How? (Heathers, JD x Veronica)

This is based on a prompt I saw on Pinterest and just heard around. Basically, at the age of 25 your paired with someone based on your search history. A serial killer gets paired with a mystery/horror author. Also if you disagree that JD couldn't be a serial killer then you're just wrong. Also also, I don't know the ship name feel free to educate me or leave suggestions.  Enjoy
"Jason Dean"  the match maker called.
JD rolled his eyes and stood up, tucking his phone in his pocket as he walked over to where the match maker was sitting and looking through her computer. He was nervous to find out who his partner was, considering his body count of 25 plus, though his guesses strayed to other serial killers.
"Please sit Mr.Dean." She said, never looking up from her computer. "Proof of identity"
JD pulled his drivers licence from his wallet, placing it in the outstretched hand of the match maker, who upon closer observations of her desk, he discovered was named Diane Carter. She looked at his card and then at him, returning his licence to him. She picked up a small device and presses a small button on the side.
"For Jason Dean please. She'll be here in a moment just wait a little longer." Diane said sounding like she would rather be watching YouTube. A few minutes later a girl walked over to their table.
"Hi, my name is Veronica Sawyer." She said to the match maker. 'Sawyer?' Thought Jason 'Isn't she an author? This should be.....interesting'
"Proof of Identification" Mrs. Carter said in the same monotone voice, holding out her hand again. Veronica flipped through her wallet and handing the match maker her drivers licence. Mrs.Carter repeated the quick verification process as before, handing Veronica her licence back.
"Ms. Sawyer, this is your assigned partner Jason Dean. Mr.Dean, Veronica Sawyer. You may leave now." She said, turning back to her computer. The two newly appointed partners looked at each other and walked over to a section dedicated to new partners to talk and get to know each other. The entire walk JD thought through if and when to kill her. And if he were to, how?
"So," Veronica began as they sat down "What do you do as a career."
"As far as you know, nothing." He responded cooly still considering her murder
"So it's something illegal?" JD didn't respond "Good to know. I'm a mystery horror author so if your profession is murder then you could prove helpful" And there go his murder plans
"Oh, I think I'm going to like having you around" He said leaning forwards and looking at the slight crazed look in her eyes.
"So what's your count?" She asked leaning back on her chair with a look of mild interest.
JD pulled up the hem of his shirt showing some lines that looked hand tattooed.
"25" he said with a proud smirk, letting his shirt fall into place. Veronica looked impressed
"We should get going, before someone over hears this conversation." she said, standing "Yours or mine?"
"Yours, I havent cleaned all the blood from my carpet yet. Unless you enjoy cleaning blood from carpets?"
"Don't even know how without leaving a strong scent of bleach which isn't great."
He looked at her confused as they approached her car
"Yeah yeah I know. Mystery horror author who can't clean up blood. It's weird. Don't ask. Maybe you could show me sometime?"
He smiled, entering the passenger seat of her car as she got in next to him, staring the car and pulling out of the car park. Neither said anything on the way to her apartment, both contemplating the wonderful situation they've found themselves in.
~~Time skip to three years later~~
"Jason, can you help me?" Veronica called from across the house
She heard the thudding footsteps of JD approaching.
"Yeah, what's the issue?" She handed him her laptop with a document open
"Is this possible or am I being unrealistic?" She asked as he read over a few paragraphs
"Umm, I'm not sure now but," he began committing key parts to memory, "if you give me 20-45 minutes I can let you know" he said smiling
Veronica took back her computer.
"Okay thanks but try not to get blood everywhere again. I'll bring a plastic bag, a towel and some clothes for you and leave them just by the hidden door. Yell when your back"
"No problem, thanks Vivvy" he said, giving her a kiss on the forehead before walking off to gather his equipment.
Veronica returned to her work moving on to another scene before the kill is discovered.
"Be back soon." Jason said, quietly walking to the basement where the entrance to their secret exit was.
"Bye" she called "Be safe"
" I always am, Vivvy"
She rolled her eyes, returning to her work. About 15 minutes later she gave up writing for the night opting to gather the stuff Jay would need upon returning. She pulled a sweater, sweat pants and underwear from his closet then collected a bag and towel before going to the basement entrance which was hidden by faux wall. Opening the door she left the stuff by the exit door and decided to start supper. 20 minutes into making supper she headed the basement door opening and Jason walking in the room with blood in his hair and on his skin despite the red towel he was holding.
'Write in more blood. That was a damn mess. Other then that, your writing is good. Now I'm going to throw these in the wash and shower."
"Thank you Jay, I would hug you but I just showered yesterday and don't want blood on my top."
He smiled at her then nodded and went upstairs, proud of his 37th kill.
Yes, he thought as he got into the shower, this arrangent was absolutely perfect.
Okay that was fun to write. I don't really have many comments to say this time but please leave any suggestions in the comments. Thanks for reading
