Stuck (Shadowhunters, KitTy)

More KitTy everyone. This is my favorite ship in The Dark Artificies and it just got reinforced by Lord of Shadows on the roof. Oh god it was cute. BTW this one is a little long. Sorry :(


"Alexander, I have an idea"

Magnus was sitting on the couch just making some random sparkles with his magic. He was just thinking of how hw could be a match maker. Then it struck him, Christopher Herondale and Tiberius Blackthorn. They were an obvious couple but they didn't know.

"What is it Magnus?"

"Well you know how Kit and Ty are gay for each other but they don't know it yet?"

"You mean you think that?"

"Yes, whatever same thing. Anyway, I have a plan to get them together."

Sighing, Alec sat down on the couch next to Magnus and curled up on his lap looking up at him. "If I say don't do it, will you listen?" He asked.

"Nope, would you like to hear it?"

"And if I say no?"

"I'll tell you anyway. So my plan is, one of those times the two lay in bed together for not being bored I'm going to put a spell on them via magic. It will make them physically unable to be further then 2 feet from each other. It will almost be like they're tied together by a rope. Since they will be stuck together they would have to get to know each other better and find out they like each other romantically. Thoughts?"

"Well since I know you're doing this anyway, no holding back. I don't think Ty would like that very much, the Blackthorns plus Emma will all be after you and then that will lead to Clary since she's friends with Emma and since Jace is obsessed with Clary he'll most likely fall on her side then I'm gonna get stuck in the middle."

"Well you we're right, I'm still doing it but this will minimum bring them closer together. But if my plan works they shall be aware of their feelings. They will all be looking at Kit to keep Ty safe. We shall be fine Alexander."

Magnus carded his hand through Alec's hair, which Alec found much more comforting then he would ever admit.

"Well since I know I can't stop you go ahead with your plan, Magnus." Said Alec, smiling

"Perfect, I believe I will do it tomorrow though. I still have some planning to do."

"Good, I want you to stay with me anyway." said Alec, nuzzling into Magnus' lap. Magnus laughed and continued his previous actions.

~~Time Skip~~

Kit and Ty were on Kit's bed, reading in Ty's case and in Kit's scrolling through his phone. They weren't touching but they were close enough for each other. Neither of them noticed that the door slightly opened to let an invisible Magnus in the room. Once Magnus set the spell the two felt a slight tug towards each other. Well Kit did, Ty was to immersed in his book to notice anything. So he moved a little closer. Eventually Ty put down his book and looked like he was trying not to cry (Because books are better then people and a character just died and it's easier to make emotional attachments to books).

"Ty, are you okay?" He asked

"Yes, No, Maybe. I have no idea."

"Well when you decide do you want to tell me why you're obviously trying not to cry?"

"She died, Rue just died."

"First, You're finally reading Hunger Games? Second, I remember that part. Got me to."

Ty didn't answer he just sat closer to Kit, leaning his head on his shoulder. Kit wrapped his arm around Ty realizing that the feeling was gone how that they we're closer together.



"Can you let go of me? I need to use the washroom"

"Yeah sure" Kit let go of Ty but as he tried to walk away he was stopped at about 2 feet from each other by an invisible force.

"What is going on?" Asked Ty still trying to walk away

"I honestly don't know." Kit crawled across the bed to Ty. Ty then fell over because he was still trying to walk away.

"What the hell?" Said Ty, lying on the floor. "Come over here."

Kit walked over to Ty who got up and kept walking until he couldn't anymore. Kit kept walking to Ty who could then walk away. When Ty stopped Kit walked into him. Ty turned around, looking up at Kit since he was taller.

"Kit, try to walk away from me. Let's see if it's a me thing or an us thing."

Looking puzzled but nodding Kit tried to walk away from Ty only to be stopped at about 2 feet again.

"What's happening, Sherlock?" Said Kit, putting on his british accent, smirking. Ty smiled then bit his lip, thinking.

"Well, Watson," He started, also putting on his accent. "I think we have a curse upon us. It's the only way we can be stuck together like this. Hopefully this is temporary not until the Warlock who cast the spell dies."

"Hmmm, I guess. What do we do till then?" Dropping his accent

"I don't know. But we have a bigger problem at the moment."

"What is it?" Kit asked curiously

"I still need to use the washroom"

Kit blushed. The two we're close but the most they did was cuddle.

"I guess you either hold it till it's gone or I can turn by back to you and give you a small amount of privacy."

Ty sighed, looking at his feet, evaluating his options and not seeing a way around it.

"Promise you'll turn around?"

"I promise."


Kit links arm's with Ty so they don't separate and trip the other person over. They walk over to the washroom. Once in and next to the toilet Kit turnes around as Ty relives himself. The day continued like that. They decide to stay away from everyone to avoid stares and instead figure out who did this.

"Okay" said Kit, running his hand through Ty's hair who was laying his head on Kit's chest. "Who could it be?"


