Chapter 10: Were having a baby girl

Mrs Weasley started coming over more and more often. Within a month My stomach starts to grow, it was subtle enough to just wear loose clothes and no one will notice. At work no one suspects I'm with child but Harry comes to check on me more often than usual. Fred drops in at least once a day. He brings lunch but I know he's just nervous and paranoid something will happen to our baby. I had gotten a promotion so I am in Kingsley's office, and he is now the minister. I haven't told anyone at work yet, but I think Kingsley knows something is up. He always seems to look at me more sympathetically and gives me some of the easier jobs. I had to talk to him soon or else I might actually lose my job. I take a deep breath then get up to go talk to him.

"Excuse, me do you have a minute?"

"Of course I do, what would you like to talk about hermione?"

"Well, I am pregnant. I have been for about twelve weeks now. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and will find out what sex the baby is." Kingsley doesn't say anything to me but smiles. Soon he starts to laugh and I kinda awkwardly laugh with them.

"Oh Hermione. You are not good at hiding a secret, and Fred told me weeks ago. Do me a favor and if the baby is a girl name her Hurria. It means freedom in Arabic"

"Okay, but what if it's a boy?"

"Then you can name the child Adebayo, it means born in the time of Joy."

"How do you know these names?" Kingsley looks to the ground before answering.

"During the first war with Voldemort I had a wife. We were going to have a baby. W didn't want to know the sex of the child, but me and my wife hadn't wanted to know, but we couldn't help it and found out we were having a boy. We were going to name him Adebayo. When my wife was six months pregnant she had been killed, and there was no hope in saving my son."

"Was your wife's name..."

"Hurria, yes. I loved her so much. If I can change one thing then it would be saving her and doing anything for it. Hermione, please stay safe during this time, no one can deal with losing the love of their life and child." I go over and hug him. Kingsley is one of the kindest men I know and he has had one of the hardest pasts that I know of. When I let go of him I look at him in his eyes.

"I promise I will name then after your wife and son. I know you will be re-united with them one day." I hug him again then leave to continue working. I leave a little late so I can finish all my work that I'll miss for tomorrow. I had another half hour left of work when Fred came in.

"You could have sent an owl of you staying late."

"Yeah I could have, but I needed to get my work done and I knew you would come." I look over and smile at him. Fred leans down and kisses me. "Oh and by the way I know what we're naming our child, depending on whether or not it is a boy or girl."

"Oh really, what would those names be?"

"Hurria, and Adebayo. Hurria means freedom, and Adebayo means born in a peaceful time. More importantly they are the names of Kingsley's late family."

"Wait really, his wife and child died?"

"Yes, last war. He asked of we would name the child on of those names and I couldn't say no."

"Well I love those names. We do need to go home though..."

"Let me finish this paper then we can be out." Fred pulls a chair over to be closer to me. We decide to go to the burrow and tell the Weasleys what were naming the child. We end up having dinner and staying a bit too late. When we got back to our house I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch next to Fred. My appointment is tomorrow afternoon, but after me and fred wanted to go shopping for the Baby's room, but we can't till after we know the gender. I want to do a color, for a girl I think coral and for a boy Fred gets to decide. I have insisted on going to a muggle doctor. Like usual we have to wait for the doctors. When the doctor finally comes it takes him forever to come to our room and get the ultra sound done. Everything was okay with the baby.

"So, do you want to know the gender of the baby?"

"Yes, please." Fred says. I grab his hand and smile at him.

"Okay you're going to have, a baby girl." Fred squeezes my hand.

"Thank you so much sir."

"Any other questions?"

"No I think we're good." The doctor nods and leaves. As soon as the door closes me and him look at each other with huge smiles and yell to each other-

"Were having a girl!" I wanted a girl in general but would be happy with a son too. We go to get everything for the nursery right after. I told Fred about using coral and he thought it was a great idea. We get the paint color first then go and get tons of stuffed animals and toys for our daughter. George came later and helped us as we got everything together. We wanted to tell everyone as soon as possible so everyone came over that night. Me, Fred, and George couldn't wait to get started on the room so we started to paint the room. Within and hour Harry, Fred, George, and Mr Weasley were painting the room. Mrs Weasley and Ginny were making dinner while I sat and talked to them, Mrs Weasley wouldn't let me help with anything. I took a deep breath and got up.

"I'm going for a walk. I can't stand just sitting." I grabbed a jacket and left without listening to anyone else. I looked back and walked faster until I could no longer see the house. I love my baby already but I just want to be done with pregnancy. I couldn't help but crying. I found a quiet place to go and sit. I sat there and cried for who knows how long, that is until Charlie came over.

"Hermione, are you okay?"

"Uh- yeah I'm fine. I'm just so done with being babied around, for god's sake I'm the one with a baby. I love Fred, but he comes to see me at least three times a day at work. If I ever work later than four he comes to make sure I'm okay. I know he means well, but honestly I can take care of myself. I work at the ministry of magic too, if ever it was in danger everyone there can protect themselves." A tears falls down my cheek and Charlie wipes it away.

"Hermione, please don't take it personal. We want you to be as comfortable as possible and Fred is just worried about you." I nod as Charlie talks. I know he is right but it still stings. "What if, Fred agreed to only come over once a day at your work, and only came half an hour after you should be off but you are still at work."

"That would be so much better." I give him a hug then stand up. "Why are you the one who found me?"

"Fred doesn't know you left, only me, Ginny, mum and you know. Lets go though it's kinda chilly." Me and Charlie walk back talking about work and joking around with each other. No one would guess Charlie is super sassy. When we get in everyone else is there too. Fred comes and tries to take my hand right away but I don't let him.

"Are we telling them over dinner?" I ask him as he looks at me confused.

"Yeah, are you okay? It looks like you have been crying."

"I'm okay now. We need to talk later."

"What about? Is this good or bad? Are we splitting up? Hermione are you sure you okay?"

"Yes I'm sure I'm fine. It's about my work. You need to come less and let me work. Once a day unless I'm half an hour late home or there is an emergency."

"Oh, is that it?"


"Well then that's fine. You could have said something earlier." With that Fred is tackled by George and they start to goof off. Nobody tries to stop them but everyone laughs at them. Eventually Mrs Weasley makes them stop and set the table. They may be much older, independent and married but she will never stop making them do chores. Before anyone even lets us sit down they are demanding to know.

"Don't sit down till you tell everyone you git." Ron says to Fred. I grab his hand and we both nod.

"Well, we have a name picked out, Hurria Molly Weasley. Were having a girl." Everyone goes into noise. 
