Chapter 5

We approached the car and as I believed, that guy was following us. I quickly whispered to f/n that someone was behind us and to hurry and get in the car. And f/n being f/n, they rubbed it off. No wonder you didn't believe me when I said your ex was bad news I thought.

'Excuse me?' I heard from behind

I frose. This dude could kill us. Or maybe I'm overreacting and the guy is asking for directions. But just in case I got my body ready for some karate kid type stuff.

'Yes sir? What can I do for you?' I said, a tad bit shaky.

'Are you two f/n and Y/N?' The stranger said

'Yes. Yes we are' f/n said as they stood by me. 'Do you need help with anything?

As if this was a Men In Black movie, the stranger took out a stick of some sort and aimed it at our eyes. A light flickered.


A/n: sorry I haven't been updating my story for like a million years lol

Can i also address that the picture above looks like Paul reading my book and has the 'wtf? ' face 
