hours after she does. Mcgonagall dies at 120 years old. As I grow older I become the minister of magic, that is until I retire at 80. I live almost peacefully with fred. Hurria has four kids as well, Winston has two, Rose has as many as five and Hugo only has one. One morning I wake up in pain. I don't understand why until I roll over and see fred isn't breathing.

"No, please no. Fred, please tell me you're still sleeping." Tears start to roll down my checks. I start to feel more and more pain until it unbearable. I lay back down and close my eyes. When I wake up next I'm with Fred.
