[9] Boyfriends

After ten minutes of driving to Harry's house, Harry parked his black Range Rover in the garage.

He ran to Louis' side and opened the door for him.

"Thanks," Louis blushed.

Harry smiled,"No problem, sweetheart."

He put his hand on Louis' waist and walked to the door. He unlocked it and said,"My mom will be home in an hour, by the way. Also, did you let your mom know that you'll be here?"

We're gonna be alone

Like totally alone

"Yeah," Louis nodded.

"Are you hungry?" Harry asked.

Louis was too scared and nervous to actually say yes so instead he shook his head.

"Are you sure?" Louis nodded. "You don't need to be shy, you know."

"I-I'm not shy," he stuttered.

Harry shrugged and held his hand out to take Louis' bag and Louis gladly gave it to him since his shoulder was killing him.

"Really?" Harry stepped towards him. He wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and pulled him slowly to himself.

"Y-yeah," Louis said truthfully.

He wasn't shy, he was nervous.

Very nervous

Their chests were touching and Louis could swear he could feel Harry's heart beating.

Harry leaned in and Louis was very sure that Harry could hear it.

"I would kiss you, but I'm way too hungry," Harry said. He grabbed his face and kissed his forehead.

He walked to the kitchen and sighed.

You could always eat me out, though

Louis' eyes widened and shook the thoughts off of his head.

He followed Harry to the kitchen and sat down on one of the chair that was facing the refrigerator, having a perfect view of Harry's back.

"My mom made black rice, but I know you're not a big fan of it so we could order outside?" Harry asked. He took out the rice for himself and set it on fire.

"And how would you know that?" Louis leaned on his back, crossing his arms with a smirk.

"I-um, just do," Harry shrugged, playing it cool but he was mentally slapping himself. "You want pizza?"

Yes please!

"I don't mind," Louis shrugged.

Harry grabbed his cell from his back pocket of his jeans and scrolled through his contacts trying to fond pizza hut's number.

Once he found it, he dialed it and ordered one cheese pizza, one mixed and one margarita. After the woman told him how much it costs, and Harry gave her his address, he hung up with a 'thank you'.

"Three pizza?" Louis laughed. "Are you trying to make me fat?"

"You caught me," Harry smiled and Louis poked out his tongue.

"The rice is burning,"

"Oh fuck!" Harry straight away turned off the fire and cussed again. He grabbed a plate for himself and put some on. "Not really burnt." He took out spoon and fork from the drawer and sat down in front of Louis.

"Are you seriously eating in front of me when I'm starving?"

"Oh? You're hungry?" Harry looked at him confusedly. "I thought you weren't hungry." Harry licked his lips.

"I-I'm not," He stuttered. "Just, um, the thought of pizza makes me hungry— yeah, yeah."

Harry hummed,"Hmm, really? It's not that you were too shy to tell me, right?" Louis nodded.

Harry smirked,"Okay then." And resumed eating.

After fourteen minutes, the doorbell rang and Harry stood up with money in his hands. He just knew the food arrived. It always takes them ten-fifteen minutes to get them to his house.

He opened the door and took the three pizzas from him and handed him the money,"Thank you."

He closed the door and went back to the living room where Louis and him were watching a very boring movie. They didn't even watch the movie since they were too preoccupied with making out.

He sat down next to Louis that was sitting with one leg under the other leg.

He removed the vase and whatnot on the table and lays them carefully on the floor. His mother would literally kill him if anything happened to her 'beautiful, precious things'.

They started eating and after half an hour of eating, laughing and lazily making out with oil covered their faces and lips, they went upstairs to study.

Well for Louis to study.

Harry already did all his homework at school.

Thank god

Into five minutes of Louis actually studying instead of doing dirty thing with Harry, Harry spoke up.

"Um, Louis?" Louis looked at him.

Harry reached out his hand and closed his book, making Louis remove his hands that were in his book.

"What's up?" Louis said.

"Do you, uh, actually like me?" Harry awkwardly asked.

"Yes," Louis said without a hesitation. "I should be wondering that."

Harry ceased his eyebrows in confusion,"What do you mean?"

Louis laughed. But it was more of a 'laugh' that you do when you don't believe something.

"Look at you, Harry," Louis shrugged. "And then look at me. You're fucking perfect, Harry. And then there's me. Everyone wants to date you, every single person. You're popular, everyone loves you. I should be the one doubting whether you actually like me or not," Harry opened his mouth to speak but Louis shook his head at him,"You're so goddamn perfect and I'm not. I'm ugly and I can't actually believe that you do like me. How do I even know whether this isn't some dare, hm? Maybe you're just playing with me but then again, why would you ever waste you precious time on me,"

There were tears threatening to fall from Harry's eyes. Does Louis actually think that?

"And w-"


"No, let me finish,"

"No, Louis, shut up!" Harry shouted and Louis flinched. Harry sat up straight and told Louis to sit on his lap and Louis confusedly did so. He wrapped his arms around Louis' waist so Louis doesn't fall over.

"Louis, baby," Harry cooed. "Never, ever, say that again about yourself, okay? I never want to hear those words ever again," He kissed Louis' forehead. "You're so perfect," He kissed his cheek. "So pretty," He kissed his other cheek. "Perfect," he kissed his ear then the other one.

He flipped them, so now Harry was hovering above Louis while Louis was comfortably laying on his back.

Harry started pulling Louis' shirt up, planning on taking them off of Louis but Louis grabbed his hand.

"I–I'm not ready," Louis panicked, eyes going wide. "Stop."

"Oh no! I'm not gonna have sex with you, I promise," Harry kissed his forehead. "Just trust me, okay?" Louis nodded slowly.

Harry took off his shirt and later on his pants.

Louis was so embarrassed. He's naked. And he doesn't even know what Harry thinks of him.

He's probably thinking how fat and ugly I am

But Harry was thinking the complete opposite. Louis has such a perfect body. He loves every single part of his body.

Harry kissed his chest,"You're so perfect," he then kissed all over him and kept saying words as 'so pretty', 'perfect', 'all mine'. He literally even kissed his toes and fingertips.

Louis was in the verge of crying. He's never had anyone telling him these words. And god, how happy he was at this moment.

"Baby," Harry cooed. "Don't cry." Harry wiped away the tears that have spilled from Louis' eyes.

When Louis closed his eyes, Harry kissed both of Louis' eyes.

Louis smiled.

He loved this.

He loved how Harry is making him feel.

He feels loved.

And that is something that he hasn't felt before.

Not even from his mom. Sure she says 'I love you' before walking out the door, but words will be just words till you bring them to life.

"You're amazing, okay?" Harry kissed his hair. "Please never think any less of yourself."

Harry pulled Louis up and put him on his lap once he stretched his legs out.

He pressed a short kiss Louis' soft, pink lips.

"You're perfect, Lou," Harry nuzzled his nose with Louis.

"Thank you," Louis crooked those words out.

He may seem like it didn't mean much to him but 'thank you' is all he's got to say.

Harry smiled and closed his eyes and Louis did also.

They stayed like that for five minutes. Just enjoying the heat they're getting from each other.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Harry spoke suddenly.

Louis slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

"Of course, you silly," Louis grinned.

He's never been happier.

[1,415 words]

so i was gonna put some smut there but i was like 'nah let this be fluffy'. hope you guys enjoyed reading as much i enjoyed writing this :D
