[3] Getting ready

Song for the chapter: Crazy by Kat Dahlia
And sorry that's it short, I wanted to keep the other parts to the next chapter:)

Harry's POV:

I was currently sitting on my bed thinking when in the world will Louis call me for the geometry homework.

It's been two hours since I drove him home.

And two hours of me waiting.

I couldn't even concentrate on my english essay homework that's due tomorrow.

"Do its early class, this isn't a homework you would do the day before," the teach said and I rolled my eyes.

I should've listened. Fuck.

I still haven't started on the introduction. It's a research report where you have to write about an eruption that has happened.

And well... I haven't got a topic yet, too.

I heard a knock on my door and groaned. Is it really the time to disturb me?

"Hey Haz," Gemma's voice filled the quiet room. "What ya doin'?" She stood with arms crossed by the door.

"Eh, homework," I replied.

"Ah, I see, I see," she made her way over to Harry's bed and sat down. "So, how's school? I'm going to college soon."

"Yeah, I know Gem, I'm gonna miss you. The house will be terribly quite."

Gemma is heading off to college in two weeks, and, I admit, I'm going to miss her. Yes, from time-to-time we fight and start doing what siblings do, but that doesn't mean I don't love her when I yell at her. I never dare to lay a hand on her. She's a lady. A beautiful one, too. If I were straight and she wasn't my sister, I'd totally go for her.

She ruffled my hair, making my curls go crazy. "Yeah, but I'll be visiting once in awhile."

"Don't forget about me," he pouted.

"Of course not, Curly," Gemma sweetly smiled. She's gonna miss him.

Suddenly there was a ring-Harry's phone and when Harry looked at the caller ID he quickly got up.


"Hey Harry, remember the geometry homework?" Louis said with his soft voice.

"Y-yeah, how can I forget?"

"Um, yeah well wanna come over? Or do you want me to?"

"Um," Harry paused for awhile. Louis doesn't have a car and I do. "I'll be there in 30."

"Okay, bye,"

"Bye," Louis hung up.

Harry couldn't get the smile off of his face. He made a little dance where he swayed his hips.

Gemma raised an eyebrow. "You okay there, lover-boy?"


He forgot she was there.

Harry turned to face her, face flushed. "What?"

Gemma got up to her feet and smirked,"So who's he?"

Yes. She knows Harry's gay and she's very supportive but she always teases him about it.

Harry threw himself on his bed, butt hitting the bed hard but since it's soft, it didn't hurt.

He patted his bed. "Sit." He grinned.

Gemma did as told.

"His name is Louis! He sits next to me in math class and we're have this homework that's due tomorrow and we're partners. He called not less than a minute ago and asked if I can come over to do it so, yeah! He's so beautiful like oh my, you'll faint once you see him cause he's just so..so..louis! He's so beautiful, Gemma, very! He has light brown hair along with perfect features! His jawline, if I run my hand through it, my finger can bleed it's so sharp-"


"- so sharp! And his eyes, holy shit! It's so blue, blue as the ocean-"


"-and! His nose is so cute! I-"

"Harry!" Gemma yelled.

"What!" Harry shook his head.

Gemma chuckled. "You really like him don't you?"

Harry sighed and nodded.

"Yeah I do. But I don't think he likes me back, you know? He never talks to me. It's crazy how someone can walk into your life and-it's crazy."

"If you like him a lot, tell him."

"I'm scared to. We're barely friends Gemma!" He crossed his legs, sitting in the Indian style. "And I don't want to lose whatever we have."

"I'm sorry Harry-"

"It's not your fault Gem," he shrugged.

"How long have you been crushing on him?"

"Almost two years," he sighed.

"And now I know?" Gemma joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

And it worked, Harry smiled.

"You really have to do something about it Haz. You can't just ignore it and stare at him across the hallways, glance at him in class and talk to him like you have no feelings for him. You shouldn't do that, you deserve to be happy and I'm sure Louis makes you happy; by the way you talk about him he sounds perfect for you. You deserve the world, Harry and I want you to be happy."

Harry crashed Gemma in a hug, literally jumping on her.

It was pretty awkward by their positions but neither cared. Harry wrapped his arms around her neck while she did it by her waist.

"Okay, stop wasting your time and get ready to meet him, lover-boy," Gemma patted his back.

"Thanks Gem, you've always been there for me," Harry let go of her. "Okay, now get out."

Gemma pretended to look offended. "How dare you! I helped you and that's what you do?" She shook her head. "I'm very disappointed in you Harold."

"Don't call me that!" He groaned.

"Harold, Harold, Harold, Harold-"

Harry threw a pillow at her and she laughed and she was out of the door.

Harry chuckled unbelievably.

"Okay, what do I wear?" He spoke to himself loudly.

He opened his closet and started wandering around his closet.

After a while, he chose out a short-sleeved white t-shirt with a tight black jeans along with normal brown boots that covers till his ankles.

He undressed and put on the clothes. He looked at himself on the long-length mirror and let out a huff of air.

Nervous was an understatement.

He took his phone, shoving it in his back butt pocket along with his pocket-money.

He went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Gemma there.

"Gem, how do I look?"

"Why the question, dear? Where are you going?" His mom popped out of nowhere.

Gemma turned and smirked.

So she doesn't know, Gemma thought.

"Mom! Harry's going over his crush's house!"

Harry groaned. He is going to be late.

She's going to ask millions of questions about him.

"Is that right, dear?" Anne, his mother, wiped her hands.

"Yeah, mum. But I really need to go! Talk to you guys when I come back home!" He sprinted to the door before they could say more.

"I hope he does the right thing," Anne sighed.

Gemma put a hand on her shoulder. "He will mom, he will."

"Let's talk about your college!" A huge grin spread on Anne's face.

"Of course! Let's sit."

Harry was fucking nervous. He couldn't stop shaking while driving. He even forgot his books. But that's better cause that means him and Louis have to share it which means their faces will be closer than ever.

Once Louis house came in sight, Harry exhaled a deep breath.

"It's going to be okay, it'll be okay,"