"How do you know?"

"Well Watson, what other warlock do we know? Catarina's at the Academy and Malcom's dead. That leave's Magnus Bane."

"Good solve, Sherlock." Said Kit smiling down at him "Since now we know it's Magnus we can figure out what he's trying to do"

"Exactly Watson. Magnus doesn't seem like the guy who would do this forever so this is most likely temporary. Should we talk to him or wait it out?"

"I don't feel like getting up soo let's wait a little. If by tomorrow we're still stuck like this then we confront him. Okay?"

"Okay. What do you want to do?"

"Hmmm, read?"

"Sure, pass my book?"

Kit nodded and reached over to pick up his phone and Ty's book. They stayed like that all day just enjoying each others company. Eventually they passed out still in the same position. When they woke up in the morning Ty tried to walk away but failed again. He shook Kit awake and as soon as he did Ty flopped on Kit's stomach.

"Oof, Ty. Are we good?"

"No" he said

"Then we contact Magnus and confront him."

"Ugh, I hate confrontations. Especially to the High Warlock of Brooklyn."

At that Kit laughed getting up and pulling Ty with him.

"Come on, let's get my phone."

Together they got up and walked to the dresser to pull up his phone. Kit unlocked it and pulled up Magnus' contact.

"Hello, Christopher. What's the reason of this call?"

"Magnus, did you place a spell of Ty and I?"

"Perhaps, why?"

"Can you remove it?'

"Yes I can."

"Thank you." Kit was about to hang up when Ty stopped him.

"Magnus, Why did you put a spell on us?"

"Hello, Tiberius. I placed it on you because I wanted to get you together. Alexander quiet, I simply want to be honest with them. I know, I know now quiet please." The two heard a 'fine' from Alec and a sigh from Magnus. They both giggled a little. "I'm quite sorry about Alec, I'll see you two in a few minutes to take it off."

"Thank you Magnus, see you later."

"Good bye boys"

Kit hung up and smiled at Ty

"Well at least he agreed to take it off"

Ty smiled

"Yeah, but he shouldn't have put it on in the first place"

"I agree, but he should be here soon and then we can forget about this"


The two went to the Library to wait for Magnus. Not 5 minutes later he knocked on the door. The pair ran to the door and opened it letting Magnus in.

"Hello boys"

"Hello Magnus" They said in unison

Magnus followed them into the Parlor and took a seat.

"So did you two have fun?"

"Kind of." Said Kit "Using the washroom and changing was awkward enough"

"Can you take it off please Magnus?" Ty interrupted

Magnus simply nodded and snapped his fingers. Ty got up and walked away from Kit, smiling when he got out the door while Kit was sitting by the window.

"Thank you Magnus, but we thought we ought to tell you."

"Tell me what Tiberius?" Inquired Magnus

"Well there was no need to place the spell on us in the first place."

"Oh? Why is that"

Ty looked at kit and smiled. Within a second Ty was on the other side of the room, kissing Kit who was holding him up. (Ty jumped into his arms okay? Don't judge). When they pulled appart they looked at Magnus who had his mouth hanging open.

"We've been together for about 7 months, Magnus." Said Ty, setting his feet back on the ground, still in Kit's armes.

"I see." Said Magnus, regaining his composure. "Have you told anyone?"

This time Kit responded

"Yes we have. We've told Mark, Christina, Kieran, Alec..."

"You told ALEXANDER?"

"Well we knew he would be better at keeping secrets and he knows what its like to be scared to tell anyone that he's Gay. You aren't"

Magnus couldn't even argue that if he tried. He was never scared to admit his sexuality

"Well, I'll leave you two to it. I must speak with Alexander."

With that he Portaled out leaving the two alone still in each others arms. They looked at each other and without saying anything they walked to Kit's room. Once there and in bed Kit pressed his lips to Ty's hair and whispered into it.

"What do you think Magnus will do to Alec?"

"No idea but I jus want to read"

Kit nodded and readjusted their position grabbing Ty's book and his phone. They spent the rest of the day like that just reading together.

~~With Magnus and Alec~~

When Magnus got home he immediately spotted Alec sitting on the couch, reading a book. He walked up to him quietly until he was right behind him.

"Alexander" He said, loud enough to make Alec jump. Already knowing what he did wrong Alec tried to keep his calm.

"Yes" he said cautiously

"Did you know that Kit and Ty were together?" Magnus said, putting his hands on his shoulders.

"Yes I did"

Magnus put his head on Alec's shoulder and whispered

"Why did you keep a secret from me?"

Alec shuddered

"I made a promise to them not to tell anyone. I didn't even tell Jace."

"Well I can understand a promise I guess" Said Magnus, standing up and sitting on the couch oposite him. "What are we watching?"


1955 words. Oh god. As usual if you have any suggestions comment them and the ship with the fandom. Thank you
