Chapter 2

 F/n - friend's name

A few minutes after me and f/n called each other and agreed to hang out for the day, f/n arrived in their new black SUV they bought 2 months ago. They honked their horn, signaling for me to come out. I double checked everything I have before I leave the apartment. Right as I touched the doorknob to open the door, I forgot something. 

I ran into my room and  went to a corner where a collage of my inspirations were on the wall, looked for my specific picture. Found the one with faint lip marks on his left cheek (and once in a while, on the lips) and kissed the cheek of the boy in the picture. 

'I'll see you later Macca. I love you' I whispered

I may be 23 but that doesn't mean I can't stop loving my favorite beatle. I finally stepped out of my apartment and went into the car. 

'Oh my gosh y/n! It's been a while since we saw each other'

'We last saw each other about 4 months ago'

'4 months is still a long time'


While driving to the cafe I recommended, me and f/n were catching up with our lives. When I say our lives, I mean f/n's life. They were going through a breakup with their boyfriend. I mean I warned them a bit. 

'He just said we were done, then poof! Like he was gone without a trace'

'I'ma say it right here right now f/n, I told you so. I've dated the guy before'

'I know I know. I just wasn't ready to accept the fact yet'

'At least you're starting to come to terms with the situation. Most people will try to get them back even though they said it was done'

'I'm glad I'm handling this very nicely as well' f/n said when we pulled into the cafe parking lot. 


Word count: 304
